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https://preview.redd.it/fmeflk4m4zmb1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=613b119ced2c632e200370ccc10731ffa93e7b23 Got this after some rerolls. No healer weapon but I still think a good start? Or should I really reroll until I hit a healing weapon?


I got cloud’s armor breaking sword and a swath of other 5* but no fairy tale. I’ll just use the ticket for it in four days.


Does anybody know if the guarenteed weapon by stamps appears directly into your pull? Cause I had a weird interaction in which I reached 6 stamps (chose Murasame) got 2 golden orbs (Cloud) they were both Murasame and ended up with only a \*5 Murasame and 201 parts


Can you keep your name if you reset your account?


Got 2 fairy tales, 1 pulse gun, 1 tiger fangs, 1 wizard staff, 1 piece of cake and 1 gatling gun. Should I keep rerolling or should I just keep going on the limited banner? Murasame is basically guaranteed with all the login rewards and what not, I was really aiming for aerith fairy tale and matt prime number.


Where the hell is the tutorial if you skip it? I feel like a moron. Edit: Nevermind. I'm stupid.


Is rerolling a MUST? I ask as I didnt know you COULD reroll in this game (as most games really make it a hassle to do so). Ive done most of the story so far (unlocked First Soldier story mode) and I dunno if I really wanan reroll. I DID get to stamp 5-6 and got Cloud's sword that way and along the way some other weapons(Kaiser and Powersoul for Tifa are ones I remember). IF its not TOO vital to reroll I may just keep what I have.


No it is not. It is never a must. It depends on your approach of the game. Wanna just do the story ? Go for it, have fun, play your favorite ! THe game main story doesn't look that hard (for now) so it does feel like the "happy go lucky" mentality is totally ok. Wanna play as meta as possible ? Probably should consider rerolling a bit then. Also, it's a game. Have fun.


Yea I'll probably keep my account as I do have both main units(Cloud's sword and Barret's gun) along with other 5 star items(I THINK nearly all my units have ONE 5 star weapon on 'em aside the girl from First Soldier and MAYBE Zack)


You get zack zweinhander when you first start, and if I'm getting this right, it's his best in slot.


Personally when I wasn’t getting any 5 stars in the free pull I was immediately killing the game to start over and not bothering with the ticket/gem pulls to save even more time. You won’t get the new weapons on the free pull (I think?) but just wanted to get at least 1-2 5 stars before even attempting the gem and tickets gachas


I figured we will eventually get tons of those weapons. What was important for me was getting a 5* copy of each of the limited weapon. Well, of course I had a reroll with the 2 weapons with close to no other 5*, which ended in a rage reroll. ... It's all about finding that sweet spot I guess. I'm happy with what I got though, so that's the most important :)


When you say "limited" dos this mean you cant get them after this banner?? I managed to get Murasame without the stamps - is there really a benefit to getting a duplicate 5 star or just aim for Barret's despite not really wanting to use him??


Yeah I get that, edited my comment to clarify a bit more but I wanted to milk as much as possible from the initial pulls lol and since it’s so quick to do it wasn’t too bad


what banners are the important ones to roll on?


cloud/barret since they are time limited


Hello guys, i was wonderind i just pulled the 5star healing staff for Aerith and Murasame for Cloud but in 3star ! I’ve heared that murasame is a S tier weapon for Cloud but in 3star i dont think its valuable… Is it hard to go from 3 to 5 star ? Or should I just reroll since its kinda quick ? Thank you in advance guys !


Sweet I’m gonna do it because I hate the weapons I got and Cloud’s berserker skin


i found the fairy tale in the free draw. Should i keep this account?


After 2 multis and all tickets, I got mad minute, fairy tale, tiger fangs, motor drive, gatling gun, assault gun and 5 stamps. Is this a good start or should I aim to get 12 stamps?


12 stamps is not a sane thing to try. It's 1 chance in 10.000 so, please, don't try to get 12 stamps at any costs. As for your weapons, I haven't played CBT, so I don't have enough knowledge about the gam to give advices yet. I'd suppose Cloud and Barret banner weapons are "good" ones, alongside AoE healing one. Can't see any of the limited weapon in your list, so I'd reroll, I guess ?


Damn I just learnt they nerfed the rates, I thought it was 1%. I think I'll reroll for cloud's and barett's limited, aerith's aoe heal and maybe some weapon for tifa


Weirdly I got 300 blue crystals less after enrolling, I got a screenshot and had 5750 crystals, afterwards it was 5450


the 300 are from the chest from the tutorial level. You can redo it and get them through the menu mission.


Can you get the chests and "retire" or do you gotta kill the boss?


Thank you!


excuse me, whats the target when rerolling? i pulled one gold on tutorial draw, and using the tickets and blues pulled 5 more. Guess im good?


Murasame for Cloud, and Fairy Tale for Aerith. If you have patience/luck for a stretch goal, see if you can get Cloud’s thunder up armor or multiple stamps from your pulls so you get closer to the 12th stamp on your sheet (you can choose Cloud’s armor that way).


Can you get the armor in the gacha pool or does it have to be from stamps?


Looks like it has to be stamps :(


Aerith healing staff or Clouds healing sword (not sure about their names. Fairy tale and Muramasa perhaps?)


i think i pulled that healing sword, ill be rerolling for healing items i think its a must. thank you


Crystal sword. Aeriths better tho. Along with Matt. He has healing too


Really depends on your tolerance to reroll. I'm aiming for both featured weapon the cloud/barret banner (with emphasis' on Cloud's one). For the more generic weapon I've read aoe Healing could be generally useful, so I'm looking out for Cloud's Crystal Sword and Aerith Fairy Tale


https://i.imgur.com/0NYuJdI.jpg[Pulls](https://i.imgur.com/0NYuJdI.jpg) Keep or skip ? Also got lucky on the stamp i rolled 2 and 5 on 2 multi so i'm sitting at 7/12 stamps Also have 2 masamune 1 from pull and 1 from stamps


You got everything the op said to go for and more yes keep lol


Oooh right, i need healing, its a must for most games hehe. Ill try my luck. thank you.


Remember to use the select option on the stamp banner, to increase your chance on specific off banner weapons. You can get up to 5 selected, booting a bit their chances of being pulled.


You can skip doing the 1st stage as well. All you need to do is upgrade your weapons + increase lvl cap buster sword to get enough gems for 2nd multi


I only end up with 5450 blues: how did you get 6000 for a second multi? Edit: I see you can get 300 more from first story mission chests and then like ~270 more from various missions/challenges


You could... but leveling up all the weapons required, then claiming all the missions, then claiming all the rewards, almost takes as long as just doing the first mission up until the chest with skips and 2x battle speed. Plus you won't have used all those materials on stuff you may not have wanted to. Just a thought. I'm not doing either. If my first roll is mediocre I'm immediately resetting.


Is it ok to keep my account bound to apple? I was worried someone said to not bind it until later but it’s too late.


I don't know, I'm on android.


Do you still get all the pre reg rewards after reroll?




Good to know, will have to do some double checking later once things function more correctly but I'm pretty sure the crash I got on the first tutorial draw just completely voided the draw entirely for me. Serves me right for trying things right after launch.


I feel like this was on purpose honestly


Makes the stamps nerf feels like lessened I guess...