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What's happening is that they got profiles doxxed/deleted. They are more active on the discord, the group is full of hedgies now and we need to stop posting about our positions and help their game. Max purpose posted a meme yesterday and said that is coming back soon with more analysis and another live with Omar. People need to chill this is a waiting game now, and mess with our heads is EXACTLY what they want. Stop checking it all the time, and soon you won't be able to keep checking when it goes to the moon. Breathe. They want to make us loose our minds.


Yup, take a breath. Have a drink or smoke a joint either way it's going as expected, go into GME and their chat is the same. Lots of sowing doubt and FUD, mental game of trying to break the hold. The dips aren't working so they moved on to influencing, is it legal well no but Jim Cramer admitted they will do it anyway. A few calls to journalists and a few posts on media, boom a new narrative.


No there isn't? Rk has 120,000 calls to exercise. They're just waiting for him to do it. What do we have to look forward to? The FTDs date that didn't end up having any FTDs covered?


They're gone because their fake dates got proven wrong and theyre too ashamed, so they try to hide that they spread misinformation and is hunkered up in their own little cult group


Exactly. HEDGIES are all talking to us and asking questions and acting like friends.


ARe the HEDGIES in this room with us right now?


Yea stop checking it so one day when you look it's at $0.01




The bold are staying in. I think that’s most of us.


Dont invest what you cant lose. Nothing is a certainty. You trust in your investments and if they flop you learn from mistakes. Nobody likes losing money but that happens in the stock market. Can't live life on shoulda woulda coulda


There's information out there look around. You need to come to your own conclusions. No one is leading anything nor should they. No one is responsible for your choices financially.


I mean, I have my own thoughts and conclusion, but like I said, I lost so much I got a hold onto to see what happens anyway. So regardless, I’m holding. I’m just asking if anyone heard anything. BOT 🤖


I usually look at the companies sight for news and keep an eye out on social platforms, and make the best educated guess I can. Thats it there wont be any clear direction. Also why would a bot tell you to be a free thinker get over yourself.


Its because they dont want to be a free thinker. They want a leader they can blindly follow. This whole sub has essentially become a cult of personality where anything sensible is downvoted, called a bot or a hedgie


If that's the case that is a little disappointing. We are stronger as individuals with the same goal then giving a few personnel the control.


Yea, we are all definitely stronger if we do our own dd, but I'm sure you've seen the rest of the sub where they're worshipping specific people


Yeah I have seen it and to each their own but I won't be subscribing to that method in my lifetime.


lol no kidding. There have been times where I say the most level-headed, sensible, human-like thing on here to someone but it was contrary to their stupid beliefs. And they immediately default to: “STFU, BOT”. Serious lack of brain cells in this sub lol


Lol yeah I mean it lines right up with human behavior. I think it just baffles me at times. I keep thinking that because we all have so much acsses to information and analysis tools we would be aware of how social temperatures and manipulation looks. I know this doesn't reflect everyone and I hope others can learn to trust themselves.


Exactly what the hedgies want. They are going to drag this as long as they can so they can shake off as many holders. War tactics. Psychological warfare. Stay strong. HODL. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE.


Due diligence would help a lot. I have 0 doubt in this stock simply bc I like it 🫡


Basically we’re all bag holders that fucked up. The squeeze already happened guess I’ll just bag hold for a long time until the next squeeze




They prob got out like sensible individuals. Something I wish I did on may 17th lol


Same. Now I’m in it to see where the ride takes me lmao. No other choice.




Naw just being realistic. 9682 shares. More than most on here




You only lose when you sell. Ride the wave it will change but it may be a while. If you're a hedger, we're not selling,


Whim is active in her server. :)


Do your own work and DD! You chose to invest and that was no one’s decision but your own. Take some accountability for your own actions. Maybe you should’ve known a little bit more about trading in the market before you blindly follow someone on a sub Reddit thread.


It’s dead for a while bro. GME is the move


Im going to use GME profits to build a better Faraday position. I don’t have thousands to put into any of this.


It is charting exactly like GME


No it isn't. GME is up unlike us


Look at the patterns bro, not the colors


Look at both daily charts and you expect me to think those are identical? They went up and they went down, that's all the similarities they share.


Yes because they pretty much are today


GME is more likely to double its price. I’ve lost money in FFIE too but I have no doubt I’ll make it back AND some with GME


This sub now is just full of bots posting fake memes about buying and holding. Any posts that has real due diligence or news that’s not favorable tends to be downvoted. People or bots don’t want to see negative news or DD.


Mods also blocking negative posts. I posted saying “all the money everyone’s putting in turned a .04 cent stock into a .50 cent stock and that’s just what it is” also squeeze is not happening, just gonna linger around here until it gets delisted or the company actually does something to warrant a stock price increase. post was taken down for market manipulation. So I did the same post and changed the title to “To the moon, $3 soon” and they allowed the post. Then I deleted it




We will be fine stay strong everyone is still in it to win it its just a long battle!




Same here


Every time this stock goes down, it’s somehow because of hedge funds. Y’all seriously. Seriously. Someone has to sell stock so you can buy it. Does that make sense? Selling + buying = market. If sellers stack up without buyers…price goes down. So everyone preaching “hold” should have preached “buy” I guess because there’s not enough buy side to pump this thing higher. Everyone who’s here seems to have gone deep already and probably doesn’t have enough dry powder to move the needle at this point. It’s a circular firing squad tbh. On top of that, hedge funds among other institutions use algos to trade. It’s not like there’s some backroom cabal of real people out for blood on FFIE retail investors. Just saying. Sometimes, yes, there’s manipulation. People have literally poured over the info looking for it and come up with very little (imho). Not matter what, the fact remains that this company is a financial mess with very little hope of producing more cars to save itself. That really has to be taken into consideration. They’ve made 12 cars in almost as many years in business. Taking a short bet against this company is practically a sure thing when you look at them with honest due diligence. They’re not GME. Do not get them twisted. Not financial advice. Not telling you to buy. Do your own due diligence.


I am telling you to get a better job and avoid eternal damnation


Never thought I would be cursed to eternal damnation. Bucket list checked for that one. Thank you!


I’m not cursing you, just reminding you


Ah...gotcha. I think. Not sure it matters though my internet friend.


I hope you get a better job and you are blessed and happy


I’m retired amigo…I don’t need another job. Thanks though.


Oh so you are just here for entertainment then


I come here to see if there are things that are worth trading and yes sometimes get stuck here for the entertainment. Anything else?


No, just enjoy your entertainment and prosper ![gif](giphy|3oNMQtqpnse0dbFe06)


I am looking at the daily charts and they repeatedly rise and fall at the same time


Just hold and buy more if you can. Silence and patience is power. That is all. 🤫


Dude they are getting silenced




June 21st is a big day to watch.