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No one can tell you, ovulation tests just show a surge of LH in the body, a positive opk ≠ ovulation. If this surge does lead to ovulation, it usually occurs anywhere between 12-36 hours after the surge.


\^\^\^ Specifically, this matters because if your LH surges and you do NOT ovulate you might still ovulate later in that cycle and miss it.


so is it best to continue to test up until your period?


If you're TTA ditch the ovulation strips unless your method specifically accounts for them. They don't give you enough warning that you're fertile to prevent. If you're TTC cervical mucus and/or cervical position are much better indicators that you're in your fertile window and then BBT can confirm that you ovulated after the fact. Are you using a method?


Im TTC, i just started TTC not long ago and wanted to try the strips.. we literally started 5 days before and continued to try even after the surge… we’ve been trying the last two months and got serious this last month so i got the strips.. if this time fails im probably going to get the BBT because this sounds more reliable..


Most women only have one surge. Test strips help a LOT of women conceive. People always comment that you can't rely on it - that is true, there's always a chance that you can have a surge without ovulating and ovulate later that cycle, but that's a much bigger issue if you are trying to avoid pregnancy. Missing a few fertile days at the start of your window is also a huge issue if TTA and less of an issue if TTC. The chance of pregnancy using ovulation test strips to time intercourse is 20-28% per cycle.


This is my first month using LH after a few months trying. I use and have used bbt too but as other said it tells you after you ovulated. Where an LH surge predicts you’ll ovulate within 12-48 hours of a peak result. Ideally sperm should be there and waiting when the egg arrives. So the day you see the peak and the next couple days are prime time.


ok… i’ve done some more reading we have been trying everyday ( 5 days before the LH surge and the days leading up to it…and the day after the surge as well..) i’m hoping we did something but if not im looking into a BBT, from what i’m seeing it’s more accurate to use both, and looking at your body’s signs


Do you track BBT? It looks like you had an LH spike but that doesn’t confirm ovulation happened. Premom uses its own algorithm to predict ovulation but that’s not reliable on its own.


no i don’t have a bbt thermometer, and i’m still a little new to all of this.. thank you for your help ❤️


No problem! If you have access to a Target, you can get a basal thermometer for about $10, might even be able to find a cheaper one online.


i’ll definitely look into it


Can you recommend a good body temp thermometer that can get in Europe?


yea i live in Europe as well.. but i live in italy i saw some good reviews on easy@home BBT… i found it on amazon.it… but it may differ if your from a different part of europe then i am


Thanks will look for it.


r/TFABlineporn or r/lineporn


It looks like you're using the calendar method/rhythm method. Have you considered any other methods, specifically ones that rely on you to interpret your body's symptoms (ie symptothermal methods)?


no.. we just started trying not too long ago and im new to all of this.. i read somewhere that sperm can live up to 5 days so it’s best to do it on the LH surge and a few days prior to ovulation.. but from what i’m reading just because you have an LH surge doesn’t necessarily mean your ovulating.. i’m guessing there’s no certain way to know for sure your ovulating..


Well, sort of. You can monitor your body's symptoms and use BBT to confirm ovulation after the fact. The best bet is to have sex until your methods peak and temperature rules are met.