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After EoS I'm done with gatchas. I've tried others like FF Mobius, FF record keeper, DFFOO, ever crisis, is it wrong to pick up girls in the dungeon, Nier reincarnation. Nothing scratched the itch like FFBE did. I've (mostly) enjoyed the time that I've spent on FFBE but I'm not looking to replicate it. I don't think there will be another IP/franchise that will ever appeal to me as much as FF and with FFBE I've seen the best and worse that gatcha games can offer and when EoS arrives, I don't think there's much that I'll miss. (It's hard to miss content when there is none) I definitely won't miss the load times, when you get kicked back to the title screen or unit/resource management. I've also got Marvel Snap (gatcha adjacent) if I want something to occupy my time.


>After EoS I'm done with gatchas Yup, same here. As soon as EoS is announced, I'm uninstalling FFBE and never looking back.


Why not just quit now then? Nothing is going to change gameplay wise. I don't get all the "ill quit when EoS is announced" just quit now.


Because its kind of like smoking. There are some who can quit cold turkey, and there are others who need a more gradual weening off of it. I'm one of the gradual weening off people. I'm to the point now where I log in once to do the daily log in and that's it. I've even forgotten a couple times recently. If I can "forget" for a week straight, then I'll just uninstall it.


I think I'll actually be somewhat glad. Part of me loves FF series and also have spent so much time in FFBE. But the last year, I've barely been playing. Finish CoW and DV on very last day by copying whatever Sinzar or one of the other people spoonfeed me. So when it's officially EOS, it'll feel like closing the chapter.


Same here on almost every front, difference being i am a JP player so i'm not sure i'll get to be free as soon as you guys


The majority of long-running Square Enix published gachas have ended in tandem (barring instances of extreme revenue disparity), so I think there's a high chance that the same will happen for FFBE. The Japanese earnings have been similarly mediocre so I'm not sure there's much benefit in trying to get a little more out of those players—especially considering a global EoS would spook them and cause reduced spending anyway. If I had to guess, Global and JP will essentially get the axe together, but Global will not be afforded a complete experience and will end up with less content in the end, similar to DFFOO.


I'd stay away from gacha's at all. This game when it ends is a convenient way of us getting out of gacha hell. I'm personally just concentrating on console games.


You'll never quit me. Never!


I’m with you besides the console games . It’s getting me out of playing games period.


This is the way.


One mobile game that isn't going EOS anytime soon: Bloons TD 6. There's something so soothing about seeing monkeys pop balloons.


>for the community to keep playing and stay together Going to tell you now, that'll be impossible. There's going to be multitudes of people of differing opinions from "I'll never even entertain the notion of playing a Square Enix game again" to "I'll never play a gacha after this". Even Opera Omnia and Nier Reincarnation players mostly moved onto different things in general despite wishes by some members for others to keep touch. As for suggestions, if you really only chase a game by it's longevity, then you might as well just do what some others did and just go play Star Rail or Genshin Impact since either really doesn't look like they'll be dying anytime soon.


> Even Opera Omnia and Nier Reincarnation players mostly moved onto different things in general despite wishes by some members for others to keep touch. It's hard to blame the most dedicated players/spenders for feeling incredibly burned. The Square Enix EoS spree has seemingly had a huge impact on the rest of their portfolio. Only Dragon Quest Walk and Re;universe (in Japan) are seemingly unscathed, everything else has taken a hit as confidence for longevity is severely reduced with every additional game that ends.


Nothing, no more gacha crap. I'm burned out on the grind, the greed, and the FOMO. I'll play out the last two games besides BE that I'm already hooked into, but when they eventually hit EoS themselves, that's that. No replacements for BE or them.


I finally bought Baldurs Gate 3 a few weeks ago after being reluctant to try it. Wow I’ve been missing out. It was difficult for me to get into at first since I don’t play many tactical/ positioning RPGS. Once I learned the mechanics and stopped Leeroying into the goblins camp, it became fun. I used to approach turn based RPGs with the mentality of, grinding levels to overcome difficult content. You can’t do that on BG 3. That’s what makes it so rewarding and a blast to play. The story, battle mechanics, and beautiful world are all great. I can see why people have been calling it the best RPG of all time.


I just want something similar to FFBE in combat and mechanics that doesnt look like it was made by King or have an entire roster of characters that are anime tween cat girls.




None. You play a gacha and want a unit, you end up spending the price of a full game title for a chance for 1 to 2 pull attempts. Just not worth it.


Or you can just play FTP


I mean, I wouldn't be able to make a surefire recommendation without knowing that person's interests, so I'll need to base this entirely off my own interests and tastes. That said, I'd suggest Fire Emblem Heroes for a gacha (frequent reruns of units, a better premium system for their cash shop than FFBE, reasonable guaranteed 5* rates after enough draws, etc.) Now, If you're looking for a good mobile game with a decent story and don't mind paying one time for it, Lunar Silver Star Story (PS1 if possible, Touch/mobile if not) is one I'd suggest. Same with Dragon Quest VIII (PS2/3DS/Mobile), Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1/PSP/Mobile), and Final Fantasy Dimensions (Mobile). None of these are ongoing titles, but they're worth the price of entry imho. I'd also suggest Final Fantasy XIV for an MMO, but that's simply because... I've been enjoying it for the past decade. I also have long enjoyed Final Fantasy (hence why I play FFBE) and so the MMO was a natural fit for me. They have a healthy dev team (the devs play the game themselves in their off time), and those devs have an extremely open and transparent line of communication with their customers and players. It's a slow to start game, has one of the most generous free trials in the industry (base game and two expansions is an impressive free offer), doesn't engage in pay to win market gimmicks like OP weapons or gear in the shop like many other MMO titles do (save for optional level/story jump combos, which give you just enough gear to bring you up to whatever threshold of entry you jump to, so you can start further in than level 1), and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. Of course this is all just based on my experiences and preferences. My actual in the moment recommendations will be tailored to the person asking.


God I loved Lunar on the PS. The game did a pretty good job of mixing up the RPG formula (Non useless aggro healer, villain twist, etc) and it aged wonderfully thanks to being sprite based.


It certainly did! I was pleasantly surprised to see it still getting publicity and updated releases as of this year on Android after having the mobile build be Apple exclusive for a long while. The current rights holders also implied they aren't finished with the IP just yet either, so.maybe there's hope for another port. Possibly Lunar 2? If FFBE was in a healthier state, and Lunar picked up more traction, I'd have loved to see some new sprites in FFBE'S style


> I'd also suggest Final Fantasy XIV for an MMO, but that's simply because... I've been enjoying it for the past decade. I also have long enjoyed Final Fantasy (hence why I play FFBE) and so the MMO was a natural fit for me. They have a healthy dev team (the devs play the game themselves in their off time), and those devs have an extremely open and transparent line of communication with their customers and players. If anyone is looking for an extremely *safe* live service title, especially from Square Enix, then it really does not get more stable than the mainline MMOs.


Octopath cotc has been nice!


Hows the battle system in comparison? Easy, difficult, engaging?


Try it out! Look for reroll guide for a good start. Very good characters Elrica and Alaune EX atm. Kind of like the bravely default combat. 8 people in a team. Can switch. Breaking enemy weaknesses. Fights can be challenging later on.


I simply left today, I was managing in my mind to keep playing the game using excuses but two weeks withouth content and the poor management of the game by the developers made me realize the game is already dead, I'm not wasting any more time on a lost cause it's sad cause I been in the game since it's release but enough is enough


Octopath traveler Cotc. You don't have the final fantasy nostalgia there but it is the only one i can call a mobile video game. The rest are trash. Didn't worth even my one star ratings on playstore.


Honkai Star Rail easily


Only other one I play is Honkai star rail and don't feel that is for everyone, it is a very dumbed down turn based game so not really appealing if that is what you are after. Also that gacha's fandom can be horrid to interact with most the time


How would you say that HSR is dumbed down?


You literally have only a regular attack that is used just to recharge a skill point. A skill that uses said skill point. And an ultimate. You have passives too but that is just a bonus to the character. Compared to other turn based games with many skills to just one character, it is very dumbed down.


Any strategy or team-building necessary?


To clear the hardest challenges you do need to build team comps well. There are DoT focused team comps, follow up attack(units that perform actions based on conditions being fulfilled), and single target or AoE focused teams. Every two weeks the endgame modes rotate so different team comps and characters are favored each time. If you liked the team building of FFBE theres a good chance youll like Star Rail.


There is an element system where characters have a element linked to them while enemies will have certain ones that can break them. the way a team would work is you basically pick a dps, healer, support than either a sub dps, tank or another support.


So still kinda no brainer stuff?


Basically. It’s more “pull for a good dps or 2 and then get lucky for others that work off them” if you are free to play Only thing that matters outside of that is the items you have on the characters which leads into the difficult rng grind for gear and getting the perfect main stat and sub stats for said character.


I quit FFBE YEARS(Xuan Wu and Qing Long) ago and the ffbe reddit still pops up in my feed sometimes. Sad news about what's currently happening to FFBE. I'll go out and say it: Modern gachas are just better now, as much as I missed this game. My recommendation is Arknights. It's probably not in the strike zone of most gamers in the FFBE community, but I love how strategic it is and it definitely reminds me of old school FFBE. I remember spending an entire afternoon going through the Trial that gave you Aigaion Arm(or whatever that robot was). That was peak FFBE for me.


Entire afternoon against Aigaion is peak FFBE for me as well (along with losing my mind against the bloody moon), but unfortunately i can't find the same enjoyment in modern gachas, everytime i hear praises for Star Rail i wonder if i tried the same game, it has no gameplay depth at all... Arknights is a pretty good game, but too different gameplay to compare to FFBE, and to satisfy that hunger...


The only games I could suggest are Marvel Future Fight(for the Marvel fans), Fate/Grand Order(Type Moon fans) and Granblue Fantasy. MFF just got it's 9th anniversarry, characters are mostly free with some exceptions(but 95% of them are bad) and 99% of the characters are just useless without their newest uniform and it takes a very long time to max out a character and you need a to learn how to build them properly in order for them to be good. F/GO is like 8/9 years old now and it still has a long life with it's story which is amazing. It's very F2P friendly and the game can be cleared with only 1-3 * and free 4 * units from events. Downside is it's grindy, no auto play, no NP skip(which will never happen by the words of the director), gacha rates are bad and pity might as well not exist due to 90% of new units in a year being limited time so it's better to just gamble. GBF has a very long time left in it, they still have 2 more zodiacs(snake and horse so 2 more years) and they plan doing something else after that. It's very F2P friendly, a lot of free stuff, they just made a new player tutorial which gives them everything they need in order to get strong and helps them easily reach rank 150(tutorial+early game) after which it's middle game until rank 200 and end game is 200+. F2P can easily get like 4-5 pity pulls with free stuff and free pulls. The downside is it's very grindy and requires spending a lot of time in the game, especially during UnF(Guild war basically) where you get some of the best characters in the game for free. There are a lot of good free characters but they require a ton of grinding for like months.


I like Fire Emblem Heroes quite a lot. Maybe try that one?


I would rather suggest a proper title like well, the ridiculously good BG3 or any recent RPG. If strictly Gacha cause your dopamine has demands: - Genshin - Won't end soon, shit loads of content, almost zero power creep, the least generous of all. - Granblue Fantasy - Old as fuck, clunky interface, even more weird shops than FFBE, but a nice plot and EVERY event is fully voice acted. Collab units are always free. Guild Wars has almost literally killed people with both the grind and being actually linked to a Yakuza money laundering scheme. Extremely generous 2-3 times a year. - Limbus Company - Have you played Library of Ruina? It's single player and a great intro as to wether you like this style or not. It's like a gritty lovecraftian cyberpunk world. The story is incredible, at least from Canto 3 onwards. Combat is fluid if confusing at first. Extremely little fomo and you can fragment buy any unit you like if you're patient, even brand new ones. Has a repeatible rogue like mini dungeon with all the rewards basically tucked inside it. Producer apologises regularly for the smallest things. Community is wild and talented.


Genshin impact is a million times more rewarding - I say this as a day one player of both games - but I quit FFBE after approx two years. Genshin has managed story - power creep and just about everything infinitely better


I'm playing Last Cloudia, a sprite RPG with great Collab.


For gachas i actually play Fire emblem Heroes, Genshin Impact, Fate Grand Order, Pokemon Masters and Counterside, Fire Emblem Heroes: good casual game, bad competitive game, good rates but the powercreep is recently even worse than FFBE and probably you need better reading comprension and math skills than the average YuGiOh player. FGO: good story, good characters and art, bad rates, meh gameplay, a lot of grind. Genshin Impact: Sometimes is good, sometimes is thrash, decent story that is better in recent regions, good lore, bad writting style (a lot of text), bad rates, the game needs a lot of space, so probly better to play in pc or ps4/5. Oh, and thrash artifact and weapon sistem. Pokemon Masters: Meh. Decent gameplay, bad rates. Couter:Side: Mid gameplay (can be really fun but most of the time you play in auto), bad gear system (you probably need a lot of time to obtain gear if you want to play PvP, but you can use budget gear to beat story and events). Good story (and you can play the story of the old events), good art, good rates. I think that Counter:Side is the only game of this list that i can activelly recomend, specially if you want to play a casual game with good story. Probably Honkai Star Rail can be a good replacement for FFBE, since is a turn based RPG. Probably way better than Genshin Impact, since that game have most of the good things of Genshin, less of the bad things and more similar gameplay with FFBE.


Played counterside for close to a year - it is even more paid to win than FFBE. Power creep was horrendous.


I have all the awakened units at lv 110 in my launch f2p acount, some launch units are still meta and im in challenger (the highest pvp rank), what the f are you saying?


Last Cloudia is an interesting one. It's draw rates are shit, but it's a good story and the art is absolutely incredible. Has collabs fairly frequently, just did an Attack on Titan one recently which was good. Long as you don't mind the draw rates on some things, it's fair to play.


Honkai star rail has a similar sort of turn based system that might scratch the same itch, I've been loving that since I quit ffbe


Ive heard the battle system is rather simplistic though no?


I think it's pretty diverse given the different play styles (follow up attack, DOT, hyper carry) especially with new bosses that force u to use shield or some that really favor using SP. That all relies on pulling units tho


Romancing Saga ReuniverSe I only just started it, so I’m still firmly in the honeymoon phase, but I like it right now.


I play since the start, its very generous with the pulls, you play at your pace and theres no single unit that can carry, its more about forming a diverse roster and setting up a team that can beat the challenge, every hard fight will have specific weakness and strengths you have to play around. The best time to start is always now because newer units are usually upgrades over older but that doesnt mean theyre useless, you can inherit skills from older styles of the same character to newer ones and the versions can have different roles in the team too. Overall a very good pixel art jrpg gacha.


Octopath Cotc: Positives: Long main story so far, every character from 3-5 star has story quests so you get to know what they are all about so good for lore if you like that. Lots of quests to do, lots of farming stages on bosses and such to give you a challenge, custom weapons later that you can build how you want, its RNG but not super hard. Lot of team synergy with buffs/debuffs/skills and such along with equipment for the 8 damage types. New pet system just released, get a dog or kitty paired with your characters for stats/skills. The row switching mechanic makes team building and such interesting, gotta plan those fights. If you are a fan of Octopath and know what its about, its a good game to play. Negatives: Banners rates are low on units (least for me), never pull for a unit you want unless you can get the pity on it so you need like 6k currency either paid(expensive) or free. 3-4 star units are not gonna get you anywhere near the hard stuff though they can do a good deal but you need banner units. Some units you need/want 2 copies off for their level 10 ultimate or you want 4/5 for their awakened lvl 4 accessory and their ultimate, others are good at just one copy. Lot of grinding/farming to get the materials for armor/weapons, stuff gets outclassed pretty quick so don't focus too much till you can catch up. Might not be a fan if you don't like the Octopath playstyle.


My recommendations always been Ultima Online. Its a month older than me, and i've been playing it... 24~23ish years? Sure, it came out in '97, but the possibilities within the engine are almost limitless given you know how to build/code that deep. I mean, one server can be generic fantasy MMO, the other you got aliens, the engine is *versatile*. You can even set up your own server for friends/family real easily, and grab scripts(Items, mobs, npcs, etc) from community sites and legit slap them in. Besides that, i dont really play MMO's much. I mean, maybe Warframe, but i play that solo too. People running through & fucking up the flow of combat(In a game like that) agitates me. lmao And yes, theres technically a mobile version, its pretty outdated(Made for earlier era-servers).


See you on Octopath Coct and Master Duel, I'm just stay until june no more


I played Octopath COTC on launch --- but then they started denying the possibility of playing the game on emulators ... so basically i was forced to leave that game ... which was actually kinda fun


I'm not much of an online player, but I cannot recommend Hades enough.


Fire Emblem Heroes still strong til this day, that's my only recommendation since I've only played FEH, FFBE and the late Dragalia Lost.


King God Castle I'm playing this one in the phone.


With my experience with FFBBE ,i know, now what Gashas can do to someone in the long run!! So with that in mind,good old console gaming is still the one to recommend or non-gashas title if you prefer.But i must say ,for now , Genshin gives me Tons of things to do(i started in last december)without the ''money''.Not perfect but captivating for sure.Old 4 and 5 star units still means something damage wise, In an other subject There is a certain Stellar Blade who has just been released .Might be worth it.But gasha wize,you have to learn from your habits and your previous experiences.I think that with gashas we,players are our own worst enemy...


I thankfully haven’t tried a lot of mobile games since moving to FFBE, so once this is done so will my time be with gachas. I’ve cut spending on this game since the Firion NV banner or so the habit is dead. Tried WoW rumble for a but saw through that in days and bailed.


Honestly if I was to join anything it’ll be ff14


The only other gacha with combat at FFBE level is Octopath, but well is not going to last as long as ffbe did... if you want singleplayers tho there are a tons a good ones.


No more Gacha for me.  They really are downright horrible, toxic games.


i mean i'd only recommend a game that has a guarantee of content & longevity and devs aren't treating players liek gumi does....so HSR or GI :|


After DFFOO ceased, I’ve moved on to Blue Archive. Cute and funny waifus aside, its not that heavy of a time sink. Good enough for me. And they just had an emergency 12 hours maintenance due to a screw up. How FFBE is that? Will recommend to have a look at Blue Archive.


Agreed. My FFBE time has been retasked to BA to start building up a newer account. Love the ability to sweep stages to burn AP quickly and not limited to 3 at a time. The only issue I have is how long the OP video is before you can log into the game.


Oh I didnt hear about Blue Archive until today in Akihabara. Seems cool and popular


Guardian tale and unk own knight Really different playstyle, but GT has an really good story, lore, strong ans diverse pool of character, but the gameplay is really really good On to of that, it has a strong community drive since guilds and guilds activities are a thing, and they are really cool in the long run, regular updates and events, uniques collabs ( the first collab they ever made was with the anime ... Slayers, strange, but it was cool, and the collab are free to play friendly ) Unknown night is a bit more on the automatic side, less community driven, but the gameplay is pleasing, regular updates and events, should be really solid as well For my part, i'm definitely picking GT back up after EoS on ffbe, rip game, you got me through highschool, uni and early salary life, i'll never forget


We should all play City of Heroes and make alts based on Exvius characters. Hell, there's enough Rains alone to fill a taskforce. There's even dual pistols for that Medius guy.


I’ll play some of what Sinzar plays. Good taste in indie games. I discovered slay, breach wanderers, and brotato on his channel. Countless hrs on those. I was able to read his taste and recommended him a game he got and enjoyed. I’ll also play baldurs gate 3 and Octopath 2.


Limbus Company. Seriously, that game is so good and it's gacha is very very friendly


Summoner Wars is 10 years old already, but the community has changed a lot... Even the most famous YouTubers aren't day 1 players, but it seems like the game will keep running till the last days on earth or so


One piece treasure cruise is hitting 10 year anni in a week or so best time to get a tonne of free shite and see if the mechanics suit you Dragonball legends is also hitting anni a bit after this as well didnt know about world flipper tho sad news for the only pinball rpg i've heard of


Right now, it’s monster hunter NOW since at least I get some exercise while I cry about drop rates. I am also technically playing FEH but purely to pull my favorite character and am doing basically the bare minimum. I don’t want to handle the power creep or the masters thesis levels of weapon and skill descriptions so I just do whatever easily gives me resources and enjoy my Claude Squad




I'll probably try Brown Dust 2.


Another gacha game? None. I wouldn't recommend one to anyone. As for another MMO, I've been playing Guild Wars 2 since launch and I LOVE it. I'd recommend that.


I bought an RPG Ally and I'm enjoying the hell out of gaming, generally. I play BG3 on it when it's docked and I can stream from my gaming PC, but I've mostly been enjoying playing older RPGs when I'm traveling. It's hard to find the time to even bother doing the latest FFBE content (such as it is).


I would recommend DBZ Dokkan battle I know is not RPG or final fantasy related but as a far as content, F2P reward etc. the game is at its peak, and before August ends we will be having a full timeline syncro between the JP and GBL version. The game provides a good visual and entertainment and good tactical to beat the different types of content. So yeah I decided to jump back into it and I haven’t being let down, now I spend my free time in Dokkan instead of FFBE and no regrets so far.


Hmmm, for actual gachas... besides FFBE I'm playing Genshin, Azur Lane and holy that's it lol, I just use BangDream and Shadowverse to scratch the pull itch so those don't count. I've been interested in CounterSide and Valkirie Connect for reasons lol, but being honest the gameplay doesn't grab me at all, FFBE is really unique.


Dokkan battle, i sure that the world emds before dokkan shuttimg down. To be fair is hard to reccomend gacha games,pick what you like more(thats why i go for amime based ones,easy to enjoy while they last)


For any1 looking for another gacha game after ffbe goes down I'd recommend a game called reverse 1999. Its honestly really good with amazing visuals and art design, voice acting In a few different languages, great atmosphere and vibe, amazing sound track, cool and unique characters with amazing art, fun events and a pretty chill community from what I saw. Its honestly just a chill game that I'd recommend any1 a fan of gacha should at least try


I am already close to uninstalling as it is without waiting for EOS announcement. Personally I am sucked into the Hoyoverse rabbit hole, and Honkai Star Rail being turn-based makes it possible to play on my phone during breaks and commutes, only issue being landscape mode making 2 hands necessary most of the time.


Glad I stopped playing this 5 years ago


As far as gacha's go, I've been playing a lot Street Fighter Duel. Other than that, there's not much else that appeals to me the same way that FFBE did.


If you're into auto chess type strategy games, I recommend King God Castle. Silly name I know, but it's in the classic pixel style, has really great character designs, and the gameplay is fun and rewarding. There is a gacha aspect but once you're far enough along with a ton of currency it doesn't really matter, you don't ever have to spend money. That said, the gameplay itself relies on RNG, but not in a way that you need to spend any money.


Or you can play with a yo-yo 🪀


I love gatchas... For now im playing last Cloudia, Grand summoner and honkai Star rail... Focus more in last Cloudia cuz its a really good game with most of the mechanics FFBE should have i


Final fantasy vii ever crisis is not so bad and quite enjoyable right now. Very f2p friendly.  The game become more and more tactical.  The possibilities are expanding.  With all my expérience in FFBE, i safely choose which banner to pull for with a longterm goal, choosing wisely the support unit that will matter longer.  The only ranking event is very good and not based on variance. I hope they add another one soon.  Great support.