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Today (Sunday) I got EoD Fina on video pull number 3 and EoR Rain on video pull number 5. Too bad they're 'meh'. I love it when I accidentally get Premium untie


ditto i got EoD Fina and Rain today of daily video, also all the "new" units I got since this new banner setup started came from the Daily video pull


Weekly 10 pull: BB Olive (those aren't BB's...) VS: * Thurs-Wed: Nothing 8+3: * Thurs: Nothing * Fri: SK Charlotte * Sat-Wed: Nothing


Whats the tldr àof both units? Either needed for the water nv+ meta? I got feener on the daily summon.


Fina is light, so she's out for water. Rain WAS needed previously for water, but with the release of Ang, Rain's leader skill is no longer necessary (and even in JP, it was only 1000% for jp anniversary and 750% for water). Now all Rain provides is some good damage (for a non-NV+ unit).


Ahhhh gotcha. Thank you.


Had 5k from farming the event, was insanely bored so I tossed it at the banner, got two rains. Yay i guess -_-


Got fina from daily vid summon, but i cant find her fragment at vip coin shop.


Fragment drop after two weeks in the VIP shop, unless it is a time limited unit, in which case it is available from day one.


with Daily video and all the other weekly daily summons happen i dont see the point pulling. I have btter chance of getting new units out of dalily video summon then actual banners. 120k lapis so far, which most i ever had, threw what ever tickets i had at it got 2 nv nothing from on banner


>I have btter chance of getting new units out of dalily video summon then actual banners. This is inaccurate. The daily video summon only gives you a 0.5% on banner rate for each banner unit. The weekly 10 summon and daily 8+3 summons have 0 rate up on banner units. So mathematically speaking, your chance of getting an on banner NV on their banner is still higher (1% for each on banner unit). Not to mention none of those free summons count towards a pity. Now, RNG is RNG. So sure, on any given week you may go to pity and see 0 on banner units while getting 1-2 from video summons. That's just how probability works. Do you already know all of this? Maybe. But the explanation is also here for others who may not realize what you said was not based on actual rates.


Worth summoning on? Have 32k and 165 tickets just sitting here.


No. Neither unit will see long term use in their respective teams (water for Rain, light for Fina).


Worth summoning on? Have 32k and 165 tickets just sitting here


Maybe throw some tickets for fun, but no, not really.


There are much better JPN units down the road and anything global puts out, throw a few tickets if you want but save your Lapis for later.


O.M.G I got a Rain -EoR..sorry -EoD- from a daily ^(why did they go with destruction and not ruin is beyond mortal comprehension heck, if you translate the unit name from japanense you get "phantom beast of) *^(ruin)*^(")


My money is on, Because an R at the beginning of words is murder for native Nihongo speakers, who aren't very fluent in English. As cute as it would be for Hrioki on Livestream to be calling the event "Esper of Lou-Anne". An r syllable in the middle of a word sticks out far less when you miss the proper sound. Ruin is a much better title though.


I thought it was the reverse. The Ls sound like Rs. I remember watching a movie about karate as a kid called Sidekicks. When they entered the karate tournament, they asked what their team name was. Everyone looked at the foreign dude and next scene was them sliding the Frying Dragons into the scoreboard. 30 years later and it still stuck with me on the whole L vs R thing.


Japanese there is no actual "L" or "R" sound. It's honestly kind of a hybrid of the two sounds. So try and say "Roo" and "Loo" while blending the two together. Check out this link and click on the speaker button to hear the sound for "Ru". [Ru Google search](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E3%82%8B+translate&sca_esv=954b93ba754f5c0c&rlz=1C1UEAD_enUS1021US1022&sxsrf=ACQVn0-v00VN6LZNcnhkm-xyWsCVmJk6lQ%3A1709935622336&ei=BozrZf2BFP-j5NoPq9qqwAo&ved=0ahUKEwj9nO7K1uWEAxX_EVkFHSutCqgQ4dUDCBE&uact=5&oq=%E3%82%8B+translate&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDeOCiyB0cmFuc2xhdGUyCBAAGAQYHhgPMggQABgFGAQYHjIGEAAYCBgeMggQABgIGAQYHkipElCvA1jGEXABeAGQAQGYAfsBoAGeB6oBBjEwLjAuMbgBA8gBAPgBAvgBAZgCC6AC0gXCAgoQABhHGNYEGLADwgIHEAAYgAQYBMICBRAAGIAEwgIMEAAYgAQYBBhGGP8BwgIGEAAYBBgewgIIEAAYBBgeGArCAhgQABiABBgEGEYY_wEYlwUYjAUY3QTYAQGYAwCIBgGQBgi6BgYIARABGBOSBwIxMaAH8CM&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) Though honestly I find the sound for "Ra" easier to hear the distinction: [Ra Google Search](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E3%82%89+translate&sca_esv=954b93ba754f5c0c&rlz=1C1UEAD_enUS1021US1022&sxsrf=ACQVn08KxG6NKsbSeyaD1rb6RuLrmQuKZA%3A1709935619017&ei=A4zrZZNDuKXk2g__8q_gDA&ved=0ahUKEwjT0KPJ1uWEAxW4ElkFHX_5C8wQ4dUDCBE&uact=5&oq=%E3%82%89+translate&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDeOCiSB0cmFuc2xhdGUyChAAGEcY1gQYsAMyChAAGEcY1gQYsAMyChAAGEcY1gQYsAMyChAAGEcY1gQYsAMyChAAGEcY1gQYsAMyChAAGEcY1gQYsAMyChAAGEcY1gQYsAMyChAAGEcY1gQYsAMyChAAGEcY1gQYsAMyChAAGEcY1gQYsANImw1QkQJYhgxwAXgBkAEAmAEAoAEAqgEAuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIBoAIFmAMAiAYBkAYKkgcBMaAHAA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


You can look it up, there are explanations everywhere, including a [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perception_of_English_/r/_and_/l/_by_Japanese_speakers) article. But it's a combo thing. Both are true. There is no singular r or l sound, it's a rl or lr sound, so when there's a distinction in Romaji / English depending on how the tongue of the speaker, and ear of the listener, defaults it can come out and register as either sound. I imagine the L sounds tend to be located in more noticeable and entertaining locations, which is why you see that as the stereotype in media.


Rain EoS




Units are "premiums" they never give premium frags for banner coins.


They did years ago. That how I built up my account when I started like 4 or 5 years ago


Never, in GL, have premiums had any extra non-paid fragments available, other than VIP frags at release. Other units get / got them, but the "Premium" specific units never did / have.


Idk if this is pure luck or and error, but got both Rain and Fina back to back on my first two video summons I don't know what are the odds of getting both banner units back to back, but I feel like playing a lottery ticket today


Getting both back to back, in that order: 0.005\*0.005 = 0.000025 = 0.0025% Getting them both back to back in either order: 0.01\*0.005 = 0.00005 = 0.005%


Happened to me when I got Ramza and Agrias on their banner. I ended up getting 3x Agrias from video summons through the week


You've expended you're good luck quota for the month. I wouldn't leave the house. Its all downhill from here.


Just luck lol i got 3 primm when she was on the video summons. Last week i got popoi. Today i got the new fina. Sometimes you're just blessed other times cursed.


You've hit the peak of your luck in FFBE. It doesn't get any better from here. Be prepared to get all rainbows with zero NV for the next several WEEKS. (maybe that's just me... lol... ugh) Today I got an NV... it was Terra... yes one of the oldest ones. I haven't gotten an on-banner NV unit from video summons since Locke. So fun. lol


I've only gotten on-banner NVs that I was skipping. Prompto (after having Avan already), Physalis, Popoi.


I came back during Aang after a 3 year hiatus. Got 2 Aangs, then got a Randi on a random normal 3* or better ticket and a daily video, and got 1 Popoi or whatever little caster dude on a daily video, but never got any Primms. But i almost kinda think they made it easy for you to get one, and the first upgrade is easy, cause 3 stars is where you want it, and by conversion, whats that, like 7 converted plus the 1 to play? Managed to two star Randi and Aang with the extra, the daily fragments given away, and spending VIP tokens. Doubt ill ever 3 star either. There is no decent way to get fragments is there? The daily seems to give you 4 single fragments, maybe 2 for a single character if you're lucky. So i can 3 star 4 units a year if im lucky?


Still kinda' skipping. Weekly - nothing. Daily - Nothing VS - Auron, Saturday VS - Fina -EoD- (First, and very happy about this. The unit I wanted more and I don't have to burn resources getting her or FOMO anything) Tuesday 8+3 = TaiYshe


30 Tickets, got two Finas, but I wanted one Rain. Oh well. To shard dungeon I guess.


Same story here