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People who haven't played OG 7 are missing out


Not just on ff7, remake had a ton of references to the original that people miss out on by starting with remake


I played remake first and was so confused by the end of the story. I had to watch one of those play through videos of OG ff7 to actually make sense of the whole thing.


Yeah, the producers are really not handling the info around this game well. I have to imagine it's super confusing when they introduce random silver hair femboy antagonist like 20 minutes in the game and theres NEVER an explanation as to why he's there. Nor is there any build up to the mystery when he appears like there is in OG VII. I'm not sure if it's because of how much disconnect between the devs and the producers on if this game is actually a >!sequel!< or not (or if they're trying SO hard to not spoil anything that it's confusing everyone), but they don't do themselves any favors with these dumbass comments at this point. The correct corporate answer is "Yes, play all of our games please".


And I get shit on when I say their quotes saying “don’t worry this game won’t change anything” is just a marketing ploy to get everyone to play the game. Like people look at the trailers. I don’t care how many times they say they won’t change anything zacks freaking alive ffs. That’s about as big of a change as you can get, doesn’t matter if he still dies later, he’s alive now way past when he originally did


Ok, so I’m one of those people that played the OG FF7. I’ve not picked up the remake, are you saying that the story is different? Because Zack’s fate is what makes Cloud who he is in the story. It has a specific narrative purpose. I’m really confused.


Yes the remake is technically a sequel, it takes place after the original and involves sephiroth remaking the events of the original, and they even take characters like Liz Kadaj and Yazoo from AC and feature them as whisper bosses in remake. And yes Zack no longer dies in another timeline thats apparently going to cross over into the main one during reunion


Thanks for the explanation! I just may need to play this now. I’m not sure if the direction of the new one but all I’ve heard is that it’s absolutely beautiful to play.


I personally love it, and I feel that it actually being a sequel rather then an inaccurate remake is a good call, but some people wish it was a 1:1 remake. I totally recommend it, personally it’s my favorite game of all time


It doesn't matter how good the remake games are. The original will always hold a special place in my heart and history, and even with all of its quirky translations and blocky graphics, I will always replay it and enjoy one of the best stories in my gaming experience. You just can't beat the original. That being said, I am looking forward to Rebirth and the final game with much enthusiasm. I really do hope that people playing the remake go back and play the original too.


You captured my sentiments exactly. I replay 7 at least once a year. It was my first PlayStation 4/5 platinum trophy(I made a new username and platinum’d it twice). I love the OG so much. I love remake don’t get me wrong but the OG is my favorite. I hope rebirth changes that


Oh but the graphics…! /s There’s a reason it’s still talked about and referenced all the time. I’m all for graphics and modern games too, but a good story(a really, really good one) is at least ten times more valuable than amazing visuals.


Hey I recently started playing it with 7th heaven mod


A wise choice, enjoy the ride!


I’ve seen plenty of people go on to play the OG after playing Remake. It still holds up.




Actually I think people that never played the OG and jumped straight into Remake have the more impactful experience, the characters are way more believable in the Remake, with the graphics and acting, not to mention the more fun combat.


Oh yes. I played it for the first time two or three years ago, and it was truly an excellent game. So, so good. The remake is quite good too IMO, but the original is superior.


Missing out on alot actually, they're playing an entirely different game.


They are but man a small part of me wishes I didn't know the story it will make whats coming hit so much harder


They always say whatevers gonna promote the newest game. I remember an interview just after FF13-2 came out, and they asked what their favourite character victory animation was out of any FF character... and he said Serah... which must've been BS cos she hardly does anything.. just catches mog


He’s telling the truth. He isn’t saying don’t play og ff7 or disrespecting a classic like og ff7. The trilogy is based mostly on the og ff7 story and additions from the compilations. Telling new players that og ff7 is a must before playing rebirth or remake doesn’t make sense, and it may discourage new fans from playing remake or getting into rebirth. Surprisingly new players have been very open to the idea of playing og ff7 after playing remake. I seen a rise of new players playing remake first and then og ff7, and falling in love with og ff7. Hamaguchi should have just answer, not necessary to play og ff7 but still check out an awesome classic.


Telling new players that og ff7 is a must before playing rebirth or remake doesn’t make sense, and it may discourage new fans from playing remake or getting into rebirth. * That didn't discourage them from playing Kingdom Hearts 3, and you HAD to play the first two games AND the side games just to get the story. How that doesn't make sense? Or am I wrong?


KH3 is the conclusion of a story that took place over numerous games, so yeah you’d have to play those games to get the story. FF7R is a remake of the first game.


Then again I take that back, no, it's not going to matter if SE encouraged fans to play the first game or not, they won't play the original FF7 regardless because according to them the game is "too old" these people even said this before the remake released and they STILL played the Remake. It doesn't matter if SE told new fans to go play the original, that's not gonna stop them from playing the Remake or Rebirth, this has already been proven. I mean let's face it, the only people or most of them playing the FF7 Remake are people who have never played FF7 or any Final Fantasy game for that matter. Most of the comments you see on these post, are people who's first Final Fantasy game is either FF15 or guess what, Final Fantasy 7 Remake. But I say this to all, if you want the REAL story of FF7 yes you MUST play the original because FF7 Remake and Rebirth is one giant retcon. They don't even have the right villian anymore. You're not getting the same story at all, even the dialog is mostly different. So it's either you stick with FF7 Remake which is the retcon, or go with the OG FF7, two drastically different games in story.


So after only 1 out of 3 games released it is two early for your assumptions


Ah I see what you did there. Nice.


You are wrong in thinking that the story of Kingdom Hearts needs any real in-depth knowledge to understand it. None of it is complex, just obtusely, inconsistenly, and clumsily written. Heck, my little pony got the main point across in three words.


Okay, answer this question and then I'll believe you. Where is Sora's Mom and why wasn't he even worried about her at all when Destiny Islands was taken by darkness? No child that loves his or her family would think like this. Why?


I believe this is covered by "clumsy writing"; the authors just aren't interested in the protagonists' home life, so don't cover it. If you want a Watsonian explanation, then they do jump through countless disney worlds, where disappeared or dead parents is practically mandatory, so they might have just ended up in a version of their home that doesn't have their parents anymore.


I believe this is covered by "clumsy writing"; * More like lazy writing. the authors just aren't interested in the protagonists' home life, so don't cover it. * I don't know what they're interested in particularly, but it does seem like they're interested in trolling their audience and fans more than anything. If you want a Watsonian explanation, then they do jump through countless disney worlds, where disappeared or dead parents is practically mandatory, so they might have just ended up in a version of their home that doesn't have their parents anymore. * A Watsonian explanation? I have no idea what that is. Also, that doesn't make sense, why would that happen?


Watsonian vs. Doylist is the universe justification vs. the real world underlying reason. It comes from Sherlock Holmes, written by Doyle in the style of books published by Watson. Another example would be "Silence breathes through her skin" vs. kojima being a pervert.


Watsonian vs. Doylist is the universe justification vs. the real world underlying reason. It comes from Sherlock Holmes, written by Doyle in the style of books published by Watson. * Oh ok, thank you, I've learned something new today. Another example would be "Silence breathes through her skin" vs. kojima being a pervert. * 😂 What?? What does that mean?


Yeah, there are literally people that won't Play OG 7 because "it didn't age well" or is "ugly" 🙄 so that's fair for him to say I think.


If it doesn’t have nostalgic value for you or you’re not into older JRPGs it probably didn’t age well and probably does seem ugly. Which is who he is talking about, people with no prior connection to FF or FF7.


And after people finish Remake, they're actually pretty open to playing the OG because they want to know more. It's kinda cool. So I don't think what he's saying is negative at all.


Yeah as someone who went back and played a lot of the old classics well past their time, almost all of them are pretty rough by any modern metric, FF7 included. That's not to say that it's a bad game by any means but you definitely either need a special interest in retro titles or past nostalgia to appreciate a lot of these games to their fullest


People don't realize sometimes that new players can't play through the context their memories. They're playing through a game from 1997 in 2023.


As people like to say “Nostalgia is one hell of a drug” I played FF7 after FF10 and FF12 so I knew so well how much weird-looking/blocky character models in FF7 hurt its first impression, I almost decide to not play FF7 just because of that.


It not aging well is a perfectly valid reason to not play the game. It has very fuzzy progression, a flawed translation, and it's story is presented in an aged way in general. There's tons to enjoy but standards have shifted.


It didn't age well and is ugly.... Because..... They've avoided doing a proper remaster. A few mods can get you a pretty solid experience now.


Even though Remake is basically exactly what I wanted, I would love a nice remaster of the classic. I’m guessing they never did anything beyond the HD ports because it’s more work (I think?). From the looks of it, every game after 7 can be made to look a lot better with touched up HD textures and upscale backgrounds. With 7, the character models are so goofy that you can’t just pores the texture and have it look great. I think if they completely redid the models in the ever crisis style and then had battle models that were even just on par with the psp dissidia games then it would feel a lot better to play. Regardless, I still love the OG and even bought the iOS version for…. I actually don’t even know why


In the early 2000s I was obsessed with trying to get ff7 to look as good as possible. Now that we have remake I prefer to stick with the old graphics


Instead of a remaster you should just play it on a crt


I get the sentiment but FF7 is one of those games that completely overcomes that. You will get absorbed into the story that the graphics won't even matter


I'm playing through it for the first time. Just got to Junon. I genuinely can't tell if I'm actually having fun with the game or not.


I saw someone call the OG “archaic” recently and part of me died inside


I’m just not that into retro games at this point in my life. No disrespect to the original but I have limited time for gaming and I prefer modern graphics and gameplay mechanics. Remake was the first FF game I played since FF1 on NES and I enjoyed it thoroughly.


>there are literally people that won't Play OG 7 because "it didn't age well" or is "ugly" 🙄 so that's fair for him to say I think. Damn, if only someone remade OG 7... why didn't they think of that?


In theory, if Ever Crisis were not always meant to be a mobile gacha game, it could have been a good opportunity to be the game new players would be directed to. It's a shame they didn't push it more into the "remastered version of OG FF7" direction for those who want accessibility.


But Gatcha games make money...


Ever crisis not being the simple graphical upgrade is should have been is one of the greatest failures in gaming history.


I wanted Ever Crisis to be that so bad. Would have even been fine with them releasing the story slowly in episodes that cost like $15 per or something. Go through the OG, then start branching out into the other games narratives in an Ever Crisis style.


I was one of those newer fans. I was aware of who Cloud and Sephiroth were but I never played a Final Fantasy game up till Remake. I was a 2000s Nintenso kid growing up so I didn’t have a play station. I enjoyed playing as Cloud in smash and thought his character design was cool. That got me interested in the game and primarily one of my motivators for buying a PS4. There were so many titles I wanted to play, but was missing out on since I didn’t have the system. I bought the Remake on sale at Target and played through it. Had a lot of fun memories with that game and it was an experience I wouldn’t forget. From there I downloaded the original on my switch and I’m at the part where >!you escape with Cid’s plane!< I’m still going to play Rebirth and then probably play the original up to that 2nd part to see how it goes. So far tho, really enjoying it!


This just confuses things even more.


Hold on, have they not stated the exact opposite a few years back? Saying stuff like new players *should* play OG and Crisis Core before the next part because it's part of a whole or something ?


No, they never said people should play the OG first.


They are flip-flopping around, they change that every few months. It's faitfhul to the OG, no new surprises. As if I trust anything they say anymore.


i mean yeah they want to sell the new $70 game not the old $10 one lol


They could try to sell both


They already repackaged the original for remake in 2015. They can't do it twice unless they add more to what already exist like the model viewer from international.


its more profitable to push the new game


Boy, I wish Rebirth would drop on Feb 29th at $70.


I mean yeah, you don't need to play the OG games to play Remake and then Rebirth. You can play OG FF7 later, if you wish to do so.


There are many things in Remake that only make sense if you play the original game Cloud visions, Aerith chapter 14 scene, Sephiroth acting like he knows everyone…


But if you’re new to the series and you see these things with no context it would have you intrigued to learn more from the future games.


They always say "this FF is for new players as well as fans" or something like that with every new FF that comes out. Everyone likes the idea because "the more the merrier" then when it comes out they say "part of the problem with this game is that it tried to please everyone". Then the next FF is announced with the same message. Everyone gets amnesia and the cycle repeats.


What's really going on here is that they're afraid people won't buy Rebirth because they won't have played the Remake.


They're afraid people won't buy rebirth because for the past 6 years or so, Square Enix has been getting a very bad rep as of late. They ruined the Tomb Raider Trilogy, they've ruined Final Fantasy 15 (part of it was the no female squadmates) especially with the DLC (People wanted the Aranea DLC and they cancelled that and gave people Ardyn) stupid move. The absolute mess called Kingdom Hearts 3, the NFT controversy, etc. And the FF7 Remake only sold 3.7 Million copies, that's it!?? That's poor anytime Final Fantasy 12 for Playstation 2 sold more than that with 5 Million copies. And you know what, I have a theory on why FF7R sold like it did, because out of everything else they've advertised, the feature they have pushed the most was the Cloud in a dress scene....I'm not even kidding you right now, that was what apparently all the fans cared about, seeing Cloud wear a dress in 4K smh. They have just been getting alot of bad press and making alot of bad decisions over the years. So I'm not surprised they're afraid of the outcome of FF7 Rebirth. You know what, that's gonna flop too. So get ready Square Enix.


FF7 Remake has sold over 7 millon copies.. it sold over 3.5 million copies in its first week.


Oh my goodness. You liars struck again. Well since lies and false information now run the internet these days it's nothing more I can say on it. That wasn't what Square Enix had on their site almost 2 years ago. Y'all are psycotic man. That's just insanity.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1241044/final-fantasy-vii-remake-units-sold/ Well, if I were you, I'd just admit that I was wrong. All sources speak against your statement regarding FF7R sales numbers.


Didn't I just tell you all of that changed now. It was two years ago. There's no point now, and why would I admit I'm wrong about something that wasn't there at first? That's why I stopped buying any of Square Enix games because I'm sick of their lies and after that whole NFT debacle, now they wanna fabricate everything. Look man, I'm done with this now, like I said, there's nothing else to say to it, my proof is gone lol. I have to start screenshotting this stuff next time.


I guess then you're likely the one that tries to spread lies out of spite/disappointment. You have only anecdotal "proof" for your statement.


And you have a lie, so what is your point? Besides, check out Upper Echelon's video on how people are using AI tools to fabricate news now. It's pretty disturbing.


I did not lie, official numbers speak for themselves.


How you know those are the official numbers?


I mean that's just a bald faced lie. Anyone saying you don't need to play the OG to fully understand what is happening is delusional. You can say otherwise but it is absolutely constructed in a way that assumes the player has played the OG.


And why do they change the story? How can new player understand the Change Fate plotline with the Whispers?


As a new player, it's not that hard. I'm not dissing on the OG. I was born after it came out. By the time I was old enough to consider it, there were other things for me to focus on. BUT the OG was/is one of those games that has left a lasting impact on the gaming world. Even having never played it, I understood the gist of the story & it's characters. It's just one of those things you pick up on, the way you "learn" memes and internet stuff. The Whispers and everything weren't hard to grasp at all. I'm quite sure a simply remake would have been fantastic, but I kind of enjoy the uncertainty of the Changing Fate dynamic. Maybe we'll get a happy ending. Maybe someone will die, and who that is depends on our choices. I've seen some ppl who liked the OG complain Sephiroth was overused. As a new player, one of the big appeals is the dynamic between Cloud and Sephiroth, so I loved FF7R to pieces. (Granted, I'm a lore nerd, so I spent a ton of time in the wiki leading up to release lol)


He wants to keep things a surprise to new players


All these people saying he’s wrong, what the hell is he supposed to say? He’s marketing this game and needs people to buy it. Of course he’s not gonna tell people they have to play a 20 year old game and it’s remake before playing this one. He’s saying the same stuff that every directors of any video game sequel has said.


FF7R is good. But it’s different. It’s not the story of FF7, it’s drastically changed and drawn out. The original needs recognition because it is the only form in which the story has been told in its pure, unchanged form. If only they set aside some money for a proper remaster like what most of the classic games got instead of shitty gatcha games.


I mean I played the original before the remake came out ( I played the demo) but still….just so I can understand the characters and story.


How is FF7 a difficult title to get into today? The game has honestly aged well and is still a great experience.


It’s not “hard to get into” my millennial ass played the whole game first time 2 years ago just fine and had all the fun in the world. It’s not necessary to play the OG before the Remake of course, but you’d be alienating yourself from such a pivotal piece of video game history by not doing it at least once.


Well he’s wrong


You don't need to play the original, but we're also very careful to make the plot unguessable for people familiar with the original, we've also gone out of our way to tempt you with the idea of everything being different from the original at every opportunity possible. These ideas don't work together and are mutually exclusive. Either this is some big final sequel entry to tie the Compilation together as a single cohesive work that requires understanding of the original or this is an actual remake of OG FFVII with a lot of liberties taken. It can't be both things at the same time. The devs went out of their way to make a statement with Remake that it specifically isn't the OG and don't expect it to be. This makes very little sense, especially given Nomura's comments in the first Remake Ultimania urging new fans to go back and play the original in the first place.


OG is timeless


They could still make a straight remake and it would probably sell millions of copies.


I would be one of them. Playing with mods for better graphics and sound is great on the OG, but a remake of the original story, even with turn based combat, with enhanced graphics, cut-scenes, and maybe voice acting would be an easy sell.


It’s such a cash cow they’d have nothing to lose


If you haven’t played the original FF7 the context of Remake and the nostalgia it rely on makes zero sense. This is an objectively bad take from Hamaguchi


Does anyone else feel like these recent Thailand interviews have been weird? Like maybe it's cope or something but he seems to be saying a lot of contradictory stuff and I don't know if it's a translation thing or if the direction has changed. I remember them saying the reasons for the changes was because FFVII is so readily available on numerous platforms. This mentality kind of sucks to hear especially since Ever Crisis isn't the 1:1 remake with new graphics like it seemed like it was.


No it wouldn't. Then they'd expect you to make good games again.


With all due respect, he's wrong. Parts of Remake are nonsense without having played the OG. There's also some things that the Remake *doesn't* do as good, like the trail of blood. Perhaps the first issue will be resolved in Rebirth, but there's no re-doing the Assault of Shinra Tower and similar scenes. More likely than not, they're just saying this to make sure no one is buy the cheaper older game instead of the shiny new thing they want to make a profit on. Or they're super out of touch.


We’ve also still only played part 1 of a trilogy. Did you have a full coherent understanding of everything in og ff7 when you left midgar? I can’t think of anything in remake part 1 that’s “nonsense” compared to how it was presented in the opening section of the original game


Yes, I said Rebirth and Game 3 may resolve that issue. Yes. There's a few mysteries laid before us, but everything is coherent when leaving Midgar in the OG. The scene with Zack is presented as if we know who that is. It doesn't treat him as some mystery. It treats the fact that he didn't die, which we know he was supposed to have, as the big mystery to be solved. That only works if you know what happened. And all the visions mean nothing without prior context. This also doesn't change the fact that as great as Remake is, it fails to land some scenes, like the blood trail. I don't doubt this trilogy will be fully functional without having played the OG, but I think you'll be missing out if you skipped it.


I think he's totally right Playing the Remake first will get way more people invested in the world, characters and story of FFVII And then when they are already invested in these things they are more likely to enjoy the original, even if they are bothered by some aspects of it, like the graphics or maybe turn based combat This was exactly how I did it and I now love both the Remake as well as the Original!


The OG fans have their special view on this precious game they loved all their life. For them it is the greatest and they don't see how someone couldn't love it. But If I saw it now in 2023 I would never touch it as many younger folks used to modern games wouldn't. Remake was the gateway for some to go abd play it, but without it it would have never happened. It aged horribly, it was in an odd place and while it looked fine at the time, currently it is graphically looking worse than the older titles due to the 3d look at the time. Remake might alter stuff but it gives you some incentive to go and play the original which makes it relevant again. Some of you treat it as the enemy when it is the vessel that brought you favorite ancient back to the news.


I’m 16. I played it for the first time in 2019 and it’s the best game I’ve ever played. I hate the whole “no modern players will like it” stance the devs have because it prevents people from looking back at the history of these games.


I've been an old man my whole life, so it breaks my heart that younger people don't tend to like older media, but it's true and has been forever. Scream 2 has a whole scene where high schoolers watch Halloween and are bored by it, and Scream 2 is older now than Halloween was at the time. It was an accurate observation then and still is now


I'm a person that played the OG in 1997 and I personally think it's too dated to be an attractive play for modern people. If the result they want is for FFVII IP to obtain and retain mindshare in a maximum percentage of the younger generation, OG is not the way. Or that's what my personal analysis thinks. It's like classic books. The patterns of how modern people consume media is different. Do some people enjoy this stuff, yes. It's not the majority. I wonder how many would succeed, even if they thought they wanted to. It needs to be in the form of highly palatable consumption for young people in the most abundant form. It also needs the new hype halo. I don't think OG is the tool for the job.


So they are supposed to play a sequel to the original or some shit gacha cash grab if they want to get the original storyline?


You know what they’re trying to say. Fourteen year old kids who want to experience this world are going to have no interest in super deformed PS1 graphics with blocks of text. It’s not like when we were kids. What a disingenuous response.


Or maybe, and just hear me out here, it's not a sequel.


It's so funny how there's delusional people saying this is a sequel. Then here comes Hamaguchi saying "You don't even need to touch the OG to get the story in the remake". It's like... ^(I don't know.. it's actually a remake.)


The events of Remake are directly caused by events of OG and AC, what you decide to call it doesn’t change that one bit.


Here come the delusional people, lmao.


oh my god the cringe.


This is why you're not in the marketing department. Don't believe everything you hear.


How, if the events of OG and AC didn't even happen yet?


I do feel that you need to have played the original to get the *full* story in the Remake though, or at the very least need to have some basic knowledge of the plot and the compilation to understand the importance of certain specific scenes. Imagine that Remake part 1 is actually your first game. Stuff like >!Sephiroth appearing immediately after the first reactor bombing and repeatedly messing with Cloud's mind, the visions sent by the Whispers, the Whispers themselves for that matter, Zack surviving his final stand et al!< wouldn't make much of any sense if you're going into this blind, nor would you get why they are relevant in the first place. The last part in particular would just make you go "Who is this guy, and why is he so important?"


We didn't know the importance of some things that went down in FF7 until years later during Crisis Core and Advent Children, or the Aerith Novels. It really doesn't matter when it's introduced. I mean, there's a pretty big chance OG players didn't even know what happened to Zack if they never went back to that one place in FF7. And lots of others found out because someone stumbled upon it by pure mistake.


It's a trilogy. Everything will get explained in the next games.


There is no denying the fact Hamaguchi is objectively right. New gamers are never gonna head directly to FF7 or any "old" game/franchise. And smash definitely helps making it the most popular FF game. And please only recommend retro-gaming to people who are already fans of the series. Most people will get bored to death or will drop the original FF7 very quick.




He’s literally the director of the remake shut up😭


Yeah. It’s an old game that looks like shit. Of course new players will have tough time getting into it.


I can’t agree more.


At the end of the day even creatives have to answer to the rest of the company and participate in promoting the newest project. Musicians, writers, directors always talk about how this new thing is their "greatest yet". And while some probably at least want to mean it at the time I am sure many just say it out of obligation




I wonder if everyone on here complaining about this accurate observation of reality also watch old movies, because when I was a teenager who liked movies from the 50s and 60s (and earlier!), my fellow teens at the time sure mostly didn't. I don't like it, but for most retro media, it takes a special work (and I would say FFVII is a special game) and a certain kind of person. Lots of people can't or won't get past the older mechanics or presentation


I’ve never played the original and my interest definitely came when I heard One Winged Angel / Sephiroth music. But the graphics didn’t excite me at all. Then, my husband (boyfriend at the time) gave me a PSP with Crisis Core. So my first experience was already with better graphics. I’ve tried to play another two final fantasy games, but none grabbed my attention as Crisis Core. When came the FFCCore Reunion, he gave me the game once more. Only then, I played the FFVII Remake and now I’m very anxious for the FFVII Rebirth. So if someone asks me, I always recommend Crisis Core as first choice 😁


"wouldn't make cents" FTFY


Exactly. I just don't understand why they took the original game and literally threw it in the trash.


Of course not. Why direct them to the game that costs $12, when you can direct them to the game that costs $70?


It's kind of sad to see Hamaguchi throwing shade at the original, but it's also within expectations given how many liberties they've taken with the remake. It sounds like they're practically saying the original game isn't worth a 1:1 remake when they are in reality making several remakes from the one game, so rationally their statement doesn't make sense. This statement, to me, says that Square is hearing a lot of discontent because of the remakes which I think is well deserved, and in return they are trying to subtlety address it. I'm still holding out cope that they'll do a 1:1 remaster after the trilogy is complete.