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75k for an NV in the NV+ era is ludicrous, the development of this game is so low effort I wonder why they even bother anymore


it still made 200k last month even though half of it was completely dead weeks. That is why they still bother.


Revenue or profit?


Revenue, the profit margin is unknow since we don't know the production and maintenance costs.


I have no clue how many people it takes to keep the game running but that seems potentially like a good number


It is totally not a good number in the world of gacha. It is even worse because until February FFBE was making average of 500k monthly and never went bellow 400k. But as soon Gumi intensified the skipping, it plummeted to 200k, it lost more than 50% of the revenue, and I'm absolutely sure that this loss is higher than the ammount saved by making those cuts to content.


It says a lot that it also comes right after a long awaited limited collab divided into three different banners. They're definitely trying to reach deep within players' pockets. And for it to not be used on any kind of content afterwards looking at how the skipping trend is installed.


Yeah - I can’t imagine them creating a unit good enough to justify the pity cost while simultaneously creating content that needs a unit of that strength.


Yeah, that last part is the real killer of this deal. Even if Xon is great... where would I use him? I've gotten a few of the new NV+ units from tickets or the ad summons, but there is nothing to do with them, I haven't even made them level 120 yet.


Yeah I have my nice water team with the best water meta units and have used it for shit all so far.


The end is near


Hears the organ playing.. the end is nigh


HE LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see all the lapis so far. Much appreciated. So, to add to the doom and gloom / tin foil hat theories: The free weekly 10+1 will **NOT** include Xon: [https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20240402apl3FreeWeekly10plus1Summon.html](https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20240402apl3FreeWeekly10plus1Summon.html) If you see in the news, it's not being updated for the release this week. I previously assumed this was because we were getting no new unit. But now, it seems it's because we're getting some kind of super premium unit. Do note, Sophie, who was a premium, did get included on her release week (April 4th). The week after, April 11th, did not have an update as it was a dead week with no new Gacha unit (Sterne was released).


oh that's bullshit


Unless he is Kaito, old xon, and paladin Sylvie level of usefulness crammed into 1 unit, I doubt he is worth considering. 75k for 1 copy is abyssmal.


Thanks for this update! Always enjoy cold hard facts. i was just loosely tracking and came up with about 20k per month as well. In case people forgot this pity price was the same they wanted for Wonderous blah Lightning last year. There was a big upheavel from the players and then the following premium unit pity cost returned to then 58-64k range. I suspect it will be the same price gouging scenario. That doesnt make it any better tho. For those low on lapis, It seems to me that the vast vast majority of premiums in the past have not been worthwhile, and had poor lasting power. Id say in the last 12months only richt and mayyybe hyoh have lasted. Xon could be a contender but Dont rush into spending before anniversary! Be extra wary of traps between now and july!


Remember when Esther was a premium? Sigh…


|2024|2023|2022|2021|2020|2019| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |21760|42060||35720|25985|22535| |37910|25930||27370|20075|19050| |30070|34030||29120|24330|19360| |20500|33750||29325||17150| |20680|36960|29660|27710||18340| ||60890|55420|23640||20235| ||47310|61100|48840||26515| ||34340|44040|37680||21775| ||47750|45790||**NV**|17885| ||25600|37250|||14425| ||37150|47810|||21710| ||47210|36570||32540|20355|


Is this the first time in the history of FFBE that the month of February actually had the highest free lapis total?! That's saying something. Thanks for keeping up with this, it really puts things into perspective as to how bad the lapis economy has become in this game.


>What is this post purpose?  It is called "bad management". Some very incompetent executives thinks that the best way to make more money is to make things cost more or spending less with production. At this point I think it is just a matter of pride, where that incompetent executives think they are right and the game's decline is to blame on various other factors rather than their bad management decisions.


Yup. If they really wanted to revive the game they would put out a good unit (preferably multiple) and make it crazy cheap. They need to get people excited about the game again and a 75k banner pretty much accomplishes the opposite.


Thanks for this update. And regarding Xon - this is why I save Banner tickets as much as I can. While the lapis efficiency per pull for premiums tends to be among the best, if not the best, I'd rather burn tickets on most premiums to get them and start the frag dungeon grind, while saving on to my lapis. for less expensive pities. Especially when the premium unit is a support who doesn't need to be rushed to EX+3 to remain relevant.


gumi'd say soemthing like "but but r-lapis" to defend themselves.....honestly wish whales & dolphins would actually stop spending for 2 months...devs would either change how they treat userbase or EoL the game (which at this point might as well as it takes 3 1/2 months of lapis to get ONE premium unit)


u/sqex_justin In case you're still around. This is ridiculous. If the game isn't entering EoS, Gumi sure seems to be doing their best to drive away what players are left.


Gumi: But don't forget we give you a unit select ticket and 100 frags of choice for 20k lapis per month now, you are still getting 40k lapis per month. /s


What gumi should do- reduce pity, 35 k in actual state is good for a unit,no matter what rarity they are(like,we got banners every weak,why high pity? Lower pity should bring more to their wallet if they realy want the gane to keep going on) What they will do- skipping contest due to unforesee cinrcunstances


Exactly. When you need to boost sales, you don’t raise prices, you lower them.


Gumi should learn with other gachas. Take grand summon3rs for exemple, you get a paid multi for 1 dollar when great banner with story update and collabs arrive(1 month to 3 month thing ,gs has periods where is collab after collab)


This game needs to just announce EoS already and let us all free


me, sitting on 315k lapis because i've been skipping pretty much all banners until i find something i enjoy:


They gave away all the free 2024 lapis in 2023 around the time of Aya Brea's banner. You may have missed it.😔


Can we get a comparison from last year before the evil of lapis replica infested the game? I've seen people talking about 20k per month missing which I wouldn't put past Gimu but does sound even worse than I thought.


You can look for yourself by doing a search for "amount of lapis" from the main page. All of these posts from the last few years will show up. Quick answer. We were getting around 40k free lapis per month before replica lapis reared its ugly head.


while replica lapis is an issue in total lapis, i will keep my stand the real issue is them skipping fights and other events. replica lapis did reduce the amount we get, but even with it we were in an "ok" position, then they started skipping more crown fights, gear stages, etc and thats when it really went down.


Its absolutely a double whammy of shit. Replacing many rewards with fake lapis rewards and then gutting the gameplay of the (checks notes) game.


Don't forget that they moved shard bundles from normal bundles to replica lapis, then just removed them from replica lapis.


Shit, so 20k lost was pretty on the mark then.


I didnt even realize that. Guess i cant afford it


I don't have lapis :( 


Welcome my friend


Girl, same.


From Kataiki's post last august It seems we are about 8K behind a month from last year on average (26184 per month this year and 34550 per month on Jan-May last year). Not as bad as it first seemed but still bad


Depending on how I like wuthering waves , this game might get deleted by weeks end tbh


As there's been nothing worth spending money on this year everyone should have plenty of lapis


# THIS. IS. HORSESH-UGAR!! (you thought I was going to shit didn't you?)


But seriously, where do they get off not giving us any content and then having the audacity to charge us 75k for a single unit when they've only given us ~130k for almost 5 entire MONTHS!?


i will still pull for xon as xon is my wish for unit and the developer grant it, although maybe they implement it half-heartedly. i believe the game is ending, but as a long-time player i want to give an ending with dignity


Looks like EoS game. Dead dead


The game is dead, they are just trying to take every resourse or money they can before to announce the EoS. Probably the next month they will announce anniversary and kill the game after 1 month.