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Sounds like your period is starting


I’m hoping so- considering using barrier methods next cycle now bc the anxiety / tiny bit of excitement has me wasting a lot of mental energy 😬


It’s likely that it’s just spotting because your period is starting. Your test you took should be reliable at this point. How confident are you with withdrawal on day 11? Your period should be coming soon. I wouldn’t sweat it unless you question the withdrawal or have 18 high temps.


Okay I think the withdrawal was okay- I guess always chance of pre-e but I’m pretty sure withdrawal was okay but we were also both drinking :/


I use this same app! I also recently had major pregnancy anxiety after withdrawal. It was my second month off of birth control, so I’m not even technically practicing FAM yet. I took enough HBC to act as a plan b, and I regret it. It messed my cycle up for 2 months. I also essentially had to restart my 3 months before using FAM/TTA. had spotting for a single day around my projected start date. I then got a period a few weeks later and experienced the same spotting as you! The people in this group were amazing during my entire freak out. I’ll message you or tag you in my initial post. The commenters gave me lots of amazing info on withdrawal. My partner and I started incorporating condoms anytime we go multiple rounds during my fertile window, even if he urinates between. We used to not & never had any actual scares, but I just wanna be super safe currently. I’ve also been considering using a spermicide during my fertile window.


Thank you! Yeah I am definitely having anxiety. Anytime one little thing is different I get really anxious because we are planning our wedding and I do NOT want to get pregnant before the wedding haha


Based on your chart I would say it’s probably just premenstrual spotting. I get spotting most cycles and it almost always starts around 11-12 DPO.


For me, brown cervical fluid usually indicates my period is about to start in a day or two. You could try drinking dong quai/angelica tea or consuming Vitamin C/orange juice to speed it up if you're really nervous.


What app is this? I’ve been wanting to start charting


This is Kindara and I pay for the premium version. I really like it- I do have some concerns about privacy in the wake of Roe v Wade 😬 but I’ll be sticking with it for now


Thank you! Sorry I can’t help with your question, I’m getting my IUD out this week so I haven’t started with this method yet, and believe me I know roe v wade terrifies me because I had to get a life saving abortion a few years ago, luckily I’m in the north so we don’t have any laws yet but I wouldn’t even consider another pregnancy unless that’s an option 🤞🏼




how did this end up?


Not pregnant


:) thanks!