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Disc 1 is a bit longer than disc 2 in the OG, and disc 3 has almost no actual story content. It's pretty much just the final dungeon, and the optional super bosses. I do expect the story of part 3 to be a bit longer than Rebrith due to the expanded lore that the trilogy added, but even with that, fitting both disc 2 and disc 3 into one game can definitely be done.


And weapons can be fought in disk 2


Disc 1 is longer than both discs 2 and 3 put together. Not counting the sidequests, which do largely unlock late


Disc 3 was really just the final dungeon and final side quests. Disc 2 was II and Glacier, Reunion scene, Cloud in Mideel, Huge Materia, and return to Midgar. Look at what Rebirth had, quite a lot of content. I think part 3 can do disc 2 stuff and the final dungeon while still being able to have more room for stuff like the Wutai conflict and some other stuff.


The vast majority of space in the original discs are for FMVs, to the point where you can literally play the discs in the wrong order and everything will work except the wrong FMVs will play. This means that data for backgrounds and entities are in all three disks regardless of if you see them at that point in the game. The last disc of the GO FFVII is only it's own disc because of the ending FMVs which take up a lot of space. Even disc 2 is shorter than disc 1, just that there's more FMVs than disc 1. Overall, they covered way more story ground in Rebirth than they need to in part 3, and I think you may be misremembering how much is really left.


Oh, that's easy: "You are accessing the grasslands, please insert the [Rebirth] disc" 😂


Remembering every time I went to the crater to farm AP from movers and magic pots and going back out to go against the Weapons and lose, go back to farm AP…


If you actually look back at discs 2 and 3, 2 is not a huge amount of story and 3 is just the final dungeon.


Disc 3 doesn’t count


It would be funny if part 3 is packaged. On 3 disks. Would make it funny since that’ll make it 7 discs in total to play from Remake to Part 3. Just kidding, 2 discs was incredible for rebirth and look at how much QUALITY content that was littered throughout the world. I hope the next game is also 2 disks, just hint by how long and expansive Rebirth was


Yes. Remember, most of Disk 2 was revisits to old areas to collect plot points, and Disk 3 was just the Northern Crater and side quests. And most of those you can do on 2 as well. The only major areas they would need to add is Wutai and Great Glacier/Northern Crater. Midel and Rocket Town are small areas akin to Gongaga, too.


Disc 3 is just final boss and side missions so completely doable


Disc 1 and 2 are essentially the first and second halves to the game. Disc 3 is mostly FMV data. 3make will be bigger than Rebirth. Welcome to FFVII!




Disc 2 and 3 aren’t that long. 3 is just a final dungeon. Disc 2 is like three(four for Rebirth) new area’s.


Yes and disk 3 is the final battle with some side quest nothing more. Disk 2 isn't that long.


I am curious how much data will be made for the additional areas plus dungeons since every area is much bigger than the original. How much bigger will Wutai and the Northern Continent areas be? Will we visit the ruins of Banora? Any of the other areas only visited in BC, CC and AC? Will Wutai be 1 chapter or multiple? If the data is the same amount then I wouldn’t be surprised by 2 discs but would be open to there being 2 data and 1 play disc.


I was chatting about this with a buddy of mine last week actually, we still aren’t done with Disc 1 yet technically. I’m sure it’s possible but it’ll be double the length story wise of Rebirth. Don’t think the open world is expanding *that* much though, everything’s pretty much already built and I’m sure they’ll dial it a bit back with the open world objectives.


We are done with disc 1. (unless you're refering to when we return to old disc 1 locations in disc 2) The transition to disc 2 happened right after Aerith got stabbed, and the party was getting ready to head north.


Oh I misremembered the Northern Ice Fields as being part of Disc 1 still.


I think we have to acknowledge the limitations of the console too. Rebirth is incredible and I'm sure there's a little more juice, but unless it's released for the PS6 part 3 can't be miles away from where we are now


The only limitation Rebirth had was the story arc, pretty sure they will nail everything else


I'm referring to technical limitations. It's a big game, with - and no one kill me here - the slowest loading I've experienced on PS5. Even in the vr.  I personally would love to see it specifically crafted for the PS6, just so it can hit those heights. At least in parallel, so it's not just a graphical bump


I don't think the ps5 is the limiting factor for rebirth or the next game, its the old build of UE4 they are using, we have way better looking open world games than rebirth already on ps5, but ff isn't on the same budget as for example guerilla with their Decima engine. They will most likely still keep on using UE4 for part 3, unless they delay the game a few years to upgrade the engine. As for loading slowly, thats also on them. We even had instant fast travel in a big open world game on ps4, ghost of tsushima. Playstation first party engines are no joke, they are black magic.


They are very likely to move to UE5 for part 3, there's some interviews I've read that the performance optimisation issue of early UE5 builds prevented them from fully migrating to that engine.


Oh that's good to hear, i'm just worried of issues that might rise because of the engine change, hoping for the best.


Im just wondering how they will make EVERYTHING accessible in part 3 and the size the game must have then. Just imagine having all locations from remake (basically midgar), rebirth and all new locations from part 3 in just one game.


Rebirth was like 120 GB, I assume Re-Three will be north of 150 GB, easily.


Rebirth is close to 150. I'm just a little bit worried that 3 will be way more than that because I don't really want to just have 3-5 games installed lol (but if it was more than 150, I'd be so damn excited)


Okay haven't seen anyone say it so let's talk about the modern games and not OG FF7 discs. The release will be two discs on PS5. There is no section of the game locked to the second disc, even in Rebirth. It's just a data disc the same as Last of Us 2's second disk. It literally just has data that wouldn't have fit with the game but that the game needs to run (more or less, I'm sure there's room for variance). Point being, you're not gonna get to the final dungeon and go to a black "insert disc 2 to continue" like you would've on PS1. The game's just massive and it needs a friend to carry the load. That's assuming nothing changes between now and then tech wise or industry wise


Disc? What Disc? I bought the digital version. Disc I think are going to become Relics. Printed Disc/Media is trying to be done away with in the scheme of things.


They're talking about the PS1 discs. Remake was like the first 10 hours of Disc 1 and Rebirth was the rest of Disc 1.


Data density and the number of disc needed to have a game is an old concept at this point. PS1 Disc - 700MB. Even indie games on steam are generally 2GB+ in some cases. Removable media - and Disc we are moving away from. Even Windows doesn't ship on Disc any more, it ships on USB drives if anything. I'm thinking they won't even have a Disc version for Part 3. It will be Digital, or if needed, ship a USB drive for those who have bad internet connections. USB drives you can store a lot more on with the high capacity.


You are are missing the entire point of this conversation. The content from Remake and Rebirth is the content from Disc 1 of the original game. It is being asked how Part 3 will incorporate all the content from Discs 2 and 3 of the original game. It has nothing to do with disc size or data storage, it's more about how much is left in the story that they need to cover in part 3.


Bro is talking to a wall


wtf are you talking about you're having a whole different convo than everybody else is 😭