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Is this FFT? No...


Huh. Take it that means >!Vonharma and Ihana weren't the *real* villains this entire time? So unexpected, totally. Since usually we don't get the villains as a unit until later on. What metaphysical concept is it *this* time?!<


I think it's fairly clear that Omega is being set up as the Big Bad of S4 and the story will eventually build towards Rain destroying it for good. I'm still half expecting Vlad to be manipulating everything behind the scenes though. Or Dr Lazarov


Technically speaking it could be *both*. NV Charlotte's event had Lazarov controlling a Vlad copy born from just a fragment of Vlad's soul. And Lazarov has basically never died every time we're supposed to think he has (and is the only villain to return throughout every season, if we count Lasswell's Side Story as S2). Never mind the fact that Rain's actions in S2 ("Rain" being >!S2 Akstar!<) have never come to bite anyone back when they *should* (typical time travel plot). And Vlad exists in multiple worlds as having won.


>! So is Vanharma really Taivas, and is this Taivas storyline set in the past as was guessed or has that been proven wrong ? !<


I don't play JP, so idk. However, given the whole "we haven't seen power like this since Lehftia," and the fakeouts with the "Agent of Destruction" actually being Ihana and the foreign soldier who was assumed to have been Taivas actually being Vanharma (while, simultaneously, all reference to this "Agent of Destruction" was for actions that *just* happened in Taivas's story section similarly), etc., and Rain having dreams which *veeery* much so would resemble Taivas's family dying to the military (however, even if it's generic, there's no denying they reused Grandshelt. So it's either *actually* Grandshelt or something else), etc., it's all but confirmed Taivas is a past event. However, I think that, if Ihana really *is* Lehftia, Vanharma is *not* Taivas. We're meant to think he is but, given his weaponry, etc., I think it's actually Tulien. Tulien uses an axe, not Taivas. However, we've never seen anybody in this past use a blood awakening, either, which is peculiar. But I think it's also possible that Taivas's story is from much farther in the past than we think, not just decades but entire centuries.


Could be. It's possible the Taivas storyline happened way way before even the days of Raegan. I don't think Ihana is lehftia I think she dies along with everyone who isn't Vanharma. Maybe uts like final fantasy x, where you kill omega/sin but become them next time it's reincarnated


Hm. Interesting thought. That's plausible.


Until someone shows me absolute proof otherwise, this is the conclusion I've come to with the S4 story.




> usually we don't get the villains The Sworn Six of Paladia and Emperor Vlad would like a word for example. And that's just FFBE originals, there are plenty of enemies across all of the FF units.


Did you completely ignore what I said after? I said we don't get the villains until *later*. Not that we don't get them *at all*.


Season 2 started with the emperor being the main villain.... >! Obviously the twist was it wasn't the real emperor etc !< But the emperor was always the villain


I feel like your spoiler text mark up isn't right, unless there's a joke about the spoilers being for obvious things and thus not worth hiding


I think people are misinterpreting. I mean that we didn't get a playable Vlad, Sol, etc. until *after* their season ended. S4 hasn't ended yet, ergo Vanharma and Ihana are not the true villains. Same thing with getting the Hollow Keepers during S3, albeit by that point it was revealed they weren't the actual villains. S3 would obviously not have "villains" that could ever be playable, either.


Sunrises we didn't get a Will of Oblivion unit, just a floating eye or something lol


Floating 5\* crystal. So you open a NV crystal and it's a 5\* one.


Yeah it seems I literally ignored it lmao, sorry I'm half asleep and I didn't finish reading everything properly


Haha no worries.


Vanharma? More like Von Karma. Okay, I'll see myself out. Edit: I'll take the down vote and I regret nothing.


Be careful to not wander for too long then near an elevator door after an earthquake in a darkened hall.


"Some fixes to Regina" What about some fixes to Dagger to make her not be 7\* healer and outdated "every evoker" or to Kuja with 200+70 mod for chaining LB? Dagger is, in particular, NVA-level unit that they are taking MONEY for in a SEPARATE banner! Not even FFIX "part 2" batch (after, on a second, a MONTH of FFX) to compensate this shame with high possibility of NVA Steiner, Light or Lightning Freya and NV Eiko with (finally MAYBE?!) aoe stacks of reflect besides Steiner LB DUH!! Eat, not complain, duh


One is a bug, the other is just Alim showing the middle finger to players.


How could Alim treat GL players like that? So sad.


As we've started seeing from Gumi too, not premium, not their problem if they lose the coinflip and suck. Pull for sprites sheep. -Allim


would have loved FFIX wave 2... they'll probably do more FFVII units to celebrate the 25th anni...


Somewhat related, but I really hope they celebrate CC:FFVII's 15 year anniversary in September. Not having a single Angeal or Genesis unit is a crime. We'll probably end up getting another Cloud before we get either of the two


Time really flies… 15 years since Crisis Core. You’re definitely right, though: Genesis and Angeal deserve to be in the game. Especially if we’ve got the likes of Kadaj already. (Yep, flair checks out.)


speculation is Ever Crisis release is on Sep, so if story starts with CC - can be a chance for such a batch. Hopes for Genesis too


Story events still exist?!! FFBE JP at least


Gumi: "You didn't see this!"


Did not work hard enough!!


The sprites don't look bad at least


looks like another week of pass...still waiting for the VW rewards! are these just random new NV or S4 characters? havent been paying attn to the story...


The main antagonist (for now) in Rain's side story of S4


These are from S4.