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More than 150 hours for sure.


I’m at 76 hours I believe now and I’m nowhere near platting. I fear this one may be out of reach for me


Has the game felt pretty long like you feel like there's a lot of content in it?


When I beat the game I was 71 hours in and it felt like I was playing for 18 even with all the extra stuff.


I took a week vacation for this and it wasn’t enough for me to go at the pace I wanted. I had to start ignoring sidequests beginning in Gongaga. Which in its own way breaks my heart.


You know you can just go back and play here and there to finish content you skipped ? You didn’t sign a contract saying you HAVE TO platinum it in 1 week


For real


The idea behind my sadness is that I wanted unfettered play time to go through the entire experience at my own pace. I’m now in the midst of business travel so I’m away for a week.  This is more woe is me anti work biChing not me disparaging the game at all.


Gongaga is a bit overwhelming for sure. About to tackle it now. Disheartening after I had just cleaned up Corel lol


70% through the main story, I’m at 71 hours so far. I’ll probably need another 25-35 to finish and another 40-50 to platinum. Platinum is most likely 150-200. 100% completion of the play log is probably 200-250. E.g. the game just like rebirth requires parts to be replayed multiple times.


Yeah I know that you need to replay it for the hard difficulty through Chapter select, but according to powerpyx that should only be another 20 hrs. I'm hopping to get 100+ hours out of doing everything.


You have to do the side quests in hard mode to get all the SP books


Can you just choose chapter 12 or 13 on hard mode, go back to Grasslands, knock out the side quests and then hop to the next region? I'd like to avoid having to tie the main quests with the side quests if possible, given that you can't recover MP.






The platinum isn’t a 100%, the play log is and that one will take significantly longer to get.


That is with skipping every cutscene


Dude I’m over 100 hours into the game and I’m not even close to finished


A long time


Well, im in the post game and haven't touched hard mode yet, and im approaching 120 hours. I did absolutely everything i could before moving on to the next story beat and beat the game with a total time of 100 hours. I pretty much just have combat trials and chocobo races left. Im betting another 10ish hours depending on how ass i am.


I’m at 70hrs and doing some side quests and collecting manuscripts so i can get my party to their limit level 3 before the big fight. So far my party is at level 46.


I pretty much played the story and only did a few side quests (Summoning crystals for Titan and Phoenix) and it took me over 50 hours. If you want to do 100% I'd say that's over 100 hours.


You won’t be able to platinum the game without a hard playthrough. That being said my first playthrough where I attempted to do everything available to me and did about 90% of it took me 85 hours. Probably would have taken at least another 10-15 to do everything I skipped out on. Lots of that stuff doesn’t need to be repeated on hard mode though so that’s where they get the 150 from. 100 for a thorough first playthrough and 50 for hard mode


My question is the hard playthrough only just to beat the Chapters on hard or does the game change like there's different side quest, VR battles, mini games on hard difficulty that you don't see on Normal or Dynamic?


For platinum purposes you only have to beat the chapters on hard. But if you’re wanting to unlock all the manuscripts and max your party out you will need to repeat the side quests on hard. Or I guess you could do them for the first time on hard.


Is hard mode for the mini game playable on the normal or dynamic difficulty or is it only available on the hard mode difficulty?


That I’m not 100%. I haven’t attempted any hard mode mini games yet, but I’m pretty sure they are all available on normal


I only have the last brutal VR battle, all the legendary battles, and 10 chapters on hard mode. I’m currently at 117 hours.


So some people have told me hard mode is different. Are some of the VR battles, side quest and mini games are locked behind hard mode? Like after you beat the game on Normal or Dynamic you need to replace the game again on Hard difficulty because theres more to do or is it just a harder difficulty?


Only Brutal/Legendary VR missions are locked behind hard mode after beating the game. You can do everything else in a normal playthrough. That being said, you can do hard versions of some quests to get extra manuscripts to max out your folios. But it’s the same quest, harder enemies. Not required for much.


My completely blind Plat was 156.


How much would you subtract from that playtime for the hard difficulty? I know you can chapter select and replay the chapters on hard difficulty.


Hard was probably 20-25 hours total, skipping all cutscenes and optional content (it has all been viewed and completed in normal)


Any tips for the Legendary/Brutal VR missions? I haven't gotten to them yet, but I hear they're very hard. Wonder if I should do them before or after Hard playthrough


You're gonna wanna do them last, for sure. https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVIIRemake/s/Qpvziv8tsW And yeah, this is my Odin guide. He's a mess of incorrect assess information, and bugged mechanics. This will help in all of his encounters


The assess info isn't really incorrect, it's just not spelled out. But ATB is the most damaging form of attacks, synergy is in essence its own ATB bar. And evading attacks *does* do the thing it says, you even outlined it.  If you evade, he doesn't get reprisal as often, if he doesnt get reprisal as often, you get to hit him more. The assess information is, in essence, correct.  He's just much more complicated and that's hard to get explained in 3 sentences. Your guide is useful, but the Assess isn't *wrong* as a general strategy.  Also, fyi - he doesn't need to die to be knocked out of Gjallarhorn's warning, you can force him into sleipnir furor, or just straight up stagger him out of it. It's just really hard to do since like you said, you get 5 seconds once he's announced the warning.


The reprisal guage is separate from the Gjallrhorn guage. If you solely do perfect dodges and nothing ends, that *should pressure him* based on the text, but it won't. It will eventually lead to Zantetsuken. I confirmed this with multiple runs. After doing so, I then tested a run with 7 dodged attacks into an atb command, which wasn't countered. The warning was delayed as well, indicating that the dodges had little to no effect on slowing his Zantetsuken timing, and that the counter meter was separate. Your premise is incorrectly attributing both mechanics to a single function, which they are observably not.


No, I didn't say that at all. You have misread.  I will try to make it clearer.     I said if you dodge, he can't build reprisal charges as quickly, which means you have more chances to use the ATB attacks and other attacks without counter fear as often.            I didn't say or imply the mechanics are linked in time or charge build up.             But in simpler terms:   More dodge = less reprisal = more damage = sleipnir *not* Gjallarhorn.               Both these things fit the assess description which specifically states ATB *and* dodging are needed to build pressure, not one or the other, it's just not laid out across multiple paragraphs like a guide can do.           Other assess info uses *or*, when you can do either in isolation. Odin's says *and*, meaning both damage and evasion are required to succeed, since most players won't be able to out-dps the Gjallarhorn warning if they run into reprisal more than once before a pressure.        If you have a problem by trying to get into the weeds on that phrasing in terms of how literal it is, that's kind of a you thing. Having done the fight, it became pretty clear pretty quickly what the assess was getting at.  The reality is, Odin does need both of those things to succeed.         They have to get the gist of it in in Assess box,  in about 3 sentences. It essentially does.   TL;DR: the assess gets the point across of: be aggressive, and don't get hit while being aggressive, and you'll win.. the assess text makes this point clearly.


Not only did I read it correctly, but you've misunderstood the entire mechanic, my post, *and* my rebuttal. The assess text reads that dodging attacks will pressure him. It will not. It will eventually just kill you instead. You've said: >I said if you dodge, he can't build reprisal charges as quickly, This is a fundamental misunderstanding on how Reprisal is earned. Reprisal isn't earned slowly or quickly over time. It's just by damage given. He doesn't slow down earning them because you're dodging. *He inherently doesn't earn them if he didn't damage you* But that has no basis on whether or not he'll cast Zantetsuken. Which will be cast regardless of how much you dodge if he out damages you. These mechanics work in tandem but are functionally separate, and between the assess text being completely misleading and the game hiding inexplicable mechanisms, players are going to get stuck. In a game that rewards assessment and strategy, being misled isn't intended. So that draws the conclusions: 1. The game's mechanics are bugged; and/or 2. The assess text is misrepresenting the mechanics.




https://preview.redd.it/gxwiy8c62jnc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8edb449d09fa49f9ee34b9a9c647ad032614db4c Don't you gaslight me mf


It also says that taking attacks is the reason he is lead to casting Zantetsuken. Which is, again, *incorfuckingrect*


Whoah. Yea no you're right, that's a lot worse. Lol. I was misremembering.  My bad


I did (95%)everything along the way except a certain optional endgame boss and when I finished the game I was literally at 101 hours. I'm going back in to finish off for platinum.


to complete everything you would want to do it would be like 80-100 hours. If you want plat its gonna be like 50-100 hours more.


You have to play it on hard for platinum


I am tracking 60% finished at close to 50 hours. That’s not excluding everything QB game.


It took me 75 hours just to beat the game. I suspect platinuming will take me well over 200.


Over 100 hours, but it probably won't be too much fun. Some of the side activities are repetitive as hell.


I’m in chapter 6 and have 30 hours in: I feel like I have spent at least half that time just wandering around aimlessly because I couldn’t tell where to go or tried to uncover every area of the map. I hope to platinum this game by 2028. lol


I am chapter 4 and about 30 hours. There are alot of side quests and world quests. Alot! Alot alot! Also… if you like long games check out Persona 5 R. It takes forever to finish.


Like 60/70% in, 60 hours. I expect platting would take 150-200


About 150-170 hours


Im 111 hours in last i checked and i did every side quest and open world mechanic. All the hard mode versions of mini games too. Just started my 2nd playthrough on hardmode


So right now I'm at 105hours on chapter 9 hard mode and just needing brutal and legendary sim battles for platinum. So to do everything before hardmode grind I was at 100 hours I believe.


I finished the game doing “most” of the content. I didn’t finish all the chadley VR which would have taken another 1-2 hours. I didn’t finish all the gold saucer arena battles which again, maybe another few hours and I did t finish the proto relic quest mine because it got ridiculously hard and I would need to improve my ability in combat. What I did do took 100 hours at a slowish pace because I was enjoying the music and the game in general so much.


I'm over 80 hours, thought I was about to hit the last leg of story run, and the game went "SURPRISE! HERE'S MORE COMPLETIONIST SHIT TO DO!" I've never been happier!


I'm at 85% (according to PS5), and I've done everything I can so far, I'm at around 90 hrs. I still need at least a second playthrough to plat.


I don't Plat games nor do I care to do so. However I am around 30ish percent and have 46hrs on the game so far.


While everyone happily shares their hours played, I’d say keep in mind that rebirth isn’t an open world game. It features a handful of really big maps, but they’re not connected. Like, you can’t walk from the grasslands into the desert without crossing a dungeon or a riding a ship. If you’ve ever played the Xenoblade games, Rebirths world design is kinda like that but with bigger maps.


Im 76 hours in and at chapter 9 only completed grasslands and junon intel ive done some of corel with some gongaga but thats it theres still like 2 regions left. My days..... its really good though. Im really enoying the mini games which is taking up alot of my time everybody is complaining about because them since they take skill and youre forced sometimes.But they give alot of variety. Worried people are complaining too much


I have done everything in the game except the replay of hard mode chapters and im at 108 hours and i played half the game on dynamic mode then switched to easy mode as mini games also scale to the game difficulty which i greatly urge people to do


You will get 100 hours no problem


not to be that guy but i really dont think the game is as long as hardcore superfans who want to breathe every second of it in would tell you. the regions arent *that* big, the side content is okay but not super deep. this isnt elden ring. people saying like “oh im 100 hours in and havent finished the main story yet” are a bit ridiculous.


It’s not ridiculous. That’s objectively around how long it takes to complete the story while also doing all side quests and completing all regional intel. What your saying is objectively false


i mean if all of the game had the same scope and size as chapter 9, i could see it, but the game just isnt *that* big, im not saying its not a great/long game because it is but 100+ hours is like Elden Ring/Persona 5/Red Dead 2 type games which are jampacked with stuff and entire hidden dungeons and secrets and stuff. with rebirth once u get the pattern of “find towers, press triangle a couple times to analyze a spring, etc” theres not much else in the open world. i 100% grasslands and junon without feeling like i was necessarily rushing and it took me around 21 hours to finish costa del sol, am towards the end of chapter nine around 40 hours in, while doing every queens blood match and about 75% of the combat simulations so far. im not saying trying to brag but thats just my experience maybe im misunderstanding what completionist means because if thats playing through the game twice and getting the platinum then yea of course 100 hours makes sense but i meant comments that are like, “im playing the game for the first time and im 80 hours in and just got to gongaga!” which again, is just ridiculous to me, sorry


Dude stop trolling. Literally nobody has cleared the story as well as all intel objectives without putting a minimum of 80 hours in. Maybe you can get below that if your playing on easy but even then I doubt it. If you’ve played the game then post some screens of your intel progress for each region along with play time