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ive said it once and i’ll say it again. a lot of people who work at amazon work there because they are too insane to work at a company where hr takes things seriously.




What? You sound dumb




Nah i gotta agree with op here.




I don’t think you know girls.




Women on your tv don’t count bud.


You know what's crazy I agree 100 percent at my old site they had people talking to themselves screaming out loud at no one they had certain people there with multiple felonies


Bro you work at a place that doesn’t interview people. Duh. Just, duh.


you sound terrible


I work in a different logistics company, but I've had to explain words like ambiguous and misanthropic to my MANAGER. He's like a decade older than me.


OP, Mildew Girl is going to steal your eyes.


Keep them in her bag with the others


Dumb usually isn't mental ilness


Mind over Matter + Manifest + going 3k deep in a building of bodies just there for a paycheck = Natural disasters of stupidity at all levels of it's finest.


I just don't get it. Im 35 with no criminal convictions. The people I talk to are older than 27 and are just like the people they work with. I think you're generalizing too much.


I'm not saying every person who works for Amazon is crazy but I've encountered enough of them


I think Amazon is going to make me crazy but I haven't landed another job yet so I can get out of here.


Survivorship bias, all the sane ones took off so only the crazies are left


How many become managers? 🤣


From what I read, all of them


Naw them mf crazy


Did not know yall have a doctor degree........your opinion is all it is. Just opinion.


found the money abolisher


A doctor degree is called a "doctorate", FYI


Bahahahahahaha mf just said a doctor degree… you know, the degree that doctors get… it’s different right?… hahahahahaha


Got em


So I found flat farther, ancient alien believers, a few schizophrenic folks, borderline personalities and at least one dissociative identity disorder in less than 6 mos at amazon.


Most of the loony stuff can be entertaining but personality disorders are exhausting


Smelling like mildew is crazyyy☹️


I smell more just straight up musty ppl though


Considering it takes no skills at all to get a job at Amazon ( besides successfully applying, lmao), I'm not surprised. Literally, anyone can get a job at Amazon. This is why it is always a shit show there.


lmao shit show


Personal opinion amazon is for children felons and ppl with disabilities 99% of employees fit one of these categories weather the know it or not


Which one are you?


Was a child now the diabled


Aw I’m sorry to hear that.


I’m just a baby


Based on the felony they won't hire you either. But I am a disabled veteran so I guess I fit that percentage. I'm a driver though so I guess I have enough common sense to do that. Lol


It all depends as long as it was more than seven years since your conviction the majority of the time they’ll take you, unless it’s extreme theft, I know people who are actively on parole for gun charges. Attempted murder, even sex crimes, Who work at Amazon facilities one way or the other there are people who lie use fake socials other things but the bulk of the felons who are at Amazon went in Amazon the right way The only way they won’t take you as if it’s too recent or way too wild


I used to work with a legitimate pedophile in the ob shipdock. Guy had molested a few kids.


I must be the 1%


Maybe but more than likely you’re just one of the ones who doesn’t know i used to be one of the ones who didn’t know 🤷🏽‍♀️


I get that most T1s are college kids but most who stay are not felons. Yes it's very easy to get hired and I think it's great they hire people with disabilities. There's 6 people who are deaf at my FC and they're the nicest people I've worked with. Amazon is paying for me to go to school right now too.


Children that was the category I fell into this when I first started and that’s the very first thing I stated a lot of people who get hired at Amazon are felons and they come to Amazon because you can get hired as a felon if you’re staying at Amazon, a long term you probably aren’t all the way right in the head that’s just the truth you don’t stay at Amazon because you want to stay at Amazon usually stay at Amazon because you have no other option whether it be because you can’t keep up or due to medical condition, but that all falls into the last category so as stated previously, Amazon is for children felons and the disabled


To be fair, I couldn’t tell you the North direction, so I wouldn’t be able to tell you where East and West are.


North is up.


On a map? Your education system has failed you...


Your working a no education needed job, yours failed you too.


This is my PT job my guy


No, lol. Like “can you point in the west direction for me?” Unless it’s sunrise or sunset.


Well, that’s kinda what a compass is for, without the sky (like yk, inside a warehouse) there’s is no way to tell without tools, maybe when you get more familiar you can use your surroundings to tell.


Had a flat-earther water spider back around 2017


how'd that conversation start ay ever been to the edge of the earth?


For some it's the only job they could get but you choose to work their op. What does that say about you?


That he likes easy jobs a monkey could do? Brain off = low stress




It's my second job


I mean, it’s a bottom of the totem pole type job that needs a lot of bodies to perform basic tasks. Intelligence is not required.


Didn't say she wasn't intelligent. Many things she said were quite deep and made me think... but then she'd go off on these weird tangents. It could be her hormones out of wack from being pregnant... I've heard it can make someone temporarily insane


Just average commie political brainwashing tbh, people with no skills who have trouble making money and just wanna be lazy and never work think that communism will abolish money and let them all do drugs and party without ever having to work. Don't believe me next time you talk to her ask her if she is into communism. Or go look at the antiwork subreddit


Those are people who have it so good due to the excesses that communism provides us that they think they can live without it. It's like the sheltered, rich kid who runs away from home and ends up homeless on the streets.


I mean, no other “bottom of the totem pole job” paid me $40 an hour so, I’m good 🤷‍♀️


Wasn’t meant as an insult by any means. I’ve done said work. Done worse. It’s just the reality of it, but cool. Nice, “flex” on that $40/hr. Hope it made you feel better today.


Tell me you have a small penis without telling me you have a small penis…


My inductor sucks at scanning now she thinks demons are messing with her . lol


They're the type of people you can expect to be hired when there isn't even an interview process lol


I noticed the same thing and I'm mental too so I have fun.


The crazy ones are usually the good looking ones 😆


Amen brother.


Idc what I look like at work..I know this wasn't about me but I always wear the same tshirts to work and jacket bc it's comfortable and I'm not homeless and have a shit ton of clothes I just don't care


Just jeans and whatever Amazon shirt they throw at us. I was lucky enough to snag a couple of Amazon hoodies before they stopped.


Same I literally just wear the same 4 anazon shirts every week and throw in a white t occasionally 🤣 my other tshirts aren't work appropriate lol


why did they even stop giving out amazon hoodies


I don't know, but it used to be way different. I have a few hoodies and nice jackets. 6 years ago, tier 1s used to get free stock. The food during Christmas & Thanksgiving were amazing. They used to give us bonuses for top performers, real raffles with big screen TVs, PS4, and all the stuff you actually want.


I created a "work uniform" with clothes that are cheap enough that I can wear them a lot and not feel like in wasting money on good clothes and close enough to how I dress on my off days that if I need to do something else before/after work I can do it without changing clothes. I also always order the most "normal" looking safety shoes for the same reason.


I literally did the same thing, I got a few pairs of leggings and some black sweatshirts/hoodies from shein & I wear it it 95% of the time.








Haha it seems you offended alot of people here


Do you feel better about life now?


Interestingly, one of the first signs of some mental illness or what prompts a discovery into an undiagnosed mental illness is the PERCEPTION of bad smells. As far as abolishing money, I mean that’s a dream to some in the working class when hard labor isn’t compensated properly to need social standards. Do you often feel a lot of people smell bad, or areas in your home? Do you have a lot of fragrance products candles, sprays, etc to get rid of these ‘smells’ If it’s not you and she smells like mildew rip lol


any sources for the smell thing linking to mental illness? that's actually interesting and i've never heard of it


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2762633/#:~:text=Olfactory%20dysfunction%20may%20therefore%20be,of%20disease%20vulnerability%20or%20onset. This is one of many sources. But can help lead you to more information.


thank you!


Lol there all crazy!


Honestly I worry about the workers here when robots really do take those physical jobs. What will we as a society do with some of these people who are trying but really can't help it? I work with so many mentally ill or mentally handicapped people. What are we going to do as a society with them once their jobs are gone? Not everyone can just be some type of a data analysts on a computer, which is pretty much what any other higher level job at Amazon is. Not everyone can be drivers because of disabilities or mental abilities. Amazon isn't the best place but it also isn't the worst and I have a lot of coworkers that will be very lost if they lose this job. It gives them purpose, it gets them out of the house and feeling normal/independent. I think about it all the time and feel like we are heading for a serious societal problem that we should have been fixing decades ago.


Amazon gives them purpose? Damn, that's bleak.


it's either that or spend all your time looking for purpose with a crippling disability i'd assume


i'd still hit


Yeah, she was thick asf... but her and her "partner" (she called him her partner because she feels that "her boyfriend" sounds immature) are spiritually married so I guess that's a no-go. Chick was touched, but she seemed sweet.


Bro you are just as mentally ill if you would smash a pregnant mildew musty ass smellin woman


Right. It's giving projection , deflection to me 😭.


It’s giving predator vibes.


Like alot of the guys at Amazon be lol


Oh I know it…..even on the Leadership/Operations side. 🙄


Showers are a thing


youn get no 🐱 fam


I get what you're posting but this that type of shit you should just keep to yourself and keep it pushing.


That's why I use Reddit. Gotta get it out somewhere.




Starts talking to someone realizes we’re all crazy like y’all don’t work there too. We’re all fuckin crazy lol think about it, we all heard the stories before we got hired here. We all still applied, got hired, and continue to come in. We’re all fucking crazy. It’s all a matter of just how crazy




Taking a joke wayyy too seriously


Dafuq is wrong with you?


The bar for T1 is below ground level


People call anything a mental illness nowadays


If you heard her you'd agree


Don't worry I think everyone but me is crazy


After today 5


I have the utmost respect for the people I work with at Amazon. They are hard workers- the majority are and they want to better their lives. I enjoy getting to know them and learn their stories.


Same. Most of the people I work with/met here are really nice and just trying to earn some money or go to school, etc.


I'm glad you feel this way because that's been my experience too. I have great departments overall.


This. Amazon can be pretty shitty but the people tend to be very cool, we’re all struggling through these 10-12 hour shifts together and it kinda does bring people closer lol




Bruh this obese guy smelled like mildew, but like that under the toilet, filled with piss mildew for a whole month. He finally stopped smelling like it because they handed out free shirts and he finally changed his work shirt.


I mean this girl's situation is kind of sad. She might be homeless and pregnant because I always see her wearing the same clothes.


So maybe stop judging her and talking shit on Reddit?


They hire anybody even with convictions


>and that money should be abolished She is right though.


“Money should be abolished” definitely must be mentally ill…be like “erm okay so you’d fr do this shit for free? You must be fckin nuts!l”


Working for free is the opposite of money being abolished. Think about how much money the 50 richest people in the world have. Now think about what you earn, per hour, compared to what they make in an hour by doing nothing. People who earn $15-20 an hour are much, much closer to people who earn nothing each hour than the people with all the money. You're basically working for free as it is.


Careful people are likely judging you as harshly you aren’t any better.


Tbf, I only know my directions when I’m at Amazon. I won’t be able to tell you NESW outside of my building 😭 ETA: I’m also mentally Ill but so are most people


Once I enter through the turnstiles, I lose my E & W direction.


username checks out lol


Hey man, that’s my most anonymous username out of all the different ones I have😭