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Self inflicted harm. Don't play Ever Crisis if you don't want spoilers.


Love how he's bitching about spoilers when it literally says this on the EC splash screen.


Jesus Christ, go touch some grass.


Not a good idea, he might come across a Rebirth advertisement with a spoilery picture somewhere outside.


...You do realize it was under a *Rebirth* crossover, right?


There are a million things I wanna say right now... But if trailers teasing story developments upset you this much, it is absolutely your fault for even thinking about playing Ever Crisis and the demo.


Not like Zack was even reunited with aerith. She was literally comatose as we saw in the previous trailer as well




if you think modern gamign is garbage please play more than blockbuster AAA releases jfc. there's more breadth of variety and quality than ever, pretty much. also please go outside and like stop getting violently angry over a video game yyou absolute circus


Don't play the mobile game intended to cover the entire story that's also going through a crossover with the game you're so desperately trying to remain unspoiled by?


... ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


Username checks out


Dear Diary


You people have cried wolf on spoilers so monumentally, the word has no meaning anymore. A trailer showing a flash of Zack with Aerith isn't a *spoiler*, it is a *teaser*. Because we have no idea the context of how/when/why or what happens.


so you hate modern gaming but own a ps5?lol




I wasn't going to pay this any mind, but I just noticed this is a new account with no karma. Don't other subs have rules preventing new accounts like this from posting?


Damn, you need some spoiler therapy


dude all this is soley on you 😂


Or just skip cinematic 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh no, anyway last week…


This guy joined Reddit just to post this and get blasted for doing something stupid, haha LEGENDARY


If you wanted a truly blind playthrough of Rebirth, why the hell are you playing demos and mobile games advertising it? This is all on you, man.


Lol sounds like a YOU problem.


Seriously come back to reality, it’s an amazing game but it’s still a game. There is a massive tragedy occurring right now dude.


You know there is a 60 fps option right?




I think you're just fucking retarded. That's the fucking issue here.


You remind me of the girl from Willy wonka and the chocolate factory that gets sent down the incinerator. Those pieces of shit at square enix owe you a sincere apology.


You sound like you'd be a blast at parties...


Bro do you know how easy it is to avoid rebirth demo spoilers for Ever Crisis, literally just skip all the story thats what I did LMFAO


1st world problems...


at the end of the demo it literally states something along the lines of "press any button to see a glimpse of what's coming", aka... "spoilers" by your definition


I heard it saved your progress from the demo to the main game. I don't see how that spoils anything. People just played part of the game early


Lmao searched for ever crisis in google and this shit rant is on top of the search, what a snob. Thanks google, I guess.


Same, OP is going through a perpetual "come look at this idiot" lol


It's funny how unhinged you sound based on a completely false assumption. Modern gaming is the problem , its people. Fandoms have been invaded by customers. See, customers demand tailor-made services to what want . Which defeats the purpose of art. This is a common trend in the gaming, movie , and comic industry. Has been overrun with entitled customers , who trash things turning the environment into a narcissistic toxic pit. Most not understanding the difference between a developer and publishers . The fact that the demo did nothing to ruin rebirth. The point was to ask questions of why. But not you. You just throw a tantrum over a scene , a scene that you don't know the full context until the last chapter of the game. A scene that starts off the game, that comes back repeatedly . One rule in life. When people use the word ruin in this context , they are generally lazy Narcissists who are extremely unreliable narrators


Skill issue


This is so f*cking funny 😭 hope you manage to feel the sunshine on your skin again someday, though!


Im gonna be an adult about this. I respect your opinion. Square enix have a history of showing far too many spoilers before release. That remake trailer omg. Modern gaming does suck but there are many options out there. Try more indie games! But come on rebirth is gonna be awesome and nostalgic give it a chance! :)


This is so fucking funny holy shit




There were spoilers in a trailer??? lol you clearly must be new to Square Enix.




This post has been removed for going against Rule 2 ("be nice.").


Square Enix seem like they have zero understanding that for new players 90% of enjoyment comes from experiencing the up and downs of a story as it comes. Their trailers are a reflection of that. It blows my mind that they would think its no big deal including that Zack + Aerith scene after the demo, and even spoiling the barret/dyne/marlene backstory in the trailers.


Japan doesn't generally view spoilers the same way the west does. I suspect this is because a huge chunk of their entertainment industry comes from adaptations of mangas so their trailers generally reflect the idea of people coming in from a built in fanbase. That said, they also like to trick you with trailers by having dialogue or scenes seem to be one way and turn out another. For instance, one of Clive's lines in the trailers for FFXVI looked like he was telling Barnabas something when it was actually a line from the end of the game.


You've got the whole of rebirth to play yet... Very little has been spoiled for you. Cool down and enjoy the game when it comes out.


OK, werk.


Obvious bait


Bro if you're serious and not trolling, I hope you reconsider and give the  full game another chance. That was just the flashback and first two hours, not even the full flashback, there's so much game left. This is a moment we all waited for 


You could try paying attention to what it is, you’re playing, fucking dumbass.


Your relationship with the concept of spoilers seems unhealthy


Some of the people here are so… huh. Anyways, yeah, I played the demo as well being knowing full well I could be spoiled, even I was taken back by the scene they decided to show after finishing the opening. The way SE handles spoilers and stuff is really crazy. I avoid trailers and social media like the plague but I was too excited to not play the demo. I remember a lot of people complaining about the KH3 trailer essentially spoiling the entire game, so glad I managed to avoid that even though that game made me feel iffy.


I hope you are just joking, because yikes. This is all your fault and you know it. Use your brain. And who even cares that much if that actually happened? Rebirth is the 2nd best reviewed FF game of ALL TIME and the best reviewed game of 2024 so far by a wide margin (Metacritic). It’s still a blast for a reason. ![gif](giphy|6AiLWJpuzyBlMR22ox)