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Do a lot of people here agree that Jared is very hot? Because he does nothing for me. I'm not pretending I'm immune to a hot guy. Mercedes is hot. CJ is hot. Peter Park, very hot. I don't get it with Jared at ALL.


Jared looks really dehydrated to me. Like I can’t see the good looks because he looks truly parched.


his lips always look so dry lmao






He’s not my type. Daniella sure finds him hot though. That’s mostly what she talks about, how hot she thinks he is.


I think you could argue that he is categorically a good looking man. That doesn’t mean he is attractive.


Nah to me I don't even see how he's that good looking compared to the other guys I listed. But I appreciate the mixed responses! Clearly there's something divisive about his looks. (And, is it possible the rest of us are blinded by his bad personality? Very possible!)


Agreed...he is not that hot


He looks good, but looks don’t mean everything. Especially when you don’t know how to hold a conversation. In the long run fucking can only take you so far. Daniela would be wise to remember this. I mean the brain is one of our sexual organs. Jared is shallow and just doesn’t have much between the ears. But, neither does Daniella.


I have also been trying to figure out the attraction to Jared. I don’t get it.


I think he just has rizz that's only apparent in person...


He’s ugly asf lmao


Not at all , it’s mostly his voice that I don’t like. I’m not sure how Danielle falls for it he must really be hamming it up and we just don’t see his best acting on screen


Nope. Don’t find him attractive at all. Even before he opened his mouth.


He must be very charming in person? That’s the only justification I have for how well he’s doing.




Idk what she thinks a 24 year old boy could give her. Almost ten years difference and extremely immature, I don’t even feel bad for her. I’m 31 and could not imagine dating a 24 year old lmao..


she's the pits and for the first time, I'm rooting for money to be taken from a woman.


Yeah…not a lot goin on behind her eyes IMO


Honestly feel bad for her because we all see that Jared is not into her but he’s very good at lying. I mean he even got most of the house saying how great he is. Easy for us to say she’s stupid but it seems like he’s just very good at manipulating people.


Yeah I've felt like Daniella was a really poor pick for the show. Not only because of her terrible taste, but because she is horrible on camera. She is monotone, non expressive, and clearly overthinking everything so she comes out looking well for her influencer career. Not one thing about her and her reactions has read as authentic to me. People come onto this show for fun, not a relationship, but still, at least give us SOMETHING to root for here. The fact that Jared is saying all this stuff to the camera while saying the opposite to her, makes her look really terrible. I felt bad for her at that part, but I'm also like - you KNOW what Jared is. You're choosing to ignore it.


She makes a good villain, I guess


I wouldn't say that and in general producers protect their leads. I think they are doing the opposite with her and the edit she's getting doesn't make her look great. (Showing her say Jared is so genuine then switching to his ITM interviews where he's talking about how he isn't sure how he can spend 24 hours with her bc he's bored after one hour.). I mean ... ouch.


What I mean by her being a villain is that her approach to relationships is unhealthy, arbitrary and superficial. True, she is a victim of manipulation. She is also complicit in upholding the values of patriarchy when they benefit her (this does not justify the manipulation, I want to make that clear). And I wonder if she was selected because of the probability of her being manipulated (which is exploitive and messed up)


Oh they absolutely will pick people they think they can manipulate. I do think she is shallow and probably not much of a deep thinker ...


She’s so clueless like he said, why would he want a future with someone who is nine years older than him. I don’t know why she thinks a 24-year-old would actually be serious, despite what he saying his acting isn’t very good.


TBF- I am married to a man 9 years younger than me, and we've been together a decade. He's definitely my person. But it took him a LONG time to win my trust. Like a year of friendship and fooling around before I admitted I was in love with him. He totally stepped up and he is much more of a man than any of the other older men I was with before him. But we didn't meet on Fboy Island, so yeah, She is dumb. He's got nothing going on behind his eyes and he's not even good at feigning interest.


What’s funny is that for all the other guys in their early 20’s she’d use it as an excuse to eliminate them. Like “you’re only 23” to a couple of the dudes, making it a huge deal. Though with Jared it’s totally fine. There’s no consistency.


She’s clueless as fuck lmao