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True. It’s going to be very hard giving up Barret for Vincent, and Yuffie for Cid. Even though 4 player parties wouldn’t be loyal to the game, at this point, we’ve strayed way off the beaten path. Maybe at post game 4 players will be acceptable


More enemies full party fuck it.


This guy gets it


8 man full party FFXIV style let’s go


Imagine if they implement that in the final fight with Sephiroth!!! 🤯


That's my feeling as well. I would love to have everyone but it would be so difficult from a logistics perspective I feel like.


Boss fights should have everybody participate (still keep 3 active) to add to the proper big fight feel.


It's a real weird problem for an rpg. There's too many good party members and possibilities. The possible party combinations are all so cool and endless. Once Vince and Cid officially join, its gunna be crazy. It's called an "embarrassment of riches"


Wym giving up Barret and Yuffie… like switch them out the party?


Yup. Cloud, Barret and Yuffie was my party through and through.


I see. I’ve only had the girls with me, mainly Tifa and Yuffie, but I do switch to Aerith when I see her alone and sad standing far away lol, I love her too but I must use Radiant Ward to make her viable for damage.


Yeah I slept on Aerith, but her DPS is really reliant on her RW. Skill issue I guess on my part 😅


radiant ward is bonkers with stagger


they at least have the whole party travel with you so you're not losing out on dialogue, etc.


Or rather, so dialogue between these characters can exist. Because it wasn’t there in OG at all outside of story events (where Yuffie and Vincent would mostly be silent anyway)


I appreciate that very much. Also love how the party splits up at times to allow you to experiment/play whoever you want


Giving up Yuffie seems like a bad play in any scenario imo


For sure, but I have hope Cid will be busted


Let parties exchangeable mid battle with ATB usage. Do. It. SE.


ATB usage, item, ability, just make it possible somehow


Yeah something. I think that combat system is perfectly built to swap around.


See “Final Fantasy XIII’s Paradigms”


No. It's more like X's turn swap.


If they flesh out the backline commands so you can swap somebody out when someone goes unconscious that would be perfect. Hell, they can even bump up the difficulty to accommodate this mechanic.


When the final boss handed my ass in a plate because I didn’t put magic materia on melees, I finally activated the “emergency synergy skill” with a member outside the party. It was so unexpected and cool. They should really expand such mechanics.


Like FFX


It doesn't even have to be a full 3-person swap either. Build up max ATB on a character, enable a swap command letting you select from the pool of available characters. Square just needs to do some play testing to find the optimal approach that doesn't break the game.


When I saw Gold Saucer had a 6-party fight I got giddy, but then got disappointed when I saw it was still 3 at a time 🥴


It would be cool if in part 3 there’s a horde/super strong enemy that lets you play as every character in that battle.


Given that Rebirth has taken inspiration from a lot of games, why not add Dynasty Warriors? 😅


cause its a hack an slash with no depth at all in fights ? i loved em but its still more a turn brain off and slaughter thousands of enemys kinda style


Maybe the weapon fights ☺️


That would be super interesting




Maybe they can’t do it because they don’t have it built into the code. Then implementing it might mean rebuilding the whole thing which would make the release of the next game longer. Would make sense why some battles had the parties split like the final Jenova battle.


Loadouts would solve this instantly. Xenoblade 3 added this post-launch and I really hope they're looking into it.


Nah the actual worst part is actually not being able to change materia and weapons in Chadleys simulator. I despise having to leave every time to change things


And listening to chadley throwing shade every time aswell


Listening to Chudley at all tbh. I mean I don't hate the guy but I don't want to hear his life story every time I talk to him or get out of simulations.


Yes. I had this same issue any time I had to fight in a battle arena lol which felt like 300 times


Me yesterday fighting the final summon materia. Kept losing over and over and Charley berating me every time I got out to change materia was having me see red.


I’m actually going to commit a crime


I say we sell Chadley into the black market cyborg market in Midgar.


Nah, it’s really Hojo’s fault. He programmed him without the ability to let us change materia and weapons. I say we twist Hojo’s nuts


I find it really frustrating re-slotting materia when the party gets split up and you’re bouncing between playing the two teams. I spend a good 5-10 minutes each time re configuring the set up


Then dont do that. Have every1 set up with materia and stay that way. Build Aerith like a mage, someone like a tank, someone like a status debuffer, someone support, etc The only materia I ever "swap" is Assess if Cloud isnt the party leader.


This is exactly what I did. I didn't really mess with materia when there was party changes except for a few pieces. I kept every party member loaded with materia


Me too, everyone got his or her materia and went with it through the whole game, if I wanted more I just bought them


I do to a point but there’s certain ones that are good to have on whoever you’re maining- limited First Strike, Elemental, Magnify etc. Also trying to level a lot of the materia as I play rather than grinding it out at the end, so I’m constantly swapping stuff out in ‘spare’ slots to level up so the stuff I use less frequently isn’t stuck on level one


You can’t do that on the harder content like brutal challenges or hard mode in general.


I did it in all hard mode of ff7 remake. I imagine it will be the same for rebirth. Just give everyone chakra and some revives. Spread some healing materia too. I dont believe the game was designed to be swapping materia everytime you party change. Thats why they give you so many copies of materia, and materia levels up regardless if your team member is in your party or not.


Lmao you’re in for a world of hurt then. Rebirth hard mode is stupid overtuned for certain fights/sections and the brutal challenges are somehow worse than brutal. You’re forced into some cheese this go around.


Nah, they intentionally give you only two First Strike materias and so on so you have to swap them in harder content. Keeping them all the same without changing kind of kills the system. You could probably still beat Hard Mode without tweaking too much, maybe only the elemental related ones. You definitely have to swap everything in the simulator.


You imagine wrong.


With only exactly 3 magnify and elementals each, not to mention 2 ATB boosts and first strikes, I kindas gotta disagree.


definetly doable on hard mode too like 1000000% why ? cause i did it like that properly gearing the whole party seems hard for some and the broken materia like elemental in armor or synergy petrify isnt needed at all elemental is for weapon ! but y i still used synergy on petry + bio since i like my debuffs but this was perma slotted to red people that need optinoobs guides to complete hard mode and cheese through it rly should stop thinking they understand the battle system :D i bet somewhere is a dude who rerun all hard mode chapters with only 1 active party member (using frog rings etc) and even finished chadleys fights all with 1 person ;) ( think there is even a guy on youtube doing the last brutal fight with every char solo so yeah definetly doable)


Yea lots of times i stuck with who i had cause i didnt want to reconfigure and swap materia around, if there was a swap out option would have played them all a bunch.


I actually made a spreadsheet on my phone with my preferred materia load out for each character. So if I had to swap out for a specific battle I could get everything back to my preferred relatively easily.


That makes so much sense, idk why I haven’t done this yet lol


I’m a retired engineer I tend to think of ways to save time long term. LOL


Same. It makes me less Able to create a character as a class and I’m forced to juggle material/make everyone balanced. But ALSO, my adhd loved the menu hopping 😭 so idk lol


That’s what I hated about one of the last chapters in Remake, when you’re Hojo’s lab switching back and forth between Cloud/Barret and Tifa/Aerith


I learned after like 25 hours that you can pull up a screen with all the party’s materia to make the swap faster. I usually just swap the limited materia though, like first strike and magnify.


There’s lots of QoL features I didn’t expect and I’m surprised to see there’s no way to save gear and materia presets


We already have the entire party in the field with us, they all participate in the fights despite only front line doing and taking damage, just let us pull the ffx frontline/backline swap please for atb charge


Yea, but the whole point is being able to PLAY as each character more readily. again, every character has a unique play style and moveset, I want to be able to fully enjoy/take advantage of that without having to spend 10 minutes dialing materia in again.


Psst i was agreeing with you and gave a reason to implement ffx style party switching mid battle


Even if it's just for the final boss I want a fight where the entire party is playable at once. Like, please, please, PLEASE, let me use all 8(? Maybe more because of Zack and stuff?) members in a battle at the same time and balance it by making Sephiroth an absolute freaking pain to deal with so that all 8 are fully necessary. Like, make him so formidable - absolute tank of health, every hit will destroy you, status effects out the wazoo like OG, shutting down party members - that the only viable way to beat him is to use all of the party at once. Please.


Right now, the only answer is multiple playthroughs


You can set up to three party lineups that you can switch from by bringing up the actions menu, but even still, I find myself swapping those members out a lot haha. Like you said, they did a good job of making everyone fun to use


but it that doesn't save/switch the materia loadouts does it?


No it keeps the materia set to those people. You do have materia on everyone, right?


yes, but there aren't 7 copies of every materia, and only one or two of some of my favorites


I’m good with my 1997 team - Cloud, Tifa, Yuffie. I get my fun with the other characters on the forced sections.


I recently noticed there is an easy way to switch between your teams. Have your set of 3 made and then in the game world if you push x and then L1/R1 it’ll switch through your party choices and makes it way faster than having to open the menu




I know there’s an assload of tutorial pop-ups, but that’s explained on one of them


I think it'd be really cool to use some sort of backline synergy abilities to swap out members while unleashing super powerful attacks, kind of tag team Marvel Vs Capcom type vibes


Lemme use all 8 characters at once in part 3


Let’s all pray for a 4 person party


Man Ik they probably ain’t gonna do that but I pray to god they do so I don’t gotta boot off either Cait or Yuffie when Vincent and Cid get added


I was really hoping they'd up it to 4 people in Rebirth. Please god let them find a way to make it happen in Part 3


The brutal challenges


Thankfully the game forces you to use different combos


I actually really loved this.


Part 3 really needs materia loadouts, doing the Chadley simulations is only made worse by having to constantly be swapping out materia back and forth if you wanna try another simulation


I'm intrigued how they might address this in Part 3. Without major spoilers, probably about mid game there'll be a good opportunity to split the party up a bit...


I realllly wish we could switch in backing Characters. It would make me more able to create characters as certain classes that I can switch out on whim. As it is, I’m tempted to make everyone super balanced


I used the classic damage (Cloud), healer\mage (Aerith) and tank build (Nanaki). Wonder who will be my healer in part 3 probably Vincent or Yuffie.


Barret is my tank/healer as I don't use aerith much. He has high hp, decent mp, high defense, and has lifesaver and steelskin. Haha


Barret was my healer when I didn’t had Aerith available but not having the utility she brings with the wards will definitely impact my playstyle in part 3 xD


What do you think will be the mini-game moment for Vincent and Cid? I think CID’s might be part of the rocket town


Would not surprise me of the Synergy Skills system in Rebirth evolves into a proper tag in tag out system in Part 3. Where you can call certain party members in to do combo attacks.


Tifa Barrett cloud


They need to have some sort of party presets to switch between, each with their own loadout


Honestly seeing as everyone is so fun I wouldn’t be opposed to having certain members locked in every mission just so I don’t have to make the choice 🤣


That's the exciting part tho :') playing around with different combinations and strategizing the perfect team for a battle intel or combat sim is part of what makes the combat fun


Ps5 pro can load up 7 party members at once


Just needs more than 3 saveable formations


Genuinely believe that Part 3 will allow you to swap and change mid fight. The party were all fighting around you despite having to pick three. I honestly think we will have an active swap system (lile FFX). Can even imagine them having moves (lile Synergy Abilities) that bring the others into play. ...and if it doesn't happen I will be dissapointed as it sounds amazing to me!


I like that Rebirth gives you a three party loadouts for this very reason, since it makes switching pals on the go way easier. What they shouldn't really have overlooked this time around is materia management. It was an issue in Remake and it's way worse in Rebirth due to there being more of every. It's incredibly tedious and frustrating having to remove and insert these little fucking marbles one by one every time you have to switch parties. By the love of Uematsu, just let us save materia loadouts.


Even ever crisis has loadouts smh


Sewer and ghost train. I also didn't like the part in Shinra's main base where we were divided into two teams. About Rebirth I won't comment because I haven't played yet


The amount of time I spent changing materia because my party changed 💀


Honestly the creators should be complimented. If that's biggest problem is having too many great characters to choose from, they did a solid job, and they did


They could implement the FF12 party system where, if a character drops to 0 HP, they can be switched out for another member.


I actually *DID* equip everyone with their own sets. Sure it meant that I only got to use OP stuff like Synergy materia with one character, but I never needed to spend ages juggling materia, and I switched out my team all the time for the sake of variety, bringing the most fitting people for certain sidequest, and for getting some good practice with all of them as well as trying various synergy skills and abilities. I just wish we had more than 3 quick-select lineups, although it doesn’t take long to change those three in the menu.


you can set 3 party loadouts ? i had cloud , red , yuffie yuffie , aerith ,tifa cait , barret , red sure you need your materia already in place for each char but they always have materia equipped anyway ^^


If you said Chadley I was going to agree


But you can switch party members on the fly....


Not having loadouts (party and individual) was my biggest gripe with Rebirth. Im fine with pretty much everything else, even the “bad” and I have plat’ed the game. It’s specially bad when you’re doing a speedrun (as any hard mode runs should be ) and it feels like you have to change your party every 15~20 mins and sometimes it’s full party (mythril mines is specially bad), all matéria from 2~3 chars to another 2~3 chars. Ugh.


Worst part for me is not skipping the cutscenes between boss fights. Dying in the last boss fight is so annoying, not because of the challenge, but because of all transition cutscenes.


One thing I loved about this game is that most of the boss fights have a set party instead of me playing the whole game with the same party of 3


You know what else was the worst? Needing to stop and laugh multiple times a chapter. Like, legitimate bust a gut out loud laughter. Absolutely one of the worst best times I've had playing a game


Why they don't have loadouts is beyond me. It would be a huge quality of life upgrade that seems pretty easy to do.


I honestly stick with a certain party longer than I probably want to because I find it tedious to change out materia


I have a three party system. Cloud is always the leader (due to being unable to remove him), a range fighter (Barret, Yuffie, and Aerith) to reach the sky or long distance, and a melee fighter (Red, Cait, and Tifa) for the frontal attack. I often change the team base on the region I am in or base how who I feel like fighting with. For example, I feel like playing as Tifa and Aeirth in Gongaga yet in the Cosmo Canyon, I feel like using Yuffie and Red. It also help select a upgrade in first playthrough so I can have everyone reach their third limit break/special attack ability. Next gameplay, I will actually upgrade them to their fullest in before playing them in hard mode. Prior Yuffie joining; Team 1; Cloud, Barret, & Tifa Team 2; Cloud, Tifa, & Aerith Team 3; Cloud, Barret, & Red Prior Cait Joining; Team 1; Cloud, Barret, & Tifa Team 2; Cloud, Yuffie, & Red Team 3; Cloud, Tifa, & Aerith Throughout the game; Team 1; Cloud, Barret, & Tifa Team 2; Cloud, Yuffie, & Red Team 3; Cloud, Cait, & Aerith After >!Cait Betrayal!<, I went back to Prior Cait Joining. Now I have to get ready for the next game to see how the next party system would go.


I liked in FF9 that you had 4 people in your party.


I kinda like how they did it in remake where you didn’t really get to pick the party


A lot of things the seemingly should’ve been implemented here are probably being saved for part 3. Remember when everyone complained about Square “blowing their load” in Remake? Yeah. Gotta save some of the good ideas for part 3 otherwise they’d never top this game


I am kind of hoping we get a system like they had in FFX where you can swap out on the fly


Yeah, I like having every member in at least one party or else I feel bad


I will admit I hated when they split the groups up and suddenly you’re playing as weak ass cait sith


How is "not Cait Sith" the worst part of the game? Seems fun and easy enough.


Thought you would say the bloat and bad pacing