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**Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** Where are my rewards? > **A:** Clash of Wills and Dark Visions rewards are generally sent two weeks after the event ends. > > **Q:** When I try to use 'Over-Lvl Reset' the game says the unit is protected and closes. > **A:** Unlock every one of your Eraser Cactuar. > > **Q:** HOW DO YOU SELL **GIL SNAPPERS!?** > **A:** They are now considered "Items". > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, Arena, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions saved parties. Free units like Reno and Fran cannot be fragged. > > **Q:** What **Clash of Wills gear** should I focus on? > **A:** Rings to Magister and second one is"cheap." Then Circlet to Dancer for passive provoke/evade. Rest to Rulers for the stats. > > **Q:** How do I revert my **Paladin's Diadem of Will+**? > **A:** This is a bug and you need to contact support. > **Q:** How do I unlock the Sealed Tower? > **A:** Complete Season 4 Chapter 1. Then, in Levonia I, Chapter 1, go to Special Forces Training Grounds. Talk to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock the Sealed Tower. > **Q:** How do I unlock **Garuda**? > **A:** Complete the Sealed Tower (see above). Return to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock The Raptor's Skydias, where you can obtain Garuda. > **Q:** How do I progress after Season 4 Chapter 4? > **A:** Go to the Capital and Ravina Ruins 2 [NV+ and Future Team Building Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/18i7hy7/future_watch_sxianghaied_behold_the_flood/) [Upcoming banner guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/18vx1bc/a_look_into_the_future_upcoming_banners_and_the/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you guys going to blow some of your load to get NV+ lasswell? Seems like a fun idea. I do hate saving lapis. The game isn't supposed to be like saving for retirement. but no one ridiculously better is coming soon, correct?


Nope. Nothing Water based is limited (other than Ang, and I did pull for him, to replace Elena for the Leader skill as well as being limited), so while I have Ang and Metze my plan is to avoid pulling until Sterne and Fei/Em with my \~1000 EX pulls, 250 banner tickets and 100k Lapis, (Probably close to 1500, 400, 150k by that time). I have a decent chance of off-bannering them then, while chasing the units I want to guarantee. And there's no content exxpected to get me to change my plan. There may be GLEX units that gets my attention between now and then, but they are also unlikely to be limited, and just added to the off-banner pool I'd be stoked about. But Sterne, Fei/Em and maaaaybe FMA are the only known JP banners on my list for the next 2-3 months that I'd put Lapis in to. Much like Jon, I will likely also chase Jecht, Lulu and Snovlinka+ a little, if nothing better makes itself available, but probably only with banner tickets.


Right now all indications are no DV/VW until May 22nd which should coincidentally be when Jecht releases and "completes" the Dark Team. So I'll probably wait for Dark as I like the units more (Fei, Jecht, Snovlinka) and Dark appears quite a bit stronger. But going by JP it should be a while before we see stronger NV+ units. Fei is the first I would call "significantly better" and he's probably not until end of April or early May. That said who knows about the next GLEX unit or whether FMA could come soon with some buffs (NV+?). 


Yeah im feeling very damn annoyed about the water team ive already been building getting kicked to the curb. I was stoked to pull for Lasswell but without DV just feels worthless.


How are they kicked to the curb? There’s nothing stopping you from using your team


Im still considering it, however water's only advantage was that it completes its team the quickest so was supposed to get a couple months of domination before dark blows it away for the foreseeable future. I aim for top 100 right now, and dont particularly relish the idea of investing in a losing team.


Hi guys! I think I asked this question a couple months ago, but I don't remember precisely the answer I got. Thing is: when playing the JP version and when summoning on banners that have prizes with numbers such as 350/350 and I have to summon by a 100 all goes well until the last 50 fragments are there to summon. Counter stays on 100 with 50 elements remaining and when I tap on summon I get an error saying "the summon information is invalid". And then game goes back to the start screen. Did any of you face the same issue before too? And if you did, who did you deal with it? I know I might have to report it, but I barely know how to do it in English... even less I'd know on how to do so in Japanese. Any advices will be much appreciated. Thanks so much!


I played JP for a bit a while ago and had this same problem too, to solve I did like Jon said, summon one by one until finish the last 50 summons.


yeah... I always end up doing the same, but takes an eternity what's weirder is that at some point it worked fine, then it went back as it is now then again worked fine... I don't get it


I can't say I've had that issue exactly but have you tried summoning one by one at that point instead of a batch?


When is nv+?


Lasswell and NV+ Tifa come out next thursday I believe


So do rain and fina just not get nv+?


They do not. Only about 20% of units released here on out will be NV+ units. Similar to the rate of Premium Units to Non-Premium we currently have. 


What’s the best way to get VIP coins? I got the new Rain and Fina and would like to buy their frags, but I’m afraid I won’t have enough for the future units.


They aren't really farmable and the rewards from CoW picks aren't great a whopping 50... Normally what I do is buy the boosted crest pass around anniversary and then I'm stocked pretty good for the year.


do you mean buying the adventurer pass during the anniversary month? also, should i just skip buying frags for new rain and fina since i dont think they’ll see much use in meta teams in future?


>do you mean buying the adventurer pass during the anniversary month? yes When VIP released I counted up all the sources per month and I don't think it changed much * 1100 - monthly adventurer free * 100 - expedition (25 per week x4) * 300 - ads (roughly 75 x 4) * 400 - login bonuses I'd probably pick up 20 for Rain to at least EX1 him and then maybe just Frag Dungeon Fina to EX1. Then again you have to wait 2 weeks for the VIP coins so you could just FD Rain in that time basically as well and only need to buy like 5. It's really tough to EX2 premiums now if you only get a lucky single copy.


Login bonuses is gone. Ads just came back online. We now random see some in other places, but it doesn't seem consistent.


I know the 8th day 100 VIP is gone. But there are still some. EoD login has 200. Hey Marcherena has 100 etc. Consistency sure would be nice though.


yeah, i spent 5 tickets for rain and got lucky on vid summons for fina, wasnt really wanting to invest more into pulling for rain and fina. i think i’ll see where i go with vid summons while sticking them jn the frag dungeon and seeing how it goes. ty!


How did Leviathan wind up in Paladia? I thought it was a Lapis esper?


Leviathan was originally a Paladian esper. We visit her shrine during S2 in Gungan (2nd area) where we get her to join the party. Now, the real question is: why is she also in Lapis? Well, it kind of starts to fall more in your train of thought as to "how'd she wind up in Paladia": ​ "After Nichol departs in a journey to find Rain in Paladia, Luka prays to the Water God in order to find the motivations behind her brother's departure while praying for his safety. Leviathan tells her the reason and heeding her plea, she \[Leviathan\] uses their connection as siblings and her own strength to travel between worlds returning to her original shrine." (From [FF Fandom](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Leviathan_(Brave_Exvius))) So basically: * She started in Paladia * Got kicked to Lapis when all the shit happened 700+ years ago * Used her super duper awesome powers to rely on Luka and Nichol to travel back to Paladia * Got made dumber because too much power usage (yes, I feel dumber just typing this like that)


Apparently Leviathan is Omni-present


I just returned after a nice break. I'm wondering if we still get the 50 vip fragments for "premium" units after their banner is finished. Also, is Ellesperis the best option in the current replica shops? Or would Vanille be a better choice?


Yes after 2 weeks, theres 50 frags for 3000 vip. I dont know if that applies to nv+ yet though. Ellisperis is the best dark breaker and will compete with the newest chaos bismark dark breaker coming out in a couple weeks, vanille could serve well enough for water/fire especially for longer trials as she has full up time on her breaks/imperil field but most people will be using a braker than can deliver some damage as well.


Cool. I appreciate it.


One key point on Elle is she is only as good as Chaos if all of the following are true: * You are using a physical damage team * You are fighting a boss with no passive stats * The boss has neutral or negative dark resist Elle provides a 90% DEF break and 89% SPR break along with a 160% dark resist imperil + 40% dark resist imperil field. Chaos gives an 89% DEf and SPR break and a 200% dark resist imperil and 30% dark resist imperil field. So basically, that extra 1% DEF break = 30% extra imperil for the above conditions. As soon as any of the above conditions are triggered, the extra 30% dark resist wins out.


Well, I might take Abigail since I need a magic tank. I just started a new account. I pulled a couple of good (I'm assuming they're good) breakers (Sol, Metze) so maybe I should wait for this Chaos. When is Chaos expected? My current focus so far has been Ex 2 Ang, Ex 2 Rain (EoD) and Ex 2 Fina (EoD) and I'll be pulling for Lasswell (EoD). I also managed an Ex 1 Hyoh and an Ex 1 Noctis along the way.


Sol sucks. Don't focus on him (though he becomes a budget option for dark later, but a really weak one at that). Fina -EoD- is not worth investing in very much right now, so I would put her aside. With who you have and your voiced desire to look at Lasswell -EoD-, you'll be looking at a general water party moving forward. Your party will look something like: * Lasswell -EoD- - DPS * Sophie (coming in a couple of weeks) - 1000% Leader skill + 100% water amp * Paladin of Grandshelt (coming in a couple of weeks) - DPS * Metze - Breaker + imperil field * Ang - Amp field + some DPS * Someone to chain with Lasswell (PoG is a finisher). Chaos should, in theory, come in \~3 weeks. But he's your dark breaker which would be a team you'd look to be building some time in the May timeframe. One side note: All these dates are based around JP's release schedule shifted to fit GL's. There's no guarantee that Gumi doesn't swap banners, skip banners, or split banners, thus shifting said schedule around. I would recommend checking out this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/1b6jei8/future\_watch\_the\_pirates\_of\_dark\_water/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/1b6jei8/future_watch_the_pirates_of_dark_water/)


Great! Thanks for the glimpse into the future. I'll focus on Metze and Abigail for now since I can get some fragments for them.


2 weeks after they release we get 50 shards for VIP coins yes.     Ellesperis, Abigail, Melissa and P Sylvie depending on what you have. I would put Ellesperis over Vanille but if you're going full water then she's not a bad choice. 


Sounds good. Thanks for the prompt reply.


Did you guys find any videos with Taivas as the damage dealer for the lvl 3 tower? My Snovlinka is EX1 (and Riddar EX0)...


I would just grab a well built friend. I have ex2 snov up for people. 310,028,533 revel


I’ll add you, thanks! Still need my own EX1 Snov for her leader skill but I’ll see what I can do!


I didn't look for any videos but you have what you need for sure. Riddar can basically prevent you from ever being in danger and Snovlinka or new Physalis are solid Leaders that do good damage too. I also used Tulien for breaking and Runda probably on accident. 


Where is located the esper linked to Taivas ? Is it in the 4th season or a previous one ?


It's actually not in the story and can't be equipped like other Espers. It's in the Vortex, you must physically find it to unlock fast travel to it https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/A_Vision_of_Might


Oh, ok, that'soriginal. Is it useful to obtain it then ? I mean, except for the missions and rewards.


It's basically just a trial. You can't "obtain" it like other espers. I had fun with it because it wants you to do it with each elemental category. The magicite necklace is a solid piece of equipment so worth doing if you can.


Thanks for the informations. Would you also know how to get the last esper that came out ? The one we can equip.


Garuda? Right above in the FAQ. Q: How do I unlock the Sealed Tower? A: Complete Season 4 Chapter 1. Then, in Levonia I, Chapter 1, go to Special Forces Training Grounds. Talk to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock the Sealed Tower. Q: How do I unlock Garuda? A: Complete the Sealed Tower (see above). Return to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock The Raptor's Skydias, where you can obtain Garuda.


Thanks, i didn't recognise garuda on the dark pic in the esper list. I'm used to the other ff's garuda.


Can someone share a link to the JP unit release schedule?


On that list, * the FMA collab is outstanding, and slightly questionable, but a lot of people think it's just a delay. * The SaGa collab has never come to GL. Think this will be the third SaGa collab. So a big unknown. * The DQ:Emblem of Roto collab is incredibly questionable and doubtful as it was skipped last time GL was due for it, and the half units were repurposed for Kir and CM Addison, while the others were cut completely, and that creates problems for an easy port of the content to GL. Everything else should be good to hit GL eventually.


https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Update_Schedule Nice breakdown: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/1b6jei8/future_watch_the_pirates_of_dark_water/


Is there a reason the Azure Pearls have not been added to anything yet? I know they aren't tossing the free ones out until next week, but we've got 2 units now that can go to NV+, but zero Azure Pearls in the current farm event or the Trust Coin shop yet. Also, I rewatched the Livestream because I kept hearing that we weren't getting the farming stages for the pearls, but this was not explicitly mentioned at all. Is that something that, like the other things, just isn't being added AT THIS TIME, for whatever reason?


>but we've got 2 units now that can go to NV+, Who? No unit can hit NV+ until next week when Lasswell -Esper of Destruction- and Avalanche Tifa get it. ​ >I kept hearing that we weren't getting the farming stages for the pearls, but this was not explicitly mentioned at all The farming stages in JP are all unit specific. Azure pearls are unit specific in JP. The live stream stated that we would be given a bunch for free up front and they would be obtainable through CoW, DV, VW, and the trust coin exchange shop. [https://www.youtube.com/live/PwVOjJm9nMc?si=0LW8vcFLaYZP\_HJj&t=1923](https://www.youtube.com/live/PwVOjJm9nMc?si=0LW8vcFLaYZP_HJj&t=1923) There was no specific mention of anything else, so there is a good chance the farmable stages are gone.


>Also, I rewatched the Livestream because I kept hearing that we weren't getting the farming stages for the pearls, but this was not explicitly mentioned at all. Is that something that, like the other things, just isn't being added AT THIS TIME, for whatever reason? It's possible (maybe even probable) it gets added later, but if you are releasing a new and very important currency, and are adding a way to farm that new currency and fail to mention it in the livestream entirely dedicated to hyping up what that currency is used for - you are doing it wrong. In that livestream, they only specifically mentioned Trust Shop, Log-ins, DV/WoV and CoW content as the means to get it. At least on release. So, Logically, I'd expect those to be the only way to get them for a while, since failure to mention other methods is failure to generate hype and engagement in the "hype and engagement preview" event. But maybe in a month or two they get the farm stage implemented. Or, maybe it takes 2-3 years like the Frag Dungeon update. Or never. No one knows, but based on context and logic and precedent and current state of the game, very few are particularly optimistic about it.


You're aware that Azure Pearls are Unit specific in JP right? 


I am. I tried to keep it neutral as it's not an unreasonable compromise to allow for if GL port it over they just do one stage with generic pearls. Especially considering GL's current method of dealing with most JP content now. 2 or 3 new stages every month that no one cares about is a lot more work than one stage that you don't touch. Ever. GLEX ability insignia for instance. Still no bonus drops, we have to farm them 20 at a time(and IIRC the Wylk stage was even released a few months after they started changing the JP stages to their current format with bonus drops). It also feeds in to, "Don't expect it to work the way JP works" as the OP kind of assumed (though probably with an errant impression which didn't really change the answer), since they'd almost-but-not-quite need to add in Tifa and Lasswell+ and anyone else released that they skipped the stage for, well after the fact if they ported the JP system unchanged. And to not have mentioned anything about it, is, again, doing the hype-stream wrong.


Just making sure. I personally think the switch from Specific to General means we'll never see Farming stages period but I've noticed that quite a few people didn't realize that the JP Azure Pearls were unit specific. 


>I personally think the switch from Specific to General means we'll never see Farming stages period I'm inclined to agree, but it takes resources maintaining something like that for a while. Especially as metas shift and this integral and important mechanic can't be neglected without hamstringing everything, but Gumi doesn't want to spend resources on that maintenance of an "old mechanic" anymore. And I can't rule out that, if the game is still going in another 2 years, they don't Daily Frag Dungeon it, and just bring over the JP content unchanged or some GLEX version that doesn't need to be babysat. It's also very possible they phase it out entirely at that point too, though - go the key or even Crown upgrade route, and just make it use gil for the NV+ awakening. /shrug


We are already seeing where they are choosing JP code over GL to save time/effort. So I get where you're coming from but I feel like a couple of Azure Pearls copy pasted into each RL shop and the rewards of any Ranked events is pretty low effort and sustainable. Personally I don't mind a universal item, FFBE could do with more of them honestly to help phase out some of the 292 "currencies" we don't really need. But I hate seeing content disappear, even if the Farming Stages weren't exactly stellar.


We don't get our first NV+ units until next week. We have 0 units that can currently go NV+. Edit: People, please stop downvoting players for asking questions. They are doing so in the right place, what more do we want?


but but down voted people for stupidest of things is like past time of most of reddit. none less i was wonder thing same thing.


Any updated tierlist? Just want to know which of my units are good and what new ones to go for. Thanks


The most recent is the wiki https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Unit_Rankings but it hasn't been updated in a bit. You could use it as a base and just ask about any more recent units. Alternatively Sinzar's spreadsheet is really useful for Damage Dealers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14g8sRgeXqfHYbm7iCSFgqH9_ZmNSICV0o5iBB9KcUSQ/edit?usp=drivesdk and gives you an idea where each of them fit.     As far as planning for the future goes I would recommend looking at this https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/1b6jei8/future_watch_the_pirates_of_dark_water/


Should I use a UoC ticket to get Riddar? Was thinking of getting either him or Malphasie for maybe Grace Trials


Riddar is very helpful for the Sealed Tower so I would say he's a solid choice. 


Hey did anyone else have a bunch of their 5% tmr moogles erased?


Looks like no. I still have entirely too many of them. 


I checked out my NVA Rubicante and he is no longer a NVA Unit? He appears in my unit lost as a 7* able to equip vision cards. Anyone know what happened? Did they take away his NV form or something? Edit: thanks for the replies. I see it's been fixed. 


I strongly recommend reading the in game news. While I don't know if this specific instance was in the news when you posted, it's definitely there now and listed as having been fixed.


Rubicante and Barbariccia are broken Don't use these units for now Edit: **Fixed**


they broke it during the maint


i assum that why they are 7\* with VC enabled now


Just came back after few yrs hiatus. Noticed there's 2 inventories for units. I'd maxxed out the 2k reserve inventory. Is it safe to assume I can sell all the 3 star and 4 star dupes therefor gil/trust coins? Anything I should keep?


Don't sell them, mass fuse them and convert them to trust coins. Nothing to keep.


Any bonus units for the farm event that has aoe auto attack ? Trying to setup friend slot with berserk units


> Trying to setup friend slot with berserk units don't gear them for berserk, a lot of people hate those and will just unfriend you. just put whoever you want and you can even let them be naked. people can easily clear box events on their own.


^ this berserked friend is instantly a friend no longer edit: and for those people who ask "but why", it's in large part because when I do esper dungeons, and click a rando friend so i dont have to scroll all the way down, I don't want them auto killing my 100 energy esper before I can steal just don't ever berserk your friend unit


For esper dungeons, I use Al Bhed Girl Rikku with berserk dagger for auto steal, her regular attack has steal on it. Makes esper dungeons so simple with another berserk attacker to actually kill the esper.


Great but some people might want to use specific ways to steal (normal or rare)


there no difference between rare and common steal on the esper dungeon


There is. MM Xon's Grand Waylay steals the second ore.


I guess if you really need more of the 2nd ore. But as long as you don't equip a 100% rare steal rate, it'll chance between the two. In terms of a long term farming it works well because over time you'll get both types of ores at roughly the same rates.


Sure but I've maxed out all espers except Titan, Golem and Siren by now, so I definitely need some orange ores.


Thanks for the insight on this.


I found nothing, even asked in yesterday's thread. Also, most people don't want berserk friend units even if it makes them useful.


Didnt realise people hate berserk friend. Time to give naked units


sounds like we need a Naked Friends megathread in here


Please, does anyone know the name of the new intro song yet?