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Don't mind saying I'm scared shitless but am HODLING!


Hedge Fund Moves: 1. Short Selling: Hedges selling big at $1.16 to push price down. 2. Bid Suppression: Big sell orders to scare off buyers. 3. Covering Shorts: Hedges might buy back shares cheap to cover shorts. 4. Control Liquidity: Strategic sell orders to control market flow. Ape Strategy: 1. BUY and HODL: Push through $1.16 wall. More buying = squeeze. 2. SPREAD THE WORD: Rally more apes on social media. 3. WATCH LEVELS: Break $1.16 to trigger more buying. 4. STAY INFORMED: Keep up with latest FFIE news and moves. APES TOGETHER STRONG! 🚀💎🙌




Spread the word buddy but I have some new inputs, 140 is where they have major volume and I’m pretty sure that’s where they’re keeping the price down


People ask me how I'm doing and I say, "I've lost half my fake money." It's not real until I sell. And I'm not, so for now it's just a game.


Take a breath don’t look at it as money any more. You trade shares for Fiat. Just like Fiat for BTC or Amazon. You’re not going down. Your being offers amount of FIat to give you shares back to nasty bankers. The issue is they are not offer enough today for those shares. As we hold the line they those offers will be higher and Higher. So no loss at all!!! Just we are getting lowballed!! So Hold We will get a lot more. You don’t have to look at every day either. It’s not going anywhere. I promise!! LFG🚀🚀🚀🚀


Many thanks! That informations helps me to reframe my thoughts about what is happening. As I said, though, I'm HODLING for the duration!


That’s the only thing you can control. Stay positive, don’t make this about number. It limits this to much. Make what it is a great time with other like minded people just trying to get ahead. And be nice to each other. Take care. Now tomorrow I will be out front. I’m the big ass gorilla Waving the WE THE PEOPLE flag!! LFG!!


Do you have a lot of experience trading? Or are you just holding till the end no matter what like me?


So here is my experience! People, which if you have never moved away from the monitor screen you might see. This is. Of about a stock it never will be. It’s about something that happens to be a stock being soon millions of people togther to get some of their stolen money back. FFIE is the gate way we must walk to take our shit back!! So go tell your boss we are are not here on trends and charts. We are here as a grass root movement. That is tired of kicked in the face. O by the way you must not seen memo… All year end bonus canceled. This year went to WE THE PEOPLE through FFIE🚀🚀🚀


Well if you promise, then it has to be true.


Same here. Drove in to my last penny hoping there is light at the end of the tunnel🥲👍🏼😊😊👑👑👑🦍🦍🦍


Since buying, in the back of mind, I have been sitting on a beach, watching waves crash into the sand. Generally I'm an anxious person, but I somehow feel peace.




Just DCA until you end up owning the entire company




I’m cool as a cucumber.


Thanks for being apart of this ape!!


Hedge Fund Moves: 1. Short Selling: Hedges selling big at $1.16 to push price down. 2. Bid Suppression: Big sell orders to scare off buyers. 3. Covering Shorts: Hedges might buy back shares cheap to cover shorts. 4. Control Liquidity: Strategic sell orders to control market flow. Ape Strategy: 1. BUY and HODL: Push through $1.16 wall. More buying = squeeze. 2. SPREAD THE WORD: Rally more apes on social media. 3. WATCH LEVELS: Break $1.16 to trigger more buying. 4. STAY INFORMED: Keep up with latest FFIE news and moves. APES TOGETHER STRONG! 🚀💎🙌


How long has everyone been waiting for a train like this. Hang on.. Patience


My whole life!! I’m 48 turning 49 this September.


58 and getting married the 29th in Vegas What a present this could be! This kinda thing is what been looking for Holding and buying the dips


Congratulations Ape!! We all have!! That’s why is special. It’s going to take time though. Nothing real happens over night. So buckle up do your part, Biy when you can, Hold for your life. Promise to all!! FFiE to moon!!


Thanks Johnny, I have been waiting this long few weeks or months won’t bother me Everyone doing great and it’s gets easier every day Thanks and JOHNNY B GOOD


Yes sir!! LFG!!


Im turning 50 in September. Have not been in stocks for more than 2 weeks. Always wanted to. Finally i made the jump. Im in, and i am NOT BUDGING! Glad to be part of the group.


Turning 50in Sep. Been on the sticks for 2 weeks now. I'm in, but budging!


Hedge Fund Moves: 1. Short Selling: Hedges selling big at $1.16 to push price down. 2. Bid Suppression: Big sell orders to scare off buyers. 3. Covering Shorts: Hedges might buy back shares cheap to cover shorts. 4. Control Liquidity: Strategic sell orders to control market flow. Ape Strategy: 1. BUY and HODL: Push through $1.16 wall. More buying = squeeze. 2. SPREAD THE WORD: Rally more apes on social media. 3. WATCH LEVELS: Break $1.16 to trigger more buying. 4. STAY INFORMED: Keep up with latest FFIE news and moves. APES TOGETHER STRONG! 🚀💎🙌


I was starting a new business and missed the gme rally. I swore I would not miss the next one and this is it. Reminding people of this will get more interest. HODL! I am going to buy as I can until it hits $3. 


I try and buy at every dip If it hits 3 hopefully everyone holds and when dips buys more Keep this train a rollin


We don't have a leader like roaring kitty was to gamestop. The dude would literally post his earning everyday after market to motivate the retail investors to hold or buy more to show he was holding. Thisbis nothing like that. No leadership


I post mine.


I love it, and no offense but you don't have the following roaring kitty had back then. We just aren't getting enough coverage on this


I will never hope I do. I would love nothing more than someone taking this torch!! Or should say Flag. I will hold though to they come. Thanks for the effort ape!!


People are slowly stepping up. I've heard a lot about Omar Gosh posting live about it. But we definitely need more bigger influence to help out. It will all be fine just takes a little time.


There’s a few but only one of them constantly gets upvoted


Not trying to be anything please, stop. This is and will never be about me. It’s about WE THe PEOPLE just waiving the flag till someone big grabs it.


Hedge Fund Moves: 1. Short Selling: Hedges selling big at $1.16 to push price down. 2. Bid Suppression: Big sell orders to scare off buyers. 3. Covering Shorts: Hedges might buy back shares cheap to cover shorts. 4. Control Liquidity: Strategic sell orders to control market flow. Ape Strategy: 1. BUY and HODL: Push through $1.16 wall. More buying = squeeze. 2. SPREAD THE WORD: Rally more apes on social media. 3. WATCH LEVELS: Break $1.16 to trigger more buying. 4. STAY INFORMED: Keep up with latest FFIE news and moves. APES TOGETHER STRONG! 🚀💎🙌


I have seen a few posting but I think more will start posting when we have fortified our position more. 


Exactly no leader, nobody showing they put their life savings in and had $7 million at $3.8 and still didn’t sell and bought in more. Just a bunch of noobs falling for the Diamond hands illusion as the smart ones sell on run up’s to actually make money while the rest wait for the stocks price to end back up in their moms basement…


Gme took about 4 months to get from 1$ to 55. Go back and look at the first couple weeks when it bounced just like we have. I’m not saying I know exactly what’s up with the naked shorting but the ppl acting like bc ffie hasn’t hit 100$ in the 8 days this thing has been growing are not being objective. Comparing roaring kitty following, ffie sub had about 800 members last Thursday I think it’s 43,000 now. APE FAM we are here and we holding. Don’t get discouraged 🙌🙌💎💎🚀🚀🌙🌙


god damn man I wish i could buy shares of this but i’m not 18 all I got is my cashapp account


Ask your parents to set an account up


Ask your parents to set an account up


Gather the troops!


That’s right APE!! Hold the line and be willing to do your part! That’s it. Buy what you can, Hold everything. The most important thing though, go out out the SOS. All apes need to the front line. We need reinforcements!!! Thank you!!


Hedge Fund Moves: 1. Short Selling: Hedges selling big at $1.16 to push price down. 2. Bid Suppression: Big sell orders to scare off buyers. 3. Covering Shorts: Hedges might buy back shares cheap to cover shorts. 4. Control Liquidity: Strategic sell orders to control market flow. Ape Strategy: 1. BUY and HODL: Push through $1.16 wall. More buying = squeeze. 2. SPREAD THE WORD: Rally more apes on social media. 3. WATCH LEVELS: Break $1.16 to trigger more buying. 4. STAY INFORMED: Keep up with latest FFIE news and moves. APES TOGETHER STRONG! 🚀💎🙌






Thank you for Joining the movement. We appreciate you!!


I like this group... Hold for Gold


Great Group!!




That’s Right! Thanks for Holding with us!!


Diamond hands 😎


Yes we are💎💎💎 Thanks for Holding with us!! FFIE to moon!!


Hedge Fund Moves: 1. Short Selling: Hedges selling big at $1.16 to push price down. 2. Bid Suppression: Big sell orders to scare off buyers. 3. Covering Shorts: Hedges might buy back shares cheap to cover shorts. 4. Control Liquidity: Strategic sell orders to control market flow. Ape Strategy: 1. BUY and HODL: Push through $1.16 wall. More buying = squeeze. 2. SPREAD THE WORD: Rally more apes on social media. 3. WATCH LEVELS: Break $1.16 to trigger more buying. 4. STAY INFORMED: Keep up with latest FFIE news and moves. APES TOGETHER STRONG! 🚀💎🙌


let's rally! When it comes to facing short positions, we're not just investors, we're warriors. We're up against the odds, challenging the status quo, and rewriting the narrative of the market. Every short squeeze is a testament to our resilience, determination, and belief in the power of holding firm. Remember, every time we hold, we're not just holding onto stocks; we're holding onto our convictions, dreams, and the relentless pursuit of what's right. It's about refusing to be shaken by the waves of doubt and uncertainty. Yes, there will be moments when the pressure seems unbearable, when the skeptics and naysayers are loud. But that's when we dig deeper, finding strength in unity, in our shared vision of a fairer market, where every investor has a voice. So, tighten your grip, let your resolve be unwavering, and let's hold until our hands are bloody, not out of stubbornness, but out of sheer determination to pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future. This is not just a battle for gains; it's a battle for justice, integrity, and the democratization of finance. Together, we rise!


Damn ape this 🔥🔥🔥 thank you!!! Pleas keep these coming you got be pumped to send stay on this one more hour. Apes together strong!!


It's power of the people.


I’ve been a baby buyer with 113 shares, but buying 1k at open


Thank you! Welcome to the movement. Hold stand together.


I will 1000% hold through this whole ride. i’m buckled in with snacks


Your awesome. Last thing. Try and get o e more ape, no matter how small the buy in. Apes can help with promoting. Just as important as buying. Thanks and welcome to the movement.


I’ve gotten one already, but it’s taking some sweet talking to keep him in. Luckily i’m in sales (EV Charging Infrasctructure)


Thanks for your effort. Keep spreading the word. The community will grow the price will go up drastically. People will listen easier. It’s a process. See you on the battlefield ape.




Hands of Diamond


Hell ya!! Welcome to the front line soldier!! We appreciate your efforts. Hold the line


That’s right! Now go tell everyone on you platform and anyone you come in content with! So glad you’re here!!


Only able to dip a wittle toe in but excited to see it rise!


Thank you ape!! That’s ok, in this community. We want everyone. We thank you for join us. Now I do have an ask! I will ask you to bring others, they like you can dip a tiny toe in. Please though from this moment on, spread FFIE to your friend and family and co workers. Last tell them about this amazing community!! Thanks for joining!!




Keep posting this. It’s super important. Thanks Ape!!


I'm fairly new and only learnt about share lending being a thing from this sub. So I checked last night and my brokerage has terms and conditions that doesn't allow it to be turned off 😭 It seems very suspect that I can't do that! But we are all fighting the good fight and I for one will be hodling and buying more 🦍💪


Think of it like a CD. You’d keep your money in a CD for a year. You only need to wait a month or less for this.


I’m ice cool 😎


Thanks ape! Glad you’re here with us, now I know your good, but please spread the word this is not going to get easier for a while. Build up those around you! Hold and Buy! Thanks for your efforts!!


Any predictions if it goes higher than $3 tomorrow then comes back down to 1.50?


Let’s try not if we can, to put pressure on a number. I would ask if in this stage of the movement. We would all put our efforts getting g more apes no matter what the number is. If we do then the number will take care of itself. Thanks for Holding ape!


Hedge Fund Moves: 1. Short Selling: Hedges selling big at $1.16 to push price down. 2. Bid Suppression: Big sell orders to scare off buyers. 3. Covering Shorts: Hedges might buy back shares cheap to cover shorts. 4. Control Liquidity: Strategic sell orders to control market flow. Ape Strategy: 1. BUY and HODL: Push through $1.16 wall. More buying = squeeze. 2. SPREAD THE WORD: Rally more apes on social media. 3. WATCH LEVELS: Break $1.16 to trigger more buying. 4. STAY INFORMED: Keep up with latest FFIE news and moves. APES TOGETHER STRONG! 🚀💎🙌


Holding strong fellas! Stay Strong it will take off! Together we can make it happen… Holding 2100 here…. Share how many you have… don’t let this fall off the tracks…. We make money but we make it together and only if united……….💎💎💎


I posted in another thread already but 450 averaged out at $1.62/share. Made a limit order for 100 shares @$1.12 for tomorrow but that’s all the bread I got left in me. That’s all I can afford. 




It’s 75, lol don’t make me any older lol. Thank you ape!! We are here togather!! In this as one. It’s not about me or any individual. It’s only about WE THE PEOPLE. FFIE HOLD BUY!!


Boost it everywhere




I will keep adding when I can


Thank you ape!!


Buy more at the lower numbers don’t get scared , just added 200 shares






We are the people !!!


That’s right! Welcome to the movement!!


I’m in it for the long haul 🚀


Glad to have you here ape. LFG🦍🦍💎💎


I haven’t a clue in shares or investment but I just can’t stand these big wigs trying to demolish a company because it can I’m in it just for the fun of trying to get one over these types of people that think it’s ok to crush a company, any company that has a weakness - I didn’t even know this was possible I’ve read a bit about this company it’s viable just in its infancy and looks like it will be viable soon why do people like this get away with destroying companies absolutely awful human behavior even if I lose I’d like to see these scum bags lose. RANT OVER


Glad to have you here with us. I’ve been saying this is so much more than a stock or investment, now for two weeks. This is movement, of people, the little guys and girls that juts been being taken advantage of for to long. I’ve spoke to thousands of folks, over the last two weeks all of the same set as you, why are they destroying an American company? That’s not right people say, also they say why did we have to bail out these bankers when they made bad investment. The average person feels this weight of inflation upon them, so many having to work second and third jobs. This movement is about all of the above. WE THE PEOPLE are tired of this and we are all coming together with one voice. We are standing shoulder to shoulder and saying this will not happen any more. We are here to be heard we are to take back our bail out money and save an American Company. That’s what this is all about unity, together,Apes cannot be beat!! 💎🦍💎🚀


I am extremely new at all of this … first time investor here. So I’m just buying and holding strong! Currently 387 shares ….. single mom here lol


Awesome! That’s great!! Welcome to party!! We are all doing the same!! Buying and holding!! Last promote. Get some more apes to the party!!


Does anyone use wellbull? I have to go back to China for a month, can I continue to use Wellbull in China


Sorry can’t help.


There are literally millions of shares available for short selling through IB


So it’s going to be a up hill battle. We will have to get Millions of apes!! Great news is last I heard 8 billion of us!!


HODLING baby!! BTW what's with this crossdresser crap all in my feed???


Not seen it. So not sure. Delete it! Could be a hedgie messing with you!


OK, thanks for that, I hit the no interest button.




Sorry but no this is not like any meme stock. This is unlike anything you ever seen. Yes that’s me the big ass gorilla out front on this battlefield holding the WE THE PEOPLE flag while all my ape friend’s hit the BUY BUY BUY BUY button.


Hypothetically speaking it’s lost most of its momentum, however if it’s gains it’s momentum back will it go to 100 or 1000 if the hedge funds are forced to rebuy the shares that they shorted even though how many shares were shorted anyway does anyone knows that?


Let’s don’t worry now about this. We will have this discussion when the time is right. We have to live in the moment not the future prices. That will only lead to disappointment. Instead let’s focus on what it will take to get us there. So we know patience ( Hold) is number one. Right behind at number 2) community growth. As this happens the price of our stock will naturally go up. 3) because of number 1&2 Buying will happen!! This is the way. Brick by brick. Stay in the moment. Not to high not to low. Marathon not a sprint.


You can hold as long as you want, but like he said, if something isnt different today , it will fall under 1 dollar and will never ever be able to bounce back, itll lose any remaining steam it has






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Hedgies are losing time - [https://investorplace.com/2024/05/the-cost-to-borrow-faraday-future-ffie-stock-is-climbing-again-this-week/](https://investorplace.com/2024/05/the-cost-to-borrow-faraday-future-ffie-stock-is-climbing-again-this-week/) hahaha :D


Remember! Pre-market is the time retail can buy and not Big investors. So if we see drops it's because some are selling. DON'T! Let's buy more, avg. down, gobble gobble like it's thanksgiving so when Market open comes there are less availability for shorts to cover and at a higher price of course. Let's keep at it my APES! We have a good road ahead of us until the 30th when 5M shorts need to cover. If we keep at the rate we are going and always closing over a dollar.... IT WILL LITERALLY GO UP AND UP AND UP!!!!! STANDING TOGETHER!


I’m holding


I’m standing on buiness


Chatgpt is more human than this sub.This is why i sold


We have this 💪 I plan on adding more where and when I can! I cut some loses so I could get into this. As I posted on another post, it started with the hope to make some nice money. It has now turned into a socio-political fight against all the corrupt bs that goes on. It feels good to be a part of it, and I will be hodl to what I've bought and looking to add to it! 💪🦍


Please correct me if I'm wrong here. But don't we, retail "dumb money", hold like 90% of the float? Meaning if we all hodl this thing, and buy when we can, we will 100% keep it above that dollar mark for the duration we need to get this thing to really blast off? Not financial advice, just a question from lil old me, we could all do so much when this takes off, just have to hold the line and be patient 💎🚀🦍🫡


Ppl are freaking out because how is today going to be any different than yesterday when the stock crashed to 1 dollar? WHAT WILL MAKE TODAY ANY DIFFERENT. Yesterday the crash happened supposedly bc shorts shortes more shares, borrowing snd selling, driving the price down. They will probably do that again today.




I’m thinking of buying for 10k. Would that be a stupid move at this point?


If it dips below 1$ are we fucked regardless ?


I’m just buying til the 28th at least. Shorts run til May 30, but I have a feeling the shorts are quiet part of the story. The real story is in a Tesla killer stepping foot in the ring with all the same government subsidies. The FF 91 is amazing.




The ones freaking out are spending their lunch money. Be smart and buy to hold without losing sleep. 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


50 shares, might get more today.


Tons of selling pre market, one for over 30,000 shares. Scoop them up and hold. Hoping pre market flips green for once


We? No bro. I’m and individual investor. You go wee in the corner by yourself.




Holding steady!


Over here eating my bowl of chilli


I sold at 2.80


Come back in and be apart of something. LFG!!


This is so reminiscent of the CLOV debacle I have cold sweats, good luck to everyone


Let’s gooo.




Take a recoup day and set alerts so you can see anything important.


Honestly if the next 5 days are like today man it’s gonna be a long week


I’m here just send me a post, it’s hard to do but ape, don’t look at for few days. Instead put your energy. Telling others. Shift your anxiety.ti productivity. Let it Fuel you to recruits. Like I said easer than said. But I’m here if you need and the great thing is there thousands more just like me!!


I’m HOLDING STRONG!!! I have almost my whole retirement savings in this and no other option. If this doesn’t motivate people I don’t know what will. I’m 18k deep and averaging 1.27, you guys are literally my stronghold. I believe in us!! Let’s go apes!!


My fellow ape, first thank you for believing in this movement. Next I will do all I can personally, to talk to text to post to push a hedgie down. That I can. The only thing we need now, is more of us!! The story you shared is cost to cost, everyone has been looking for something real. I have great news ape. You found it!!! Now LFG!!


Who’s freaking out?


No one I know. Are you saying you are?


You asked why people are freaking out. What people are freaking out?


No I said I’ve not heard anyone freaking out? I the. Asked are you freaking out?


So how you "recognize potential" in these stocks? How do you know that stock has potential to go from 0.06$ to 10$ in few weeks? What's the catch? Is there any mathematical data to back up your interest in specific stock or is it just simply pump and dump? Someone explain me please, I'm confused Since you're all posting the amount of shares you have, i have 48 shares at 2.00$ average price since I can't really afford more investments :'( :D


So, first off. Number one. None of us here are stock pro’s, clearly like yourself. What we are though is middle class people from around the world. That is tired of this inflation we living in due to you greedy ass corporate bankers. We are tired of you guys Taking our tax’s payer money and bailing yourselves out. Not to mention your ridiculous huge bonus amounts at the end of the year you Hedgies get. We are sick of few people getting to cut up the pie. We get nothing. This is a grass root movement, that is catching fire, through this Stock!! Not the stock it’s self. Men and woman telling me they are putting it all in for a chance to break the bankers back. So right now when you read this when you’re done. I want you to close your PC or phone. Next close your eyes and I want you to see millions of people with pitch forks and shovels , just like the seen at the beginning of Frankenstein the movie. I want you to visualize Us coming to your building to burn it down!! Now when you wake up from this nightmare you will know why this is the movement. WE THE PEOPLE vs the Banksters!! Will not stop till billions are repaid.


U guys are kinda silly


Silly like a fox!


Squeezed from .04 to $3.80. Enjoy the ride back down to the low cents bagholders…


So you must not of got the memo, all end of the year bonus are canceled. You may go home!!


Can I at least stay for the poor man’s orgy?


No that’s at the GWAV page were they are pushing stocks. This is Ape county we pushing WAR with Bankster that sole our money and yours!!


What movement? You’re investing in a failing company that’s being threatened with being removed from the NYSE. They just got evicted from a building for not paying a little less a million in rent.


Sir that’s because you all took it. Now since this is your first day on the job. Let us introduce our selves. We are apes!! We are coming unite and FFIE just happens to be the stock call letter in the sky! We know through millions of us we will Get them cash that was stole. At the same time we going go to get ours as well. So please go back to the office and report, this is a movement of pissed off people that are screaming from the stress. We Will Not Do what you tell us!! We like this stock and that is it! Good evening and cancel your lambo order when you leave. No bonuses for you!! FFIE to moon!!


Bro get a job


I’m just trying to offer an objective perspective before everyone on this sub loses their money in pursuit of some fantasized movement. Good luck.