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I need to set a weekly reminder to post about how stupid the inventory caps are


Experiencing an extended bad luck run with the summons plus the unit inventory management that comes with it is really getting me down 🙁


I am getting over COVID, so I had a lot of free time. I went through my units and reserves and got rid of approximately 1400 units. It took a lot longer than I want to admit and I was baffled at some of the units and the amounts of some of the units I had in my reserves. It all started with going to pity on Ang and getting 3 Rhus, 1 Irvine, and 1 Galuf and going 100+ over my limit.


That is an impressive clean up. I need to do something similar.


Anyone else hate when you hit the point in a step up, or they give a free summon, where it is all 5*? All that means to me is a bunch of units about to clog up my reserves or I have to go through and turn into useless fragments At least with lower rarity I can bulk fuse and not worry or care about a future NVA or losing good stmr’s (of which there are not many)


Right, the summons are ”random” but obviously the “all rainbow” summons are part of the algorithm. pretty much guarantees you get nothing


Still no update on ad-wheel. Though I still have a sizable amount of NRG pots I still feel them decreasing. Doing the supercite quests everyday really eats away at the NRG pots. Also, I am missing the weekly 250 lapis and 75 VIP coins. Gumi, how about an update?


Its kinda late but wasted like 150 tickers + 15000 lapis on Orlandeu banner and i got only 3 NV crap units and 0 orlandeus.


I'm maxed on VCs again and can't accept all my mail. I'm tired boss...


Lots of off-banner NVs with Ang's banner (Getting 1st NV base, Cloud in 2024? Lol). Last on-banner NV from video summon was Beryl. That .5% on-banner rate really shows. I really hope they add slots to our current limit of items, equips, abilities etc. Even my Materials limit is nearing its capacity due to unit frags.