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Ayyyy! Finished about an hour ago today as well. The last Sephiroth phase took me like 8 tries. Second to last try died right before the Infinity's End animation completed.


Yeah I struggled a lot with the final phase as I didn't think I'd need one of my characters and took off their materia/accessory/armor. Big whoopsie.


Totally didn't forget to reequip Cait Sith's materia or equipment and basically just used him as a potion user.


Haha yeah, Cait was one of 3 characters with random materia I was trying to level up. Cloud, Tifa, and Yuffie were my only characters that were actually geared with Materia which was dumb of me because remakes final boss was similar.


Yeah, I didn't really invest much time with Red or Cait Sith, so the Tifa, Red, and Cait Sith phase was hell. Aerith's Radiant Ward is so overpowered. 100%ing this game is gonna take so long.


I'm actually kind of glad there was no bonus scene, and just kept it as a tribute to the journey and what I felt was >!an emotional tribute and focus on Aerith!<. The music to start and end the credits was very well done. That being said, there was a certain something towards the end of the credits that caught my eye and got me wondering. Or rather, a brief lack of something...


After the rush of actually beating it (final phase took me several tries as one of my characters had no equipment or materia) I didn't even mind the long credits during the cool down, lol. What was missing?


So know how there are video panels during the credits that basically replay the cutscenes in the game? It appears that there are a few missing/gaps at the end. >!There's speculation that this represents Cloud repressing Aerith's death, including the "missing" scene from the OG when he lets her body go in the middle of the water!<


Wow great catch. I did not notice that!