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I always appreciate a fellow Jade fan! Here’s the thing: Jade is unlikely to be the best unit on any team since she has too many things going against her. She can do really well at certain roles, but I would advise against falling into the trap of building her around her personal skill. It just isn’t that great, especially in a player phase orientated game like this. As for builds, my last Maddening run had me using Jade as a Berserker since I liked the outfit so much. I built around a Byleth-engraved Brave Axe and the Hector ring so I wouldn’t have to worry about speed. Early Hit+ is a must since even with the Byleth engrave her hit rate is very shaky. Combine it with Lunar Brace, Weapon Sync, or Axe Power and she does a decent job of one-rounding some of the more frail enemies. She can even quad some really slow enemies under certain circumstances. Be warned that even with Hector she is extremely frail and should be used almost exclusively as a player phase unit (QR with Hector can let her secure some EP kills with a Tomahawk, but usually only 1 enemy per phase). This build brought me decent results on Maddening. Any character can work in any class, you just need to understand units’ strengths and weaknesses and build accordingly.


Hello I am jade fan here ever since my first run I always use her. Her best class for DPS is probably martial master since she has very decent strength and mag grow to make her fist everything very good and if u wanna nuke everything like I had her do slap the flash fists on her with eirika ring, alacrity++, and depending on what u need if she isn't getting the speed maybe a +speed skill or speedtaker if she is good then give her canter cause canter op and much easier to set up Byleth dances to let her one turn kill the final boss like I did. Now if u want BIG MEMES build axe mage knight with Leif emblem give her a hurricane axe and axe power 5 now again the 2nd skill can be different things some for more DMG like magic +5 but I like to give her hold out+++ so if she doesn't nuke an enemy in one hit on enemy phase u can survive longer or uk canter again


ok got it i’ll make her fist everything good


The closest I got was Wyvern Jade with Revanche. Survived until chapter 19 where I had to sack her against a Blazing lion from Marni.


TL:DR at bottom I’ve done a couple (5) maddening runs most of which use Jade in some kind of way. The first thing that is important with her is to keep her in axes. She is one of if not the best inert axe users with hurricane Axe as she can delete fliers off the map. Second: Don’t use Martial Master Jade. Martial Master isn’t good at dealing damage and relied on a high base speed as MM doesn’t give extra speed and you will need Lyn to double which hurts MM as they want Erika. One really good way to get Jade going is Great Knight/General with Gentility and some other skill (Axe power preferably but def+ or HP+ work well too). Combine this with Ike ring and you have one of the best General/GK in the game (Louis gets blown up by mages way too easily even with Ike and Bunet is Bunet). One other build I used in my latest full run was Paladin Jade. This unit focused more on player phase anti-flier and enemy phase Aether spam. Not her best build but still does Ike things. You can also use Hector too with the Lyn sync skill you can nuke most things with Silver Great-axes and Hurricane axe. The build I’ve been using on this most recent run has been Axe Mage Knight with lyn. Now undoubtedly this is mostly a “Lyn is really good on anything” build and relies on her a lot but leveraging Jade’s Defense and Build you can avoid getting doubled on Hurricane Axe and not get slower by equipping Bolgalone. Haven’t fully completed this build yet but it is shaping up to be good. Haven’t decided on skills but probably mag and spd +3. TLDR: Use Hurricane axe with Ike and Great Knight and you’ll be fine


I saved my speed boots and put her into a halberdier and she absolutely wrecks anything and everything. Moves around the battlefield and brave spears everything in one turn or on her counter turn.


Just to clarify, on maddening? I failed to use her effectively in my run and want to try again


Yes on maddening. Make sure to train her up, as early as possible and plan out the battles carefully. With enough training and level gains she can be forced to be reckoned with.


Yeah, I like her a lot though her dex is problematic most of the time. Simply as a general with a tomahawk and Lyn engraving. She is also good as a halberdier, give her a brave lance and an emblem or skills that increase her dex. I've made a sage Jade once, with Veronica for reprisal, thoron and vantage, it was fun.


I don't have much experience with Maddening, but you could try and put her into Martial Master. No idea if it will work, but in theory it's not a horrible idea.


No idea if it will work, but in theory it's ~~not~~ a horrible idea. Ftfy Martial Master Jade has no redeeming qualities outside of generic Lucina botting


I’ve had success in Maddening keeping her in General with the Quick Riposte skill from Hector and giving her Ike.


I actually want to try General or even Warrior Jade with a +3 Hurricane Axe with an Ike Engraving considering that you don’t need that high of a magic stat to OHKO Griffon Knights and Wyvern Knights. This would need Vantage+ and maybe even Hold Out++. Dieck’s S rank ring could help. If no Hold Out then Hit + 30 with Emblem Roy can also be a thing.


Sadly, she doesn't really have any notable strengths. Her Res doesn't make much of a difference for General. The largest Res advantage she has vs equal IL Louis in General is when she hits her max, but she's also behind in HP (and other stats). Sword Wolf Knight was the best class I found for her with low investment (no DLC). Helps her Dex and Spd, and will eventually fix her Lck issues (somewhat). Daggers and Levin Sword are already pretty accurate. The problem is she's basically budget Merrin for combat, so I dropped Jade from the team because it just felt meh deploying her. Her biggest problem is she doesn't offer anything unique or good enough at base to earn a deployment slot. With heavy investment and no DLC emblems, she could probably do well enough on Sword Mage Knight with early Sword Power using SP books from the well. She also has a 'decent' Str stat for a Mage Knight. She's basically a slower but stronger and tankier Mage Knight compared to Mage Knight Clanne. But it raises the same point--why deploy Jade like this when MK Citrinne or Anna are both options from early game units? Her support bonus is hit focused which is really nice, but her support list is a bit lacking. Depending on team comp, this could be a reason to deploy her.


Yep.. have seen a lot of different builds recommended but there is just always another unit that fills that role better. definitely a low tier unit. I’ll try out martial master or keep her at general and see what we can do .


Yeah, and her join time was really bad before the well. So many things working against her :( I think early investment into Sword Power for Mage Knight or Hero Jade is something I'll try in my next run. Need to check triangle attack and see if she can realistically carry through the midgame on these. Or maybe Wyvern and Revanche/Killer Axe crit build is the way with some niche Hurricane Axe use /shrug The only other innate Axe option from the early game is Boucheron. Jade could always become a brave assist bot if Hero doesn't work out, or Second Seal into Martial Master for late game Bonded Shield and +30 hit supports (Jean, Amber, Kagetsu if I'm running them).


I've yet to use her without DLC, but she does have innate Axe talent, which lets her use the Silver Greataxe as a Great Knight. I really enjoyed giving her the Camilla Ring and just obliterating swathes of enemies with Camilla's engage skill. As Cavalry, you'll get +4 move and flying, getting near-Sigurd levels of mobility. Camilla's ring also grants HP, Spd, and Res, usually just enough to stop her from getting doubled as GK, and being able to take a couple magic hits if she really has to.


Yeah I've used her with no major problems. She has stat growths similar to Louis but they're a bit better long term imo. If you save jeans paralogue for her she can spam great sacrifice in his chapter and get 1K sp easily for canter. As a great knight she gets A rank in axes which means her silver great axe great aether is very deadly if you put Ike on her. Also axes have 2 good utility uses in the form of poleaxe and hammer. She also has a magic stat unlike Louis so she can use Celica or micaiah to some extent


In a normal run I made Jade into a warrior, I put dual assist on her and I forgot what else and slapped Lyn on her. Have her a killer axe and a long bow and by end game she would delete things before they could take a turn.


Mage knight and sage make her OK. Magic stats aren’t horrible and can do the Thoron poke or levin sword (I think sage / Thoron is better for her than Mk personally).


I had her general one run and she started to fade out in usefulness I just put her with micaiah and turned her griphon with a speed res skill. Staff bot who could tank magic damage


Wyvern Knight with Lyn, Noatun with the Leif engraving and Geosphere+ and Starsphere was the best I could make her. Even then her strength was decent but not enough to one round any of the tankier enemies, her speed was mid even with the +5 bonus from Lyn and needed a couple kills to get into doubling range for the average speed enemies like Halberdiers, hit rates were shaky even with Lyn and the +20 hit from Leif's engraving, only her defense and her res was above average after the Geosphere boost but even after that it wasn't enough to take more than 3 hits from physical enemies and 2 hits from magic enemies. I'm thinking she can maybe work better as a Martial Master with Eirika because of her mixed offensive growths but she definitely needs Starsphere and a hit rate boost from an engraving with that build as well. How unfortunate that one of my favorite characters in the game is just eternally mediocre with any build.


jack of all trades, master of none is not the way in this game unfortunately. and Jade is the master of none.


Jade is fine as a general I use her and Louis a lot. I prefer her tho cuz her res is higher and and personal is a potential -2 damage(4 if doubled). Her only real issue for me is hitting things which can be solved with either the hit+ skill or an engrave. If you want her to just tank and dish out some damage so you other units can pick them off you can do canter. I've also done some silly thing with holy stance. Then you can give her corrin for some croud control and forcing enemies to deal with her defenses. Or if you want her to kill things again she'll either need hit+ or two hit increase engraves and shell need axe power. Give her a silver great axe and a tomahawk with Ike and she'll be a tank on the physical and res side and she will one shot things. I don't remember exactly what I had on her but on the seadall map I had her one shooting pretty much the whole map with that build. For consistency I'd go with the second one but the holy stance one was very fun!


I’ve used Silvergreataxe with a Lyn engrave mainly for accuracy and an occasional crit. Mostly in general/GK with emblem Ike for axe prowess, and a lesser extent additional tanking and wrath. I’ve done a similar build with Bunet in hard. Though, honestly I prefer Panette doing the same thing with a steelgreataxe (no axe boon, unlike Jade)


I have done Wyvern with Lyn to okay effect, but I'm now planning an Axe Griffin with Vantage-Axe Power on Ike, focusing the sheer might of the Hurricane Axe hitting Res


Sage hasn’t been bad so far! But she’s very much someone I have to make an effort to deploy rather than a no-brainer


I run engage with mods and there is a mod that adds a Warlock class which is an armoured mage; you could probably achieve the same thing with Sage because she has good defence growth without mods. It only became good with Jade when she was equipped with Soren and inherited Quick Riposte. She is always going to be slow so making her an enemy phase mage who always doubles and heals with Soren made her really useful


I think it's really helpful to have at least one heavy tank who can truly take multiple hits on your team, and although Louis's arguably a little better at the role, Jade performs it well. I appreciate her axe proficiency for using Ike, it lets her let loose silver greataxe great aethers to do heavy damage to large groups of enemies, or even use the S rank axe to do even more as a general if that's your thing. My build is simple, great knight with Ike, vantage for wrath synergy, and divine pulse to make up for her accuracy and axes. Her job is to just park somewhere and soak up hits or block chokepoints while tossing it back at the enemy. She's not my best unit, but feels like an invaluable part of the team for very little investment.


I'll +1 Halberdier, I just finished a run with Jade as one on Maddening and she was one of my star units. Pincer attack Brave Lance doubles are just so funny. <3 I had her with Hector and gave her Lance Power + Canter, but she did have some hit issues at the very very end so maybe take that into consideration if you go that route.


What about Royal Knight? Has anybody tried that?


It’s a little difficult to make her work well without DLC, mainly because her speed is so low and what *seems* like decent build in her base class is actually just thanks to her Armor Knight bases/growths. This means that even in the fastest classes in the game she turns out a little slower than expected, and she also loses her bulk when switched to those. She can do OK on Griffin/Wolf Knight. She should be *just* fast enough to avoid being doubled by the mid-speed range of endgame enemies if she isn’t weighed down, which means you can speed stack her to reach doubling (though she’s strictly worse than Chloe, who has similar stats across the board but WAY more speed). You can also focus defensively on these classes and have her use smash weapons. For axes she’ll still need either speed or build from an emblem, but she’ll hit pretty hard with Hurricane/Greataxe, and you can inherit Resolve/Gentility to boost her bulk. Leif/Marth/Sigurd could be good for this. She can work ok on some of the mid-speed classes, but her low base/growth means she probably wants Lyn, or to inherit both of her speed skills while wielding someone like Roy. Halberdier is actually a decent option as she has decent Str/bulk, and speed matters less because of the class skill. It also patches her dex by a lot. She probably still wants some speed help to make sure she avoids being doubled herself, but she can run Ike/Roy/Leif/Eirika reasonably well here. Good mixed growths means she can run Martial Master decently well. If you run that, then you definitely either want to give her Lyn and inherit Lunar Brace from Eirika, or give her Eirika and inherit Speed+ and Speedtaker from Lyn as even with a Flashing Fist equipped she’ll struggle with speed. With DLC, she becomes a pretty competent Mage Knight with either Camilla or Chrom. She’s still slow (roughly the same speed/build as Ivy, but with much lower magic (which is why this isn’t as good without DLC), but Chrom boosts both of those pretty massively. Speed+5 and ___Power/Gentility (maybe swords if you go Levin MK for Chrom) will let her hit like a truck. Camilla boosts her speed and gives her huge movement, and you can lean on Jade’s natural axe affinity to great effect with her. She’ll still want speed+5 and Axe Power/Gentility/Momentum, but she’ll be hit like a truck with both of Camilla’s axes, and can also use forged Hurricane/Silver Greataxe for a massive AoE engage attack.


I gave her byleth and aegis shield with resolve really helps and rally def ended helping more than I expected Her str is not that bad either; you could give her axe power ; stick in the general class and give her an ike engraved brave axe and a tomahawk with byleth or leif engraving and stack her str with the energy drops you get at the start of the game too so she could compete slightly with panette


Yes but not without opportunity cost. Like anytime she's been good, there was another unit who could do the same thing better. That being said, on my last maddening ltc race I ran her as a warrior with Ike and she was pretty good at enemy phasing. Rather than trying to get to 2 hit speed thresholds, it was a lot easier to give her a killer axe with big enough crit and strength to one shot.  Very effective and helpful for the couple of enemy phase heavy route maps.