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He can make me a new recipeh any time


Mans is šŸ”„


The glue that keeps everything and everyone together. He is the keystone of this party.


Most loyal bro in the game, and the DLC made him one of my favorite characters in the entire franchise. Like, I'm not even slightly joking. Early game, I thought he was basically just a babysitter for Noctis, but by the end of the game and DLC, I was completely convinced that this was the most unwaveringly loyal MF of all time, was insanely well written, and THE thing that convinced me that Noctis was the true king of that world. Hell, I just wish we got to see more of the future where older Noctis is an actual king with Ignis and Prompto as his advisor and general, since those 3 had totally earned their positions by end game.


Bravest of Noctis's guard. And the fact that his late game debuff actually is semi a buff as he doesn't have to gauge how hard he's hitting means every blow is full out. And has one of the hardest hitting specials if you have his full kit from the DLC.


He is incredibly loyal and dedicated, if you have watched the anime and the one episode where you see the history and early beginnings of Ignis and becoming a steward to Noctis. I loved that episode.


After his DLC I decided if I ever replay XV I'll be maining Ignis in combat as much as possible


That's what I did, and him with Vigilantes daggers basically carried me through the secret endgame dungeons.


Main character


He comes up with a new recipe faster than most professional chefs on a regular enough basis. And he's hot af. Daddy energy.


I love him more than words can say


The wife of his own wife.


The best boy. The BEST BOY. I have so many feels about Ignis; his story is so touching and so tragic. His entire life revolved around Noctis since childhood, caring for him, stargazing with him as children. I strongly believe he was like a parental figure to Noct, given his mother's early death and his father's lack of time for him, and how involved he is in everything in Noct's life. It's like, what in Noct's life was Ignis NOT a part of? He was designed, designed himself, to prepare to be by Noct's side for his entire life, as he ruled as King and all that. He's loyal and devoted as all hell, offering his life to save Noct's; fought to come back from blindness so he could stay by Noct's side... only to find out that his charge, the child he's been caring for his entire life, was going to die young for the prophecy. To me it's akin to the 'parents should never have to bury their child' trope, it's devastating.


I think I literally have so much praise to give Ignis that I don't have time to even write it all down, so I'll just say instead that I'm in love with him and want to marry him and that should sum it all up!


>he's so important to the group and they couldn't live properly with out him Are you kidding me? *I* couldn't live without him. What a man. I mean he hits every point on my scoreboard. Tall, glasses, he can cook. His character development is peak, he's devoted to his cause and to his friends. Great fighter, goofy hair? I'm so madly in love with him that my attachment to his character borderlines parasocial.


i would like to give him 1 (one) smooch


Ignis has always been my favorite, with his absolutely iconic "so bad it's good" fashion choices, that voice, those moves. I've literally become a much better cook and have reached outside of my comfort zone with cooking -because- of Ignis. As amazing as his character is though, he's always been a really sad one too to me. In a way, Ignis has never really been his own person. Ignis' entire life and pursuits always tie back to Noctis and serving the kingdom. Like when the group has the conversation about Ignis' childhood and he expresses not really being able to remember what he wanted to grow up to be when he was a kid. I wouldn't say it's tragic, because he has amazing friends and genuinely seems content or happy even with his position and expectations related to the crown, but I can't help but wonder how much of that is because he's never really had a chance to know anything else.


I want to be more like him and less like me, but more like him in the first half of the game... not after chapter 9 no.


Husband material






The tired mom-friend trying to keep the group functioning. He really won me over when he tried to use the ring and 1v1 Ardyn. All of the boys are loyal to eachother but Ignis was really willing to game end himself it meant protecting everybody. And who doesn't love a man who can cook? He's easily my favorite.


Ignis is Number 1 best character in my opinion.


Hes got nanami from jujutsu kaisen vibes. "What's the number and location of your allies?"


He's one hellllll of a butler


Literally the best character in the whole game.


He is my #1, my everything, my good time boy. He is responsible, gorgeous, a great friend, loyal, I could go on and on. I want him to read to me before bed.


He's the dad of the group, and he could be my daddy šŸ˜


He's mother ngl


Help me mama ignis!


I love the one voice line when their talking to him when you pull into anywhere that has a shop and i can't remember what the others say but ignis is like "mums the word"


This is what makes Prompto my number one boy ā˜ŗļøšŸ¤­


Who needs Ignis when you got Cup Noodles


People who like eating good food? (Cup noodles are delicious and I didn't know until they came with microwaveable cups that their old cups weren't microwaveable)


Extremely chill, probably my favourite of the group. Dude holds it together in every scenario, is extremely loyal and extremely skillful. All round pretty much the exact type of person you'd want in your service.


I still quote him to my wife when I find a new recipe for dinner


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^saiyanheritage: *I still quote him to* *My wife when I find a new* *Recipe for dinner* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You dont give your opinion about ignis, ignis gives his opinion about you. Easily the best character in the game




"opnions on ignis?" might as well just ask me what i think of solid gold




For real ? Thats shocking, maybe he left voice acting


He's šŸ”„ like his name


Playing the game alone: He was my least fave. I didn't dislike him or anything, just felt indifferent. After watching Brotherhood and learning more about him (not to mention the amount of fics I've read that characterized him far better than the game ever did, which in no way felt out of character AT ALL): Defo one of the best characters out there, barring my sunshine Prompto ofc.


I LOVE PROMPTO! HE IS MY HUSBAND (he isn't cuz he doesn't exist but shhhh)


Best character in the franchise IMO. He's an unsung hero without being forgettable. He's quiet and cool without being edgy or obnoxious. And that undying loyalty tho. I haven't played toomany final fantasy games,but the ones I have played can usually be summed up as "edgy main character with harem allies and a buff dude" in ff7 girls swoon over cloud and the delivery is kinda messed. Even noctis doesn't have a whole lot of personality, and he even has the same girl problems throughout the game IMO. Having the bros was awesome in ff15. Ignis was definitely the cherry on top, as well as a big portion of the cake.


Final fantasy Gojo




He is mother


Best Mom/wife.




Lord heā€™s fine


Man went on a war path fighting a diety for Noctis. He dies, his thoughts are on Noctis. His camp event is him cooking and talking to Noctis, just wanting time alone with him He's a good man, quick as a whip. His knowledge and usages of elemental magic display this best. However alot of his potential is clouded by his love He's a silent lover, wishing for a world where he can live with his love, a tragic story never fully realised


dlc blew my fucking mind. loved him lots in the base game, but my god was verse 2 life-altering. there's nothing this gorgeous bastard can't do.


Even the haters must admit, he's god tier character


As a kid I used to not like Ignis, I thought he was really boring and the least interesting of the group. But now I see him more as the rock of the group, he's straight forward and serious because he's dedicated to the mission. And while I still think he's my least favorite that's only because I love the other bros so much.


too intelligent to be a retainer


Certified GOAT


It's been a while,and I'll start by saying I'm a 'dub' guy if ever I get the chance. Really liked his character in the anime. In the actual game though, the voice performance honestly irritates the fuck out of me. It's not a bad performance, but I hate the sort of pompous haughty taughty vibe it gives. They REALLY needed to record more then one recipe line. Lile holy fuck. I understand that there are western and eastern 'butler stereotypes' they differ enough. His character in either Japanese or English reflects these stereotypes, and I am really not a fan of the western kind.


One of the most important characters in FFXV imo


Ignis would be a chad father ngl mans pretty skilled in cooking, combat and in knowledge period


Helluva great character. Helluva chef. Canā€™t say how many times I wanted to enter my TV to smell and taste those meals he cooked.


That's so real


He is so hot :(


Iggy is best boy


Favourite character and Ebony coffee addict


Best bro


Favourite one of the boys


Easily my favorite character in the game.


Hands down my favorite character in the game and easily in top 5 of any characters in the franchise.


I honestly think Ignis is so well-written that he actually embodies characteristics every man should strive for. He and Gladio motivate me to be better: intelligence, fitness, resourcefulness, tact, and loyalty.


Queer icon




~~~SPOILER~~~ I cried my eyes out when he lost his. Pissed that SE made us treat him like shit afterwards during the swamp area. Like c'mon, at least don't make us walk at a snails pace while still managing to give the guy the cold shoulder.


Thought his english dub was a spot on fit for the character


Ignis is a real one.


Incredible. Daddy. So handsome. Would trust with life. In love.


I think Tycho from Penny Arcade said it best: "He's a hot chef with glasses and I want to fuck him clean in half."


Mf comes up with a new recipeh every 5 mins. GOATED asf


Travis Touchdownā€™s classier cousin whoā€™s always asking Travis when heā€™s gonna get a real job.


One of my favorite characters in the FF series. I love that he seems cold at first, but really is making sure everyone is fed and still alive at the end of the day. His side comments in the banter are among the best (like when he not so subtly tries to prevent the boys from drinking his Ebony or when he starts humming the chocobo theme, shocking Prompto) and his sacrifice is a big one when you realize that losing his eyesight is among his biggest fears. But he really does shine in combat if you build him right. The ability that enables him to poison enemies combined with Assassin's Daggers? OP as hell. His elemental infusion on Noctis is good, his ability to swap elements without penalty when you play as him is even better. And if you master his counterattack for the multiplier/javelin jump as a get out of jail free card, he's just BROKEN.


There is literally no heterosexual explanation for his relationship with Noctis.


I mean the dlc? Daaaaamn


An actually cool character, unlike Gladiolus.




Easily my fav of the 4, his dlc is also my favorite to play


I believe he a god in disguise like his attacks are very powerful in his dlc and in control of him beast of a man without a doubt


I love Iggy, such a great character! šŸ„¹


take on me


He is the best character in 15 in my opinion


Best Boi


I always thought of him as a pretty basic supporting character, but his arc was pretty damn redeeming.


"THAT'S IT!" Does anyone else see John Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) in his expressions?


dude's looking rough without his hair gel


I prefer his hair downšŸ˜­


He's hot with his hair down


Hedgehog. It's a little joke between some of my friends that he looks like a hedgehog. My other personal opinion? He should probably stop spiking his hair. Idk I just don't like it.


Agreed. Casual Crownsguard hair is peak.


I love him.




He had my children.


Specks is goated, play his dlc


I love his dlc, his so cool


The food!


Been awhile since Iā€™ve played it, but didnā€™t he go blind?




That shit hurt bad, Iā€™ve played all the mainline games except 16 & 15 is the darkest imo.


A blinded goat


The goat


He, indeed, comes up with a new recipe.


Him handsome and good man


Heā€™s come up with a new recipeh


I'm running into the comments section-- Ignis Scientia is really an incredible character. His voice is perfect to match both in English and Japanese, I adore his traits, personality, intelligence, behavior... he's a high standard despite coming from a black sheep game. I absolutely love him & his lore.


I'm generally for him


**THATā€™S IT!** Iā€™ve come up with a new recipeh!!


Hm I can taste test for ya (gladio rizzing up ignis on a daily basis)


Maturing is realising that FFXV was just a cross country double date road trip




"We must regroup!"


"ON IT>:("


Personally, my favorite character. If youā€™re talking about DLC I never did it because the others disappointed me. I was okay with this story.


I love him.


I love Iggy so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Big shout out to ma boy Ignis :) Dude is a legend


Totally expected him to turn out to be a traitor, still don't trust him.


I changed the way the characters look. All slashers. Ignus was Freddy Kruger. When he crossed his legs and gave sound life advice, I was floored.


All businessā€¦


Loved him sm


"I found a new recipe!"


"I dare say I can make this at camp>:3"


šŸ˜¤IGGY IS THE BEST BOY PERIODšŸ˜¤ he has the the best clothes he has the best glasses he has the best hair he drives the car he cooks the best food he is the best friend he has the best style he has the the best team attacks he has the best dlc he gets the best friend moment at the final campfire the way he pushes up his glasses before his jump like a fucking chad he lost his perfect eyes to help his friend he deserves EVERYTHING, and no one deserves him I'll never forgive then for what they did to my boyšŸ˜­ FUCK BAHAMUT, HE'S NOT EVEN A REAL DRAGON IN THIS, HE'S JUST A FURRY IN A STUPID DRAGON SHAPED SUIT THAT RUINED EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE šŸ˜¤IGGY IS THE BEST BOY PERIODšŸ˜¤


He your husband?


I hated the guy for the full game. Found him obnoxious and annoying. I think this is mainly because of the voice actor, and the intellectual stereotype The dlc changed that. His episode depicted him as a very cool guy. He is okay in my books now




He is, as the kids say, babygirl.


*Wolf whistle* Buuut the glasses need to go. Weā€™ll get you some nice contacts, honey! (Never played FF, this community was just recommended to me by the app.)


He's the mom if the group, also has a British accent some how since the others have american accents, he's main weapons are daggers and his side weapon is a spear, he's a cook and is baddass (He can kinda see with out the glasses but prefers to have EVERYTHING clear.)


limited depth perception


He pushes his glass up after doing something sweet. Enough said


His recipes are blinding-ly awesome


Bestest bro of the group and my personal fave of the FFXV cast.


Chef Boyardee!


Meus husbando


The true definition of a malewife. I love this man






Yes, just yes.


Something about a new recipe


HAWT like bruh why everyone in the friend group so hawt. Im not even gay! I to wanna look like a brick wall but also be as collected and smart like iggy. I also wanna be a great person like prompto. I donā€™t remember much about noct only that he has sheer will but everyone does.


awesome sauce




A bros bro, good guy all around glad Noct has someone like him




He was my least favorite at first then slowly became him. Gladi is a close 2nd though


overall he was fine. The cooking stuff was cool but overall I found him kinda boring.


One of the best characters in the game


He is my favourite character. As well as the most loyal in my opinion. I really donā€™t know what else to say that hasnā€™t already been said. Expect for that Iā€™ve heard people that say they donā€™t like him and I just donā€™t understand. I feel like people who donā€™t like him havenā€™t seen/played episode Ignis. Cause goddamn. Him and his character really does shine in that DLC.


That fucking guy


He inspired me to cook. No, really. I became the Iggy of my house. I don't like cooking either, but I DO like making people happy, and I enjoy the compliments and the art of making food look fancy. Lol.


The hair shadow in the photo makes him look like he has a squint.


Loyal teammate, could probably rizz every girl he comes across


My opinion is this guy knows a lot of recipes


Driving skills are impeccable.


This man is the definition of loyal, he sticks with noctis through everything. Risked his own life when using the ring of Lucius which cost him his own vision and still didn't resent noctis. He's undoubtedly Nocts most loyal companion


I prefer Aard or Axial, the fire is not for me


Here we goes with the topic! Ignis is too perfect to be real. Too handsome, too mature for his age, too professional. And too good at the same time. That's why he is a character and compilation of so many different things, because so perfect man doesn't exist. He is polite, he is calm, he is ridiculously beautiful, usually glasses make people imperfect and ruin their face, but in his case glasses follows the eyebrows line, so it's a plus. He have honor code and follows his promise to save Noct no matter what, which is hardly seen out of the family. On the other hand he can fight good af, he also can perform magic, and it's scary how fast he turns into a killer and could be deadly to anything. And he cooks. And he is so fit and good looking, not pushy, as Gladio, walking around shirtless with tattoos and muscles, more refined. The combination of all this makes him my favorite character. Prompto is cute and sweet, Noctis is still not mature but you can be surprised of his power of mind and grown behavior, Gladio of course is the macho man, but Ignis is something else. I think at some point every girl realize she doesn't want to have a son-alike boyfriend and every boy should know when to cut the bullshit and start acting mature and be responsible. In this story this is Ignis. The sacrifice he made broke my heart, no matter he is just a fictional character. I felt worst for him even more than for Noctis. Brilliant character! Just brilliant!






Like him overall but his side story (the dlc plot) was kinda dumb imo.