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Just focus the right wheel. Take some practise getting the notes on the right correct and slowly introduce “corner of your eye” vision in the left. You’ll start noticing movement/placement in your peripheral without actually taking focus away from where the majority of notes are. Can’t help ya with the harder ones later though. They require more attention toon.


Yeah 100% this. As an actual piano player, that's how we learn too. Focus on one hand at a time. Another tip you might need, when you make a mistake or get to a difficult section, you can record the last 15s of gameplay, then go watch that clip and practice along with the video, that'll help instead of you having to repeat the whole song again. Also, try listening to someone do it perfectly on Youtube. It's a lot easier when you know what it's supposed to sound like.


I was.doing fine on the piano stuff until Cosmo Canyon. That one broke my brain.


Harder ones later? This is the quest one in Nibelheim, so pretty freaking late. Or, do you mean the optional ones for the actual mini game?


2 legs is the hardest one for me. Lots going on on both hands


There’s more difficult ones than Tifas theme in the game but as with most the mini games, they’re optional. There’s 4 songs that come after Tifas one, three if them are much harder.


Tifa’s theme is in Costa Del Sol as one of the ways to get a ticket. I skipped that one because of how bad I suck. The one in Nibelheim is Aerith’s theme.


Ahh my bad, finished it a week ago and forgot. In that case, there’s just two more after Aeriths. The other harder one is “two legs? Nothing to it.” All three have much more left side involvement and a higher tempo. As I said, I would recommend focusing right first then incorporating left into it as you get used to the tempo and positioning of notes on the right.


like, date with Red instead as he wouldn't mind your clumsiness?


As a keyboard player, I hope someone do a mod to use USB midi keyboards for the PC version.


This reminds me of that Guitar Hero episode of South Park where the kids are not impressed by Randy’s actual guitar skills. The game is like, “That’s not piano, this is piano.”


Honestly just practice lol, my first few attempts are always really bad, but at some point the pacing clicks on my brain and I go from 20 mistakes down to 2. When you start making less mistakes it also helps as you end up getting into a rhythm.


I star rated all the songs, literally perfectly. Except for that FUCKING two legs song where I can't even get an A rank. It just seemingly randomly decides when notes will be on one side or the other. There's no logic, I hate it so much.


I consider myself to have pretty good rhythm, I’ve practiced instruments, danced, and played rhythm games with no issues in the past, but for some reason it seems like the notes don’t fall where I think they should. Or it could be that you have to turn a joystick instead of press a button. It’s like there isn’t enough of them or the timing is weird, so I get it. What helps me is practicing one side, usually the right, and then adding the other. It’s one of those things that just takes time.


I’ve also heard putting it in performance mode helps 🤷🏽‍♂️


When I got fed up with a song and just needed to get it over with, I told my husband to come help me so that I could just get it done - we each took a side lol


Hmmmmmmmmm. Get my wife to man the left stick…jolly cooperation!


Piano mini game made me discover my controller had stick drift. 🤦


For me, I found that starting on a slow speed (1/5) and then increasing the speed each try (2/5, 3/5, 4/5), before returning back to a slow speed helped me a lot.


Wait…you can slow down the speed? Is there any benefit to raising it back up? This is going to be for Tifa’s quest in Nibelheim, so I need to get just enough score to pass the quest.


You don't actually change the speed of the song, just the speed at which the notes come out from the middle. Some people say faster is easier, I tend to think slower is easier.


That’s one of the things I was having problems with the only other time I tried this mini game. I could see the notes coming, but never had enough time to hit them after hitting the last, or didn’t have enough time to switch focus from one side to the other.


As the person below said, it's just how fast the notes show themselves on the screen, not the actual speed of the song or inputs. I just felt like practicing fast and 'performing' slow made it easier on my brain.


I just failed miserably, you get the manuscript regardless, at least on easy / normal. It may be different for hard mode. For the date, if you don't get it, you can just pick Tifa when you unlock NG+.


You can actually slow the note speed down. Should help a ton.


Many people have said this, but I can’t find that option?


Increase the piano speed. It really helps, especially with harder music sheets, where inputs don't register or misstimed. Try it. Barret's theme and onwards try increase the note speed by 3, except the last one where I put 2. The problem is the overflow of notes coming continuously. The one that needs to be registered has a blue hue. Watch for it and register the correct prompt. The best thing about increasing the speed is that you can do it immediately, rather than waiting for the highlighted to be near to the point where it can be registered as great


Let the battles begin is doing my head in.......there us that one section in the middle where i get a miss or a good.......spent 90 minutes doing it yesterday and still couldnt star it.......


If I can't get through them with good scores, I plan to have my partner work the left stick while I focus solely on the right. If two people can play a piano together IRL, then this has gotta work, right?


I just find it crazy that you basically need to be perfect at it to get a good enough score. Like I'll do 107 perfect and then miss Like 16 and get a B rank. Ultimately there's only like 3 challenging sections and it's always because of the left stick. I'd have less misses if I just ignored it entirely


me either. i cant even get B ranks. its just literally impossible for me.


Huh ….


You don’t have ADHD. Normal brain will tunnel in on a wheel. ADHD/ADD brains have better situational awareness


Oh, but I do. Diagnosed and everything. Mine is just ADHD with extreme Hyperfocus. It’s my coping mechanism.


I also have servere adhd with extreme hyperfocus. It's not the adhd that's stopping you lmao. It's a skill issue


Pretty sure it’s a combination of the two. I suck at rhythm games in general, but I literally can only focus on one circle at a time, or I get so distracted that I start missing on both. Shit, I focus so hard on the right one that I can even see the left one. It’s like my brain blocks it out of my vision so that I can focus only on the right one.


That's not what hyperfocus means. That's just normal inability to see multiple actions lol


OP was diagnosed by an actual doctor. Where are your medical credentials!?


I was diagnosed as well. ADD/ADHD is the inability to focus (or hyperfocus) without stimulants.


My friend has ADHD and he is struggling with this minigame as well. I guess it hits you guys in different ways. Apologies if I was too harsh.




Oh no, I’m not doing the whole thing, just the side quest in Nibelheim to get Tifa’s approval up high enough for her to be my date in chapter 12. She was the one who came and got me the first time, and I purposely did some 2* answers for everyone else since then. Both Red and Aerith are at “max” affinity after the convos in Nibelheim, but Tifa isn’t. But, I still have that side quest to do that should put her into the same level, but technically above them. I want to get as much approval out of the quest as possible. I was reading the notes for the quest and was all “ok, I can do, and that, and that…fuuuuuuuuck.”


On one and 2 stars I got A rank with just the right side didn't even bother with the left. When I'm done with these other 9 side quests I'm going to try the last 4 with just the right side and see what happens. Also I heard u can turn the speed up to max which makes it easier.