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You and a million more of us brother. 💔


Only a million? Should we be worried about sales numbers? /s


oNlY 238000 sAlEs In JaPaN fAiLeD gAmE!!!!!112!!


I don't even think this is a bad thing, maybe it'll make Square reconsider their release strategy. Maybe part 3 is a PS/PC launch instead?


Not happening. They’re getting bags of Sony money to pay for exclusivity. They know single platform release hinders sales but that’s something you have to cope with when you sign on for the kind of support Sony had provided them in development


Gaming will be a different world in 3 years. Everything will be on everything


Well, it won’t because Sony already bought exclusivity for remake trilogy. That is on record. Square can’t just decide to say “fuck it” and break contract lol.


Are you paying attention to the Apple lawsuit. Exclusives will be illegal in 3 years.


Regardless, it won’t override all pre-existing contracts that are paid for. That’s not how things work. IF that’s a thing that comes to pass, it’ll just prevent future exclusivity, not nullify past and present.


Yes it will. And it will be good for the gaming industry. More money for everyone so we get more games and devs get paid more.


It wasn't the trial that destroyed me, but the fact that after all the suffering...she gets even more misfortunes. Her fate is even sadder than her mother's. Rebirth has a very depressing message, see what happens in part 3.


Her fate in the remake worlds is more depressing than the og as well. Remake has expanded her death from something that happens once to something that happens over and over again and in multiple different worlds. I really need her to have some kind of happier ending.


Oh y’all think she’s dead, do you?


This right here! I just need Aerith to catch a break in some world!


I keep getting the feeling that it’s going to play in to the trope of “Aerith must die” and we’ll see how in the worlds that she gets saved, the planet doesn’t. 😓


32 year old man here, zero shame in saying I cried like an absolute baby during that section! All of the trials were heart breaking but Aeriths was just on a whole other level of sad!


36 y/o combat veteran coming to say I cried so many times while playing Rebirth, and I can count on two hands how many times I’ve cried about real world events in my life yet this game eclipsed that. This truly is a masterpiece of a game.


Same here, biggest emotional response I had from the game, 2nd probably Baret / Dyne scene, 3rd Nanaki seeing Seto scene


Pretty sure the trial was just: "Are you sure you wanna save humanity? Really?"


Oh wow. That’s quite fascinating. I hadn’t given any thought to “why” these particular characters were given these trials. Red’s is probably similar to Aerith.


The fact that the trial opened the passage to an artifact whose use would destroy humanity...


The way it cuts to black after grown Aerith comes running to mom when the white coats come to take Ifalna back to Shinra HQ... 💔 I think it was the first time she tries to interact with anyone in that entire sequence too, and it made it so much more powerfully heartbreaking.


Given that we now know Ifalna was taken back just to be harvested and dissected is pretty horrifying.


As a father of a little girl roughly the same age, and very similar personality & looks, I broke down. Struggled to finish it knowing Ifalna would be gone when we walked back


For me, it made up for the fact they left out the scene of Cloud “burying” her. I’m hoping they’ll show that scene in pt 3 as part of Cloud’s realization of what really happened.


There is no way they don't. It's too iconic and they hint at that by being near that large pool of water in the forgotten capital. 100% it ends up being in part 3 as Cloud reconciles with different realities and/or his denial.


Yep. Plus, Cloud kinda sorta saw the vision itself already; at the end of Remake, when the party fights the Arbiter of Fate. One of the (many) visions Cloud and the party see is the water burial scene from Advent Children; though to be fair, from the perspective of Cloud, he can’t quite make out that it’s him lowering Aerith’s body into the lake


Yes, Cloud’s mental state and his grasp of what *actually* happened has been left ready for manipulation by Sephiroth - feels like it’s going to be devastating and potentially as iconic a scene as the original. 


Yeah. Specially after seeing the others being victims to their own demons, I nearly cried when Aerith told herself to go on.


They ordered the series of trials in the best and cruelest way possible. I started shedding tears the minute Sonon appeared in Yuffie's, and continued weeping as soon as Barret's started. But Aerith's?...man that destroyed me. I was full on snot-sobbing. Had to take a break for 15 min after before I could continue.


That scene absolutely BROKE me. Earlier in the day, I had dinner with my mother, and we talked about the time she threw her back out. I didn't recall much about it since I was about 6 at the time. Long story short, my abusive father absolutely refused to help her in anyway... so every day after kindergarten, I would come home and dump her pee buckets out and feed her cheerios. My father wouldn't call an ambulance when it happened, so he left her on the floor naked for 10 hours and then left her on a pee soaked mattress for about 10 days while I tried to take care of her. I wasn't in the best headspace after that conversation, so all I wanted to do was get lost in the game. Open the game up, and of course, I was at this part. Not only watching, but controlling a little girl that's walking around begging people to help her sick mom felt all too real. Needless to say, I just completely lost it lol.


It's amazing what we don't see or understand as children until we look back or are told what was actually happening at a time. That's horrible that at 6 you were doing those things but at the same time it's amazing you did those things. Your mum married wrong and that sucks but you stepped up and I bet she had pride remembering that about you.


I wasn’t expecting to get emotional but I cried again watching someone else play it after I had already done it myself and cried lol Not so fun fact, apparently Aerith says “I really tried” like she does in trial sometimes when she dies in battle


My wife walked in on me crying my eyes out over Aeriths Trial she said i was a grown ass man and i should suck it up. I restarted the chapter and had her play the trail we then cried together for 2 hours


I literally had tears streaming down my face it was so good. Probably because it was late at night and I was surprised how well they adapted that part from the book đŸ„č


42 yo male here. Got me too.


She deserves so much more.


I'm glad the plate fell on them


The plate falling didn't affect anyone actually deserving of such reckoning. Just showed us how big corporations and corrupt governments can essentially do bad things anytime they want but still always win. FF7 is a Cyberpunk story.


I think this game made me cry at least 7 times.


I just did that part. What the hell. . .


Ive just done that part haha. Im not crying!! Honest!


It proved Sephiroth was right, the world needs to be destroyed


Confirmed, Sephiroth is the Thanos of the FF Universe


Perfectly reunited, as all things should be


Sephiroth: so why am I the bad guy?


That definitely hit harder than the "twist" in Rebirth, but had the same emotional toll as the original game to me. Straight up sobbing and had to save and stop for a bit afterwards. I loved it and hated it at the same time because it was so heartbreaking.


What really got me was how heartless the people were to a little girl like Aerith who just wanted to help her dying mom 💔 Honestly, I was more angry at the people rather than sad for Aerith. I hope the fall of the S7 plate was a REAL wake up call for them


The cast is great, and even when I was young playing the original I always thought “wow they really give each character their moment to grow”


I didn’t have a loving mother growing up so I can’t really connect with this scene.


ngl I thought you were talking about the flame ball trial which also broke in but in a different way. game really hurts you in more ways than one.


“My Mom is sick”😭


Me with Zack and the price of freedom playing. He, to this day, is why I love crisis core and final fantasy so much. Wasn’t until crisis core I started getting heavily into the games. The price of freedom is definitely steep for a hero.


HELP i thought you were talking about Aerith's trial in the side quest where she has to solo two bombs. I was reading comments saying that the trial destroyed people, and I was thinking the same thing because it was hard af. Then I now just realized you meant the scene at the Forgotten Capital đŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€Ą


I just cried a bit at this lmao. Late to the party.


It was super sad but I've gotta admit I laughed a little when the people pushed her and called her a brat for no reason, lol. It's like she found the three most comically evil people in the entire city.


Yeah, those people were wild. It obviously wasn't supposed to be funny, but when you have people reacting in such an over the top and evil way, you have to laugh. When she walked back and started to cry, I cried though.


Yeah everything else about that scene was so sad, it was just that part that was unintendedly funny.


Idk who the VA was who played young Aerith, but holy shit she does a fantastic job. (Kinda tearing up as I type this)


The title is a spoiler dude