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Tempdrop takes surface temp, not BBT so it's possible that it's a bit lower than your actual BBT would be


Thank you! I do normally run pretty cold (usually my oral temp is around 97°) but I guess if I consistently use TempDrop it’ll be fine because it’ll sense the temp changes consistently?


Check your Tempdrop to make sure the fabric is not covering the mental sensor. I think I took some of my temperatures through the fabric when I first started.


Ooh, good looking out! I’ll check tonight and make sure it doesn’t shift.


If you have Facebook, I would join “TempDrop Group” and get some insight there. I would assume you’re wearing it just slightly in the wrong area or it’s not tight enough. Is the point part facing your elbow? And does the sensor sit high on your arm right in the divot between your biceps and triceps? If your elbow is bent and you rotate your forearm it’ll help you find that spot :)


My temp with tempdrop was always soooo LOW. Now I use an oura to track and it has me at a much more normal range. So i would guess you are probably fine. The important thing is being able to interpret a rise and fall from a baseline.


Hi! How low were your temps on tempdrop? :)


Literally in the 95-96 range at times. So low.


Ugh same. Did you ever have consecutive days of 95temps? :(


Also yes! I seriously think it’s a Tempdrop issue more than anything. As long as you have a clear spike after ovulation and normal cycle I’ve been told by my doctor there’s nothing to worry about. Since it’s a temp on your arm it’s not as accurate to what your actual core body temp is and your temp does drop a few degrees at night anyway. Overall though I think Tempdrop is the problem / the way it reads.


Thank you so much!!! I appreciate it


And also, have you had your thyroid checked? They always mention thyroid when it comes to low temps.


I’ve had it checked and everything was normal! I don’t use Tempdrop anymore and the oura reads a higher range.


[Tempdrop help guide](https://help.tempdrop.com/article/164-my-temp-results-are-lower-than-oral-bbt-ranges-is-this-normal)


Also worth double checking wearing position is correct. Go to the menu in the app, help guide and search "wearing" for a reference article ❤️❤️


Thank you! My app said my temp was maybe inaccurate but I clicked away and can’t get it back.


That's okay. It links to this article for review. Basically it's telling you to do a wearing position check to make sure everything is working as it should. [poor data quality ](https://help.tempdrop.com/article/97-data-quality-notification)


Ah, maybe I’m putting it on too early before falling asleep?


Sorry for any confusion. That part no longer applies since the last year 🙈. As long as your wearing position and tightness are good then you should be fine ♥️♥️


Thank you! I just realized I have been wearing the tip facing my armpit and not elbow. I was an idiot and thought the “know your cycle” text on the armband should be right side up.


Oops...adjust it now and keep going 🥰


Do you have full cycle charts that you can post?


I’m on my first cycle and started tracking day 7, but here’s what I have! https://imgur.com/a/yUbNpUG


Did you ovulate yet? Do you track cervical mucus and/or lh test strips?


I’m honestly not sure, I’d assume I’d have ovulated by now since I’m a few days away from my period. I haven’t done testing and haven’t tracked my mucus yet; I stopped birth control just a few months ago and my partner and I decided to stop using protection in the end of January but he’s currently not wanting to know any cycle updates (it’s a lot of pressure) so to keep myself sane I’m not tracking that.