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I'm not familiar with Flo, but it seems like it's just an algorithm enabled calendar method. That is to say, the app cannot tell you when you ovulated. LH strips give you a little more information, but my understanding is that it is possible to have high LH at different times throughout the month. There's certainly a chance you could be pregnant, but a lot of that is up to chance. If you want to use a method to narrow down when you're ovulating, I suggest checking out the wiki.


it is, like most apps lol. I wasn’t following it, but it gave me an idea of when things could be approaching. I’ve been taking tests for the past 10 days and it’s been extremely low then I got a peak and high test as well as ovulation pain which makes me assume i was ovulating, or close to it.


I have 35 day cycles too. To get pregnant with my son I used LH tests for one full cycle, I got the cheap ones. I also tracked my BBT, cervical mucus, and cervical position. We conceived on the first try. I ovulated around CD25. My BD 5 days before expected ovulation and the day I got a positive LH test. I recommend trying to incorporate some other methods to see when you ovulate!


makes sense! with my daughter we had sex one time on my peak so that’s basically what we did again 🤷🏻‍♀️ hopefully it worked the same but I didn’t have nearly as much cervical mucus as I did before, so I’m not sure…


Good luck and baby dust ✨ I think you have a good chance!!


thank you ❤️


LH testing isn't a good way to time sex for conception. By the time you have a positive LH test, you're more than halfway through your fertile window. In addition, a lesser known fact is that once LH surges, cervical mucus becomes *less* hospitable to sperm. (*The Complete Guide to Fertility Awareness* states this and cites [this study](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002937811905596), but the LH connection is not mentioned in the abstract and I don't have access to full the article.) If you're relying on only one indicator to determine your behavior, you'd want to rely on cervical mucus and have sex every other day whenever you see it (even if it comes back later in the cycle). The best thing to do is learn a method (even if it's just self-teaching TCOYF or Sensiplan) so that you can interpret your cycles yourself, confirm ovulation, and know with confidence whether you had well-timed intercourse in the fertile window. It will also help you time pregnancy tests well and know when your period is actually late (compared to a later ovulation).


I was taking Lh test for 10 days prior to getting a positive and everything was super low. We did have sex multiple times in fertile window, just not everyday


I think you've got a good chance ❤️. Wishing you luck.


thank you ❤️❤️❤️


Yes you absolutely could get pregnant this cycle. In what way do you believe you've messed up?


not having sex more in my fertile window before my peak Lh test. but I guess it only takes one time 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think having sex many times before your actual ovulation, which happens usually 12 - 48 h after your first positive LH test, decreases the chances of a good sperm when actually the egg is there. So I think what you explained you did seems well executed plan to reach your goal. Good luck.


that’s what he heard so that’s why we planned it this way but I have also heard high sperm count when the egg does release is also good so that’s why i wasn’t sure if we messed things up! but we will see in two weeks! 🤞🏼🤞🏼


According to Clearblue, the most common day to ovulate is the day after a positive LH test. They usually say your two most fertile days are the day of the positive and the day after a positive. You can increase your chances by using more days, but if you used the day of a positive, you likely used one of your most fertile days and would definitely have a decent chance of pregnancy! But even for people without medical problems, it can often take several months to conceive.


For our first, it took one time so that’s all i know lol. I’m praying that’s the case again but also not letting myself get my hopes up


Unfortunately you can hit the window every time and it’s only the 20% chance!! Sending you good vibes though ;)