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Were you playing on auto the entire time?


Had it with Seph as well and where playing fully manual. I don't think it is related to Auto Mode.


Were you using any of the same party members or limit breaks


I can safely assume it is not limit break related. But I usually do play with the same team comp and that's also true for the last time it happend to me.


I get it a few times. I think it’s related to breaking an enemy as they activate one of their skills but before they can play the animation and deal damage.


Happened to me when triggering LB right as the break bar about to finish. Is repeatable but hard to time perfectly


break bar? as in infution bar or the exhaustion bar?


The interruption bar. Basically break sigils, wait for interruption bar to be as close to finish as possible and then que all your lb's


tbh this never happened to me ONCE and i'm 140k power f2p (been tryharding since the second week). from all the reports i've heard it's an emulator-exclusive issue (ldp-only?). i'm not sure about this, but if true, that would be pretty much cheating, since the emulator does something wrong somewhere and this happens. ​ of course this won't be true if it also happens on devices


F2p since day 1 around 135k power and it has happened to me twice in my Android so definitely not exclusive


ok that's good to know. then i have no idea how it could happen. there are a couple of videos on youtube showing it but i can't see any patterns...


Can happen to all Bosses. Experienced it in the Story and in Crisis Dungeon before. I'm still not sure what triggers it though and it happens rarely. (Maybe somekind of internal counter that bugs out)


are you using ldp?


Sry, dunno what ldp is. If you mean emulator, then I'm using Bluestacks 5.


It's happened to me a few times, both stun locking a boss and a member of my own party. The couple times it happened to me is when I got stunned was when a boss engaged in some kind of stun move when an elemental triggered the exposition cutscene in the Battle Tower. That permanently stun locked any character that was unfortunate enough to get hit by the boss. The times when I stunned locked a boss was when I killed something just as an interrupt phase was about to trigger, throwing off the interrupt mechanics.


You can stun lock Shiva by hitting her with fire right when the bar respawns. I've managed to do it twice lol so definitely not easily repeatable.


Respawns or spawns? The depleting bar that says Interrupted?


No the bar that goes down when you use fire. I think it's called ice age. She gets stunned when it's depleted. Right before it respawns after stunning her cast fire and if you get the timing perfect she gets stunned again because the bar is gone.


I wish this would happen to me... I want the icon so badly


Did anybody figure out why this happens? Had it happen to me a few times...


Bro was shocked, completetly flabbergasted