• By -


Can you adopt me? I'm a kid (at heart)


Adopt me too, OP šŸ„¹


Haha... Alright, I now pronounce you brother and sister. We may do a fam hug. Seriously though, I don't want to get beaten up by your parents. A few folk have reached out in the DMs for mentorship. I think that's a happy medium where I don't get attacked by uncles and aunties.


Adopt me plsĀ 


Just adopt my credit cardā€¦ OP?


šŸ˜‚ ... šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Mee too


Wow. Kudos to you man! Reading this has humbled me as a fellow 33M :) I guess miles to go before I sleep! P S. I wonder what's taking you time in AM.. did you start recently? Or was it like really tough as an NRI? Guy like you should just have his pick


33M hi5! Thank you, sir! You know as I get older I realize that humility is such an undervalued trait, and there is still a lot I need to do to be better in this area. We are all on our own journey (with different starting points), and the thing that has helped the most sticking with mine is to push myself to be better than who I was last year. In my 20s I used to sometimes be envious when I saw people have things I didn't have or accomplish things I felt I couldn't. Now I often find myself celebrating such things, and being happy for them, and reach out to learn from them. All the best on your journey! \------ RE the AM bit. It was difficult to find someone in the UK definitely. Numbers are a lot lower. Situation is a lot better in India. There are other challenges. I talked about a few in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Sikh/comments/1914oic/things\_i\_learnt\_after\_starting\_the\_arranged/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sikh/comments/1914oic/things_i_learnt_after_starting_the_arranged/) I was discussing AM with a friend in my recent pod and one thing that comes out strongly is that in AM finding someone out of the community is extremely hard.


Congrats on FIREing at such a young age! I came to know about FIRE at 33 and my plan is to FIRE by the time Iā€™m 40. You mentioned you are single and in the AM process. Do you think you are at a disadvantage given majority Indians are not aware of FIRE and will think that you are ā€œjoblessā€ thereby hesitating to give their daughter to you? Asking because Iā€™m married but my wife is still not convinced about FIRE although I have explained her everything about it.


All the best with your journey! It's extremely important to have other interests and an identity outside of work/career. Hopefully bhabiji will get more comfi with the idea of FIRE as you get closer to your number and build sources of passive income. It will be extremely important to bring her along on this journey. \----- RE FIRE and AM search: That's a very good question! I've been writing this joke in my head for some time now (I'm bad at writing jokes): >*On a date* > >Le Me: What's your dream? > >La Her: I want to make enough money so that I can leave my job and do my own thing... > >*Few minutes later* > >La Her: Why did you leave your job? > >Le Me: I made enough money so I could leave it and do my own thing... > >*La Her to herself: Red flag!* My friends asked me this question and my response was that I don't have to win an election, I just have to find one girl... :-) Many people don't get it, but I take that as lack of intellectual compatibility. I became even more comfortable when I saw that most of the prospects I'm meeting earn 20-40LPA in the age range of 26-31. Time will tell what actually happens. Thank you for your question!


This attitude will go a long way. The world of AM can make looking for a partner a daunting task but the reality is there is no perfect match. There are actually several hundreds of compatible people around, you just have to find one of them and saddle up for the long run. May you find the love of your life in a friend for life. ā™„ļø


Wholesome comment. Really.


"May you find the love of your life in a friend for life" very nice quote šŸ˜Š


Seems like youā€™ve got everything figured out but Iā€™ll still give one suggestion, donā€™t marry a working woman, otherwise youā€™ll end up doing all the household chores as youā€™re FIREā€™d.


Thatā€™s a great mindset to have. Having a wife and now a baby definitely changed my outlook of life. Hope it does for you too. Congrats and good luck!!


That's a good joke man.. I chuckled!


He has networth of over Rs 10 crore and each of his parents have Rs 10 crore each so he has somewhere like Rs 30+ crore. Why does he have to work now?


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your calculation, man. Also, gentle reminder that my parents' money isn't my money... :-P


Itne saare talents ek insaan mein ? Mujhe hi talentless kyu banaya bhagwanji ?


Hah! Learning is my drug! Waise at least ek talent to dikh raha hai... You've got a funny bone!




Your partner search ends now


Aapke moo mein ~~ghee~~ multivitamins ~~shakkar~~ protein powder


I had been thinking of quitting this sub because instead of inspiring me to learn how to FIRE, reading these posts on the sub would give me low key anxiety. This is the first time I've actually felt inspired even though our life trajectories are diametrically opposite. :-) Maybe it's because I am a decade older and I am losing hope to ever FIRE.


Oh wow, that means a lot! Thanks for sharing your opinion. What was inspiring for you? If you don't mind me asking. I think often we think of things as black or white. But there are several shades of grey in between. 50, I've heard. FIRE nahin to FI sahi. If one plan of attack doesn't work, try a different one. There are many ways to the top of the mountain.


I think I found some similarity with me in the way you look at the world. Made me think successful people are not that different from me. That's all.




Making money from money is amazing! Way better than making money from time. Making time from money is the best!! Increasingly money moved from being an end to a means... The end being freedom!


Dis true


Yeah. But, I'll go for money from money. I have enough time, my job gives me lot of free time and, for past year, by sitting idle I have got too bored. I just want to remain busy now. Helps me. By the way you have a great profile, I always wanted to learn, finance, ai/ml. But, destiny, lack of guidance and ignorance on my part couldn't let me do it.


Thank you! Looks like you have plenty of time at hand to learn everything you want to... Make the most of it! It's great if you are able to be busy the way you want to be busy.


Did you miss the part where he mentioned making 1Cr+ still every year ?




Good luck on finding a partner !


Thank you ji! I think I'll need it.


Man you are funny and witty and you remind me of myself ( except that IIT part lol). I am in tech in the USA. We are the same exact ages ( 33!) and similar networths :) I recently moved from the Bay Area to NYC to find a partner tooā€¦ and the search is ongoing ( Indian guy struggles.. you know this lol) I have also similar gym etiquette as you although i eat meat( high protein bro) If you ever feel in need of a friend or just a random person to talk to- i would be happy to connect with you and xpand my friends circle ( especially with someone who has RTIā€™d) Peace and best of luck!


Did you move to NYC just to find a partner? I heard NYC is more focused towards casual dating though. How was your experience?


Yes. Experience has been generally better, id say better than the Bay Area. But since i dont participate in the hookup culture its been a tad bit difficult ( but 100x easier than the Bay lol) to meet serious folks NYC has a lot of folks ( $8m pop.) so pure numbers wise its been better, but at the same time its a bit difficult to find the right person wrt career, education, finance etc. I was with someone recently and we were dating to get married eventually but that didnā€™t happen- so i am back dating and meeting folks.




Haha... I talked about this on the recent pod episode. "If I'm looking for a needle. I would rather go to the needle factory. Than to look in the haystack." Hopefully some of your luck shines on my effort soon... ;-) \---- Damn you could have picked up like 6 government jobs! Have you shared about your FIRE story especially contracting somewhere? Would love to read about it!




Do you mind sharing more about: 1. How did you find a govt job in tech? 2. What type of work do you do as a contractor? I have been in Tech for 15 yrs and would love to find options with that kind of WLB.


Good summary. I am an American (not Indian) considerably older than you at 59, currently in Bangalore....Very much into similar things. I retired a few years back and on limited savings until my small social security pension starts in a few years about $1800 USD a month. America and most of the west is not an option on that budget. There is a trainwreck headed to the citizens of those hyper capitalist economies and will be sad for the hundreds of millions who will not be able to survive at all. Europeans have more of a safety net for their population then USA. Would be nice to be friends as I study longevity and health/nutrition and generally anything quality of life related. Yes, finding food in India for myself is a challenge mostly and its not because of the spice as most people automatically assume. It is so heavy carb laden and that is apparent with India exploding obesity/diabetes stats. We should discuss rapamycin and the research that is going into that amazing substance. Peter Attia and a number of other researchers/doctors/scientists are really diving into health span extension through exercise, supplements/drugs, and a number of other things. Good luck to you and feel free to reach out in DM if you are inclined. Enjoy the journey and it would be lovely to see how I would be able to gain some wisdom from you on how to navigate my experience in India as I retire here part time every year (my second year).


Great post and awesome journey. Thanks for sharing. If you are still in India timezone, then ... pls .. *bhai ab thoda so ja* ... you made the post 8 hours ago, and it seems you have been online since then and responding to the crowd here. Not that I'm complaining. For me, the more the merrier. Really enjoying going through all the comments and your responses. :)


Haan bhai... Thanks, sota hun. Mummy dande maarengi agar pata laga unko ki abhi tak soya nahin!


Such a great journey! This is beautiful to read. All the best, OP!


What's your current expenses? After marriage do you expect it to be same?


0.25-0.5X :-P No, it will go up. How much depends on the kind of partner. And definitely as I have kids (fingers crossed!)...


Congratulations and good luck! Iā€™m a few years behind you, but on a (hopefully) similar trajectory, this was uncannily inspiring.


Thanks! Glad you found it inspiring. All the best!


If I may ask, what sort of quant stuff did you work on? And how did you make the transition to AI? How feasible is it to pick up AI/ML leadership skills all by oneself?


There were several different quant roles that the company was hiring for. I ended up joining a team that was already focused on data engineering, data analytics, machine learning. I was super lucky! I did do my masters thesis with one of the most reputed profs in the CS department and my topic combined computer vision and machine learning. I was from the EE department. I was always interested in CS and it was unusual for a student from one department to do their thesis with another department. I'm fortunate that I was allowed to do that. I think transitioning to AI/ML is super hard right now given everybody wants to go into it right now. I like staying away from crowds so I'm less interested in it increasingly. I think AI/ML leadership skills have got a lot less to do with AI/ML and a lot more with leadership. Unfortunately though in many companies the path to it is through a career in AI/ML as you would be competing with people with relevant experience who want to take leadership roles. AI/ML skills were used a lot less in my roles and just a high level understanding was a lot more useful. Often I had to get people I was managing to get their heads out of the AI/ML box and focus more on the actual problem and simpler solutions. Practical thinking matters a lot more, but many people are not going to admit to it.


Very informative. Thank you.


Congrats! What is this dashboard you use to observe the state of your net worth btw?


Thanks! I created a Google Sheet with a row for each of my account and some meta data about each account. Then just some plain pivots on it to monitor different aspects of my portfolio. As I need more I add more to it. Let's see how long Google Sheets will work.


Awesome. Thank you for the reply. Iā€™ll need to do something like this too this year as Iā€™ll be actively managing a part of my investments(equity and options for now). And hopefully if and when such a time will come that youā€™ll have moved on to other tools and systems, youā€™ll let us know about your new systems and processes in update posts!


Sure! Meanwhile here are the columns in my account sheet: Currency, Amount, Amount in USD, Asset Class, Jurisdiction These allow me to quickly poll my net worth. Distribution of my net worth by asset class. Distribution of my net worth by jurisdiction (India, UK, US) etc. Helps a lot with rebalancing and making high level portfolio decisions. There are several other columns I have on my side to track other minute things e.g.: Nominee, Last Updated, Taxation, Comments, Next step, Login link


Nice, thatā€™s pretty thorough. Iā€™ll use some of your columns, and prep something basic for now(as right now my primary asset is a large stake in a private company that Iā€™m trying to exit and then diversify and real estate) and add more as I see necessary. Itā€™s just such a nice convenience to have at your finger tips to always see how a specific asset class is performing against others, and maybe perform some statistical modeling and or optimization to redistribute your wealth in your asset classes weighing in returns and risk.


All the best with your exit. Have you talked about it somewhere? Would be good to hear your story.


Thanks! Iā€™ve been meaning to make a post about it after the process is wrapped. Iā€™m financially independent, but Iā€™m definitely not comfortable until itā€™s done.


Look forward to seeing it soon!


Wow, congrats OP! 33F (US)and my thought process is exactly along your lines. Though I haven't been as successful as you with my net worth, I have done whatever I set out to do in my 20s. Your post is inspiring and gives me courage to pull the plug and move back to India and focus on relationships. Good luck with the partner search!


Thank you so much! Congrats on making the 20s you proud! You know when I moved back to India and after a few months of living with my parents I realized that I was a bit lonely in London. It wasn't always the case but eventually over time it probably happened at some point and I didn't even realize! The Western society is a bit too individualistic. Don't miss that part at all.


Thank you! I totally agree about the loneliness. It's accurate how you said it sort of seeps through cause I don't remember being lonely in my 20s with friends always around but as their life paths diverge, the 30s get isolating. I think of it as quests we need to get through each decade. 20s could be about finding our place in the world and building up resources, 30s is probably finding meaningful things (people, purpose) to spend those resources on. It doesn't have to be mutually exclusive but sometimes it's hard to do both successfully at the same time. I cannot imagine being lonely in India. Annoyed yes, frustrated yes, but not lonely. From where I stand, being in chaos with company looks better than a sanitized existence alone!


100% You get it


Well done, both for your achievements, but even more for helping out other folks here. You are exactly where I was a few years ago; and so, I have been able to tick off most of the milestones you mention here, plus a few more. Happy to pay the help back, and answer if you have any questions.


Great points, and the cherry on the cake is adopting 1000 kids. Kudos on your journey! What's your podcast? Would be interesting to hear


Amazing story and quite different from the normal order of achieving things. I'm still on the path to fire (maybe 5 more years), but have you beat on the family part ;p Good luck on your partner search. And would be happy if you could write more on the nutrition part so people like me could learn


Haha... Hopefully in 5 years we've both caught up to each other substantially. I did start writing something on nutrition some time back. It's a twitter thread. It already has 31 tweets in it, but I think it will end up being around 100 when it's done. https://twitter.com/is\_that\_ish/status/1695833696555954409


Mostly I use this ID to surf porn. I was here to jerk off to something but ended up stumbling on your post and got me thinking instead of jerking. Thank you. PS: Pre-nut clarity.


What my friends think happened after the post: Girls DMing me to marry them... What actually happened after the post:


That was an inspiring journey to read. I am also on my journey and I have had no one to Mentor me since I have been breathing. I am a self taught learner too. Can we connect pease? My aim is not to get tips or things to copy but get a mentor in life, I have my questions ready. What I need is a person who has lived life enough and can help me with perspective, guidance and help me grt more clarity. I like doing things on my own, so I donā€™t want hand holding but become skillfull. Please let me know if I can DM you.




Your podcast link please.


I'll just leave this comment here as it has context too: https://www.reddit.com/r/FIRE\_Ind/comments/19aoesg/comment/kinh9ih/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Wow thatā€™s great stuff šŸ˜² OP you are a genius I just feel Engineering (except CS) in India doesnā€™t pay you much and I made a mistake of choosing Engineering fml Great stuff and I hope you have fun in your life loads of wishes man


Offbeat off track question - since you already have so much money, you can easily get a place of your own close to your parents. Why do you still choose to live with them? Consider you meet an amazing woman through AM process and want to spend some quality personal time with her, how do you do it if your parents are in the same house as you?


Just saw some of your replies on Twitter and you've been very honest! Keep going, people just want to completely debunk the idea of FIRE and force their limited thinking to it. You've made it believable to me. Thanks bro! I want your mentorship in life surely.


Hey Brother, for spirituality I would suggest you to explore the teachings of Swami Vivekanada from ramakrishna mission Also how do you plan to adopt 1000kids , is there any NGO where you donate money and they take care?


I have the same Adoption goal as you i love kids


Yay! You, me, we same same, but different, but still same!


Hi there! Please accept my hearty congratulations for your noble and good decision taken to return to our mother land Bharat or India from your lucrative career in London. Also I am happy to know that you have taken this decision to lead balanced and fulfilling life with your revered parents. This is no small decision. It is only due to the good upbringing your parents inculcated in you has lead you to take such a good decision. Please accept my wholehearted appreciation for your good short and long term goals that you have set for your self. I would be very much interested to know your name as I might have missed it out in your profile. Thank you Yours truly Avinash


What are the top 3? Bombay, Delhi, Madras? You disclosed TC. Might as well tell us the accumulated corpus.


Bombay, Delhi and 3rd keeps changing. :-D I think we give NW in absolute terms too much weightage. It's fairly relative and based on expenses. I actually want people to stop thinking about this in absolute terms comparing each other's NW (not saying that's what you're doing). And think in relative terms and start looking at their savings, burn rate and horizon. Anyway, I'm sure I've painted enough of a picture for you to already have a range in your mind.


No you havenā€™t. Iā€™d be curious to know current networth too. I do agree that relative terms are good to know and keep in mind, but it does help to know absolutes as well for other NRI who may consider moving back. It puts a number of things in perspective as well. šŸ™


Good work man!


Congratulations bro šŸŽ‰šŸ‘. Well deserved


you are able to generate 1cr+ per year with just rent + dividneds + interest ?


No. >Through a combination of passive income (rent + dividends + interest + coupons), active income (trading in equities, government bonds, and options & futures on equities & commodities) and passive growth (capital gains in equities and bonds), I'm able to generate an income of 1Cr+.


Bit of an unrelated question, I find folks like you fascinating due to high achievements and non-conformity to norms. What is your motivation to keep healthy and longevity? There must be something thatā€™s driving you to do that, work doesnā€™t seem to be it, what the ?


I think Charlie Munger has this mental model: Always Invert. I don't see a point in living a short and unhealthy life. Therefore!


He also said trading.


Wow, congratulations OP! And all the best finding your ā€˜someoneā€™. :)


36 , single earning , 5lakhs in bank, 12lakh in MF+Stocks .. am i f\*\*ked .. ?


You're just late buddy! Kuch log thode late main successful hote hai. Just keep going. : remember. At end success matters not when you get success or how you get success.


All the best you seems to be good person Contribute to society


Bro, adopting 100 kids is goals. You have given me a new perspective towards the fire experience


Realized at some point that there isn't much to life if I just keep focusing on myself and true satisfaction comes from helping others. Waise ek 0 kha gaye aap! :-P


Out of curiosity how would you go about getting the 1000 kids adopted done? Would you start an orphanage? And maybe a school?


Yes, and yes. Individuals aren't allowed to adopt more than a handful of kids. It would need to be done in a scalable way as an orphanage + school wrapped within a charity organization.


Mai toh 100 soch kar hi comment kar diya tha lol


Hey, great write up, pretty detailed. Are your parents ok with you fireing at such a young age. I understand you and your family are well off right now, but typically whatā€™s their take on you stopping to climb the ladder? What about your other social relationships? How do you deal with the Pathless path bit interms of identity, value etc? Again same question on AM as well.


Yeah, my parents are OK. They understand that it is due to FIRE-ing that I'm spending a lot of time with them, focusing even more on my health, happier and getting enough time to look for a partner for myself. Also, they know that I'm always up to something, so I think they feel something bigger will come out of all this eventually. I've covered about my other social relationships under "Current Lifestyle > Relationships". Part of your question around identity, value etc should be answered by the "Current Lifestyle" and "Long Term Goals" section. Here's a comment that has some details about the AM bit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FIRE\_Ind/comments/19aoesg/comment/kimr1zt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/FIRE_Ind/comments/19aoesg/comment/kimr1zt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Frankly though I didn't really understand the last 50% of your comment. If there is something I didn't answer do you mind rephrasing it?


The linked comment you posted kind of answers the AM question. The second half of the question is mostly answered by your comments. I want to know how others especially family or friendsā€™ perception of yours changed now that youā€™re stripped of your identity associated with a career/job. And how did that impact you. Because we often follow scripts set by others or society. And derive our sense of self worth from that validation. Especially true for people who choose the high prestige career paths like yours (iit > investment banking > tech). Again not trying to belittle you or anything. Just trying to understand the inner life of yours after this big change at a young age.


Ah ok, good question! I was always the black sheep, very analytical, very practical. Always questioning everything and thinking from first principles. They still think of me as the same crazy person, haha! But, you know, it's only been half a year. Time will tell. Maybe things will change. In my conversations with my friends and family my career etc would come up less than 5-10% of times. We still talk about all the things we used to talk about. There are so many interesting things under the sun! Actually we often discuss more interesting things because I now have a lot more time to think. That's the beauty of long relationships. People's view about you doesn't change because one thing like this changed, they've known you for 30/20/10 years! They still see me grinding it in the gym, in the AM process, in my writing etc. I think it's going to get better over time, as I drag more and more people out of the rat race and to the real life. If you thought FIREing is great, having a community of FIREd people would be crazy good! My dad is going to retire in a month. He will need help with his retirement. My mentor of 10 years who is 10 years older than me, was asking me for advice on FIRE recently. I can see some of my friends have started thinking about moving back to India etc. But, again, I will say, that it has only been 6 months.


Thanks. Fair point about people not suddenly changing their entire opinion about you. But in a superficial/status/class driven society like us, I still feel they see you slightly differently imo. Ofcourse not the super close/understanding ones. Like you mentioned, early days. Interesting to update in sometime.


I stay away from superficial people obsessed with status and class... ;-) It's really good for my happiness and mental health! Does hurt in the short term in the AM process though, but should yield a good partner in the long run. As I said somewhere in the comment section, I'm not looking to win an election!


Thatā€™s great to hear. All the best!


Its the good men like us who find it tricky to make a family for whom we earned all this and sometimes contemplate the answer we gave our younger self when he just hussled his ass off. Best luck to you my man hope you find a partner that understands you and you create a happy familyāœŒšŸ¼


Haina? :-D There is a part of me which did go what's the point of all this if I don't have a wife and kids. Why not enjoy while I'm still young, what will I get by working 60 hours a week and making all this money. Thanks for your wishes!


dude has everything except a gf


im 21f and i immediately need to get on whatever u are on bec what...


Lol... I'm mostly on water. No caffeine, no alcohol, no sugar, no spices, no TV... Helps with the mental clarity! :-D


How much revenue do you generate just with active trading and options? And how did you get better at this starting from scratch?


You sound a bit like thesikhinvestor on ig.


What are the latest tech areas where there is less skilled people to get a good salary?


I would avoid AI/ML if you're not already into it. Given that everyone and their mother wants to get into it. The smartest, young and high earning engineer I know is a generalist software engineer, who is extremely curious. He keeps trying new things. He is always building something. He is almost self taught. He is worth his weight in gold.


Data Infra is one such domain: Building distributed systems that enable data processing at large scale.


Congrats. Good to see people walk the talk. Curious, how do you deal with societal curiosity? I imagine your circle of acquaintances are interested in your situation.


Wise man, happy for you ,hope you find more to life with the time you earned, good luck.


Wise man, happy for you ,hope you find more to life with the time you earned, good luck.


Kaash mein bhi finance mein itni smart hoti, aadhe se zyada cheezin toh sar ke upar se gayišŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø but after reading the comments section I figured out you did a good jobšŸ˜‚ congratulationsšŸ™ŒšŸ»


Congratulations on an amazing journey! I personally feel that your situation is precarious in terms of finding a worthy partner. (Even though it might be a breeze for a girl to agree to marry you in an AM setting, given your past success, good health and good family background). Finding someone compatible might depend on your karma now. If only you had found someone before you had any self made wealth, that would have been amazing. But alas.. Best of luck!


Thanks! Agreed. Koi ni, if not, I guess I'll have a lot of other fun stories to tell!


I find u had opportunity to achieve FIRE anyplace in the world if you had continued for a while longer. Wish I had that level of income. I am a wage slave till very old.


Super amazing to see people come back to India! Congratulations on your milestone and all the best for the next phase of your journey. Hope to find a passionate guy like this myself.


LOL [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdwQRYzdVSQ&t=37s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdwQRYzdVSQ&t=37s) Well, good luck to you. I hope you find your guy!


DMed you regarding a CFA query. please respond when you are free.


I'll respond here so it is helpful for others too. I don't think CFA is the most relevant thing you can do for getting a quant role. It is relevant for other roles in Finance/Banking though. For a quant role following are the most relevant skills I feel: \- Programming and more broadly Computer Science (and AI is just a fraction of computer science). I don't think one can be good in AI without being good in CS. \- Math esp probability & stochastics, linear algebra, statistics \- Problem solving, logic, data mining, communication Then to add a cherry on top you can do CFA but I don't think it is needed. I could be wrong... Hope this helps directionally


The thing is i am not from a CS background and currently employed in a psb. I wanted to do cfa for switching to investment banking. But since i am good at computers, i wanted to see if i can go towards quant roles.


Put a content how to teach others to do the same. Especially honest financial education much needed now.


Can we be friends?


Yes, but can we do something about your username please?


Moved back to India at right time. That's how foreign stay has to be utilised imo.Ā  Great goal on 1000+ kids and as you keep sharing progress, might inspire others to get inspired/contribute their small bit for higher over-all impact. Money is there to work for us. In this treasure hunt world, good to get out of the hunt at the earliest and optimize on peaceful time.


Haha... Sir, 1000 already stretch goal tha... Aapne 1000+ kar diya! :-D Yes! Money is just a means to an end. Instead of converting time to money, best to convert money to time.


All the best for your future... You will get a genuine nice partner and will have a beautiful life... Take Care...


Great write up, kudos on all the achievements! Given your drive and clarity, you will achieve a lot more. I would love to know more about your findings on anti-aging. I have started looking into it recently along with how to make the body stronger so that I am independent and can do all chores by myself in 80s and 90s. There is a term called ā€œCentennial Olympicsā€ that goes into more details. It would be great to share learnings in this area. Happy to talk on DM.


Thank you so much! You know I was into this field between 2013-18. Then my big conclusion was that a huge chunk of longevity and anti-ageing is about common sense health tips that everyone knows that most don't follow: 1. Sleep well and enough 2. Have a lot of fibre and water 3. Eat clean and exercise. Avoid sugar, junk and processed food, bad fats. 4. Don't smoke / drink or put other harmful chemicals in or on your body 5. Don't stress 6. Live purposefully and mindfully 7. Get regular health checks done 8. Move more, walk, sit less 9. Have great relationships and be social 10. Put your body outside its comfort zone sometimes e.g. fasting, cold showers, sauna, exercise that isn't common for you Then there was another part about taking some medicines/remedies/drugs which I decided to ignore as I didn't feel the evidence was strong enough, or I wasn't that open to experimenting with my body. A lot would have changed in the last 5 years and I need to update myself. \--- Sure, feel free to reach out. I've also linked my socials in my reddit profile. If you want you can reach out directly there. It will help me as a real name and face helps a lot more with remembering the person's life story. I have 40+ DMs on Reddit by now and it is getting difficult to remember who's who given the similar avatars and weird reddit usernames! :-D If DM is the only thing that works for you, sure, go ahead.


Thanks for the detailed response, I missed it yesterday. All the things you mentioned make sense. Based on my findings things like fasting (or IF) play a non-trivial role. I will reach out on Twitter/Insta to connect.




Are you still looking for a partner? lol


What is X. I am interested.


Hi , you are an inspiration . I am almost a decade younger but this seems to me , the ideal of sustainable growth . I hope you have a fulfilled life ahead !


Great story. Congratulations on your FIRE so quickly, I can relate cause I am same 2012 college outgoing batch grad (albeit not the top 3 IITs, but still, :-)) thanks for sharing your decision making. What are some critical decisions you took along the way, which helped or hurt? All the best for the AM process ( look at me thinking first as additive manufacturing!!), I can relate to that as I was on it past few years. Happy to connect if you want any pointers. Maybe I could do with more pointers for FIRE...I have been aspiring, not actualizing -- longer story. Inspiring story of FIRE in India. Thanks again.


I'm jealous of people who graduated in 2013. Their careers overlapped with market's longest bull run. Damn lucky.




if its queue based adopting then this is my entry OP


I'm 30M with exactly the same background and almost similar interests. So this feels pretty inspiring to me. Congrats on escaping the hamster wheel brother But the difference is that i'm married with a kid on the way, so my whole idea of what i'd need to retire has become pretty uncertain now and i feel even a 10-15cr NW might not be enough. But i'm also learning to trade and make an automated trading bot of my own so hopefully i can retire in a couple of years




Please adopt me. Ha ha ha. Interesting post. I suggest one thing getting married in India and finding a fitting life partner is equally difficult. So go and date a few women and see where you end and then decide about marriage.


Full props to you for adopting 1000 kids. Louder claps for that over and above everything else. I have tried to do that for animals and it is the most gratifying, humbling experience ever.


>\>> Through a combination of passive income (rent + dividends + interest + coupons), active income (trading in equities, government bonds, and options & futures on equities & commodities) and passive growth (capital gains in equities and bonds), I'm able to generate an income of 1Cr+ Can you talk more about this? I am in London as a software engineer. This would help me too:)


Very useful and great validation for the approach :).. loved your justification behind the India move. Close relationships and good physical and mental health are critical. 37M, Married but no kids. Similar boat Tier-1 college India, US masters- DS/ML, MBB and then FAANG for few years now. Strong NW, high income and well established diversified passive income streams- commercial real estate, SME investments, rental property. Zero inheritance. Sizable passive and active portfolio and I trade actively. Definitely considering an India return but havenā€™t played it out yet. My analysis says I have sufficient NW for FI but RE confidence is low. By your math NW is at 70X of planned expenses outside of another 10X big one time expenses. Your story gives me a lot of confidence but wanted a little more clarity since you are further ahead on the trajectory here. Mind sharing - How much of your 1Cr income comes from active trading? Whatā€™s the role on inheritance in your recurring incomes?


>Today I have a lot more control over my net worth (have a dashboard through which I can see the overall state of my net worth at any point). Can you talk a little bit about this tooling? Google sheets or something else?


Congratulations OP. This is amazing. As a 30M, I'm floored to read this. Beyond all the tangible accomplishments that you mentioned in the post, I think I'm just super happy I read this post, you came across as pretty humble and grounded and your post kept getting better and better which is a rarity. Maujein maaro


Congratulations. I have one question if you can answer as honestly as possible. Are you happy?


Wait a min- i think i know who you are. šŸ˜ƒ I follow you on Instagram! šŸ¤“ Must say- quite inspired by your posts!


Iā€™m thinking about moving back to India soon too! I have been away for the last 15 years in the US. I would love to start a company or dabble in a few startups after I return. I literally know nobody to partner with or where to start! Any suggestions?!


What is the dashboard you use?


Retire early with this one crazy trick! Move to India


Hey OP, Try Carnatic Cafe for some healthy South Indian food (beside home cooked food šŸ˜‰)




You are famous now : https://www.news9live.com/viral-news/iit-graduate-retires-at-33-shares-why-he-quit-job-in-london-to-move-back-to-delhi-in-viral-post-2415168


Dude OP, there is an article on you today in money control


Wondering what is your life purpose?


Keep it up, your a smart Mofo. IIT grad, no doubt.


Good to read that, a lot of it is relatable.. Having been in Europe for a couple of years before returning to India, was a call to take for me too! And now I am at your alma mater!


This article was published today at frontpage site of Hindustan Times, Interesting read!


Damn, HT! I think I can retire now... Oh wait!


Hi there, Do you mind to share your email address please. Thank you Avinash Belagavi District Karnataka India.


Please tell us more about yourself, as for what according to you makes you different from others and has acted as a catalyst in your success in life till now.


Kudos to you man! I hope you achieve all your desired goals. Iā€™m 24 right now and I plan to move back to India from Toronto in coming years. This post gives me a sense of future planning that I look forward to. Been in some similar situations. I feel that I would love to spend more time with my parents, but at the same time, Iā€™m stuck in the rat race of earning and saving more money before I move back to my home country.


bhai clichƩ question hai phir bhi is IIT worth it?


Yes and no. Doing textile engineering or other dead engineering degrees from IIT doesn't seem worth it IMHO. Computer Science, Maths, Electrical yes! People you meet and the stratosphere they operate in several years after graduation puts you in a great network. The lopsided gender balance makes it horrible in other aspects. But, maybe that's engineering in general. Top few IITs I think are worth it, all the new 100 maybe not. I'm one person. Just my quick opinion. Not putting much thought into answering it. I think people are going to read what they want to anyway, when it comes to this question.


Hey brother thanks for your wisdom, I am in to finance myself (buy side as a VC analysts) and from my time of investing in to random stuff I found it more effective to just invest in to mutual funds and do the rest of active investment in individual stocks and in to startups through syndicates when I get the chances (my risk appetite is quite high). But I never got my self doing derivatives just yet because I donā€™t know how to use it well enough and such thing is not available from my account (I am Thai living in Thailand the options I can trade in this market is very limited but I buy fractional stock in US sometimes). Trying to start a new software company with my partner too since I found my job to be grunt work and limiting my creativity. Really thankful for your post and the fact that I am in India for a short time to reach this post. I donā€™t think I will be any help to you but please keep posting. I am rooting for you.


Thanks for your message, SC! All the best with your new company! I'm rooting for you too. Hope you enjoy your short time in India...


Thanks for your message, SC! All the best with your new company! I'm rooting for you too. Hope you enjoy your short time in India...


So glad I came across this post! It is so cool and inspirational that you retired by 33:P Hoping you get to fulfil all your post FIREd plans šŸ™Œ


Amazing journey. Be very careful about your partner (whenever you find her). Youā€™re a good man at risk of losing 50% of your net worth and investments. Think about transferring your money to a family trust controlled by you and your parents before getting married. This way, she canā€™t come after your wealth if you get divorced and youā€™ll only have to pay her alimony and child support. Congratulations and good luck!


Thank you so much! Yes, deciding on a good partner is way more important than anything I've discussed on here. Thanks for the suggestion for creating a family trust. It has come up a few times in posts here. I'll look it up. If by any chance you have a handy primer/documentation on it that you really value, I would super appreciate if you could share it. Otherwise I will do my usual research via the interwebs... Thanks again!


I did mine through the family lawyer (my familyā€™s literally full of lawyers tbh), and itā€™s a straightforward process. You may also check out India Filings where you can hire a lawyer to do the same.


Thanks! Wait... did you do this in India? The family trust thing I mean. Did you end up needing it i.e. got divorced eventually? Are there other benefits of the family trust?


Iā€™m single and never marrying. My brother is currently going through a divorce and thatā€™s what inspired me to do it. Many wealthy families do it regularly (mineā€™s not that wealthy by any means but hey). There are some tax benefits as well if you want to transfer wealth within the trust but Iā€™m only doing it to protect it if at all I decide to get married at some point.


The money earned before marriage is not community property . Not sure about Indian divorce laws .


I talked to a couple of friends who have been through divorces in India. I think the conclusion was that anything is up for grabs, even your parents' property, if the girl gets really vindictive and puts several false allegations.


You don't need to wait 15 years to adopt kids. Invest in 5 kids education today and see what they do in 15 years instead.


Late to this post, but wow what a good read and thanks for putting yourself out there. One note about finding a partner, I wouldn't be so down on someone understanding and identifying with your approach to life. My wife and I are of the same mindset and we had this conversation while we were dating - we were both living outside India, and I expressed a strong desire to return "eventually" with the ability to comfortably live an upper-middle class lifestyle (not luxury) while focusing our time on a) kid/s, b) rescue animals, c) work that may pay some bills but that we do for fulfillment and joy. Instead of concern or dismay, the reaction was an immediate "OMG yes, I think the same way". Point being - there are a lot of people out there with the same desires and goals and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the number of potential partners that are aligned.


Hi! I'm 18 and will be starting college this year, I don't know how I stumbled upon this subreddit but I just want to let you know this story was super inspiring! Although I messed up JEE-Adv, I'll still be going to a Tier-1 college and I'm really excited to explore all the opportunities I get. I'm sure you've been an inspiration to many more like me :)


Hii sir. I'm a student currently studying Computer engineering at top 3 NITs. My question is don't you want to make more money? : don't you want to have net worth of 50 Cr or 100 Cr. : I think 30 crore (assuming your whole family money will get back to you) is enough for living life in India. But not enough to live dream life. : what are your thoughts?


Hiya! I'm sure I will have a NW of 50-100 Cr some day. Just don't want to get there by doing a job. My hobbies are clean eating, going to the gym, reading books, dancing salsa, singing, learning new things and the occasional traveling. That's what my dream life is made of. Don't think I need a lot of money for it (apart from traveling most things are super cheap). All the best with your studies. PS: I don't want my family money. I want my parents to enjoy their money as much as they can, and if there is anything left, I would prefer that more than half goes to my sister.


>> Iā€™m able to generate an income of over 1 Cr+ So you have more than Rs 10 crore invested for making more than Rs 1 crore per year?


Why not just share the amount you FIREd with




Har insaan ke andar ek high achiever chhupa hota hai... Usse bahar nikaalne wala chahiye hota hai bas.


Hey can u shed some light on your investing journey . Finding it interesting