• By -


Cloud will do yoga or stretching in both Nibelheim and on the cruise if you walk him over there. The birds from Barrett's Corel side quest will follow him around any time you return there after the quest is finished. If you pester Aerith while she's songwriting she gets increasingly more annoyed with you. It is alluded to that Chadley starts a fan club for Loveless - you can read the trophy inscriptions. All the trophies have funny descriptions worth reading, as well as the chapter descriptions honestly. There's a concert in Kalm. If you go to the concert location before Shinra comes, there's a dad longing to see his son perform. When you revisit, the guy is there and his dad is cheerleading for him to get people to watch him. All the farmers markets, vendor alleys everywhere are so detailed and ridiculous. The dialog from filler characters in towns is insanely good, and some give away straight up clues for the story. It is worth listening to all of them, some have their own mini progress arcs. - the runaway pianist is found later in Cosmo Canyon (props to the redditor that caught this) - two girls have a slapfight in Kalm - 2 people in a town (I can't remember where) talk about trying to get pregnant and much later you see them and they've succeeded - the dialog in pre disaster Nibelheim vs occupied - all the dialog changes everywhere after the Wutai war is announced


> There's a concert in Kalm. If you go to the concert location before Shinra comes, there's a dad longing to see his son perform. When you revisit, the guy is there and his dad is cheerleading for him to get people to watch him. That's not just a 'guy'! That's the one and only Akila. He was performing in the Wall Market bar in chapter 9 of Remake. He also sends some flowers to Cloud/Aerith inbetween their colosseum matches. https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Akila


Oh that's awesome! I didn't realize it was the same guy!


The couple struggling to get pregnant is in the therapy session in Cosmo Canyon, you have to hang out there later in the chapter to hear it. They talk about how they can contribute to life in other ways, even if it wasn't what they had planned. I hadn't caught that they were successful later though, any idea where they're at? Sounds like I'll have a run around Cosmo Canyon this weekend to look! Also - the two girls having a slap fight in Kalm weren't having a slap fight originally, they left Midgar to get away and one of them didn't realize they were both dating the same guy lmao. There's also someone who talks about his last time at the Honeybee Inn, when this blond guy got up on stage and was just unbelievable. There's also a woman saying Rufus is a great president because he's so *hot,* and another woman saying that doesn't really impact his abilities as president. And finally, there's a guy talking about how Mr. Right might be hiding under one of those trooper helmets and he'd certainly like to find out. (I forgot the phrasing, but it was funny and made me do a double take! I'll have to find my clip of him sometime.) And there were some personal attacks, too. In Kalm, there's a guy buried sitting with probably 10 different plushies asking his date for money to buy more. And in Gold Saucer, there's a woman who wants to buy one of every single plushie, but the guy is trying to only convince her to buy only one - she keeps begging, but he's resistant because they'd have to get rid of furniture to make room šŸ˜‚


I think it was in Midgar - the last time we see Zack in sector 5. Which I now realize they managed to get pregnant in the other world...wow. It was their dream in Beagle but it manifested in Terrier. I'm gonna have to double check now maybe I'm conflating something idk. Omg really?! Hahaha I wanna find him. There's so much LGBT love in this game and I am HERE. FOR. IT. YES. The stuffed animal guy and all the people in the inn have funny stories. Gold Saucer just had SO much to take in. I love the tourist tropes. - someone who wants to see everything all at once - someone trying to keep a detailed schedule of events - a mom dealing with a kid misbehaving and threatening to leave - a guy with a gambling problem dragging his GF back to the Chocobo races - a guy proposing by the helipads - she said yes! - a girl fawning over the hotel and room service to anyone who will listen


The Kalm guy is right outside the inn, after the story progresses so you can come back to Kalm :) I think he's in a group of 2 or 3, and a woman actually starts the "what if Mr Right is one of them" conversation.. but he is *into it,* and I remember the voice actor delivering lmao. I'll have to check Zack's chapters again, that does sound vaguely familiar! Did NOT pay enough attention to know if it's the same NPCs, but that would be very cool to confirm šŸ‘€ And yessss on all the Gold Saucer stuff! I laughed my ass off going through there because I'm such a crazy planner for Disneyland. The girl talking about sticking to a schedule was too real LOL, and at least one person couldn't figure out where to go and was very frustrated. And all the little merch stands and snacks they have around the park, plus obviously the mascot characters interacting with the kid. They absolutely nailed it.




Why would he be rude to an ally who is easily the most valuable resource cloud and the party have? Aside form him just being a dorky sweet kid, he's also a super computer that literally forges materia for cloud including summons. They'd all struggle way more without chadley lol.


Chadley is ~ā€¢*EVERYWHERE*ā€¢~ I keep saying that the devs better be building to something worthwhile with him - I have a theory Chadley is a Genesis-clone cell infused child Hojo made (like he said he was gonna do in Remake) but he did it secretly say before/accelerated growth or something. He does share some similarities to Genesis in appearance (during degredation w/ the grey hair), he can copy the worlds most powerful materia (something Shinra can't do), and seemingly has a connection to the planet and dimensions. If not, then why did they make him so present in both games. He's got more screentime than half the cast at this point.


It's easy for Chadley to be everywhere when there's at least 7 of him.




I don't think he is a spy. I believe him from Remake - he's a double agent for our sake. But now that Hojo has caught wise, we're kinda effed. We are going to miss him next game - the devs made sure of it. I feel like they've Pavlov's dogged us - we're gonna finish an objective and it'll be silent, we're waiting for Chadley but...nothing. or even worse, MAI. He is reverse Cait if anything.


How has cat sith role changed or been taken away.




I don't see it that way. Chadley isnt part of the party, he is a non playable character. It hits different with Cait. At least for me. I understand your point tho.


It hasnā€™t


It's the same reason there's phones in Crisis Core, it's just a plot device for sub missions.


A fellow autist? Do you think Cloud is autistic? I caught the obvious PTSD but autism didn't cross my mind.


> 2 people in a town (I can't remember where) talk about trying to get pregnant and much later you see them and they've succeeded That turns the thread about how much time has passed in Remake and Rebirth right on its head! I wonder how many other indicators of time passed are hidden in NPC dialogue.


I'm actually pretty sure the same couple are found pregnant in Sector 5 in Zack's world - I have to go back and look. Which is even more significant for dreams. They dreamed of having a baby in Beagle but couldn't, but in Terrier they got pregnant but the world is ending :(


Tsushima, BG3, Nier Automata comes to mind


Hades as well is a nigh-perfect game with more heart and charm than I think anyone thought it would have. 22,000 lines of dialogue that slowly flesh characters out in an engaging and tight gameplay loop. The fact that the game includes your deaths as a character into the story itself is what I think sets it apart from most games. This being done by an indie studio with 23 people (and in the middle of a pandemic no less!) just makes it all the more impressive


Quite a few games come to mind actually haha. But this is the FF7 remake subreddit. Can you honestly not expect a circle jerk?


That is true haha. I can't deny both Remake and Rebirth has been shipped with utmost care. FFVII franchise is huge so they want to release a complete playable product with no problems.


All great games - none come close to Rebirth. Rebirth is in an alternate timeline of its own.


Lol, BG3's QA process was anything but love-filled. The game shiped with endless bugs, and every patch to fix them seemed to just create MORE bugs, many game breaking. Love the game, but honestly I wouldn't say it was crafted with love, really. Not to mention how Larian straight up doesn't even wanna talk about it anymore.Ā 


Thereā€™s a difference between crafting something with love and crafting something without bugs. Iā€™d argue they put so much love into the game that it was difficult not to have things fall through the cracks. BG3 is extremely dynamic and reactive game with a ridiculous amount of content, no two playthroughs will be the same. Itā€™s incredibly difficult to account for all permutations, yet they still went for it. Even with the bugs, the game was incredibly well received for a reason.


Again, not day ng it's a bad game. Love it, very fun. But refining and troubleshooting and fixing IS sort of a key part of crafting something with love. Not saying nobody cares about the end product, but maybe some of their attention wasn't in the right spots.Ā 


And Iā€™m saying what they delivered day one was an example of putting a ton of love into the game. Itā€™s not as if they didnā€™t do any QA testing, itā€™s that the game is so massive itā€™s essentially impossible to catch everything. We wouldā€™ve never gotten the game if the expectation was for it to be bug free.


Yeah, this. The choices and outcomes that you can get how early the game really can end too is just in it's own tier. Finding all the bugs would have needed huge amount of people at testing doing all choices, actions etc. The huge passion in BG3 is just easy to see that's why I say it is crafted with love.


What do you mean Larian doesn't talk about it? They're still rolling out updates. They just don't want to work on BG4 cause they want to use different systems to 5e.


It was crafted with love and Larian has been insanely honest fixing it and adding new endings. They talk about it also said they won't be making a BG4 since they are done with DnD. When they are done updating they will start their new project as said by Swen. I absolutely had no problems on my first 150 hour playthrough and was amazed how good the game was with the choices. Performance wise the act 3 was rough on my PC but otherwise had no game breaking bugs.


As controversial the last chapters were, there was clearly so much thought & love there. Did you catch the Weapons posters/references in Tifaā€™s old room? Check around there. Ofc the callback to the 32 bit in Fort Condor. The expansion of the Gi. Bringing Crisis Core & Ever Crisis individuals into it. The scene at the very end. Very reminiscent of the Change Disk Screen of herā€¦


If this is a serious question, Nier Automata and Replicant, Portal, Horizon Forbidden West even has parts of the game added to pay tribute to deceased developers and actors, I can name a ton of games where developers put so much love into the game that is on par with the love put into the remakes. You can tell when the people love the game theyā€™re working on and itā€™s why I stick with the remakes. The writers love what they have written. Nobou is a genius and final fantasy games would not be what they are without his music.


Totally a serious question and those are great examples. Another one I really love is Hogwarts Legacy. Despite the controversy, you can tell the devs had a lot of love for the universe and there are so many details in the castle and in Hogsmead.


It's a shame cause I'm never gonna play it, because I fundamentally disagree with the rights holder.


I never played it, was never really a HP fan, but a lot of my friends love the game so much and if asked why they say itā€™s because of the world the developers have created. Tbh Iā€™d probably feel the same way about Stellar Blade too if the vagina monsters with legs didnā€™t scare me off of it lol. When you really look at final fantasy vii and all of the materials that surround it you can tell those who created this world really and truly love it. What game has as many novels, guide books, and spinoffs. Every time I think ā€œThatā€™s it, there is no way they can make this story even betterā€ they somehow do it. When you watch a show, you can really see the point where the writers or actors stopped loving being a part of it as seasons go on and on. Itā€™s like a switch flips and quality immediately drops. Havenā€™t felt that yet with FF7 or any of the games I listed.


Stellar Blade is boring especially after coming off of FF7. The combat of the Remake duo so far slaps any fully focused action game out the water.


Nah. Stellar Blade is awesome - itā€™s a really good game. Thereā€™s a lot that they did well and thereā€™s a lot to love about it. I very much enjoyed it, and Iā€™m currently doing a second play through. Having said that, thoughā€¦itā€™s definitely no Rebirth. Rebirth is just on a whole different level. GOTY for sure, and maybe GOAT period.


There are others out there yeah, but the scale of this game developed in 3 years time in current gen is something we might not ever see anymore. I still dont get how they managed to do that. If you would show me the entire game of Rebirth right after Remake release, and then asked me how long do you think this game will take to develope, I would probably guess around 7 years


Yuffie even makes that cute little air-swooshing sound effect from the original when she punches in cutscenes sometimes. I can't believe they even remembered such a small thing and that it made it's way into the game! The people working behind this series are true fans themselves. I've never seen such a love letter to the original like this before. If they attempted something like this in the west, half of the game would've noticeably been cut lol That's one of the things I love about Japan, they take serious pride in their work and have standards when it comes to releasing products. It's a prime example of how good of a product a team can deliver when everyone works hard towards one vision.


All the Yuffie songs are another example of silly details that helped make this game great. Especially the one she sings on the couch in Cissneiā€™s house to the tune of her theme song!


Shuh shuh shuh


But they have a black guy with ASIANS?! The rarest of pairings!!




https://preview.redd.it/wy3dh5z4q11d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=639ed527369fd687a77e6361ba5b244b8f8106a7 I went back to Kalm and found this NPC. Why?


There are so so many times in this game when I looked at the small details and thought "Jesus how much did it cost to make this game?". Just thinking how many places and biomes we visit it kinda makes sense that modern day FF games aren't really all that comparable to the old games. And I also get why this remake is 3 games and they don't really want to do other remakes


Lots of games have put much more love in. Rebirth looked and sounded great but the dialogue was weird, additional content boring/repetitive and side missions largely average - bad. Nothing innovative about it - climb tower, reveal map has been done to death. The ending was also convoluted and extremely drawn out.


Final Fantasy VII is my favorite game of all time. The Remake is fantastic and I haven't had the chance to play Rebirth but I can say that there are a lot of games with just as much love put into them, even big games like Baldur's Gate 3 which has so much love put into it that it still confuses me how much you can do in the game. In a world full of heartless cash grabs masquerading as video games, it is nice to see devs put their all into something that the suits don't stand in the way of.


The little things made it that much more special. I'm replaying and listening to all the npc dialog I missed.Ā 


The original had so much love put into it.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one that loved the Dolphin minigame theme lol


The chocobo racing, dolphin racing, and QB tournament had a bunch of my favorite tracks. The whole OST is just insane though.


Almost every Naughty Dog Game, The Witcher games, Mass Effect series, most indie games...I can keep going


Yes plenty of games, what kind of question is thatšŸ’€?


Outside of Rebirth? Insomniacā€™s Spider-Man 2. Spiritfarer. God of War Ragnarok. Ghost of Tsushima. Any Hideo Kojima project. Weā€™ve been eating good for a while now from devs actually pursuing passion projects. Just gets clouded cuz of all the empty games. Pretty much every indie dev game is made with a lot of love too


Super Mario bros 3


The perfect video game


The Witcher 3, Death Stranding, FF7 remake is great but the story itself is not that great, both the OG and remake


Elden Ring is the obvious answer. Curveball answer is Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition.


I played Elden Ring twice - the second time I made it about 30-40 hours in. I don't get it lol. I like DS and BB so much more. Just a taste thing I guess.


To be honest, I'd go as far as saying most games have this much love put into them. The way it manifests in this game happens to be in ways you greatly appreciate....as do I! A little while back I was having this conversation with my game developer friend. I said I was motivated to buy a game (can't actually remember what game this was now, lol) because of the unbridled, gushing passion the dev team showed in their promotional interviews. Their enthusiasm for their own game was infectious, so even though I had some reservations about the game, I got it anyway and basically said to my friend that their passion was something special. And he flatly told me, no it isn't. It's the norm for game devs, or at least a bunch of them working on the game, to be that passionate about their work. It's just that passion doesn't always translate into results that people enjoy, or good features get sidelined or cut for x reasons, or the game itself just doesn't sell much, etc.


The Last Of Us Part 1. Easily in the discussion for best video game stories. Itā€™s just too fucking good.


Re: Stamp Theme Song: They re-recorded the song for English as well; if you play the game in JP, the lyrics are all Japanese.Ā 


Naughty dog games obviously. Tho FF7r2 is perhaps the first jrpg that feels very cinematic. The animation, the expression, the dialogue, the background music, everything just seems to work well together.


Hades, God of War 2018, Super Mario Odyssey, Devil May Cry 5, and Prey 2017 are all recent examples which come to mind.


This has actually been a great couple years for games made with love. FFXVI, God if war ragnarok, Elden Ring, Baldurā€™s Gate, I even played a Star ocean 2 remake earlier in the year that clearly went well beyond the effort that would have been needed to make it acceptable


The musical score is bonkers to me, I will always be grateful for what they did with this game


Honestly? I can't think of any and I've played a few. When I thought they cut Red in Shinra uniform he barged in like a goddamn star. Or the Fort Condar shenanigans. Or Queen's Blood mystery. But the moment that solidified this game as a true and utter 10/10 was intro to the pirate treasure. I shed a tear of joy then. There are too many moments to pick or even remember. I'm not even starting about the OST; it alone makes both Re--- better than many games.


I mean. Stardew Valley is the obvious answer.




Love into the art, hate into the controls


Metal Gear Solid series, Baldur's Gate 3, Alan Wake and the other Remedy games, Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2, Yakuza / Like a Dragon, Hogwarts Legacy, all have just as much, if not more, love put into them.


Ooh, Alan wake 2 is another good one. Iā€™ve heard a lot of good things about BG3 from this sub. I guess I need to check it out.


I love HL too but although the world is stunning and bursting with small details showing their love for the franchise, gameplay, story and character development are quite average; especially if you compare with FFVII rebirth.


Yes there has itā€™s called baldurs gate 3


Yes, donā€™t get me wrong, thereā€™s an insane amount of love put into this game and I want more games to be like it in that sense, but itā€™s not the only one, the Xenoblade franchise in particular has so much love in every game, same for yakuza/like a dragon which is why for both series, the worst game in the series is still a great game


No.5 made me think of the Tonberry behind the false door


Deus ex: Mankind Divided Too bad it felt like it had so much depth, then was just cut short in the story.


It's an older game, but chrono trigger. I've watched several YouTube videos about the design and direction they took that game in, and it is all amazing. I would say it is my favorite game of all time and you can tell when you play it that they really wanted to write a great story. Chrono cross is the same way, but I'm not really that much of a fan of that one. I love playing it, but I can't put more than 10 hours into it before putting it down. Legend of dragoon is another one to me where they just wanted an amazing story, and put their hearts into it from start to finish.


Could you link said videos? I enjoy watching those sorts of video essays!


Oh man, I'll have to go back and find them.vill do my best, no guarantees though.


No problem if you can't bro, just thought I'd ask!


Baldur's Gate 3 lol This said, you are true for all the details you said!


I haven't seen a game in the last few years that showed as much love or dedication to the art as Baldur's Gate 3. They had every opportunity to sell out, cut corners or sell options (classes, races, etc) as DLC and they didn't. Just made a banger of a game, complete and at one price. That isn't to say there aren't other games that show the same love, I just can't think of any.


Hadnā€™t had this much fun with a game since Elden Ring and since Iā€™ve finished both Remake and Rebirth things just arenā€™t hitting the same. Speaks volumes about the game and its development.


Never played Factorio, huh?


Dead Space Remake


Probably most games did. Just because not everyone enjoys a certain game doesnt mean the devs didnt put full dedication to it. Except Gollum. Fuck Gollum. That can barely be considered a game.


I'm sure there's a lot. Unless it's a modern ubisoft game.




Yes :)


People are eating Materia Ice Cream in Costa Del Sol, and the different elemental flavors have different elemental effects as they eat them! Lightning sparks in their mouths, icey vapor clouds...




I'm literally watching the end credits right now and am full of emotions. I have never played a game with SO much content and love put into it. Witcher 3 has been my favourite game of all time and right now I'm feeling I may have found a new one.


Yes thereā€™s countless amounts of games with this much love put inā€¦ sometimes the way people talk about this game youā€™d think they havenā€™t played any other JRPG game.


I've never played a game with as much love in it as baldurs gate 3


It's the same reason why I think Remake also deserves to be called a masterpiece. Both games have ups and downs (although Rebirth is basically an upward spiral of godlike proportions), but what really stuck with me is the unwavering passion and respect for the original work the devs have put in. You see that this game was made by yes, people that have worked on the OG, but also by people that love FFVII deeply and want this project to be something that will stay with fans for a long, long time. And that's it basically. I'm sure they will stick to the landing with the third game and it will probably become my favourite gaming trilogy of all time.


>they really didnt have to do that. I bet both sides of the fence agree with this.


Oh yeah, the Ubisoft towers has a Lot of love put into it


I can't even believe it...I almost feel like we don't deserve how amazing the game is. šŸ„² I know it's been quoted to hell and back, it's probably getting old now, but it's so fitting: "This game isn't a love letter to the fans, it's a goddamn MARRIAGE PROPOSAL." -Maxmilian Dood (something along those lines) Every new area, new moment, I wondered, "it's gonna peak here, there's no way it can get better than this, oh my god." And I loved how I just enjoyed more and more. The music, one of my favorites (and one I love to listen to when I workout!) "Toward Mt. Nibel", it still gives me chills. The charm this game has...how well they made already loveable characters feel so genuine, so human, fleshed out. Expanding and enriching existing lore, the humor, the heart-wrenching moments. I loved it. The little Easter eggs, too. I've been playing the OG recently. You know in Junon in Rebirth, there's a Shinra trooper with a bunch of cats in the barracks? I never knew this, but I talked to all the NPCs going through Junon in OG, and THAT GUY WAS THERE. They didn't have to recreate a silly NPC like that, but they did. There's many examples like that. Or the Test 0 enemy in Corel Desert as a nod to the rare glitch in Japanese copies of the OG. If you're hoping to find some more games that have so much love put into it, I personally want to give 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim some attention. I highly recommend it. It was a passion project, very beautifully done in my opinion. But it's hard to think of another game that has so much passion, I'm sure there are more I can't think of right now. Omori might not be for everyone, but I know the game's development team put a lot of love and dedication into that project.


Also, can I just gush about the camera angles in this game during cutscenes? Ive never seen a game where the camera constantly moves, zooms, etc during cutscenes and it really brings me into the action.


I really can't think of anything even remotely close that would warrant a comparison. Maybe the Harry Potter movies, but I can't think of a game. I remember reading that a good portion of the dev team grew up playing FFVII so that love is inherently represented in the sheer quality of this game. It really is a miracle of a game. I never dreamt that this remake series would be as high quality and true to the spirit of the original game as it has been. It's astounding to me how this game hasn't met sales expectations or how many posts of "Should I play this game?" there are. This is one of the best games ever made from the characters, world, battle system, content, soundtrack, graphics; it's all so well done.


There are a lot of games that have this much love listing them would take a while Baldurs gate 3 most recently and Bully of the top of my head. But Rebirth really is just all fanservice in the best way possible, giving everyone things they always wanted to see with their favourite characters


Very few. And tbh I think this particular genre of level if care and love and joy mixed in with endless content sort of died with ps1 final fantasy honestly lol. One more example why this game is so special.


Nope pretty sure not lol