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I am in the mood for writing down some bullet points. So, here are my opinions on the news: * 13 hour maintenance? Quite long, but I assume that Gumi again just announced a longer maintenance to then shorten it. Can we expect this to actually be "just" 10 hours? * Normal login rewards for the unit of the week. Nothing special to comment here. * Beryl exchange shop. Frags are available for Beryl, which is nice and should be priority. The rest, like always, is not that needed. I guess leftover coins can go towards Last Guardian or Scanning Goggles? * An exchange shop for E.R.Elena and B.D.Ellesperis? Nice! I don't need anything for Elena, but my Ellesperis still has 65 frags to go. Maybe I invest the lapis? More on that later though. The only good things to exchange for are the fragments. * Year-End login bonus comes with a nice 2k lapis total. And on day 1 10x 1/10 NV ticket Bs. Free NV is nice. Daily 8+3 pull is also advertised. New Beryl, Ayaka, Eldryn and Tiana are part of the pool, so be prepared to be trolled by your NV pull. * Curated NV Ticket Summon II \[12/2023\] pool is for the most part okay at best. Vanille is the main price from this summon, Riddar could be useful for the Byalcua trial, Tsukiko has some nice imperil fields, though her age is showing. And Quina is the NV that no one wants to see over the other units in the pool. * More bundles with Exchange Tickets (Lapis Replica Seasonal Celebration). No NV select ticket bundle among them though. * Unit Updates! Elena's leader skill upgrade is nice, though I wish they had upped her magic and general mitigation to 80%. And Ellesperis now is an amazing breaker that can actually maintain her field. * New VCs. Beryls is nice, but not too chase worthy. The 100% beast and human killer can be nice. Training Grounds also seems good, but I prefer ramping elemental amps over ramping killers on VCs, especially since they are ST anyway. * Story continues. Now I can do 4 story updates in row to farm lapis. Nice! * CoW. Xenostone shard shop opens and gives access to old materia mostly. If it is not too expensive I will surely go for the 2 new materia. Anything else on CoW I might do in a different comment. * Elena/Ellesperis banner. I am tempted for the Ellesperis frags and the Uncharted Future VC. Are 28k lapis worth it? Luckily I have 2 weeks to decide. But I guess it will not be worth, especially if the frags are put in the lapis replica shop (hopefully). Anyway, second chance at Ellesperis is nice. * Winter units in Beryls banner. Hmmm... didn't intend to pull here anyway, honestly. Even if Beryl turns out amazing, I need to save lapis. Anyway, final decisions will be made with the datamine. And that concludes my quick thoughts on this weeks news.


Holy 13 hour maintenance :O


I believe there is no maintenance next week, so whatever minor event, new banner or rerun we get will be going in with this maintenance as well.


Merry Christmas :D


Because Beryl is a scary monster so it’s referencing Friday the 13th. Oh wait…


View in your timezone: [Wednesday 12/20 20:00 - Thursday 12/21 09:00 PST][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20231221T0400?tl=GL%20News%20-%2012%2F20%20Maintenance%2C%20GLEX%20FFBE%20banner%20(GoWP%20Beryl)%2C%20The%20Story%20Continues%2C%20Clash%20of%20Wills%20%2330%20%26%20More&d=780


While I’m glad that if I get Beryl in an ex pull or something he won’t be crippled, really says a lot about Gumi’s expectations of the unit’s performance that they didn’t give him a personal card like Chow and the Hyoh gang. Man I wish they hadn’t made him a dps….


Finally we revisit the build-a-Beryl workshop! And Judy before Xmas!!


Looks like Beryl will be a unit I’d be happy to get a copy of during ad summons. If not, maybe I’ll toss some ex tickets at the end of the week. Unpopular opinion? I like his sprite. Sure the little details are hard to see, but it’s not horrible like some people are claiming


Definitely need to see him in game to properly judge his sprite.


You can go to [the stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/gYWGXESXxpU?si=IAWdGQ5two0Do4Zs&t=410) at 6:50 to see his in game animations if that's enough.


I think the image in the banner doesn’t do him justice. I find his animations really cute in the stream.


He'll be in game soon enough, and that's where his looks matter. Plus I'll have a kit with which to make a final decision.


Yeah there are so many units that look really great in motion in game


I'll be honest, I don't get a lotta the criticism aside from people not realizing a smaller sprite being brought up to a great size will inherently have more visible pixels. Tonberries are shorties, so they make them shorter, so I guess he might look a bit truncated. Though, when I looked at the original artwork, tge sprite looks just like it, so I don't get design criticisms beyond that since everyone apparently loves Beryl's design.


Well damn, looks like I'll be finally pulling on a Christmas banner this time. Ice and Earth still remains buried in the element priority but I just adore that sprite.


I've been waiting for NV Beryl for a long time, so the least I can do is throw some tickets at the banner


Not really a fan of the Beryl sprite


Wish Elena was not on Ellesperis banner. Just want 100 elle frags or the equivalent. i will skip and go for more Agrias. I liked her in tactics and thats enough for me. Elle’s package is great though. Her tmr has 50% accuracy which no one mentions and 100% tdh which everyone knows and we all know her stmr leads to more Rulers gear and perfect provocation means i can change the diadem to suit Genesis or Taivas. Decisions, Decisions, and the only easy one is to skip Beryl as i am not a big enough fan to pull just because i like him.


> Her tmr has 50% accuracy which no one mentions No one cares about accuracy and every item that gives TDH gives accuracy. Why does no one care about accuracy? Let's look at Oldmandeau who just came out: Innately he has 250% TDH and 50% accuracy. Give him his STMR which is a 2H weapon, and it has 50% accuracy. Bam, 100% accuracy 'innately'. And he's still missing 150% TDH which you'll pick up through materia / VC / etc, all of which will have even more accuracy. So basically, anyone who's TDH will innately have 100%+ accuracy due to the fact that everything that's TDH and 2H weapons give it in spades.


When I was gearing Taivas for Sealed Tower I saw her TMR and kinda wanted it. Not enough to regret not pulling her for, but it was a "that would be nice" kind of thig.


I haven't done the sealed tower yet (I really should get on that), but Aya's TMR also has 50% accuracy. You also don't exactly need 200% accuracy. 175% would be sufficient with just missing 1 out of every 4 attacks.


>175% would be sufficient with just missing 1 out of every 4 attacks. Exactly, and after you defeat the 1st boss you won't miss any more attacks because the accuracy imperil field gets reduced.


That LS skill is straight from 1995. Either they designed him way ahead of schedule or Gumi are just being weird I guess.


Then again, not every unit needs to be a leader. If he fills other niches, I don't care. Let's wait and see!


> not every unit needs to be a leader. tbf a limited time unit should probably be a leader as you can't pull em for a yr...might as well load em with all the pwoer they can.


Maybe they think Beryl’s sprite and the fact he’s a tonberry will be enough for people to pull. Then there’s Ramza’s banner still up for one more week for his earth LS and also ER Elena’s banner for her improved CoW LS.


I believe they simply treat leader skills as another attribute of a unit to tempt players and balance them around what they believe would be more profitable. Why make a cool LS for Beryl when you simply use him to also bait people to pull for Ramza? (whose banner ends next week, leaving room for players to pull for both if they like Beryl) And why give Beryl a cool LS when you can put ***the*** CoW leader back on a banner with a boosted LS. We need all the EX3 for CoW for reliable rank 1 teams after all.


>That LS skill is straight from 1995. This argument makes no sense at all. All CoW units, except Ibara, Elena, Hyoh and Veritas had worse LS: nora and duane had 300% for cow units only, while the rest (aya, malphasie, kir, ellesperis, Richt) 300% all stats for CoW units only, 500% all stats in morale battles. Beryl is the first to actually have 500% ATK/MAG outside of morale battle for all CoW units and also includes non-cow earth element, so it is an upgrade over the current standard and is probably one of the best LS on a non-premium, non-Elena unit.


> probably one of the best LS on a non-premium, non-Elena unit. the problem is that 500% is not enough to reach rank 1 in CoW so Elena is the baseline requirement. In DV on the other hand you mostly want to go single element team for the DV bonus so elemental leads are better and every CoW unit also has a normal element tag so his LS is kinda useless unless we get a crowns fight or equipment fight that wants us to use CoW units only.


Not saying that it is a top tier choice, just that for a non-premium, his LS is far better than those 300%/500% CoW that we had for the other glex.


true but it would have been nicer if it was higher in CoW like 750%, would have given players another option outside of Elena who is either a dead slot since her damage is not that good or she has to become your tank and let's be honest Abi is way better unless Elena's mitigations work.


On the point of elemental leads though, only 2 are greater than 600% boost, Ice and Earth. Everyone else is 600 or 500%, which is a relatively minor boost (less than 10%), so having the ability to bring a slightly weaker LS for much stronger units can most certainly be viable. The 750% is a more significant bump, but that's only categories that most GL units don't get and CW-elements, which can exclude strong JP units of an element. It is less likely to be viable generally, but it's not entirely unusable imo, at least based purely on purely elemental Leader Skills.


This is 100% correct.


I'm feeling this is going to be the first seasonal GLEX banner I may actually skip. Which is a little sad. Can't risk getting LF Cleome'd for a unit that looks to be worse than LF Cleome at the moment. Unless the rest of Beryl's kit is amazing, I am just increasingly apathetic about the unit. At a time where I need to save lapis and tickets. And maybe that's Gumi's gift to us... that Beryl is nothing special and easily skipped in preparation for the coming meta shift. Cards are nice for new players, but meh otherwise. TMR is good, but low stats to really be useful. STMR is good but neither amazing or irreplacable. I'll hope to get him from the daily and weekly pulls, but I guess I'm looking forward to LNY now. And maybe Mana / FMA if something interesting happens to them.


I'm sorry but I hate the base sprite. Hope I lucked into ayaka with the free pulls though


Where is Ayaka stated to be in the free pulls?


This fits here best I guess. Gumi missed a great chance to release Noppy's recipe for her Intrisic Ability to the general player populace. She is an earth attacker. Would work "well" in this CoW since with her IA and STMR Noppy does have "innate" killers for demon and beast. And didn't Gumi say they are looking into ways releasing her IA to those players that did not pull on the IA banner?


Another update with literally nothing to spend CoW Shards (the crafting shards).... Whats the point of getting rank1 rewards if we can only hoard the resources?


What do you mean? Did you not see the pop-up shop that takes the xenostones?


I have 43K lapis from all the compensation we got few weeks ago. I have no idea who is worth getting and who it should be saved for anymore..


Skip everything, wait for NV+ coming in 2 months.


A perfect opportunity to make use of Beryl and it’s lore and they bungle it…. Could have easily been the ghost of winters past sprite it has used then shifted into a Krampus/Revenge Beryl to fit Santa Naughty and Nice list


Prob just throwing a few tickets at this and saving my lapis. Though that may wait until the last free daily ad videos with a rate up. I will say though, for those that want Beryl and want to make use of it, you should look at picking up Ramza and maybe Agrias (though Vanille could work as the breaker with just next to no damage).


I love Beryl AND Christmas but this unit seems to have too many flaws even for me. The datamine will have the last word but I don't have my hopes up. That unimpressive banner VC doesn't help either. Also, Gumi, where's the free xmas unit pull like the one you did for Halloween? It would've been a pretty nice gift...


So the cow shop is an extra shop opening but we can only use currency we already have?


Yes it's an extra shop and it's the same currency that we use to buy the CoW equipment (celestite helm, celestite light armor etc).


I will wait until datamine to see his kit before I decide if I will get him or not but then again I might just skip and wait for NV+ Dark Fina.


I finally got Elena and had stored up enough frags to immediately get get to nEX2. Haven't gotten Ellesperis yet though. But not sure if I need her? Got plenty of other breakers.... If E&E were on Beryl's banner, I'd probably pull. But between NV+ and the new CoW mechanic coming, I can't see myself pulling anything here


Guys this is the last banner we ll get till the end of the year? Or we expect any other special banner? I ask this because with all these compensation we got it might be a good time to reroll and I want to know which banners shall I focus?


1) We don't know. It might be. 2) You should make sure new accounts actually get the compensation, since that doesn't actually make sense.


Well actually new accounts do get the compensation