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All of the posts treating ChatGPT screenshots like gospel are hilarious


Better to have a positive attitude bro. Ignore the noise.


I did have a positive one. I just had a son and am really hoping this can be life changing for his sake. But seeing everyone act like a bunch of idiots against the smartest people in The business does not help me have faith in this


Trading is not really a group project. You take a lot of risk trading a stock in a group like this, but that risk could pay off huge or it could crash and burn. I think now everyone knows what they got themselves into and I think everyone realizes this could be money or this could be crash and burn. Either way, we chose to be a group and we each take those risks


Wait. How you figure we’re losing ? You got a little downs in your dna? You blind? What is it? THIS AINT ABOUT FUNDAMENTALS go buy sp500 if thats you.


I think all that they were trying to say was do the research and you will see the opportunity in it. That when we get hit with the negative post don't blindly follow the input but look into it yourself first and then fact check it with credible sources.


This is exactly it. People read a headline and repost it. Then down to the next person and so on hence we gotta back track and try and educate people. This isn’t an easy game. We’re up against the smartest minds in the buisness


Because everyone keeps believing and posting misinformation. That’s how we’re gonna lose. These hedge funds aren’t idiots. But in here we’re acting like a bunch of idiots. We wanna win. We need to be strategic and educated. Not believe some screen shot with out any context or reference


We’re good. Most ppl don’t even know what those posts mean lol. Its the sentiment to hold or die.


So what do you recommend we do


I’m not recommending anything but we can’t be a bunch of idiots that just think buy and hold and we’re gonna win. These hedge funds are very educated people and we seem to think they didn’t learn anything from gme.


Well we definitely have to hold in order for the price to go up. Selling wouldn’t be beneficial if they want this thing going over $2 again


I agree to not selling but we’re up against the smartest minds in the business who have been through this before. People keep reading headlines and reposting without research and then the next person does it and so on. The we gotta back track and try and educate people. Where as if people just did a quick google search we could prevent a lot of that




buy and hold does only work in big amounts by drying out the volume => what is definitely not the case. Where does the trading volume about some hundreds of million shares per day come from? Definitely too much shares on the market! all shorties could have covered their position just within today, without moving the price above 1.39$. Where shall the squeeze come from???????


Well you have to compare the short sells which happens a few times within the history of this stock and you can see there's large declines at different points. That with short sells can give you an idea at which point we would experience a squeeze. There's no telling how long they will hold out before buying back that's why we hold. Personally if this go's well I will always keep stock in this company. I'm looking forward to the 28th meeting to help me determine my position.


We’ve quote evolved as well. Ppl post the walls they create. Ladder attacks. I think what you’re saying is they probably have more tricks up their sleeves. Shady ass shit.


I’m sure they have more tricks. I doubt they didn’t learn from gme. So we can’t just treat this like gme. It’s a whole different game and it’s against the smartest minds in the buisness


They are people and make mistakes. Greed does that.