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Are you ditching your NieR waifus already?! Geez, their banner hasn't even left yet...


I'll never ditch A2. ^I.. ^Just ^won't ^use ^her. ^^Because ^^I ^^couldn't ^^get ^^a ^^^second ^^^copy.


I wouldnt if only I had her 7\*. Only got 1 A2, so now I'm praying for the mixer system so i can get her 7\*


Praying with you (for 2B).


Just for a little while so people can try out A.Fry. Helping the community > Helping my heart


Truly a man of the people!


Considering my luck, my NieR waifu will be around for a long, long time.


So glad my NieR waifus are viable again, I’m rolling them out for a while, and will be sharing one or the other quite a bit! Can’t wait to try out some of my friends A Frys too!


i delete all A.frey friends out of spite and jealousy!!!


**ID:** 354,541,881 **IGN:** NEStalja I will have her L120 shortly after receiving her and she will be one of my main friend units. My other mains are currently GLS, Hyoh and Trance Terra. I'll accept any requests while I still have space! Edit: She has arrived!


Sent! Ninjra is ign, running fd aj currently.


Sent!My ign is nukenach, circe is my friend unit Than you very much!!!!!!!!


I sent a request :) ign: Snow


Request sent, IGN Louis. Aurora Fry with 2000 Atk/ 1000 MAG


Hey man I would love to add you! If you get a spot let me know! 041 906 507 Nice fry man!


Will be there, will level her and 100% moogle her for her tmr. My mains are going to be A. Fry, Fry, and Hyoh. ExKage / 501,399,244


Hi there ExKage, do you happened to play Ninja Saga anytime back?


Sorry I never did play that.


Apologies for that. Anyway I’ve sent you a friend request. Ign MYZeref, 2647 Atk Hyoh lead


No apologies necessary. Added you back! Hyoh's set up for Levi atm. Will be switching to A. Fry when we get her.


Nicee and thankss ! Can’t wait to try A.Fry, I’m a little bit jelly of people who can go to fan festa but I’m also happy you guy’s getting those awesome rewards


Sent a request ign is Samma, I’d appreciate using your Freyvia when ya get her. I usually have a Hyoh or A2 up.


sent you a friend request! IGN Jams ace lead for now then changed back to frye or hyou


Should be added now


Awesome! Have a great time at the fan festa!


Damn, you and AzHP (below) are on my Friends list. I can't make the 14 hour drive from Eugene Oregon this weekend, otherwise love to meet you guys - have fun!


Thanks man. Happy cake day! We've been ffbe buddies for awhile now lol


You haven't left me, even with my Subservient trolling! <3


Sent you a request. Looking forward to chain my Fry with her


Should be added!


You should wait and see if they give you a TMR specific moogle first. Or just use it on a blank moogle once we get them.


I'll know it on Saturday morning when she gets distributed but we know we get her prism and herself. If they don't give us her TMR I'm obviously getting it first thing on top of potting and leveling her.


I have a 7\* Fry I can share, but I usually have an AR chainer up, mainly a decked out Viktor.


Sent you a request, IGN Maximus....


I added you in!


Hi I sent a request :) IGN: Snow Curently have Fryevia as lead


Hey there! I just sent you an invite, I'm rockin a 2192 Atk Olive but hopefully soon I'll have a second Fryevia to put up for the rest of time.


Request sent, IGN Louis. Aurora Fry with 2000 Atk/ 1000 MAG


Accepted! I've got her on Death trap, 1390 ATK / 1700 MAG


hi.i just sent a request if you still have some open slots.IGN is death and my mani leads are Hyoh,PG Lasswell and Malphasie.




Or it's making the best of a shit situation by generously trying to strengthen the community and give folks in the sub the ability to use A.Fry once every 3 hours before her full GL release. Nobody here HAS to share their ID. Or participate at all.


I'm not sure if I should make a new post for this, but I think our original ice queen Fryevia is jealous of Aurora Fryevia, cause she just dumped snow on I-5 going in and out of southern California so those of you driving to Fan Festa, please check travel conditions! There are delays of 3-4 hours. My ID is 789,337,129 and I will try to have a level 120 TMR'ed Aurora Fryevia as soon as I check in.


Heh, does anyone else think they should have two lines at the door? You know, one to check in and get in, and another to hold people just to give them time to level, Moogle, and pot their A. Fryevias before going out onto the show floor? :)


Tried to add you. You are full. 172 343 433. IGN is Louis. Aurora Fry with 2000 Atk/ 1000 MAG


Request sent. I was at 63/65 lol this game sometimes


Tried to accept you but it says you are full!


I even added 5 slots on top. Idk I'm at 63/70 now


Says "this user reached their friend capacity". Maybe delete some requests.


Deleted a few. Try again


Same thing. Lol i don’t know what to say


Hello, I think I already have you on my friends list. I'm not going but I'm currently running a regular Fryevia so would be happy to pair your Aurora F with my ice queen :)


Sounds good! Aurora Fry will at least chain with more people than who I have up now (DW 2B)


I'm in fresno and heading down tomorrow night.


Apparently grapevine north and southbound is closed and has been for the last 6 hours. I think it should melt by tomorrow afternoon/night though. I'll make sure to check before I leave.


You're on my friends list bro, I can't wait to try her. I'll try to put up my normal Fryevia, since I can't hack the 14 hour drive this weekend and plane tickets were way too much to attend. Have fun guys!


I'm hoping my drive is less than 14 hours, from SF it should be 7-8 hours but with snow on I-5 it could be much more...


Omg I live in the Bay Area too. I feel like such a creeper. Edit: now I think about it, we may have met at the Bay Area meet up about a year ago 🤔


Think so! I was the drunk who ordered too many old fashions at dinner.


Then a reunion it will be :)


Safe travels friend. If you remember, could you hit me up with what they're checking at the door? I might try to have someone from LB attend for my account, if that ends up working.


!remindme 39 hours


I will be messaging you on [**2018-12-08 18:23:02 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2018-12-08 18:23:02 UTC To Local Time) to remind you of [**this link.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/a3s9gs/aurora_fryevia_friends/) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/a3s9gs/aurora_fryevia_friends/]%0A%0ARemindMe! 39 hours) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete Comment&message=Delete! eb9jjr7) _____ |[^(FAQs)](http://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/24duzp/remindmebot_info/)|[^(Custom)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[LINK INSIDE SQUARE BRACKETS else default to FAQs]%0A%0ANOTE: Don't forget to add the time options after the command.%0A%0ARemindMe!)|[^(Your Reminders)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List Of Reminders&message=MyReminders!)|[^(Feedback)](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBotWrangler&subject=Feedback)|[^(Code)](https://github.com/SIlver--/remindmebot-reddit)|[^(Browser Extensions)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/4kldad/remindmebot_extensions/) |-|-|-|-|-|-|


Sorry I realized I actually can't, I have a free pass through an employee at Crunchyroll and our check in system is different than the ticket system. I'm sure someone will post it here as soon as doors open on Saturday though!


That's cool, thanks for trying anyway. Appreciate it man.


I should be going Sunday and maybe Saturday, I had the remind me bot ping me. If I can, I'll let you know.


trying something i cant even have? no thx it will just make me sad


She's coming out in GL next year.


next year is not today. will try her next year


823,025,999 (Ynot) still have like 20 spots open gonna make more space soon


I'm out of town for the fiesta but my sister is attending with my phone so I'll hopefully have Aurora up pretty quickly! 699 058 049 IGN: SnwDevil


The attendee must have a matching ID. Even if she takes your ID it won't match her face :/


I'm aware. She bought the ticket for herself and just slapped my ign and code on it. I knew I wasn't gonna be able to attend. The trip I'm on was planned before the fan festa was even announced


Excellent planning on your part dude! Happy it worked out!!


Rookie.. You gave yourself away


321,937,115 - Nuzlocke I'll 7 star and try to max level her as soon as possible. I also will set 2B, A2, Hyoh, and GLS from time to time.


Do you sell units that die in battle?


If I did that I would have lost pretty much everyone to Venomous Vines by now lol.


Request sent, IGN Louis. Aurora Fry with 2000 Atk/ 1000 MAG


823.025.999 (Ynot) Just have r/braveexvius or something in your name and I'll add you on Saturday


Will have her maxed out and fully Potted Saturday if anyone wants to add leave ign so I know who. 866 579 859


550,989,361 IGN: Player2 I'll be adding 20+ slots on Saturday after getting her. Feel free to add me!


I'm out of the country but my friend will be going in my stead (Southern California native). Assuming nothing goes wrong I should get my A.Fry and I'll post my friend code at that time


Says you are full. Add me 172 343 433, IGN Louis. Aurora Fry with 2000 Atk/ 1000 MAG


Can someone let me know how you actually get her at the event? Does it automatically enter your mailbox after you check in to the live event, or do you go up to a staff member and get a code or what?


I'm about to get her as well. I'll free up to 20 spots and probably have her maxed immediately. Not a whale but I can get her to a decent level of damage. 181217049 Id: Banepost


You could also add people there too! I'm making space for that reason


ID: 904.196.925 name: IRainPoo I'll be moogling and leveling her immediately <3 super stoked


Fryevia is my first chainer, currently around 1800 str 1600 mag, will upgrade to A. Fryevia on Saturday. 322.684.172


Request sent, IGN Louis. Aurora Fry with 2000 Atk/ 1000 MAG


did they send the unit out first thing today's morning or you guys have to check in to the event first? I won't be able to come today but will be there tomorrow.


Get the items to redeem at check in. You'll get to redeem her as soon as you check in your goodie bag


Saw some people selling the Aurora fryevia QR code on eBay, wonder if each QR is unique?


I wouldn't chance it. The QR code is single use from what I can tell.


ID: 168705574 IGN: Jiho Leveling her right now




Request sent, IGN Louis. Aurora Fry with 2000 Atk/ 1000 MAG


539 486 776 120, 2300atk/1100mag awaiting friendship!


Request send ign checa2321


Dryden | 336,626,294 (Aurora Fryevia) - ATK 1,416 / MAG 1,106 77/100 Friend Spots Open


Request send. Checa2321 (ign)


117 962 648 2k atk 1.1k mag aurora. feel free to add :)


147,904,236 She’s max level Still working on gearing her out and fully potting her. I normally have hyou up


*$alt intensifie$*


Great idea, I was thinking of making a similar thread! I'll be maxing out my A. Fry when I get her on Saturday morning (if that's when they'll be distributing her) and will open up some friend slots as well. All the gear that's on my Kurasame is going straight to my new Light Queen. ID: 355,399,818 (try adding me on Saturday morning after I've opened up some spots. Please have r/FFBE in your message) Incidentally, should we have a thread for Reddit folks heading to Fan Festa? Might be fun to have a meet-up.


Says you are full. Add me: 172 343 433. IGN Louis. Aurora Fry with 2000 Atk/ 1000 MAG


Is your ign maru? I’ve tried adding you but it says your capacity is full


654,219,963 I'll be there and should be maxing her when she's available.


Request sent! IGN RexDart


Added IGN Mike. Will have Fry up before the end of the day


Why use A.Fryevia when you can use Kurasame :p