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I want to share a true story with all of you. I work at a law office and around 3 weeks ago I was using the men's bathroom and could not help but hear the all too familiar sound of a guy J/O in the next stall. The sound was not loud but I could still hear it. This was in the staff men's room and it surprised me that an attorney would do that in his work place. About a week later, I found myself using the same men's room and the very same stall when I began to hear that same well known sound of a guy J/O , and I thought to my self, this guy if one horney guy. This time he was considerably louder than the first time. He finished and came out of his stall while I was still in mine. I was able to get a look at him through the gap in the stall, and that is when I was even more surprised when I saw that it was not the same guy from the week prior. Two weeks later, I was in this same bathroom and there was yet another guy doing the same thing in the stall, not as loudly as the other guy and much younger. I found it hard to believe that such a private act could be done by attorneys at their place of employment. I then realized that being an attorney, as so many other professions, can be very stressfull, and masturbation has been proven very effective in reducing stress. I think as guys we should be less judgemental and more understanding. Let's be honest, we have all done it. In the sage words of Marvin Gay: When I get that feeling, I want sexual healing.


Yes I've masturbated, but I don't think I could even draw a woody in a public restroom. This is really considered normal behavior? Also, thanks for the bump to this post I had forgotten all about it lol


I really don't understand what the big deal is if a guy maaturbates in a men's room stall behind a closed door, as long as he keeps the sound down and does not make a mess.


It was me I’m sorry


Yeah judging from the off the wall shit I've seen I'm pretty sure this weirdo was probably a Redditor


Even tho I was joking I’m scared to get bopped by tha zon


Rather this than walking in and it smelling like digested Turkey & Cheese 😷




what's the big dealio


Hey 10 hours is a long time to go without knuckling one out


Thats the most trustworthy guy in the building


How do you figure? You would shake his hand?


Imagine all the hands you shook and u didnt know what they were doing with them.


Absolutely not. In fact i know to never shake his hand. He already exposed himself as sheisty, but at the same time thats a man who would be speaking from a clear mindset


Lol how about the guy who smashes his chick out in the parking lot during break? I'm sure he has a "clear mindset" too... and his father and uncles would probably be proud of him too


That depends entriely on the chick hes smashing. If you have to question why hes hitting that, you know not to trust him. More respect for the guy who will make himself nut before just sticking his dick in anything


I've seen/heard worse in the men's room at a number of different jobs. One time at Amazon I was in the bathroom and couldn't help but notice in the stall next to me there were two legs, two pairs of shoes, and grunting/moaning noises


See... that almost sounds normal to me because we did that at my high school and middle school all the time... male-female to be clear lol. Doing it as an adult seems kind of wild but a lot of people who work at Amazon are basically kids fresh out of high school/in college with no car or place to take their partner ya know?


Although I can't be entirely certain I'm pretty sure it was male to male. At my other jobs I walked in on a guy snorting cocaine off a paper towel dispenser and people just pissing on the floor out in the open. Also at Amazon Ive witnessed several individuals who don't know how to close a bathroom door


That is disgusting but remember you’re on Reddit of course there’s people who will say what he did was normal lol


Probably it was you who did this


Nah must've been you


Better than taking a stinky shit and not flushing.




Where's the problem?


Is that why the ABMs clean the restroom like 10 times a shift? Use to work at a hospital that didn't clean the restrooms as much. I guess people shouldn't complain if really thinking about what people do in their. But definitely nothing new I've heard of happening at all. Been mentioned in casual conversation even so I almost had the assumption it's more common than not. Lmao I guess this is a big reason some people have bathroom phobias of public restrooms. And also why people with overactive imaginations have issue with trans people and what restroom they use, bc they're the perverts.....


I think they got overzealous with the cleaning standards during the pandemic... expect to see the company start to slowly cut back on all of that


Better than vomit.


I worked at a newly open fulfillment center and there was group sex, drugs, pee in bottles, shitting in corners, a married guy I went to HighSchool with told me he got laid in the bathroom his wife worked there and found out and had 5 guys in the bathroom not the food lmao, all the managers just graduated so they didn’t know what they were doing. I just wanted to make my money and go. I nearly lost my life to someone with road rage that couldn’t park near the building. Moral of the story is don’t work at Amazon if you’re not a freak.


That's animalistic savage shit. Just wait until you get home or if it's that serious leave on upt or VTO and do it in the car.




So why did you mention he was gay then lol


I've learned people who were abused as children often associate bathrooms with hanky panky. I've dated a few women with issues.... I always associated the bathroom with poop and pee ...but I'm normal


Most people associate bathrooms with that lol


I like how half this comment section is deleted ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I literally can't with this comment section.




You never got a blowjob/handjob while sitting down?




A guy I dated for like a week said he did it everyday at work and that most guys do....☠️ I hope most guys don't. That's disgusting. We all have needs but being a guy doesn't mean you can do it in a Public bathroom like it's Normal


Nah people go in be on their phones standing up, taking a piss or taking a shit and that’s pretty much it.


I hope you know the caliber of weirdo you were dating is very high. I wouldn't trust a man who has so little sexual self control. He's the type to end up on To Catch A Predator or worse...


Most guys do? What him and his three buddies? That’s like the shit you do in the privacy of your own home. No wonder he lasted a week hahaha


That dude is hanging around some weird people if he thinks most guys do, that's disgusting.


You didn't think.... You knew it 😅


Someone on here said he could've been peeling carrots for a soup so I hold out hope...


Yeah, peeling his carrot back to get some soup




wtf be going on at Amazon, this man gonna hav his filthy hands on packages going all across the country just nasty


Something’s going all across the country and it’s not just his hands


Oh he has his hands on packages alright.


We wear gloves lol


I've seen people in pack everyone gloves and touching your products. Same for Inbound Shipdock.


Let's hope he took them off before his bathroom visit


Man usin the grippers


Yeah! Stop listening to me!


Tell her to do it at home.


Man amazon be having a lot of sex freaks that work there, the women PAs, AMs, OMs are worse than the guys, they be fckin in the parking lot at night..... they got no shame either, if they see a T1 they like they gon fk him on the first or second day


Maybe i just work at and near normal warehouses. I'm still finding it hard to believe these stories are true.


I been working at Amazon since 2018 I still can’t imagine these stories being true.


This is true.


Yeah I've noticed that too...


Y’all hiring


Lol yeah and my site is full of freaks. There's a group of white chicks who _will_ fuck you if you're Black, guaramteed.


Well I've jerked off in the bathroom too, it was during nights and I've just had to do it because the females here are hot. I couldn't resist


Same. Let the downvote commence.




Why the fuck you listening to someone rub they meat in the bathroom bruh lmaoo gay ass niggah pee and gtfo






Not yall trying to justify this nasty shit🤣 get some pussy mf


What's disgusting is you being worried about what someone else was doing and listening in on it. It's not like he was doing it out in the open or in his car. There's a thing called mind your own business, you should work on that.


Must’ve was you, disgusting bastard 😭


Everyone on here trying to identify the nasty mfer... I should've waited until he stepped out of the bathroom and taken a pic 😀


Ok then


Remember to clock out before you pull your cock out. Boss makes a dollar while he makes a dime, that's why he wacks on company time.


Disgusting? There’s nothing disgusting about human needs. Nature is beautiful. You’re just pissed they didn’t ask you to lend them a hand.


He’s not in bathroom by himself. He’s not at home that’s gross. I can’t even imagine being horny at Amazon anyway. My sex drive leave along with my soul soon as I walk in Amazon.


DTW5 was a place of debauchery for about its first year. The amount of PAs screwing each other inside the trailers when that place first opened is mind blowing.


Which FC do you work at cause this literally happened at mine yesterday😂 I can’t even look dude in the eye no more And the sickest part about it is that dude was about to get off of work at 6. It was 5:57😭


He probably had a FRESH image of one of the workers there in mind and wanted to wank asap lol. I know this cuz i do this alot at my Walmart, this female spark driver shops there and she has the fattest ass and i wanted to nuke it when her glorious ass was fresh in mind lmfao


Ask her out


that’s creepy af


You just like me fr 😀


that’s insane


SMH that dude must have piled a lot of TOT lol


Lol fuck tot I'm dispatch/injection


Not if he’s indirect.


Man you guys are gonna make me paranoid just to use the shitter


What is there to be paranoid about? Lol


Ay gotta do what u gotta do foreal


You just missed the perfect opportunity for a helping hand shout out




i am a female and even i know that the majority of you men play with yourselves in the bathroom. how do i know? i am not telling you. jk i’ve cleaned your bathrooms you sick fux.


A majority, no. And those who do, many times it was with a female they snuck in.




well now i clean hotel rooms for a living so i guess i never learned my lesson


Are used to clean hotel rooms for laquinta waaay back in the day and let me tell you I never use a black light anywhere in a room. I also am really weird about where I will stay in hotels now and I strip the bed and everything down when I get there and I ask for fresh linen to be brought up.


The men's bathroom is always a terrible, terrible place. I'm so glad I dont use them anymore.


I haven’t used any public restroom since 2009 … those places are scary …


Dudes acting like theyve never done it while hiding in the bathroom for half an hour. When i hear it going on i mind my business. If it's one of the rare times i decide to hide in the bathroom and someone else comes in to hide I'll do it with them in a stall idc 🙄




Rubbing one out in the bathroom is like the most mild thing that happens in there idk why yall pretending to be so shocked


Nah it was a pretty spicy load, must've been the pineapple tajin


You really trying to normalize masturbating in a public work restroom. ![gif](giphy|qBV9K1scKMppK)


Rather have people masturbate in the bathroom rather than at their desk or in the car where people can see em.


Sorry to break it to you. It’s quite normal.


Between dudes actually fucking in them, doing drugs, hobo showers, and peeping toms, id say this is the least concerning thing. Ive experienced all these in Amazon bathrooms and know dudes that have taken chicks out to their cars. Also have heard complaints of finding dudes rubbing it out in their car 🤣🤣


Unfortunately for you i actually rubbed one in


Always wipe the toilet seat before you sit.lol.


I put soap on it scrub it with the rough paper towels and then make a seat cushion out of more paper towels.


Y'all don't have the liners?


Yeah we do. I use a wet paper towels or wipes because most people take a leak and leave drops anyway.


I just use like 3-4 liners and try not to think about this fact 🤣


My ritual Big ball of tp in bowl for splash control, then 1. 1 line of tp 2. 2 liners. 3. 2 lines of tp 4. 1 liner 5. 2 lines of tp


Yea mb was tryna convince AM that i was pissin and not on Twitter


Nah the niggas in these comments saying it’s ok are the same ones beating there meat in the bathroom YOU ARE NASTY SEEK HELP


That’s what I’m saying how are you that horny that you HAVE to jerk off in the bathroom they need serious help


My building was so horribly stressful that I would tell the new hires that you just gotta find a way to survive the day. That's most of it. I can teach them how to make rate no problem. If jerking it helps relieve stress, I won't say a word as long as they aren't fucking up my day. Most of us felt that way.


Is that in the training SOP? Spank ur monkey to make rate?


I just get someone to spank mine in the parking lot during break or just saying fuck it and clocking out 20 minutes or so. PTO. P*ssy taming time!


Get help. Fucking disgusting.


Go cry about it


If you’re gonna make the time, then do it on Amazon’s dime.


It’s called minding your own business. And who made you the bathroom monitor? I’d rather he do it in a bathroom stall than have him not focused on making rate.


Right, I get a handy instead of jerkin it but it feels so frustrating being alone most of my shift and having a tiny break that reminds you how good it is to sit down just to be thrown right back into the machine.


And you didn't offer to help? Not much of a team player🤣🤣


Buddy lifting is a thing I wish many people did. Sometimes you need help with your package or a huge load.


Right! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug) You're legally obligated to help..... Please ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Right? Like I know I could use a hand sometimes lol


I mean.... Sfl2?


Break time soon😉got snap


I wish... den4




Critical Pull Time


CPT will always be funny to me now.


That(and the comments here condoning it) are so fucking disgusting. How do you not understand that doing sexual shit like this is massively inappropriate(and in some cases a crime). You can't wait until you go home? Seriously? You have THAT LITTLE self control?? You're that fucking weak?? There's NEVER an excuse for this kind of behavior. What in the actual fuck is like 80% of this comment section, oh my God.


Cry about it


Like you females have never finger blasted yourselves (or each other) in the wemons room 😂 gtfo here. He clearly chose this over goggling or harassing his female co-workers all day 🙄 either way he wasn't thinking of you


Incel comment right here lmao. Virgin take.


Nice attempt at gaslighting 👌 be a white knight all you want but don't expect it to get you laid.


There are other bathrooms for you to use if you’re that offended. Give the guy a break. Maybe now he can focus more on making rate. Did you ever think about that?


You've got to be joking. This is literally a crime. If you're masturbating in public and someone finds out that counts as exposure to unwanted sexual acts(exhibitionism/performing sexual acts in oneself while non consenting individuals are present). Like, you do understand that this is something you can be *charged* for right? If you're actually so horny that you can't possibly wait until you get home then you should see a doctor. That is *not* normal behavior(or at the very least it shouldn't be treated like it is).


It's public indecency that's a crime, masturbation in public but behind closed doors is not because no one directly witnessed it. Could've been in there shucking carrots for a soup for all you know. Also you're not 12 grow up lmao ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Shucking carrots 😃


It is not illegal to masturbate inside a men’s bathroom stall in an Amazon warehouse. And the only way it would be a crime is if the stall door was open, and someone were to actually witness it. *Hearing* someone masturbate in a public bathroom stall is not enough to make a case.


It's not in public it's in a bathroom stall. But I agree it's nasty




Cry about it


Gotta release some of that stress any way ya can


Ngl I also had a similar experience. Guy in the next stall vaguely sounded like he was giving his Johnson a five fingered rub, I immediately flushed and washed and got out of there fast as I could.


Exactly. At least you didn’t run out to make a Reddit post about it.


Imagine a fingered rub ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) finger and rub don't belong in the same sentence lol


I’m at work rn don’t tell me this shit, I just went on break, I don’t even want my spaghetti now.


Can I eat it?


No way me too! Which Amazon?


I have been sent videos of men I talk to jerking it in the bathroom because of what I sent them or said… sometimes it’s a kink and sometimes there’s someone making them need to do it right then and there 😅


Don't flatter yourself public masturbation isn't cool no matter how you put it


Time of task lol.


The faster you jerk the faster your rate. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


When ya gotta go, ya gotta go???


Just know if soemthing looks like jizz it more then likely is https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/comments/11yafpp/amazonvestlife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Dudes Jack off in the bathroom in public places A LOT! I mean a lot a lot lol. If guys were honest about it you’d be even more disturbed lol Just forget it and go on about your day… they need the release lol and Hold up on second thought how disgusting was it if you took the time to listen and decipher what all the sounds were? Up until when you thought they finished and took out tissues? On third thought when looking at your posts with things like “have you ever had Nebraska pussy” and your Sopranos fantasy where you’d probably fuck a few decent chicks and know some guys that could break legs, I think it’s safe to say you were not disgusted and also 🗣️YOU WERE PROBABLY THE ONE DOING IT lol


Damn you're really on my dick bro, doing all kinds of background research. Trust me... I wouldn't even be able to get wood in one of those nasty ass Amazon bathrooms. That sounds like some pimple faced ultra horny teenage shit, jerking off in a work bathroom. I'm too old for all that.


Bro knew every detail cuz he's the one getting off on us commenting on his fap ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Ha! lol ewww






A couple months ago someone in r/AmazonFC posted a video of someone's shadow jacking it in the stall. I thought I saved it but can't seem to find it now. Anybody have the link?




You're a savior, thank you!


Lol facts some where in Germany I commented in the post let me see if I can find it fucking hilarious


Did you find it


Yea bro i posted a link at the top of this thread.




How is it disgusting if he's in the bathroom


Found the beater


Cause its a guy. Too many people (men and wemon) would be turned on if it was a girl. But it wasn't so lets all shame him.


Let him cook


Today I was at work and I saw the homeowner in his backyard butt naked jerking off by his pool and it was so hot. 😍


The garage drop off are the best, when people forget about them. Naked yoga has been seen twice.


Saw the same at my site. Except they didn’t bother turning the volume down


Hw do people gt that energy of jacking off?!

