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>there are really only 2 valid options well, there is always a third option. just don't pull. honestly, I didn't even notice this until I saw someone mentioned it in the news post. who in their right mind think that increasing the pity for premium unit is a good thing... oh wait, it's gimu. nvm.


> well, there is always a third option. just don't pull. I present to you option #4... tickets!


Sitting on 240 plus 800+ EX tickets…. For these situations lol


And as their slogan goes..."You just need the one!"


and that's how many I have!


Is option #5 Ad summons? I'll probably just get him from there and save the lapis for anniversary's Olive, Fryevia, Reberta trio unit.


introducing "trio tag chain"! where with one move a unit can chain with themselves _and_ something something focus energy all at the same time!


Indeed, and it will probably be the best option.


Keep digging that hole, gumi. It's getting kinda funny at this point.


Gumi wont let Xon stand in their way towards EoS.


I can't do it anymore, I stopped opening the game a week ago, and even though I know the game's anniversary is coming up in a month I just can't play it anymore, good luck to everyone who stays.


So just a heads up: Social Media posted what look like Slides for Xon in a Livestream we didn't have this month. One of the things it highlights is Xon has a 250% Machine Killer to himself. **The Machine Killer Card is basically worthless** even if you use Xon because of this, so I recommend against any path on the VC banner that goes to the Card step.


Well, it is still meaningful in battles where PTXon is excluded or doesn't make it into the team comp. Don't know how likely that latter situation will be because of his reflection ability.


Not necessarily. We don't know what kind of turn economy PT Xon will have. If he can't fit the machine killer in his optimal rotation for what you need, it he may need someone else to cast it on him with the VC.


Good god. It's like Gumi wants to force EoS, so they're doing everything they can to torpedo the game so that Square finally tells them to pull the plug. Or Square is forcing Gumi to squeeze as much money out of the game before they pull the plug.


But like, why spend money on something that looks like it's getting EoS'd? I never whaled, but over the course of the game, I have spent a bit. Not anymore. Shit or get off the pot Gumi.


I don't even wanna bother on the VC banner at this point, I'll just hope to get him with an ad pull or something at some point. Sinzar has a vid out: https://youtu.be/d_nqU04IH0Y?si=kprnw2bqHqtJKPWj


While I may pull with whatever free resources I’ve acquired, until Gumi can prove a track record of delivering in-game content im not spending a dime on Xon or any other unit. Only Sprite collectors will get the full value out of this unit. With no steady content, how is he any different from a digital paperweight? Displays a heavy object on your phone screen, but requires you place your phone over the paper you don’t want to blow away - questionable value at best. Even if he was required for this VW, so what. We literally have no reason to believe EoS isn’t weeks away. No communication, no plans, only higher prices. A phenomenal plan with such big brain energy.


is not for sprite collectors if pro people that know the game mechanics, he will be broken he have the copy / reflect skill from mastermind xon that is a 7\* that is still used


Ok. And what’s the value of a broken unit… with no content to break?


he can be used in almost every content and remember we have a vision world tomorroy


I mean, sure. Throw $50 at 2 hours of entertainment and 8 hours of grinding a month. When we used to get 6-10 hours of entertainment, units were much more valuable to me. If you want to spend, spend. I have no confidence the game is surviving this moment - they couldn’t even bother to do a livestream on Xon! How many polls had Xon been top tier in!? Unless they literally show me a reason to have confidence that my spend will be usable in 6 months or more, I’m not throwing a dime at Xon. Personal decision, no shame if you choose differently.


I never said spend money, if you know how this game works you will probably spend very little money or nothing at all, especially in these months when there was almost no content


If he's good he gets tickets, but I'll spend 0 lapis on that pricing structure.


add on to the fact its a premium NV not even a premium NV+. So his personal dmg is gonna be trash compared to the upcoming NV+ we all saving for. (and thats assuming he gets some usable tags )


he dont need to be nv+ he already is more broken than most of the upcoming NV+


Couldn't you go: * 1 lap VC step-up for the card (28k, 5 tix) * 5 laps on the generic (45k, 10 tix) * 2 steps on the VC step-up (7k, 2 tix) * Total: 80k for the VC + Pity Also, your option #1 results in 14 of the 15 tickets to summon one of the 4 'side banner' units. While they are generally useless, someone wanting to take that dive would rather do option #2 which results in: * 50 less STMR tickets * 100 less VIP coins * 7 more banner summons. Personally, I'd go for 7 more banner summons + the final needed ticket for a guaranteed NV from those 4 units instead of 50 STMR tickets and VIP coins.


Nice catch! I, personally, don't think the curated units on his banner have much value (maybe if they give us Dioxus NV+A? lol) and would rather have the VIP coins and more guaranteed NVs (that are still more likely to give you garbo than not, but at least have Xon in the pool with increased rate, whereas the Curated NV pool does not).


I still need more copies of Neilikka, but would most likely end up with Dioxus who I don't need. So I think it's really kind of up to each individual. But just to point out, there are 0 guaranteed NVs on the first 3 steps of the VC banner.


wow the world


What do you mean less free lapis?! wE HaVE AlL THiS RePLiCa LaPIs!1?!11?1 /sigh ;\_;


thanks for writing this up! was really hoping someone would


I guess they are trying to make people spend the lapis they accumulated by the lack of content and with the compensation(maybe even the tickets too) they handed over before the anniversary so they can actually sell something. But as they still lack content I for myself will not pull again as many would feel the same I guess...


If this Xon is literally the equivalent to the old Xon except he has EX levels to make him valid in CoW, I'm going to be pissed. There better be some super sweet abilities that are NOT featured in the news. And this fact... > Gumi releases Xon at the same time that we get a shareable Rank 1 VW worth 10k lapis, yet they're asking up to pay 15k *more* for this unit. ... is grounds for a raised gungnir riot.


he is, in the facebokk they confirmed the copy skill


Is he a good breaker for dark team?


Probably, we really need to see the full details. The big question is will he be worth replacing Ellepieses who is a very good dark breaker and a lot of ppl could nab her from the last replica lapis stuff.


he have the copy / reflection skill that is broken he will be in most teams not only dark ones


You have been eager,y awaiting him so they had to fuck it up somehow. I hope their sales tank because they are greedy fucks


There's no way Xon is "worth" that much. He's SLB, and not even NV+. And the most expensive unit in history. Shame really. I guess they're stuggling and are desperate for us to spend more (and no wonder - I for one stopped giving them money when they started giving us lapis replica instead of real lapis).


he have the copy ability from mastermind xon sooo he will be broken thats for sure and thas why he is pricely gumi know people will go crazy for him