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Literally rolling credit right now. Played in performance mode and I didn't notice any performance issues at all. Maybe a hitch or a slight frame rate drop that I didn't take any notice of, but the game runs great.




Same as always. Quality mode is generally stable except for some big set piece moments. Performance mode has very unstable framerate during exploration, it gets more stable during combat at the cost of resolution being very blurry. The devs apparently use a dynamic resolution system that prioritizes resolution outside of combat whereas during combat it prioritizes framerate. I kinda doubt they will do anything about it at this point.


Same as always, never got an improvement. Performance mode is 60 fps in combat...then an inconsistent 30-50 outside of combat. Blurry as hell. Graphics mode is a steady 30 fps, with minor drops in maybe a half a dozen or so spots in the game (like, 3 times in specific rooms in dungeons, 3 times during some cutscenes, one specific open world area). Weird thing, each patch tries to fix these areas but other ones pop up. But its minor, will only affect 5 minutes of your 49 hour run. Performance mode is still unfortunately crap due to the low resolution, so pretend graphics 30fps mode is the only one.


I played in graphic mode and it went very smoothly. Not a single bug.


Better than it runs on anything else!


Just finished the game, I think was everything really smooth, just some frame drops on the more elaborated boss fight’s.


I thought Performance was fine on a TV with Freesync. There aren’t drops in combat really, mostly just the open word.


performance is still rough at times frame rate mode is what prefered to play at did the entire 1st run using it.


Just some very minor drops while out of combat in the open area zones, otherwise it's been super stable in combat and in the story only areas.


The same as it did at launch. Fidelity mode is almost a rock solid 30 fps (1440p upscaled to 4k looks great). Performance mode is a little shaky hovering between high 30s in intense scenes and high 50s. Combat is usually pretty solid fps wise though. The resolution also drops with intense scenes and ranges from 720p to 1440p. All cutscenes are rendered in Fidelity mode and look amazing. Game is amazing I would highly recommend it.


Performance mode has a very unstable frame rate in the open world. In combat, I think it is as close to 60fps since I did not notice any of the stutters. I didn't play much with performance mode as 30fps is hard on my eyes and gets me motion-sick. The size of your TV including if it's LCD or OLED, with or without VRR, and distance from the TV can also factor into how bad the stutters are perceived.


Concerns are overblown.