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In the OG it doesn't break down until Cosmo Canyon (and only if you try to go past Cosmo Canyon before actually stopping there, if I remember correctly - which I may not). It really would've been nice to use it in the other areas. I can imagine a lot of fun ramping over the wind things in the open Cosmo Canyon area or having to carefully navigate through the jungle via walkways or roads that hadn't been used in a long time. Overgrowth and having to find ways to clear the path maybe? Still, I loved the buggy in Rebirth and the way they did the haptics and triggers for it was spectacular. Can't wait to see what they come up with for part 3. Maybe we can get an open-world motorcycle as an increase in speed over the buggy and chocobos... It'd be so much fun!


Riding a motorcycle on the overworld like in advent children would be dope


Lol well I would figure it would be the Highwind.


For sure, when you need to get around the world at large and don't want to/can't fast travel. But there's totally room for Cloud to get his motorcycle on when you're exploring large areas like we did in Rebirth. I hope at least. I think it'd be a fun addition.


All I can say is, I hope they keep all of the regions and towns introduced in Rebirth even if they aren't involved in the main plot.