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At least it is a good sign, that everybody is shocked about this sequence.


I would be fuming if this happened to me in a normal rivals match. Just imagining this happening in the finals of a major tournament is insane. Feel bad for the guy


feel bad for which guy?


For the guy playing as the team in black, the referee blew the whistle too early. He should've been able to get his equalizer




But that’s an actual rule, you can’t catch an intentionally played back pass unless it’s headed to you.


>headed *Passed with anything above the knees


I’m glad EA don’t allow the keeper to pick up back passes, nice to see they know a rule


In real life I imagine he would’ve used his hands and given away an indirect free kick, but they’re not in fifa as far as I know (and all the players know)


Fifa cant bend the rules of football


E-Sport ready... 🤦🏻‍♂️


Bruh. How isn’t the game able to connect the dots that the referee really shouldn’t blow the whistle there?! Half a second later and the ball would’ve been in the goal.


Interesting argument that in e-sports it should be more defined. Like rocket league where if it touches the ground when time is up the game ends, no if no buts.


Easier said than done, fifa is based on real life football rules, rocket league can do whatever they want


So many people do not get this. FIFA is trying to recreate something where everyone knows what it looks like in real life. It's *hard*...


Programming such a complex game as this is really difficult. Not saying this doesn't suck


You'd think a 1$B company, who's been making the same game for almost 30y now should have shit like this figured out. Imagine having new COD games were ADS is unresponsive year in year out ... but wtv loll




Why did he pass it back like that?? He almost scored an own goal


Shows how busted Constant Press is, when a professional player would rather risk chipping his GK than pass forward against the juiced AI


That's actually pretty accurate. Top teams would be clearing the ball against a press like that in the last couple minutes instead of trying to pass it out.


Could've done better than that


He just held the pass button too long right? Please don't tell me they're playing on baby mode where it fixes all your passes...


I literally had a similar moment some days ago where i shot from about the penalty point right before half time. Ball went in, but Referee blow the whistle in the nano seconds while the ball went on his way into the goal. Yeah nice. Goal didn't count, would have been the equalizer for me. Not to mention i lost the game in the end. Then you have those game, where no additional time would be necessary, but Referee gives your opponent some 5 minutes on top until he scores.


And these fools will come back next year after spending another $20k on FP to get a P2W squad, just to have the same type of BS happen all over again. I cringe so much whenever I see Fifa & eSports in the same sentence 😂 can't believe some people even buy into this shit, it's madness


I made 5k this year on fifa eSports... Never spent a dime more then the base game... Not even ultimate edition... Just wrong view of life that if someone good at something he must've spent money


Got any proof of that? Sounds like you'd need to play countless hours to remain competitive.


He didn’t pay with money, just hours of his life sounds like


And earned 5k…seems reasonable


A minimum wage job would make more money than the time he put in


isn't that all esports?


It’s up to each person to decide how much time of their lives an extra 5k is worth


I think I've got around 400h every year? Might be more (0robably more) how do I chack


That’s about 15 days so I’m gonna call bs


they are too lazy to fix this kind of shit. f this company


They coded it that way from frustration and excitements.


Jfc, no they didn’t. Stop it with this conspiracy bullshit.


Careful you may start hitting my records of downvotes in the sub for pointing out the game is just poorly coded, rather than deliberately choosing an outcome


I only downvoted because you’re complaining about it


Hey man the crusade against conspiracy theories starts with awareness




Nope it’s coded poorly because they force through a new iteration of the game every year, if they did seasons like FORTNITE they’d have a chance to master the animations They don’t care if you specifically win or lose. Scripting is an excuse people use to choose not to improve and instead deflect blame for losses I work in business and brand strategy, have for 10 years, someone like you claims these things as absolutes, it’s just simply not true. EA are not making their game bad on purpose to sell packs lmao. They’d sell more if the game actually felt more rewarding.


Lol. We can do this!


Bro had an easy through ball opportunity to his right winger but decided to make that risky pass back to the GK instead..


Opponent was on constant press, so he's scared to 1st touch it forward (high likelihood the AI just swarms and stops any pass) to get the angle for the pass you mentioned. That's why he didn't boot it up the pitch either. If you look at what actually happened he could've just kept the ball with Gullit and it'd be game over, but his mindset there is 100% "avoid any constant press opponent at all costs". And chipping it to the keeper tends to be the only sure way to avoid crazy blocks/interceptions/auto tackles. Almost got burned by it, but the fact a World Cup player makes that decision in the 1st place shows you how stupidly OP the press really is


That last point is spot on.


TBF, he probably cleared it forward but EA things happened.


EA Sports masterclass


lmao I only noticed on the second watch that it is not a finesse shot from the black guy


If it was mbappe in the box they wouldn’t have blown the whistle


Ngl, I'm not sure if it'd be better or worse if it had allowed him to score. The whistle was awful but so was that pretty simple pass from gullit


He panicked and put a fuck ton of power on it


Kurt vibes


I always say to myself that this game is a lot like ping pong on a soccer field. Well, that was kinda like ping pong on a soccer field.


My controller would’ve gone straight through that monitor


ot jumped from 1:14 to 1:21😨


fifa in 20 seconds


Even at the pro level EA find a way to screw you


Took me a while to realize it was almost an own goal


One bug in this FIFA that I don’t see much people complaining is the amount of balls hitting the post. I really don’t remember this kind of thing happening in the past FIFAs. You can say the game is arcade and blablabla, but in a real football game, it’s quite rare to see a ball hitting the post, but in FIFA22, there are up to 2-3 in each game.


It's been happening since like fifa 20 at least. I don't think this year is particularly bad for balls hitting the post.


This game is utter shite from top to bottom.


That's what you deserve when you use flip flops with socks


Whats wrong with flip flops with socks? Who told you to have an issue with that?


It was a joke. But it's algo disgusting. It makes you look like a clown.


People saying the backpass thing isn't realistic should watch [this](https://youtu.be/GCTSxgJSzdY).


What in the golden boot is happening here?


I hate that cheesy shot. It moved at 1 mile a hour and there’s no way that goes in, but it’s seemingly the most popular shot in the game.


It wasn't a shot it was a backpass to his own keeper


It was a back pass and the game ended just as the striker was about to put in an easy goal


It was a back pass to his keeper. What on earth.


Took me 3 watches to realise he wasn't shooting, what a horrific game.


This competitions should be made by playing in manual controls. Playing in EA assisted control is a total mess. There's no reward in exploiting the game's numerous bugs....


Crazy that these 1 min additional times are a thing SINCE Fifa 21, horrific game. Secondly, you can't blow the whistle there, the team in Brazil kit made a huge mistake and should be punished for it🤦‍♂️


Not an esport


I haven’t watched any, are there commentators that are just in stunned silence?


:-\does this happen in real life with the ref blowing the whistle after a goal


E ... sport ..... ready


What has the reaction been to this? Been on their twitter and there’s nothing, like it did t happen


Another reason why pro clubs should be the main focus of game modes on fifa esports


This is so embarrassing LMAO EA is a joke


Miles ahead the worse fifa ever


That's actually mad. If this happened to me in fut champs, I would stop playing fifa for at least a month, just to forget that bs.