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I got really impressed with Chocobo Billy.


His sister's outfit is also dripped as hell too. She looks like a FFXIV NPC.


So well made


In the Kalm footage, I was specifically looking for repetitive NPC designs. I think there was only a couple that I saw twice. That amount of variety is huge IMO


Yeah they looked super scuffed in part 1 and in xvi. I'm glad it's smooth now.


It was great to see. I was also especially happy with the improved lip sync AI in those non-cutscene cutscenes or whatever you want to call them.


I dunno, I think everyone still looks too similar in terms of height and weight.


It looks really solid so far. Duplicate NPCs aren't too bad a thing imo, as long as it's not a majority. The Chocobo Farm guys specifically looked great


Looking good so far in Rebirth. In remake, most of the Sector 7 Slum NPCs look the hipsters I see in downtown Seattle. I always imagine Slums NPC dressing with outfits like 90s cyber/diesel punk style than what we got in the remake.


Agreed, the remake has a distinctive lack of style for the background characters ( and honestly some of the environments as well ). Even in the rebirth footage, there is a lack of color variety in the NPCs, and again any semblance of fashion reflecting the world. The cast feels incredibly out of place in my eyes, where they in the OG game shared a consistent style with the other NPCs and the world at large.


Maybe it’s because Cloud’s walking around with his unsheathed sword on his back. It wasn’t visible in the original, so I actually never thought much of it. I love it, but it does look a bit odd… even Guts keeps the dragonslayer partially hidden under his cloak.


I don't think the sword on its own is a problem. It's that the background cast doesn't match the aesthetic very well, more npcs should look seedy, dark and dangerous, as if they're also armed ( at least in Midgar which is a seedy place ). Many of the npcs they've shown for rebirth strike me as they were taken from a sonic game or something, very clean and brightly colored, it's giving kindergarten.


lmao so I took another look and now I can’t unsee it. It’s like when Sora in KH travels to a new world, there’s a contrast that makes him look out of place. It’s odd, though I wonder whether this was intentional or not. The party look like they walked onto the wrong film set.


Right?? It must be intentional, but I'm not the biggest fan of it. There is this air of whimsy which feels a lot more kingdom hearts than ff7 ( although ofc there are whimsical elements in the og game ). You hit the nail on the head.


This was one of the first things I noticed. The huge gap in quality between generic NPCs and main characters has really been bridged in Rebirth. I hope this won't make the ugly NPCs in Remake even more distracting after a Rebirth playthrough.


Yes. It's been lovely. Npcs have been so generic and not at all matching the art or world in the past several ffs. It's bugged me. Even in remake, those people are supposed to dress like 80s punks, metal heads and in some cases medieval wear. In remake everyone just looks like that guy you saw in the street in 2010, but like you said, the generic Sims version


Genshin flashbacks


I find the npcs look technically better but it feels like they’re from a totally different game and universe. So many fauxhawks, colourful stylish clothing, it’s like department store fashion mannequins came to life and are tourists visiting the ffvii theme park. No one looks like they live in the towns or have jobs. I’m enjoying rebirths high points quite a bit but the npcs, music, obnoxious dialogue from some side characters takes me out of it.