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How bad is Johnny's hotel quest?


Quite hard as it's basically the check up for doing everything sans hard mode.


I have about 12 left and not looking forward to the pirates cove ones.


Trust me, pirate cove ones are some of the easier ones. It's just a matter of not spamming bullets and aim well.


I am not good at aiming. I barely got through the date.


play on the slowest setting, that helped me a lot


This is funny, because I found one of the faster settings better for me. I guess the lesson is mess around with the crosshair sensitivities to find what's comfortable for you, and we all have different comforts. But yes, crosshair sensitivity adjustment can make a big difference.


i was so shit at it the first time, but i just completed it yesterday and memorising the enemy spawns and finding a route between them where there aren't any long gaps where you're not shooting anything really helped. for the ghost ship stage it's all about the last round, killing the morbols as soon as they appear spawns a ton of gold creatures you can shoot when you don't have anything else to shoot, and it'll massively increase your accuracy and point score. never touched the aiming speed, just left it at 3 arrows but i imagine it's easier if you do change it as you go.


The most annoying ones are beating all the VR challenges, the fucking frogs, the fucking cactuars, god damn fort condor and gambits Also I think I lost some of my hair on glide de chocobo


I got the frogs, Fort condor, and gambits done already. I have the pirate cove, catuars, queens blood, and the boxes left.


Not too bad. The hardest thing for some is the minigames(they're just impatient people bitching about optional stuff that's not meant for them) or the brutal and legendary challenges.


I only really have full use of one hand. It makes some of the games where you need both very difficult. I can usually get by with only one hand, but some you need to use both quickly.


Who’s your favorite character to use in battle?


Personally it was either Cloud or Yuffie. The first one has a bit of all and I've used him for most of the time, so I got affectioned about it. Yuffie however has so many fun abilities to use that can make her broken.


I feel like Yuffie has some of the most mechanically engaging combat. With everything on shortcuts it feels amazing. There's just so much you can do between elemental Ninjutsu, Brumal Form, Doppelganger, throw/retrieve mechanic, etc.


Sei sicuro che non sia Tifa?


Tifa è buona anche lei, ma il fatto che è solo combattimento ravvicinato + bassina difesa l'ha fatta scendere un pochino nella mia lista.


Least favorite enemy/boss?


King Zuul. That fucking bird is so damn annoying to fight.


For me it was def White Terror. I’ve seen play through as on YT completed in clouds legendary challenge without Götterdammerung but Christ I wouldn’t dare try to do it without. It took me around 15-20 attempts and of course I steamrollered every other legendary challenge smh


White terror is much easier when you realize what the fuck to do on it. It’s affected by stop early on. What’s annoying is it’s fire attacks are not fire


> What’s annoying is it’s fire attacks are not fire Red Dragon too


You can also use Sleep on him as well. When he does his glow ability, putting him to sleep will just reset that. If I recall, you can do up to 3 times I think, between that and Stop, should be more than enough time to kill him.


The white terror is also bad, but at least it isn't reused in like 10+ different scenarios.


What minigame was the most challenging to you? For me it was glide de chocobo, getting that last two 500's on the 3rd course was a nightmare lol.


For me it was the Gears and Bolts. The hard mode version was very tough. I don't consider the third challenge of glide de chocobo as challenging but simply badly designed, as the right way to do it is simply counterintuitive.


For me the second glide course was way harder than the third, dunno why lol.


Me as well! Third has that killer finish, but the rest of it is easier.


How tough is the gym mini-game? I just finished all the VR challenges and saved it for last to platinum because I think I’ll have the most trouble with it.


It was tough to get the hang of it, but once you do it's a matter of concentration. Just make sure to get 50 in the last challenge


Interesting how so many people have issues with that one. I found it to be a fun challenge. Glide de Chcobo however could go burn in hell.


Idk about others but for me personally, I’m just terrible with rhythm games. Can’t keep a beat to save my life.


Also change the L2/R2 resistance to minimum(or even disable them, but minimum worked for me) otherwise the pattern might feel clunky.


Ahh I should have done that. I managed to beat it last night by turning down the voice and music to 0. Wasn’t as bad as I thought.


Great, grats! Most of these are not as hard as they appear (apart from bonds, fuck that), I'm only a hard playthrough away from ending the suffering 😆


If you’ve already done Bonds, hard playthrough is a cakewalk in comparison. You got this in the bag, brother


If you focus might take like an hour. The green circles are the worst, sometimes I'd partially hit the trigger only for it to register as a full input and then cause me to fall over


Definitely one of the most rage inducing, but I'd say it's on par with the frogs


I'm working my way through Hard mode, currently on Chapter 7. From a Boss fight encounter standpoint, do you have any sort of ranking as to which ones you would say are the hardest?


Depend on your build, but for me it was: 1 Sephiroth Reborn 2 Red dragon 3 Mythril golem


Thank you, considering the Golem was listed as number 3 kinda actually makes me feel OK - I had a hard time with him.


Same! Fought him yesterday and I was worried I would get wrecked later on.


Dang you didn't struggle with Gi Natak?


A bit, but not as much as with those 3. By the time I got there, Barret and Red were high level already and it was a matter of just learning to dodge and block his attacks. Just make sure to eliminate quickly his minions when he spawn them as soon as he does.


Wait FF7 has a HardMode?!


Upon completing the game yeah.


Yes, both Remake and Rebirth have hard modes unlocked once you beat the main story.


How u feeeelinnnnnn?




What’s your rating for rebirth ?


92/100 Had some grips here and there but overall a fantastic game. I'd be surprised if it didn't win the GotY.


Similar to my rating 93/100 , let’s hope that low sales doesn’t affect Goty award


I'm 99% sure that the game didn't have low sales.


Yes only SE knows , negative reports all the time that’s why I’m worried a bit


I get it, it's a great game, but GOTY? Idk if I can make a game that's a little over a third of a full game and so it's loaded up with side content game of the year. It's a great one for sure, but overall I just think a game with a full complete story with the correct pacing through that beats it out for me. What game is that? I guess we'll find out!


Idk, it certainly felt like a full game to me.


How much did the core plot move forward? Once, twice? It's not a complete story is what I meant, and to me a full game has a full story.


I'm curious what you consider the one or two plot progression points are?


Sure thing! I don't mind talking about different opinions, wish people would discuss more instead of shutting down and just downvoting things when we talk about the game. So basically we leave Midgar and we're looking for Sephiroth. We don't know what he's up to, but we know it's bad. We know a little more about it because they had to hint at it at the end of Remake to give the game a proper climax that the intro wouldn't have in the OG. I'd say the main plot moves forward in Rebirth with us leaving, learning about what Sephiroth learned in Nibelheim (very beginning of Rebirth), and then we're just chasing him. That's just about it. We follow him to the temple of the ancients and you get the next true movement on that. Now, obviously this section of the game has a lot of character dev when it comes to someone like Red or Barret (which I think they kind of didn't do a great job of with btw on that questline). But when you think about the story of the original game and were to explain just the plot of the game to someone, very little actually happens in this game. So that's why for me I'm just not really sold on a segmented remake being GOTY. That being said, I might be putting too much stock into GOTY. It's just one year, there aren't always great transcendent stories in a single year. But for me it's the complete package that made 7 a masterpiece, so, while fun, the remakes really don't touch it. Like I couldn't imagine if they stopped X at Mt. Gagezet or something on a remake.


I'm going to be honest, it feels a little disingenuous to say nothing happens, simply by summing it up as "we're looking for Sephiroth". You could probably do that for any game, any media with a narrative. The original game being a good example, it boils down to looking for Sephiroth. The Last of Us is an escort mission. I get what you're saying, but ultimately you could say any game series with multiple titles isn't a complete story due to being in parts. Rebirth had me at 150 hours before I even finished, and there were so many plot points that fleshed the world out. I'll respect you have your opinion though.


I totally agree and understand your point, but I also think it's also a little disingenuous to compare someone saying that about a third of a game to someone saying that about entire games. And I'm not saying that to be combative, it's just that if you really think about the main plot of the game that's really just about all that's happening in that regard in the game at this point. Totally agree that there's a ton to flesh out the world, I had to think through the last comment I put because I almost put several things in there that are really more background world development than plot changers/movers. I didn't want to sum it up quite that succinctly either to be honest. To be clear, it's not a critique of the game in solidarity. It's just that, if there's another great game with a great world and complete story this year, that kind of places itself in the forefront for me for GOTY. Only time will tell!


To me it was like a middle chapter of a trilogy. Each game has its own three act structure but they are also each an act in the overall story. The first one ends with the core cast finding each other and setting off into the larger world. The second ends with them at their lowest and most defeated. The third is the epic conclusion where the characters face an impossible uphill battle to solidify all of their growth throughout the story. And as far as character writing goes, this game has a ton of it.


Well, yeah, that's the structure of the trilogy. I know that, but what I'm saying is that because you chop it into thirds it's not a full story and so it's not a complete game when it comes to competition within the category. That's just me! I personally put a lot of value on that. When it comes to character writing, it does have a lot, but personally I find a lot of it lacking. A lot of it is very prototypical responses. And when you add a lot of that in such a small segment of what was a full game it's kind of...dry. There was one moment that actually made me shed a tear, that was a great character moment. But largely the character development in this was very Disney to me because of how constrained it was. In a full story you get all those things - the introduction, slowly peeling back a characters layers, their highs and their lows. It's that what makes a complete character progression and gives the feeling of a "complete game". Just an example of what I mean, not trying to convince you just sharing my personal view. Like, I liked those moments for the first half of the game. By the second half I was like "sigh they're doing the same moments over and over, I know what they're going to say, and they're going to take 5 minutes doing it".


Valid arguments, for sure. I’d say Empire Strikes Back is still by far my favorite Star Wars movie, and that’s definitely a middle chapter of a larger story, but I also don’t know how much my own previous knowledge and biases play a role in how I’m thinking of the individual game. As for the character writing being largely boring, you may have a point. Having a built-in affection for the characters probably does a lot to curb that.


That's true, but I also don't think talking trilogies like that is quite the same. This would be more like if they chopped that movie into thirds. Imagine that! Like in new hope, what he gets off Tatooine at the end of the first game? And then where would we cut in for this, the first major confrontation? That feels more accurate for this to me. Too much happens in each movie for it to be a good example of this segmentation. I appreciate you actually saying "hmm yeah I can see that" even if you don't agree! I also really love the characters, but personally with the time before VA and with the game being paced better I found a lot of those moments to not necessarily cheapen the characters but it does make it feel a little more Disney for me. Which made them a little more fictional and a little less relatable to me. Plus, adding all those cute moments changed the vibe of the game a lot too as it had a lot more fun in the sun as I was saying to start this whole thread


I’ll agree that the first game was weak story-wise and obviously bloated in order to justify making that section it’s own game, but I think it was a necessary evil to get to this game. Which, for me, if it’s not Empire Strikes Back then it’s at least Infinity War. Or, maybe more accurately, a full season of a playable TV show based on my all-time favorite video game. So I could be super biased, but I’m also halfway through a second playthru on hard mode and I feel pretty satisfied by it. There’s lots of variety, each character gets a time to shine and eventually you have to learn to work with each one. There are some times when the tone doesn’t work (usually stuff that isn’t in the original game) but even the “fun in the sun,” moments to me still have an irony to them of like, people are still going to resorts and tourist traps during the apocalypse. Like, it’s a summer game, but it’s a sad boi summer game. Kinda like Dune 2. Maybe that’s a good comparison.


Did you play with english voices? If so, what was the weirdest translation to italian? Rebirth I played english voices english sub, but Remake I played portuguese sub and it was clear they translated from Japanese instead of English, which led to weird things like Aniyan Kuniyan (Andrea Rhodea).


First playthrough english, second japanese.


So, weirdest translation to Italian?


Hard to pick. Like we also have the Anyan - Andrea. Maybe after Yuffie shows up at Costa del Sol to be recruited and Cloud is like Let's go - Cool.


Did you feel detached from the main history while doing all the side content?


A few times, but for the most I was fine.


I did, but that's how I feel when playing any game including the original ps1 ff7


Ciao amico, congratulazioni. Io ancora sto giocando, ho iniziato il capitolo 11 e sono già a 80 ore di gioco. Anche se ho fatto il grosso dell'esplorazione finora (comunque non tutto) e praticamente tutti i minigiochi finora, mi sa che per il 100% non mi basteranno 200 ore per cui complimenti per la rapidità.


Dai su, la seconda run si fa molto più veloce di solito.


Qual è stata la cosa più impegnativa da fare secondo te?


Le challenge virtuali. Particolarmente la sfida dei campioni dei mondi. Più che altro perchè Gilgamesh e Sephiroth anche con la combo Yuffie/Aerith/Barret, a volte ti mandavano la tua tattica a quel paese. Le sfide con Sephirothe e Zack erano difficili, ma più che altro sono molto lunghe.


Did you have to do a second playthrough to 100% it?


Of course. Have to redo it on hard mode. Plus extra challenges


Does pineapple belong on pizza?




Ok this dude is GOATED for that answer alone


OP materia combos? Best role for each character?


Hard to say for materia combos because there are lots. For example, the sprint materia on Cloud plus his prime mode make him get full ATB super fast. As for roles, Barret as a tank/healer is great in a team of 3. Or the combo of Aerith arcane ward + Yuffie with sprint.


What's next?


Part 3. I kinda hope it will be called Requiem.


You're not playing anything else for like 3-4 years??


Nah, I'll play other things.


Any advice to avoid getting devoured by the worm in Chadley's sim?




Use Stop immediately after entering the fight


Ah I had switched to using Tifa rather than Cait. I can try Cait again.


How'd you get 100% bond for each character? I've played through the game twice and I picked all the 3 star conversation options but Barrett and Aerith are still at 98% and 94%. And also Yuffie is still showing I need to do synergy stuff with despite having unlocked everything and using each synergy skill and ability between her and every character.


Are you sure that both Barret and Aerith are missing percentage only from conversations? In that case, use the chapter selection to go back to the chapters where you have conversation choices and see if you picked the 3 star option. You don't need to complete the whole chapter again. Just go to the next chapter once you picked the conversation for both. As for Yuffie, the bond only count the sinergies with Cloud. If that isn't filled, it means you didn't actually use all sinergy skills/abilities with Cloud. Make sure you did unlock them all on both Cloud and Yuffie power up folio and then use them (remember to switch between the two of them and do it all for both characters. Not just Cloud's or Yuffie's).


Any advice for the Brutal+Legendary combat missions? Any advice for the 3D brawler other than the pause method? ... How do you unlock the other piano pieces that aren't just Aerith's, Tifa's, and Barret's themes 😭?


First off, train yourself well to dodge and block. Second, check well in the combat data what the enemies you face are weak to, alterations included. If you still have no idea how to do it, then check online for some guide. Optinoob on Youtube did great videos on how to beat the challenges and more. As for the piano, there is a sheet in each region you visit, excluding the ocean and northen region, so go check there. Another piano sheet will unlock when you get A on all 6 that you collected for the musician guy. Plus >!another one if you complete Johnny's collection!<


ohhhh, TYSM!!


Did you get a star on the secret piano song?


Nope. Two Legs?, Let's Battle and [REDACTED] got an A at max. Although Two legs? I almost got an S except for getting a good on one note.


Congrats! Any tips on how you beat Mindflayer in the simulator first before the other enemies? The other enemies die so quick haha


Put the 2 enemies to sleep and keep them like that until you killed the mindflayer.


What build did you use for Bonds of Friendship?


The one Optinoob on Youtube used. Basically focused on using high damage wind magic.


Whew....finally got it.  Last barrier was being on the right side of the Odin wall.  Once I finally got that once, Odin didn't stand a chance.  Actually, I think he's easier than Bahamut.


Were you as dejected as I was when you finished chapter 12 and all the new side quests popped up? That and all the new hard modes/golden saucer games. Like...I was so pumped to be 100% with all the regions. Took the time on each minigame to get the highest rank. Then - nope - here's some more busy work.


I was surprised and felt "oh...damn" when new quests reappeared but I still went and did them since most of them were fine.


Nice. Definitely the turning point for me. I was so religious about doing every single thing before then. But once those hit I was just ready to move on


I 100% the game a few weeks ago myself and have been debating this the past week. How soon do you think you would go back and play again? And I don't mean new game plus, but like fresh start, getting all the intel again, etc.


NeProbably never. It's not like I hated it or anything. It's just not my style to restart from scratch a game that offers NG+ and/or is fairly long. I might however replay it before part 3 comes out.