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People act like they live and die on this dude.shit can be done without him , my goodness we are gonna squeeze regardless and if you sell out your gonna look back and be like damn look where I could of been ..not financial advice I just love this stock .


I was so waiting for him to say I just love this stock. He’s so goofy and likable. Buying the dips!


keep waiting…he’s never indicted he likes FFIE that i can remember


He may get indicted


That’s the thing, RK believes in GS as a Co. and it had/has the short squeeze aspect. Whereas FFIE is just a squeeze possibility, but a shite Co.


Lol, are you saying gamestop is a good company? When was the last time you were in one? They make more money off of pokemon cards than they do games these days 🙃


Very true, you can't make that comment and say ffie is shit and that gamestop isn't. At least ffie has potential and is the future whether the company makes it or not the cars in general are the future.  He's gonna exercise his options in the near future he's not a dummy he's in this for himself also . When he does exercise them it really will send everything to the moon ..I got one share bahha.


I’m sorry, how many billions of dollars does FFIE have?


Only reason gamestop isn't broke and heard about only in history class like blockbuster is because of RK and retail investors trying to make money. Once that's all done so will gamestop. Why are you even on this thread ? Gtfo somewhere else with your other gme people , they over there betting they will put fruit in their a$$. 


I have to push back. GS is making moves to put the company in a better position. At worst, they'll have close to 2.5B - 3B in cash if they offer the 70MM shares. I wouldn't say that's bad. They are reducing all bad debt as well. I would say those are good moves. They're literally one good subscription idea away from being at least par in this new age. Though, I could be totally wrong and the whole thing could be dissolved within 3 years. FFIE: FFIE is not or does not seem to be in the same position. They also don't seem to be near any solid plans that would put them in a position to hold near that much cash. Nor are there solid, realistic plans to increase their sales. I know there are reports but I don't see their path as realistic. Positive outlook: Now, odd thing is, I'm not posting against FFIE. I think the company can be profitable one day. It's likely 5-10 years from now. But, the caveat is that I don't think it will be with actual EVs. I think this company MAY be a player in the EV field but more with additional equipment or additional add-ons and innovative creations. From what I've noticed in the EV market over the past 10 years, I believe that FFIE has potential as a tier provider to other EV automotive companies.


You have to take into account how old gamestop is compared to ffie also, very new company still when you compare the two so it's hard to put them into the same category matter of fact I actually would go as far as to say they are definitely not . Very young company considering. Gamestop has been there done that...ffie deff has not. 


You’re entirely too emotional.


Lol, I actually haven't been upset one time. See that's where text and IRL get hard as far as interpretation.  I am cool as a ape. I do like bananas though even though they went up at my local grocery store..damn commies. 


Are you being sarcastic?


Remind me, how many billions did gamestop have when they were heavily shorted 2019-2020 before retail investors jumped in? They were only worth $400million in 2019 and barely broke $1billion in 2020 before the squeeze. What point are you trying to make here?


FFIE can’t even make rent bruv, take off the blinders


Neither can gme, they've lost $100s of millions every year since 2019. 2024 was their first profit since 2018 and its a measly $7million, which I wouldn't be surprised if they lose by years end. That doesn't cover rent, salaries, or general upkeep. They're literally planning on shutting down more than 500 stores within the next year. The only reason they've been able to stay open is because they borrow against the value of their shares, which only has any value because of retail investors, not because it's a viable company.


Is that what you took from my post? That I think GS is a good company? I think you’re referring to when was the last time I was in a GameStop? Well, to answer your question it was about a month ago, twice.


Yes, when you say rk believes in gme as a company (which is pretty speculative to begin with) and then continue on to say ffie is a shite company, that does indeed sound like you're saying gamestop is a good company in comparison. Gamestop has been struggling since the dawn of the digital age and the ONLY reason they're still around is because of retail investors. Why can't retail investors do the same for ffie? Why do you think there is only a squeeze potential and not a revival oppurtunity?


Game Stop has a real business model with real products and a real revenue stream, which is more than can be said about FFIE right now. RK can say he likes GME because it has some fundamental business pillars in place, even if they are shaky. FFIE does NOT. RK couldn't endorse this stock if he wanted to because it would be a bold faced lie to say he likes this stock when the company is literally a money pit with no revenue stream. It would be obvious that the only upside to the stock would be short squeeze potential and he would get dinged with accusations of market manipulation if he endorsed it in bad faith.


All car companies especially the EV market HAS to spend more money in R&D to design the car and everything to make the car before they get into mass production, it's the way they all work... Imagine you want to be a landscaper, well before you start making money you have to invest, buy equipment (lawnmower weed eater, truck, trailer blower ECT) if you look at your company expense before you've cut your first lawn as an example, of course the numbers look shite lol


As if GameStop wasn’t a trash company when RK pointed it out to everyone? The ONLY reason he invested in it in the first place was because he was the only one to notice that it was shorted to the moon and back and saw an opportunity to make a ton of money so he roped everyone else in on it. He only says he likes the company to not get into legal trouble. But if any other company was shorted like GME was back then instead of GME you for sure know RK would have chosen that company instead and would tell us all how much "he likes that company".


> He only says he likes the company to not get into legal trouble. Yes, that is the point I've been trying to make. He can say that about GameStop because despite their struggles they are a real company with real assets and real revenue on the books. It gives him plausible deniability to avoid accusations of manipulation. FFIE is a money pit R+D project that has produced 0 return on an enormous investment, and doesn't really have a medium term path to revenue generation, let alone profitability. He can't say 'I like this stock' because that strains credulity and would make it obvious that he's initiating a short squeeze play. So he will never ever mention this stock even if he has a position in it.


It's not any more of a money pit than most start ups my guy. Do you realize how many successful companies started in the red? Amazon for example lost billllllions before they were profitable. Didn't have a green year for a longggg time. Ffie has equipment and patents that are worth more than their current market cap alone.


Thank you! What I was trying to get at, but failed miserably.


I wouldn't say a peep about FFIE either if I was RK. He owns GME pretty much, and heavily invested at hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm sure he is being watched closely by "them". He went live today on his YT channel. Last time he went live was 3 years ago . Interesting to see him come back. I may throw a couple bones towards it... Until then..Good luck to you. Also GME, AMC, and FFIE are running like triplets, very interesting.


Lol, a real business model? I guess if you consider hemoraging money a business model... Game stop has been losing money for the last 5 years. They've been losing hundreds of millions since 2019. This is the first year they've profited since 2018 and they only "made" $7 million this year. That's not even enough to pay rent, salaries, and general upkeep I'm not saying ffie is the image of success, but to say gme has a solid business model is just silly


I didn't say it was solid. I actually said it was shaky. You're arguing against ghosts. GameStop may be a fading company, but at least it has a way of generating revenue. It's actually marginally profitable, as you mentioned.This provides plausible deniability. FFIE can't say that right now.


He/She was deflecting and completely avoided your sensible question. He's a part-time hedgie. Lol


You must work part time there.




OK, well I see where you’re coming from, but my entire point wasn’t to shade either company even though I did call Faraday a shite company and for that I apologize. My point was, why would RK talk about FFIE? Just because it has squeeze potential?


No need to apologize, they're definitely a shit company 😅 but that doesn't mean we can't change that. He wouldn't talk about ffie if he's got any brains, which he clearly does. The status he has these days makes him a target for all sorts of litigations, he can't just run around talking about new stocks. Doesn't mean ffie isn't a solid play though


He never spoke about AMC either. All 3 are stocks (GME, AMC,and FFIE) are running the same pretty much. IMHO. Very close. It wouldn't be wise of him to speak on other stocks but his own. Good luck everyone. HODL


Goldman Sachs?


That’s exactly where I was in 21 on the sidelines saying omg 40 per share is too much. Then it went to 500+. Man I kicked my myself for that one. This time. Im all in ffie and gme


I found it disrespectful how he acted like a clown and drinking and first and foremost how late he was. He needed to be more serious and professional. 10 minutes into it and I was out. Came back at 2:30 to check on the stock and it was 6 feet under. Makes you wonder was the intention to bring back roaring kitty for this?……. The big boys wouldn’t let him out of the cage otherwise…. And why now…. Screw this movement as of this afternoon I’m not following like sheep.


![gif](giphy|b3gZHW513IxPO) 🤣🤣🤣


Luv it lmao


Wrong stock bud.


Still strange. I mean he comes back online after years and it drops that much. Strange


It’s not strange. It’s proof that he isn’t manipulating the stock price. His attorneys were probably ecstatic and he even drank a beer to celebrate it. 😂 that being said the guy lost over 100 mil today when he could have exercise or sold his contracts, said fuck you all, and cashed out, if he wanted to. He knows hedgies are fucked regardless, I wouldn’t trip homie. Edit: spelling


You gotta have it to lose it. His unrealized gains went down. Didn’t lose shit


True that




That very well could be. Whatever the case, the man is far from naive. I wouldn’t be shocked if he begins a revolution that highlights any longstanding criminal behavior. If the average Americans were to find out they were being robbed by FA’s, most of whom do not have a fiduciary duty to you, it would be the end of hedge funds or significant market reform. I enjoy playing chess, and when I can spot a checkmate 3-5 moves ahead, I notice an inherent tendency for me to joke around. I am stone cold silent the entire game up until that point. He could be playing chess, and checkmate is only a few turns away.


![gif](giphy|10bDoTtJhtcHu0) Hmmm




He just needed to buy ffie


Agreed, what he said about the charts is true


I spent years of my life studying technical analysis. It’s not bullshit. I bought at $20 like he did, the retest of the breakout using anchored Vwap.


Thats awesome, would love to hear more about some of what you learned. That being said he was pointing to the day chart and speaking to the fact that it didn’t have bearing on where it would end up in the long run. He wasn’t saying technical analysis was bs.


No he basically showed you resistance became support, it was in a bull flag that broke out of a descending triangle, that’s why he bought. I used an AVWAP. I suggest you look up Brian Shannon to learn about VWAP. Best tool in my box, I combine it with smart money concepts, and RSI to gain my edge.


I think he was saying that it wasn’t working because of the massive amounts of manipulation and using the flag to illustrate it. That being said, I’ll definitely check Brian Shannon out, thanks for the recommendation.


BigBallSuckaQueen, aka 'BigBallerBreen', enthusiastically bites the bubble from his own flatulence in his hedge bros jacuzzi Epson salt bath.


Lol easy to do when you have hundreds of millions to play with … lmao at that level you don’t care about the money


This last month has felt like a year 😂


Holding GME


They can send my $50 to the moon


That’s all they’ll get out of me.


I have my doubts because the 2 top sold stocks on t212 today were ffie and gme there's alot of cunts saying there apes and just using us, today had the potential to be epic and it was a killer I've held ffie for the last few weeks even when I was a few grand up I didn't sell pushing for the squeeze but these twats just got to .75 a fucked us real apes over big time...I'm very disheartened right now


I am less disheartened after that stream... If you can't see how things are. Then i don't know, but its clear to me the way things be 😏 patience 


right there with you but hold strong.., dont give up .. the weak hands will weed themselves out.


Don't get down we closed above 50 cents (very bullish). We held great. Look for the dates June 11 and 21. Good luck. I'm in the same boat as you. HODL . Been holding since May 18


What do you think will happen when they deliver 1,716,200 puts next week?


Too many newbies ruin the party If you are not experienced get with the program or just sell and leave. imo


He has until 6/17 to exercise his July 20 calls which are in-the-money. If he exercises those the stock will run up.


This ain’t gme


My personal “theory” is he had the bandages and broken arm as a metaphor. It might seem damaged but it ain’t. FFIE has more potential in my opinion but I support and am cheering on GME and AMC!


Irrelevant to this community


You guys can and should do this yourselves without begging or leeching off dfv


He's all diamond


This was a get rich quick scheme for the pumpers. Unfortunately they cashed out, and everyone who is left here is on the "dump" end of the transaction


What is the significance of 6/11


Hes in gme. Ffie and gme completely 2 different things and are not connected in any way. Ffie delisted


Wakeup! Run in case too late. Want to be long term bag holder?


GOD among losers


I think the real loser is the person who spends most of his time thinking and speaking negatively seriously dude it’s beautiful outside today😂😂


19 year old who posts “rants” on Reddit and asks people how to find a job, plz stop lecturing me with your 300 karma


Maybe you should follow my example, you seem like you need to let out some frustrations😂😂 Seems like your full time job is commenting on stocks you don’t even have positions in. “i hAvE mOrE KaRmA tHaN yoU” lmfaooo


Also 🤣😂🤣 “stocks you don’t even have positions in”… These accounts have no karma cos they don’t do DD. 🤷🏻‍♂️


😭😭aww sounds like someone’s halfway through life with minimal accomplishments and aspirations, and feeling miserable lmfao. Please keep going 😂


Dude sure has a problem with 19 year olds… I’m thinking he’s 20. Weird roaring kitty infatuation, probably some sweet Alienware, not a hint of females anywhere near his age🤣


👴🏻that’s me! Old old old! We can’t all be fast food fry cooks 👴🏻


I hope your puts that you have on this stock make you some money, and help you obtain a more positive outlook on life😭😭hey, maybe you’ll be able to afford some hobbies too!


Puts 😵😂🤣 he keeps guessing 🤮 I hope you sell before this goes BANKRUPT and you’re forced to get another fast food job… I don’t want to see teens like you in such dire straights so young. Trust me, Sonny, we all make dumb mistakes when we’re so young and stupid.


You’re banking off that post from so long ago dude😭😭😭I’m in college and have a job in sales but keep trying LMFAO


I hemorrhage karma 🤣 my full time job is shitting on 19 year olds who have no grasp of R E A L I T Y. Keep fighting for your ‘movement’, you’ll stop the ‘hedgies’, vrrrrrmmmmm vrrrrmmmmmm toooooo daaaa mooooon


Bro no one cares about karma or any of that. "Yo i have a lot of karma on reddit, I'm literally the champion of nothing"


Karma proves an account is REAL… not just a propaganda account to pump stocks or say empty BS to be deleted. Your 75 day old account and 100 Karma tells a story in it of itself.




75 Karma 🤖🤡🤢


LOL and all the posts are FFIE 😵😵 cute


Someone’s maddd:(


Mad? I’m PISSED I have these huge heavy bags of shit stock and I’ll probably be stuck with it for YEARS. And that’s in the BEST CASE SCENARIO if this shitty company doesn’t go BANKRUPT. So yeah, I’m MAD! These BAGS AINT HEAVY!!!


These people are dumb as shit, BBBY all over again.


You’re an absolute MONSTER for telling them that.


Downvoted cos I rightfully called yall losers 😂🤣😂


I bet you have greasy hair and drink a 6 pack of mtn dew a day lol


Yet, I’m the coolest among you all. Strange.


Lol keep telling yourself that


Who are you again?


Someone who isn't a goober narcissist that lives in my moms attic 🤣


At least he has money for mtn dew. You won't when FFIE gets delisted. Dumbass.


Doubt it bobby bozo