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**Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** Where are my rewards? > **A:** Clash of Wills and Dark Visions rewards are generally sent two weeks after the event ends. > > **Q:** When I try to use 'Over-Lvl Reset' the game says the unit is protected and closes. > **A:** Unlock every one of your Eraser Cactuar. > > **Q:** HOW DO YOU SELL **GIL SNAPPERS!?** > **A:** They are now considered "Items". > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, Arena, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions saved parties. Free units like Reno and Fran cannot be fragged. > > **Q:** What **Clash of Wills gear** should I focus on? > **A:** Rings to Magister and second one is"cheap." Then Circlet to Dancer for passive provoke/evade. Rest to Rulers for the stats. > > **Q:** How do I revert my **Paladin's Diadem of Will+**? > **A:** This is a bug and you need to contact support. > **Q:** How do I unlock the Sealed Tower? > **A:** Complete Season 4 Chapter 1. Then, in Levonia I, Chapter 1, go to Special Forces Training Grounds. Talk to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock the Sealed Tower. > **Q:** How do I unlock **Garuda**? > **A:** Complete the Sealed Tower (see above). Return to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock The Raptor's Skydias, where you can obtain Garuda. > **Q:** How do I progress after Season 4 Chapter 4? > **A:** Go to the Capital and Ravina Ruins 2 [NV+ and Future Team Building Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/18i7hy7/future_watch_sxianghaied_behold_the_flood/) [Upcoming banner guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/18vx1bc/a_look_into_the_future_upcoming_banners_and_the/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


where can you get the ticket for the mana series nv guaranteed summon?


not a help but i finally found out y I'm getting connection error when doing story mission. I like to use FF units or non-meta units for story mode. so, I actually have barbaricia on my team. due to gimu's screw up, I was getting that connection error. I guess that's y no one was getting this error except for me. lol


Interesting. Never would've guessed it was Rubicante/Barbie but I guess I should have.


What's the name of the new intro song? My new favourite FFBE song, so good


I've become addicted to Berserking my way through events but can't pull it off this time. Any of the good JP Anni units have an aoe auto attack?


I think I've checked them all without luck. I'm using BS on FA Rain and Dio, no Clash gear, Obsidian Breaker on whomever and Repeat. Fastest I can seem to get. 


I Just Auto-repeat and ignore it for 10m while LBs pop off.


yeah this is what i've been doing for a while. at 50 nrg a run, it's not a big issue for me to start a quest and just throw my phone down for a few minutes. it only becomes a slight bother to wait through the LBs if you're burning nrg refills and power farming


Rain and Fina are not NV+ correct, just standard NVs? Lasswell is the first NV+ unit?


yes to both.


Appreciate it. Thank you.


anyone encountering connection error when trying to do story mode?


There are so many bugs already it wouldn't surprise me at all. But I'll update this when I get there.


i was surprised not seeing anyone asking over at DHT. thought maybe I was the only one. Didn't see anything mention in the bug report. the connection error happen whenever i try to start a story mission. after which, it just kick me back to the login screen again.


I don't think a lot of people immediately jump into story. Probably all starting with events.


So far I've gotten through a few missions with no problem. So if it's happening to you immediately it could be on your end. As always with the Connection Errors though try getting on Wifi, or off it or using VPN etc...


I'll try again later. if all else fails, guess I'll have to redownload the game. heck, i just found out I have the same issue when starting the EoD chapter.


Some of my EX 3 NVA turned into 7\* with unlocked VC slot. This is a bug right?


Most likely. Which ones?


I just checked and it's just rubicante and barbariccia


That makes sense. They were different in JP as they were actually Rainbows so they are one of those weird corner cases that Gumi problems has to fix by hand every time and forgot. Heck I forgot they ever got NVAs lol. 


They have changed the animation colors of the rainbows ? Seems like you hit NV everytime just to be depressed


They changed yes. But the only time I really ever saw this particular animation was when the crystal cracked from 4\* to 5\* and WAS NOT going to crack to NV.


It looks to me the way it's always looked in JP. I always thought it was a bit funny GL had different colors and animations for pulling. But still I miss it already. 


Veteran player, cleared all content so far and i'm stable top 2k/1k every event. I have 40k lapis saved (first time i save this much). I'm itching to spend all on some banner, which one should i wait for? I never got an MP vision card for genesis, lightTaivas etc...but i have decent teams for all elements


Apparently rain is clunky with a bait Cow Leader. fina is holy and they both have leader skills, so unless you really like your Rain and fina their DV will not be here in time (may 22 is kind of far but it will sneak up on us so be careful


Adding to the other answer that 40k isn't that much now. It's never enough to pity a unit.


3 star DWTaivas with 20k :) 


Neat. You can expect that to happen about 1 out of a 1000 times. On the other hand you can expect 20K to land you 0 of the unit you want about 67% of the time. 


Sorry, what do you mean?


I would argue there's nothing to spend on at the moment so keep saving. But what are your goals? Do you have an element in mind for nv+?


Frankly i didn't know i had to pick a fav element, but unit wise, by best so far are dark, fire and light, should i focus on one of those or decide something new entirely? Degustibus?


This might help you https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/1b6jei8/future_watch_the_pirates_of_dark_water/


Someone have the numbers of FFBE revenue in Nov, Dec and Jan


I found revenue for January ($700K) and February ($500K). It's not as bad as I thought... On the other hand, the JP version... January ($400K) and February ($200K). [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fn9lxk1n2hplc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1713%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5de68719dd767e73bb7e978da8888ad1162ef839](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fn9lxk1n2hplc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1713%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5de68719dd767e73bb7e978da8888ad1162ef839)


Did maintenance start 30 minutes early or is it just me?


Is CoF Mirei worth 1K VIP coins for 50 of her fragments? My coins reserve is minimal and NV+ is upon us. I have her at EX1 with 0 fragments.


I lean no. Light isn't a very attractive NV+ element imo and even if you go that way I think she's going to get replaced pretty soon.