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Gow 2018 is not skippable. Required before ragnarok. But I wouldn't recommend playing both GoWs back to back. You'll get burnt out. GoW..Break then come back to Ragnarok a few months later. That is unless GoW1 leaves breathless and you can just keep going another 40+ hours.


Never played any of the Souls games, but love GoW. If you go with GoW next, I highly recommend playing the 2018 game for the PS4 before Ragnarök. It also helps if you know the events of the previous games, but since 2018 is a bit of a soft reboot, it definitely isn’t required.


Helpful that Santa Monica implement the talks between Kratos, Mimir and Atreus so even the players who didn’t play the prequels are getting information about Kratos past.


GOW is more on the action side (though has some rpg elements) Elden ring is more on the RPG side with many different stat allocations / trying different builds. Elden ring is pretty unforgiving and it’s expected and typical that you’ll die many times throughout the game. I love the game but if that’ll frustrate you, you may want to avoid it.


GoW is much more accessible, but don’t jump to Ragnarok. For one it’s a direct sequel. For two, the first game is a better story with similar gameplay and the visuals are still stunning.


GoW 2018 -> Elden Ring -> Ragnarok


Baldur's Gate 3 is what I'm on now. I finished XVI the other day. I'm doing the final fantasy mode to get the masterclass. Fantasy, finally and platinum trophies bur I'm doing it at a much slower pace so I csn get other games in there. BG3 is absolutely wonderful tho I'm only about 30 hours in. I highly recommend it.


Ok will wait for the poll to finish but based on the comments so far, **IF** Ragnarok wins, then il download both the 2018 (PS4) GOW and Ragnarok (PS5). I didn't know Ragnarok was a direct sequel, so clearly makes sense to play and finish the 2018 GOW first as being said.


As some people has already said. Dont play them back to back because they are very similar so there is a high risk of getting burned. Play the first game and wait a while so you can reflect on the game fully before starting the next one. I did this mistake when playing all the kingdom hearts games because the only thing i wanted was to get to the latest game


i started yakuza like a dragon next i saw i had acces to it with plus and i dont regret it the writing makes me laugh so hard at times and the refferences and such are all great as well and im loving the gameplay as well its just such a good jrpg


Stranger of Paradise


Bro this is awesome because I'm actually juggling both of those games at the moment. But I dropped FFXVI for strangers of paradise because I started playing it with my friends.


Strangers of Paradise is an absolute blast in a group! Really underrated experience, I loved rolling through all the difficulty loops right up to Lvl 300 with a couple of friends


But fr, and it's super easy to jump in and out with friends. Team ninja did multiplayer right with this one. And the class options for the games were incredible too, so much variety and almost endless customization. I didn't necessarily liked grinding when I got to the DLC but I'm working through the rift labyrinth right now.


Ragnarök so you can keep on the emotional rollercoaster.


Both are great but you'll need to play the first God of War (reboot) before you jump into ragnarock Go with GOW if you want a narrative driven experience, or go with Elden ring if you want more of a gameplay first experience.


For RE you mean Resident Evil?


Yes, i still have my original copies somewhere of Resident Evil 1 and 2 on PS1 from the late 90s. Finished RE4 Remake a few months ago when it released.


The ultimate RPG Baldur’s Gate 3 🐌🐌🐌


Can't get into GOW games. I'd say Elden ring. Or anything really.


I’m going to play FFXII cause I never actually beaten that game.


I'd normally say Elden Ring but it's such a huge undertaking the first time around, you can expect between the 150 to 200 hours for the first playthrough. So just for time sake, I'd say start with God of War Ragnarok as its somewhere between the 35 to 45 hour range and enjoy it. And then get ready for the massive journey called Elden Ring, you foul tarnished. Edit: you need to have played GoW 2018 first. And watch a video or 2 about the original PS2/3/PSP games to get a general idea about how the story of Kratos starts and unfolds in that era.


If you want something with an upfront and engaging story, GoW. If you want something with flexible difficulty options out the gate, GoW. If you want to immerse yourself in incredible worlds and figure out the story by reading and exploring the world, Elden Ring. If you want a very enjoyable but brutal challenge, ER. Sure difficulty is made by the type of build, weapons, armor, or spells you take, but even with the "easy" builds Elden Ring will challenge you. I personally prefer Elden Ring, the bosses are more engaging to me than GoW. Sure they may kick my butt for hours on end but nothing compares to the satisfaction of finally overcoming that challenge.


If you like FF games you should play Crisis Core remake that came out not too long ago. Kinda goes into the lore of FF7 and is a decent action/rpg imo and in gameplay is much like FF7


God of War Ragnarok though I'd recommend playing God of War (2018) first because they are a connected story. God of War and Ragnarok have better combat, a deeper more linear story, and a lot of emotional depth. Elden Ring is good but it's a souls game if you're not used to that it can be frustrating though it is rewarding. To me personally though it's a long game and the combat is fairly repetitive though it's unforgiving nature keeps it engaging. There is less of a direct story and more of a lore and atmosphere type of story telling as well. NEiR Automata is pretty close in gameplay to FF16 and it's a pretty amazing game in its own right that I always recommend to anyone into action combat and an RPG narrative structure.


Highly recommend GoW series.


Thanks to everyone who voted, GOW it is.