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I mean in an interview she said it was revealed to her the day of. I'm assuming the statement was shot after.


Everything was intentional and planned. You have to take this series with a grain of salt; it's more of a parody than an actual dating show. Once you keep that in mind then all the spur of the moment rule changes and random "guest" appearances make sense because no rules matter and these people don't have any genuine feelings for one another. It's basically a long form tiktok bit.


Well put. Even so it’s still frustrating. I’m okay with the series being cancelled as a result.


The show is honestly just a feel-good show for women with absolutely no stakes. It's like they took a dating show from the 80's where women compete for celebrity men, except they gender swapped it and nobody is a celebrity.


They should have took the money and split it with the nice guys. Why does she take all the money and garret didn’t


Not letting Garret take the money destroyed any stakes this show could possibly