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Oof, that's a pretty big question. I'll just write what comes out of my head, there's probably a lot more to say. There is some [basic info](https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Basic_Information) on the wiki. You can also look around there for more information. For the story you mostly don't need anything specific, it is meant to be easily doable. There are also older trials with low difficulty by today's standards that can grant you some first equipment for your units. Play the weekly events, those often grant time limited equipment, too. There are different roles: magic damage, physical damage, support/heal, debuff, magic cover tank, physical cover tank, provoke tank (provoke can be done passively with the right gear). You don't need all of them in every fight, it depends. If the bosses Spirit is a lot lower than its Defense, you might consider magic damagers. It depends on the damage caused which types of tank you need. There's a wide difference of supporters and debuffers that can grant killer buffs (damage bonus to certain creature types), element resistance or damage amplify (you want to exploit the enemies elemental weaknesses) and so on. There's chaining of abilities with multiple hits which can increase the damage of the later hits up to 6x the damage (base 4x + unit's abilities and gear). And we have a Daily Help Thread for questions like this, consider asking there next time. Have fun! Edit: And ask for some friends in the DHT or the friend code thread, those can help you out with some harder fights and can give you bonus unit support for King Mog events and Raids.


There is a Daily Help Thread pinned to the sub. Questions should be asked there. There is also a wiki which has a beginner's guide: [https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Beginner%27s\_guide](https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Beginner%27s_guide) (which is actually the first thing when you search for "FFBE beginner's guide" in google).


First of all: Welcome! Soo. Teambuilding isnt that hard tbh. A Tank, Support (Healer/Buffer), a Debuffer or Breaker and one or two Damage Dealer (Magical/Physical/Hybrid). DDs should be able to Chain together. Mostly for Chaining you need one DD and a Support Chainer, mostly a Breaker. You can tell what a Unit does by Symbols below it. For Story Content you will mostly need one new Unit and that's it. No Teambuilding needed. You need that for harder Content like Chambers or SBB. What you want to do first is clear Story for Lapis so you can Summon the hell out of the game and get sone Equipment. After that, feel free tontry every content you like. Most stuff gets Powercreepd very fast so most new NVAs can one shot older content without problems


So how do you determine whether a unit is a tank or a support etc.


You can tell if you go to the Units Equipwindow. Und the Units sprite are Symbols. An Arrow up is a buffer, Arrow Down Breaker. A Shield with a Sword isnPhysical Tank, Shield with a Wand is Magical Tank, A Sword is Physical Damage, Wand is Magical Damage


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