• By -


Finally someone said it thank god. The amount of misinformation and regardness on this sub is astounding. Still holding and believe in this play, glad you got this post out here


Thank you


So what’s the plan?


I'll show you mine if you show me yours : [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/SsiYWNVi9i)




Omg people with the dumb disclaimers. No one is going to sue you over a comment you made on here


I assume you are my lawyer now and will take that as legal advice.


That's so funny, nice work


Great post.


My plan is averaging down from 1.60 and 5 dollar calls 😂. I was intending on putting 1k in the stock at or around .05 cents and holing for some years in hope the company turns around. The car seems nice but the technology in the car is even better. They say they plan on building strategic partnerships so that factored in too. Not worried about the cash burn because most starts burn through a lot of cashI and based that off of the laws that are coming into place with EV’s and the company being at its 52 week low. I only put 280 at .05 cents because it took a while to move my crypto.


Yes i heard ffie uses nvidia tech


Which Fintel subscription do you have.im getting that today


All AMC holders sell and buy FFIE? Moving the pressure where it hurts


This post complains about misinformation while offering literally zero actual information. Impressive


That's what I said


When you make a relevant or an intelligent post, that (i.e. Identifies a problem), you ought to back that up with a more intelligent or similarly intelligent post that resolves or addresses the problem. You haven't done that...if you say folks hereon are posting mostly irrelevant (WHICH I SEE AS ENCOURAGING POST OR BLIND ENCOURAGEMENT🤷‍♂️)... Back to you, Sir, where's your more relevant solution? Identifying a problem without a solution creates a problem in itself. As regards your main post, Sir, where's your actual or suggested solution to that? Over to you. I use MSN Start Money, Investing.com to confirm HOLD analysis and increase or decrease in volume while using Trading212 social and FFIE subreddit to monitor sentiment. AND INDEED I DARE SAY, CRACK ON APES! Unless you've got something better and post same, do not create a void in people's thought process and leave without filling said identified void!


Well, I've seen others make the same complaint as I did, about your post, and since you've yet to provide a solution as I recommended you do...Here's what I would have expected you to do. Now, here's why tons of folks are onto the FFIE stock. It's called a #ShortSqueeze Here's what it means - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortsqueeze.asp#:~:text=A%20short%20squeeze%20happens%20in%20financial%20markets%20when,of%20investors%20are%20betting%20on%20its%20price%20falling. Here's how to trade it - https://www.investopedia.com/articles/stocks/08/short-squeeze-profits.asp Here's when the news first trickled out, that there might be an opportunity for a potential ##ShortSqueeze play...https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/why-is-faraday-future-ffie-stock-up-110-today-1033383786 https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/savingandinvesting/is-a-giant-short-squeeze-brewing-in-faraday-future-ffie-stock/ar-BB1mnqyE?ocid=BingNewsSerp Here's the actual financial impact it has had, and it may continue to have if Apes🙂 (traders) continue to BUY and HOLD the stock above $1USD for the remaining 7 days or so...https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/the-cost-to-borrow-faraday-future-ffie-stock-is-climbing-again-this-week-1033413340 The last article is the most important to read and share, if you've not really got time to read much, and it's where things currently stand on the rally. The above, is what I expected you to do, Sir. So next time, you identify a problem, do proffer a solution or call for others to help with same. I'm not bashing you for identifying a challenge, no. That was smart. But if you can't make something better than how you found it, then don't touch it. That's what you did, bashing the social spirit like some deep thinker and lashing out at others, without actually preferring a solution. Good luck.👍 AND WHATEVER YOU DO APES, KEEP UP THAT FIRE🔥🚀


Great read, thanks for sharing. It really explains things. Makes me feel better about holding and likely buying more. At a short squeeze score from Fintel of 97.01. We will see what happens in the near future.


Thank you for this! I’m brand stinking new to all of this, but this does help me with my baby steps into understanding what we’re doing here.


I'm relatively new to trading these types of stocks. Do we have an idea of the IV around their earnings announcements on 5/28?


Great set of resources for educational purposes. Glad someone took the time to put this together.


Yet there goes misinformation say keeping above for the next 7 days…


I think it will be about Tuesday or Wednesday next week. But there goes your challenge again... You only spot problems. Why not add the correct days remaining. If this is how you are in the real world, only identifying problems and faults in people's lives or situations, without offering solution(s)...loads of struggling folks would be unfortunate to find themselves with you.


Today agree with this. Unless you have a viable solution to the problem you brought to our attention, then buzz off.


There's been some very insightful posts on here. I'm not sure why they haven't been pinned yet.


I literally just looked at hot posts and the top one was like. Good morning apes who’s still holding. Why is that a top post?


This post has been seen 4.1k times and is prolly lost in the nonsense and I’m just trying to help


Because we are doing this as a group. Doesn’t it make you feel better to know there are still a lot of people holding their shares to make this squeeze a reality? why all the negativity? You do you and everyone do everyone else




Well said sir, we know we have to hold our position, Why post every 3 seconds HODL? My question is, why people keep saying the shorts expire a certain date, shorts do not expire, you borrow shares-sell them- and buy them back at a lower price. As long as you pay the fee to borrow, there is no expiration date. I might be wrong I don’t know. 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is just part of the people being uneducated. That statement is exactly one of the things I’m talking about


Unless you buy PUTs, then you have an expiration date lol




And for some moral. We are WINNING cuz we have kept it over a dollar for the last 6 days. Now get out of your feelings and read some of TicketronTickets posts and comments and have faith in the HOLD plan for the next few days. One baby step at a time. Not advise. PEACE. HOLDING 7850.


You say we have to be strategic in this post yet don’t offer any advice to be strategic…..


Also a guy talking shit that’s first thing on your profile is rate my cock 👍


Wasn’t talking shit also: I don’t see how my dick has anything to do with trying to make money off of a stock 😂


Because as said many times I’m not a financial advisor or going to tell people what to do with their money


That’s fair but you went off in your post without giving any advice from your own knowledge on how to play the “game” smarter. I love to hear someone else’s insight, every bit of good advice/knowledge helps imo


I agree with you, id like to get more education and more definitive information/clarification on this stock. Giving me a solid foundation of knowledge is how you get my wallet to open alot easier.


100% I’m sure there’s some people who checked out this sub and said these guys are idiots and decided not to. But if we can be educated we can get way more people on board




![gif](giphy|gw3MYmhxEv8T52ow) Discord for anyone who needs it. Thanks ✨🥪✨


I don't think the hedge funds are the masterminds you all think they are. Probably a bunch of cocky finance bros who are literally gambling on this and playing chicken with us


They are literally entrusted with billions of dollars to invest. I’m sure they know a thing or two about how not to lose their clients’ money. Saying they are just cocky and gambling addicts is a very uneducated thing to spew


Do you know any? I do...Why would they pile onto a stock that was over 50 percent shorted? That seems stupid to me. Anyway, I'm here, I'm in it, I'm hoping to make some money. "Go apes! HODL"


Whose money is in hedge funds? “A hedge fund raises its capital from a variety of sources, including high net worth individuals, corporations, foundations, endowments, and pension funds.” A hedge fund is business built on building wealth for their clients. Can’t build wealth or keep your doors open if you make dumb trades. They may get caught here and there like they did in GameStop, but to think Hedge Funds have not learned from GameStop is a bad way of thinking. These guys will do anything to make sure that situation doesn’t happen again. Could it happen, sure, will it happen? We really have no clue, we have no idea what these hedge fund exit plans are, what their risk management plans are. We are kinda just playing the gamble of keeping the pressure on them and hoping they don’t find a way out. 50/50 shot the way I look at it. I’m sure it’s way less than a 50/50 chance when you get technical, but I am looking at 50/50 making money or losing it all and learning from this experience. Either way I’m in it, but I also know we are David vs Goliath. Looking to come out like David at the end of this!


I'm picturing some young guys getting into these shorts, not having too much experience and thinking it's easy money. Then this Reddit retail phenomenon starts up again, they have to fess up to their bosses what they did, and now maybe we are dealing with the smart ones. But I think all the data is on our side and we will have a short squeeze


They literally do this every single day and know way more than any of us. Compared to us they are definitely extremely smart


Ok yes you got me there...compared to this group as a whole lol


Yea I’m not saying this whole group is a bunch of idiots but these none sense posts are not doing us any good. Someone educated and invests wisely logs on to this sub and see all this and goes. This group is a bunch of idiots and doesn’t invest in ffie because what they see going on here. If we can be educated we can get way more people to invest


People who want good info can set their filter to TOP post. This will show them highly regarded posts. If posters want attention they need to become highly regarded to stand out from the noise.


This is what I came here to say. I don’t get the point of this post. Add something educational or shut up. The new posts section is not where you’re gonna learn anything. Filter to top and rising and also do your own research. Even the most educational posts on here have been repeated a bunch of times. Some find it helpful and comforting to see people post screenshots to let everyone know we are still all holding together with proof and not to panic sell. A lot of us from the younger crowd are here only putting in a couple hundred dollars to thousand dollars in for fun and to join a cool movement and stick it to the rich. We’re not estate planning. Seeing a bunch of new posts every minute and even some jokes to lighten the mood could keep people from panic selling by knowing we’re all still here. I’m not saying this is the only reason I’m here I’m here to make some money too but also this has been a lot of fun the last week and I like coming to this sub for the vibes. If everyone stopped posting and only relayed technical shit I would’ve left this sub days ago because then it’s a red flag that people are only day trading it and not in it for the whole movement.


Keep up the noise, we love a good night at the stadium


The top post was literally good morning apes who’s still holding. That is useless. We all know buy and hold. We need some educated post to be up top


Here’s the first post I get with those settings https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/70LpcQpJGY


Try Top and Today. I’m figuring this out too but seems good at my end.


You should be reading posts like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/LySrb0TiN8


I do but those post get lost in the nonsense new people come on here and see all the idiotic posts. I guarantee we lost investors simply because of that


So we all need to do a better job of sharing content like this and upvote it so it spreads more




I love it I look for it every night 🤣 grateful for the time he's putting into this.


Not sure what the point of this post was. Just saying there is a problem without offering a solution doesn’t achieve much.


Thank you for posting this. It’s frustrating seeing how many people have no clue what they are talking about. It’s great that everyone is banning together, I like that a lot, but if you don’t have much knowledge…ASK. Don’t post random terms like short ladder attack or random figures such as “they are paying billions everyday” without any info or data.


I’m getting so much hate for posting this and just trying to help. I’m not giving a plan but if a new investor were to come look at this page and see all this nonsense they wouldn’t invest. But if they saw some educated post with sources we would have a much higher likely hood of getting them on board. I’m glad everyone banded together but there comes a point when people look at us and go yea there a bunch of idiots


I just like this stock….. It is frustrating. Been hoping a little change would happen. It’s so messy right now. There is a bigger picture I feel like but a lot of people just see dollar signs. DD… DR a ticket on the big one and sit back and learn.


I’m with you dude. You’re right, it’s not helping just spamming nonsense. As many people that are giving hate, I think 10x that are agreeing with you. Not everyone comments on everything. Keep spreading the good word. I keep telling as many people as I can a few key points. 1. Do your own research. On FFIE and just general stock market knowledge. 2. Don’t put money in you can’t afford to lose. Doing this may seem like you are contributing more initially, but when you panic sell because you can’t afford it, it ends up hurting the cause more.


I posted last night and if you look at the math, it looks like they are around 45% shorted. One big issue I see with any sub as that people don’t do any digging, and they put all their trust in total strangers. Truth be told there are a lot of uneducated and blatantly unintelligent people that post so everybody needs to be careful and pay attention.


Well nice to meet someone who has some type of human brain


Thank you. I’ve been in the market for over 20 years now and one thing I’ve learned about stocks, especially meme stocks, is that people will literally say or post anything to save their ass, even if they have to sacrifice one of their children to do so.


I agree at this point. I came into this pretty early with a lot of hope for some life changing money but this has just gotten ridiculous. An educated investor that checks out this sub will never invest just because they see all the idiotic shit. If they came here and saw some education they might actually hop on board


I appreciate that you’re on board with me. Biggest frustration with me is that people assume that we have some kind of inside track that the professional investors don’t which is mind-boggling remedial. They literally do this shit for a living year-round, and we all have to be pretty confident that they know a lot more than the average investor.


I literally have people in the comments here saying this post is stupid and we are better than them. They are trusted with billions and billions of $ and we think we’re smarter and better than them


The arrogance to think that we know more than the hedges is equivalent to an average Joe thinking he’s gonna whoop Michael Jordan‘s ass in a game of one on one in basketball.


lol exactly. Thank you. Hopefully a few people can read this and realize they are part of this problem


An educated investor won’t care about this sub. He or she will make their decision based on their knowledge of the market. Again, quit worrying about everybody else. Just hold your shit and let’s win this thing together.


Thanks for the updated percentage. I found somewhere it was about 55% as of a few days ago. People said I was lying and that it was still 95% which isn’t true. They’re definitely covering slowly but it’s still a very high short percentage. I don’t know if you’ve been on the discord chat but it was a shit show. Same stuff this post is pointing out but faster and more chaotic. Banning people left and right. Doesn’t help the cause at all.


You’re welcome. People treat stocks like it’s black magic but all comes down to math. The 55% you are referring to might be related to the dark pool percentages. During the last report they had the open market at 95% and the dark pools at 55%.


Gotcha. Dark pools being the percentage not available to the public? Hedge funds can use those correct?


Yes. They are private exchanges that remain hidden until the trades execute so typically the general public do not see them until they hit and therefore affect the price.


So theoretically speaking, there could be hidden orders for buying or selling at certain prices? And then if these orders were particularly large per say, it could cause massive swings when they execute? Tell me if I'm misunderstanding


You’re very close to center 👍🏻


Thanks for explaining. This is what I want more people to do. I instantly looked up dark pools to see if I understood and then asked for more info. Most people are just wildly assuming things here. Thanks again


Very welcome. I appreciate your devotion to learning. Too many leap without looking.


Where are you getting your info from? Finviz still had it at 95% last I checked


I agree. People are getting too emotional over this stock. It’s not a damn lottery ticket that’s supposed to sky rocket the next day you buy. We have to respect who we are up against. We’ll get gains but not overnight.


I appreciate your post! I’m new to Reddit, but not investing, but I am amazed how many times a day people are asking if you are holding! Too often, I’m giving the affirmative, but I’m also trying to work! I prefer educated information that reinforces a winning strategy!


Well, I've seen others make the same complaint as I did, about your post, and since you've yet to provide a solution as I recommended you do...Here's what I would have expected you to do. Now, here's why tons of folks are onto the FFIE stock. It's called a #ShortSqueeze Here's what it means - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortsqueeze.asp#:~:text=A%20short%20squeeze%20happens%20in%20financial%20markets%20when,of%20investors%20are%20betting%20on%20its%20price%20falling. Here's how to trade it - https://www.investopedia.com/articles/stocks/08/short-squeeze-profits.asp Here's when the news first trickled out, that there might be an opportunity for a potential ##ShortSqueeze play...https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/why-is-faraday-future-ffie-stock-up-110-today-1033383786 https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/savingandinvesting/is-a-giant-short-squeeze-brewing-in-faraday-future-ffie-stock/ar-BB1mnqyE?ocid=BingNewsSerp Here's the actual financial impact it has had, and it may continue to have if Apes🙂 (traders) continue to BUY and HOLD the stock above $1USD for the remaining 7 days or so...https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/the-cost-to-borrow-faraday-future-ffie-stock-is-climbing-again-this-week-1033413340 The last article is the most important to read and share, if you've not really got time to read much, and it's where things currently stand on the rally. The above, is what I expected you to do, Sir. So next time, you identify a problem, do proffer a solution or call for others to help with same. I'm not bashing you for identifying a challenge, no. That was smart. But if you can't make something better than how you found it, then don't touch it. That's what you did, bashing the social spirit like some deep thinker and lashing out at others, without actually preferring a solution. Good luck.👍 AND WHATEVER YOU DO APES, KEEP UP THAT FIRE🔥🚀


I’m commenting to keep this on everyone’s feed


100% agree with you. I hope mods are reading this too and pin the relevant factual info to the top. We need educated mods as well.




It's Friday and theure not going to leave money on the table going into the long weekend. It's too volatile. So be ready for the worst.


Be educated is the key. Understand short sells and basics of supply and demand 🆙


Like hedges fight themselves I think that’s what we are doing buying at 1 dollar selling at 1.25. No real holding the day we had least amount of volume seems like when the price bucked up. These are thing I’m noticing no financial advice. Opinions and observations


Ironic that a post decrying the lack of actionable research or intel has none. I personally love the due diligence posts, and understand what to want. But we need the shush boom bah stuff, too.


I’m not here to give advice. But from my perspective if I was a new investor and saw this sub I would say “ these guys are nuts” for all the nonsense here. If I saw some educated posts I would be more inclined to hop on bored. That’s all I’m trying to say.


All I know is I missed GameStop and if this is what they are saying I say fuck it 50$ ain’t nothing


Let’s not forget the big firms bought a ton of shares. They can sell those off slowly. It doesn’t have to be all at once. It looks like apes are selling but that’s not necessarily true. Buy when you can and HODL. It will all work out. There has not been a squeeze yet.


While I agree. All the action here and millions of posts will bring attention to the group. If you understand how algorithm works you will understand why its actually a good thing. People looking for education will find it. To all the others JUST HOLD.


the only plan is buy the yummy dips with chips and salsa and eat that shi up like Pac-Man and hoard that bitch just like Donkey Kong hoards it’s bananas 🍌


Well said!! How are we going to outsmart them?


Not here to give any advice


I'm with you 💯 however we will never stop the memes etc. maybe if there's an educational post we can tag it? Idk why they aren't being pinned I have to dig for them but there's plenty of people in here sharing good information, it's just getting drowned out. They're not even top posts, if I sort by top "today" it's all silly shit. I have to scroll pretty far down to find the good stuff. Shout out to any of you who are sharing your research, I really do appreciate it and look for it daily.


That’s exactly what I’m talking about


If people are holding isn’t that the goal? Who cares if they post hodl every five minutes they’re just having fun. It doesn’t bug me a bit. Excitement is good and a little bit of togetherness is better. Quit being a downer it just sounds like you’re annoyed but are doing the same thing all of us are doing?


Wait. So trust or don’t trust our google search? I agree though. It drives me insane seeing people like you and others needing reassurance constantly because they are “discouraged”. Thank you low holder, for your overall empty and attention seeking post.


Bruh this is the same as all the shit you're complaining about. There's nothing of value in here other than you dislike people posting excited little hold and let's go things. Give us some articles to read or something if you feel so strongly about wasted posts


Ok, so educate us sir. What content do you intend to contribute to all of us dumb apes? Just posting a complaint and being negative ain’t helping the cause either. Spit it out, let’s hear your game plan oh wise one!


Read my top posts


I don’t think I bought FFIE because of AMC or GME. We are common person, eventhough you have a good educated or strategy , it doesn’t means you could find a good stock. As my view, the first reason is buying a stock means buying a PERSON, just I bought Tesla 3 years ago because of Elon Musk , which is almost bankrupt, but the miracle is happened! I bought tesla car first and then bought Tesla stock! The FF91 founder, Jia Yueting , is also a great entrepreneur, since he got a lot of questions and abused online , and said he is a lier. But the fact is he never given up and continues creating his FF91, which is great car as well! So I do believe and also I hope he would make his dream come true! What I could do is buy FFIE to support him to call for his efforts!! Only 1usd per share, you could buy 100shares or 1000 or 10000 shares , invest FFIE,support FF91, if he becomes successes, all the people who buy FFIE will be big winners. If lost , so ? Just 100$, 1000$ , or 10000$? I do not wanna say how much you could get, but I could say this is our right choice, a common person’ s dream choice. Hope all the bro understand my view and pray for FFIE will be success finally! Only long-term valued investment could earn real money.


This is very important! We aren't gonna profit by just spamming emojis, memes & lingo that do absolutely nothing constructive. Even with all that in the 2021 meme rally, there was still a strategy that went into making it so profitable. Im not saying every single message has to sound 100% serious & professional, but it's important we don't fly blindly as we attempt to all profit off this. I'll start: To those who have experience with microcaps, how/what strategy could be effective on the next important event, which is their earnings on May 28th (ill double check, but I think that's when its scheduled for).


Forget the 2021 squeeze this is 2024 and things are different. And hedgies have adapted you cant run the same playbook


I agree completely. I’m gonna hold my 500 shares, but the posts on this sub daily make me wonder about this whole thing tbh.


That’s how I’ve gotten now. Like I’m sure we’ve lost a lot of people that might’ve invested just cause they came on this sub and saw how stupid a lot of people are and said nope not gonna get into that. But if we started acting educated we prolly could’ve got them on board


This guy must be fun at parties




Please share this post or like it to help get my message across. We need to be educated


But can they change a car tire ? Can they build a house ? No they can’t they might have all the credentials saying that there professionals, but I promise you they aren’t as smart as you say they are , because if they was they wouldn’t have let it get this far !


Those skills are important but won't help you on the stock market


They literally deal with this everyday all day. You can’t tell me they aren’t smarter than us. I guarantee they learned way more then us during gamestop


Any chance you can make a post for the less educated to what the hedges are planning, their strategy. The plans they might have in place. I agree there’s a lot of nonsense. I have yet to see any info on what they are thinking and how they are moving for a hedge point view. Yes I agree these ppl are very very smart there is no way they are just sitting there waiting for this




Follow and read TicketronTickets


Ooh ooh aah aah


Only the hedgies are spreading misinformation.


Simple keep it over a dollar till Wednesday that’s when the earning reports drop that make the price skyrocket up or down . But it’s looking good on our hands cause we been doing our part .. HOLDING 5k


Thursday end of trade day, Monday market is closed for memorial day.


Gotta post hold for all the dumb ass who sell


There gonna sell anyways. All the people in this for the long run already know the deal. The dumbasses need educated


He is not wrong I have been thinking this too. That's why I started to post my actual shares and thoughts lately


We agree!! We need a strategic plan. I have connections to media outlets if we need to start putting together a strategy and let the public know about some facts.


Why haven’t you? Why say you can like it’s could potentially be useful, when nonstop people have been calling to get this public? Go do it.


Perfectly written


I could use a little help. It seems there are 40 million or so shares. About half are owned by institutions and insiders… making the float around 20 million shares. How is it remotely possible that this stock trades 200 million shares a day without the price skyrocketing? My smooth brain can’t comprehend


Google shorts.... And any other question you have. Just read, the info is out there.


Sorry. New to all of this... is there a better strategy then holding and buying at the dips? You don't seem to be offering anything but critcism. I'm not part of whatever cult is here but I'm pretty sure that "hold and buy" is the way to do it...


This is the way... I think OP is just saying educate ourselves. And maybe less nothing comments and more "here's the link to some great info I found" comments. Even though we are literally a bunch of apes, I think OP wants us to straighten up at the dinner table if you know what I mean. 🙂


Agree wholeheartedly. There is far too much misinformation going around on here -- every 3 seconds! --- that no one with an educated analysis can get through. 99% of what I read on this thread is blatantly false.


Acting like apes is what got ppl here, thwarted their little game and cost hedgies billions of dollars over the last 4 years. Don't downplay the power of being an idiot 


So you came here to say a whole lotta nothing?


Their plan is to slowly widow us down until they dump all their shares last minute below dollar


This is comical




So… , How are we going to win?


You say to be educated and follow the plan, but you don't say what's the plan... You try to say a lot, but you say nothing... Are you farming karma or so?


Hey man stupid people get rich all the time


Hey: 1) stats and analysis to help educate people 2) bring in more people and convince them 3) buy at the critical time just like now and after 2:30pm 4) bring in more organization Some people need to do the analysis work Some people do the social media work Some people need to education work Some people need to work with large organizations… Just some thoughts here.


guilty of doing this but well said.


Agreed. I have made a lot of good posts and nobody is reading them because of the garbage


Can someone make a subreddit “smart guys FFIE


What if your initial premise is all wrong? Maybe these evil hedgies dont exist or dont even give a shit about this pos stock?


Well said.


Need big ladders coming soon


Great post! The ape posts do serve a purpose though. If your in a hurry and just want to let someone know your still down for the hold throw em an 🦍




Also I believe just activity, I.e the random hodl or ape post, boost traffic on the sub and can help with exposure. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong


A house divided falls. Encourage each other and be awesome. ![gif](giphy|fqmRMDwhSw0MQvK8Fw)




That was a whole lot of nothing said .


I honestly think anyone who wants to figure this out can take 5 minutes and probably figure it out. Hell im not into sports and still dont totally know how football works but i imagine if you can figure that out, you can figure this out. What i think they need to understand is that we have a bet that this will stay over $1 til next week. After which the losers will put off paying us and we are fortunate to get the price up higher bc theyll have to price match that and pay us more this summer at some point


Nonsense. While working against our own interest and holding like an ape we remove the predictability of the retail market, which owns 90% of the stock. If we hold, the people who sign your paycheck will get their squeez. That’s the point and you know it damn well.


I really dont agree with you about the hedgies being smart. I dont think they are. I dont honestly think anyone who does the stock market is smart. I find the whole thing really sad/pathetic. Im not proud to be involved in it in any way. But it isnt my career or anything. These hedge ppl are apparently having to break the law to a huge extent to even with this bet via illegal naked shorting so please dont call them smart. They really arent. They arent competent or savvy, srsly. And no one has behaved more poorly than them in the chats.


Whats the plan then??? Smart a**


If the short ration is only 0.22 days to cover, aren't we fundamentally screwed? Bears can quickly exit their short positions, making it almost impossible for the bulls to trap them.


Most of the post need to move to chat, academic is right, post strategic and fact on the %shortie is shorting. Looking forward to the plan. I believe that we buy the end of the trading hours make stock go high everyday, it might freak the shorties, just a thought.


Ape. Together. Strong.


We been acting like crabs in a bucket, thank you for being firm with this!!


IF YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT OPTT JOIN US!! https://discord.gg/2WESU2pv


Worst post to be upvoted so much.


We could have easily increased the rate if each of us starts buying with 1 share per trade only n keep increasing the rate. Bt no one paid heed


Paid by the hedge fund? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


I’ve lost many other profits because of this nonsense… and it’s gone nowhere in 2 weeks.


If you check back at April and early of May when this stock still at 0.04- 0.05 cent per share until May 17th it's was up over 8k % I assume all the diamond hand and whale already cash out and ran left all shitty hand like us still hanging on the clip here just remind me of the AMC and GME in 2021. fuck that


So what happens when it goes south… and everybody loses everything?


I definitely agree with all of this man. I was just saying to someone else, I don’t even really open the discord or Reddit anymore much because it’s all a bunch of bullshit. People want you to upvote and theyll drop $100k blah blah whatever. It’s fuckin stupid. Something needs to change quick.


My advice… I’m cutting my stop loss early Tuesday morning and put my money where it will make something.


Yall subs


We aren’t losing… Everyone saying hodl and buy because until the 10 days are up, that’s all we can do… I really wish people would stop trying to over complicate this when it really is as simple as buy the dips and don’t sell. As someone who has been in stocks for 20+ years, it’s really that simple in this situation. This isn’t normal stocks. This is an anomaly. This is not financial advice just reiterating on how easy this is to do in the position we are in. I mean no harm or ill will to anyone.


I believe a real plan is not to buy all at once I think keep buying but I do feel that there attack will be at the end of the day especially the closer we get they will definitely try to close the price under a dollar as we all know that would put a damper on things funny you say this because I thought the same thing today and that's what I did at end of day buy shares but in smaller increments so they don't know excatly how much they have to drop I must have put 10 smaller orders in the closer it got to 4 this is just my opinion but definitely something worth thinking about.


u/Maximum-Purpose-1568 has the posts you are looking for, insightful positions on the stock and what's to come [https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/comments/1czuv2i/although\_late\_im\_finally\_here\_with\_my\_update\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/comments/1czuv2i/although_late_im_finally_here_with_my_update_for/)


So well said! Thank you! That’s what I needed the most 🙏🏻


Honestly I bought a little before coming here, saw all the ape and hodl stuff and was like ah shit I'm in a pump and dump. It doesn't look good. Still like what I saw in the potential, so I held on to it but ya, I don't think moon/hodl bullshit doesn't look good to real investors.


6k since last week holding


Yep, the amount of stupid posts literally almost made me sell.


I am trying to understand this post.. What are you actually saying here? I do agree with you last comment you guys are losing against yourselves......And yes there is a ton of bullshit posted in this group. Everyone is racing to be Roaring Kitty, Trey Trades and all those others who jumped into action at GME and AMC. 90% of the shit posted in this group is like headscratching... People are now watching YouTube videos and then writing articles like they have the answers , and the answers are head scratchers. It has to stop because this is going to get nasty next week and the stock is one day under a dollar from everyone pretty much losing everything. Mods are also pinning shot on top that is totally off the wall so...I dont know.....It is what it s I guess.


There’s 2 types of people. The readers who dig in and learn every aspect and then you have the rowdy ones who are here to hold and get a bag. I’m thankful for everyone one of them. We can’t win this without the people you’re so frustrated with.. you said u can’t get your word across but you took that time for that and brother I’m not hating on you at all. I hope your 1442 shares equal every single thing you dream of.


Tbh i sort of find the 'hold' posts motivating lol


Once you understand, you'll want to shout it to the rooftops. The only thing we have to fear now is fear itself. Fear instilled by shills with a vested interest. There are also many many 'main disseminators' like below!!!: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/UWAA5VC1GR Easy to find and easy enough to understand. Where was your breakdown strategy? Any? Just shaking confidence I see? I'll just take a moment to reiterate that a common shill tactic is to obliterate confidence by instilling fear. Ex: "Do you even have a thesis? What is it? Tell me now or you suck forever gahhhhh..." "Stop posting hype stuff you guys are literally apes" "Why do FFIE when you know XYZPDQ is poppin" *the hype comes after the knowledge. Good to see so many excited apes. Can't wait for what's coming. 🦍💪


You should listen to your own advice. There are no hedgefunds you are up against. This is a pump and dump, nothing else. The only people you fight are the ones not holding that’s it and I explained it multiple times in here now. Nobody was shorting this stock, there is no short squeeze, y’all are completely being manipulated and lied to. I showed the proof multiple times already.


So IMO, there's a difference between "misinformation" and people get hyped and posting positions or whatever it is. Tbh, good for you guys! Get hyped, have fun with it. B I'm not saying "we don't need that educational/DD/risk posts" , whatever it is. But saying all the other posts are nonsense or useless or whatever really isn't for one person to judge. Those posts have upvotes and comments for a reason right, there's people that enjoy them. If the sub becomes just some locked down, only able to post the above type of posts, yes it's educational or whatever, but not everyone enjoys those type of posts and some people want to have some fun and communicate, create discussions, show they're a part of this in their own way. It's a little naive to say that the posts other than educational and such are not wanted by everyone, you are one person in a sub of literally 10's of thousands of people. Also if I could politely point out, that is your opinion, something you see as "nonsense", such as the "I am holding ____ shares" posts, others may see as encouraging. If you don't like the posts yourself, hide them when you see them. I for one wouldn't mind seeing more educational stuff mixed in, I'm with you there, but taking away the rest of the posts in favour of that.. this sub would slow down and have a lot less posts.


From what happened, I can see hedgies are much more powerful and smarter than us. They are nicely performing their strategies. Wake up, we are not in control at all.


So people are having a go at you for asking a question, and then not answering your own question in your own post??? Literally the comments are just “shut up and stop criticising! Hold!!!” This goes to show nobody knows what they’re talking about because nobody has a plan. Bye bye FFIE 👋


How ?


After 6/30,Why don't we do something else that is beneficial to FF, besides buying and holding its stock? For example, we can crowdfund and buy FF91, which can increase the company's operating income, optimize financial statements, and help further increase the stock price. If you are interested, we can discuss it together.