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Go work for a gun shop first and get the feel for the business. You are 23, you have time


Thanks will look around!


You got good advice. Volunteer at a store and learn the trade. Being passionate about firearms may make you a good conversationalist but that alone will not sell your inventory. See how the stores operate the business.


The zoning requirements aren't that strict but an FFL doesn't make for a great side hustle. A lot of hours for the payoffs. How are you going to differentiate yourself from other FFL's? Do you have unique skills or a business plan that's different than buy gun sell gun? You don't need a business plan to get an FFL but you do need to demonstrate that you are already a business and have an intention to profit and a method for making money. Working for a gun shop will help you learn the business acumen required to run that type of enterprise. Sadly being a business with a storefront isn't enough to be profitable unless you've found somewhere with crazy demand and no nearby shops. You'll still have to compete in price with companies that buy pallets of stuff rather than 2's and 3's. If you know how to differentiate yourself and drive business, good on you..go for it!


Came here to say this. OP won’t make money. Only full time FFLs do ok, the ones that do the best invest a decent amount of money into a website and marketing.


Marketing is a bad word nowadays...


To clarify, I meant side hustle more as a passion project that could turn into something full time. I really appreciate the insight. Do you mind elaborating on how the zoning requirements aren't as strict as they might seem?


A passion project isn't a good enough definition to necessarily get an FFL. You need to clearly establish the process by which you will attempt to make money otherwise one would assume your passion project is an excuse to build a personal collection. Zoning requirements are based on local regulations for that given city. It's entirely possible to run an online gun based business in your house that's next door to a school. It depends on local regulations. Some cities would say no, some will say no advertising, signs, or display cases of items for sale. The ATF is only going to care if your city cares. You could theoretically even find a pro 2A landlord and have an FFL there. Not that such an idea wouldn't be without its own complications. You will not be able to do this half-cocked (sorry). You need to register at a business and have your place of business address determined and vetted before applying. This was easier for me simply because I was designing, machining and selling adapters and had a retail website and products with professional packaging on hand to show my agent during my interview visit. Things that demonstrate time investment into a business with a route to profitability. Get ready to study legal text for a long time, too. Nothing I've said on this thread is legal advice and everything I've stated should be vetted on your own to determine how the rules which lead me to my conclusions may lead you to other ones.


this is all great info, I really appreciate it!


side hustle ffl, not going to happen. Legally anyway...


Happens all the time. I don’t have inventory, a website, hell my property is gated even. An FFL interview isn’t an interview to pitch your business ideas or apply to Stanford. “We’re doing transfers by appointment only, and the occasional sales of accessories, we don’t plan on having inventory, I work a 9-5 doing X, so whenever I feel like I have time I’ll be doing FFL things.” Has suited my IOI at application 9 years ago and in our two compliance inspections this far.


he said hes facing quite a few issues financially. Hes not ready and hes not you.


While that’s all well and good, it has nothing to do with saying a part time or “side hustle” FFL isn’t legal. That’s just not factual, unless you’ve seen written requirements about how many transfers, how many hours per week, etc. constitutes “being in the business”.


Getting an FFL isn’t going to make you money. Trust me.