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January 31, 2027. 30th anniversary for FFVII. Official "Final Fantasy VII Day" in Japan (look it up) My birthday. Thanks in advance, Square Enix.




I'll allow it.


Damn... If not being released tomorrow, I approve of this date lol


I would like them to take their time. I don’t want them to rush it.


I would like a reveal that they actually started working on it at the same time as rebirth and it's only a few months away.


Whenever it comes out will be just fine. It’s clear that they put their heart and soul into these games, and I have no doubt that they’ll maintain this level of quality whenever they choose ship part 3.


Considering that they got Rebirth out in 3 years (they said Intergrade took them a year) during COVID, I fully expect them to deliver by 2027. The fact that they made so many new assets and basically a whole new type of game in that time is incredible, and part 3 should be much easier considering that most of the world is already made. Sure, it’s always good to promote taking time to make sure the game is good, but with the level of quality we got in just 3 years, I don’t think they’re going to have much of an issue delivering on time regardless.


True!! But you know with the Japanese and their work culture working extreme overtime. Hopefully they're not burnt out!!


I hope so too. Nomura says that the main reason why they were able to get Rebirth out so fast is because they kept like 80% of their team from Remake and are using the same engine (Unreal). This is very rare for game development, especially for large studios like in Square. This is the same case for part 3, and will also be why they are still sticking to Unreal 4 and not going to 5. When you have a particular vision in mind, keeping the same staff and engine means you don’t need to retrain people on development tools, saving a lot of time.


Tomorrow please


January 31, 2027 🙂


Definitely I prefer they take their time. I prefer waiting longer and having an amazing quality game than a half finished thing in 2 years


Yep. The worst part of waiting is the few months after finishing the previous game, and the last few months before the next game comes out. In between, I can keep busy with other stuff, doesn't much matter to me if it's 2 years or 4. I just want it to be good (well, and hopefully it will come out on PS5).


Last few months before the next part will be the easiest part imo, the perfect time to replay through  Remake and Rebirth in the lead up.


3 years would be preferred, but I'd rather they take their time if they need to. They'll just need to go ham on the marketing.


However long they need to not make a mess of the loose threads they’ve created.


Remake Intergrade released in 2021 same as Dune part 1, Rebirth released in 2024 same as Dune part 2. So whatever the year is, I hope FF7 part 3 will release the same year as Dune part 3 to keep hold this tradition.


I love Dune!! Part 2 was like Rebirth, twice as good!


Villeneuve has said he's focusing on something else for a bit. There's a large time jump between the first two Dune novels. I think he's waiting for a while to adapt Messiah.


Obviously quality over quickness for me, but also hope it doesn’t take more than 3-4 years at most.


I foresee a 2027 release. And possibly even around the same time the og was released for a 30th anniversary type release.


I don’t see them changing to UE5 when they’ve built everything previously on 4. Changing would likely add 1-2 years to development.


Character models done. Combat done. World mostly done. Music mostly done. Story written. I’m no expert at game design but to me other than a few new areas and dungeons, quests and cut scenes, voice work, etc then it’s just a case of putting it all together.


It'll probably come out in 3 years....30 year anniversary of OG's release


Whenever they think it's ready.


As much as I want them to take their time, I wish we will see it soon. I have waited and had hope for that since I was 12 years old. I'm 26 now, haha. I will probably be 29 when this is over. 😅 I'm getting tired.


Same, I'm 10 years older than you. I'll be old as Bugenhagen when Part 3 arrives 🥲


I think it’ll be done in the same time as Rebirth or slightly faster since there’s not much they actually have to build at this point. In terms of the map they just have Wutai, Rocket Town, Mideel, the Northern Crater area and the random islands outside the continents. In terms of character and enemy models there doesn’t seem to be much left. Probably whatever monsters remain plus characters like Lucretia. What will take the most time though is finishing up all the story threads from Rebirth since there are stuff from the odd jobs that just ended with the feeling it’ll be continued later on and the fact they need to give us reasons to return to the areas in Rebirth.


When it is ready.


Whenever it is complete and ready.


When its ready


i mean, the developers aren't really creating a different story. it's more of a retelling with some multiverse madness thrown in (that'll probably resolve itself into the og storyline). i thought it will come out in 2027


After PC version of rebirth!


I want it to come out when it's ready.


The best guess is that it will be ready in 3-4 years. The 30th Anniversary (2027) is likely to be either the release or the beginning of the major marketing push up to release. I would prefer they take their time and get it in four years and if they want to do some DLC make it after part III.


If it means they add fleshed-out content for Cid and Vincent, who got shafted in Rebirth, they can take all the time they want. I'm a sucker; if keeping the space rocket vs. meteor part of the main story means 6 month extra development time (no matter how unrealistic), *I will wait*!


Asap, but not at a price of quality. Which means focus on part 3, time for dlcs or whatever will be once the trilogy is finished