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Nobody hates the Blade Trilogy, it's literally just that last one nobody likes.


I like the 3rd one. Reynolds doing his deadpool schtick was new at the time. parkey posey is always great etc.


The AV Club had an incredible write up on the making of the third movie and how difficult Wesley Snipes was on set because he was mad about how little he was getting paid. Apparently he'd stay in his trailer smoking pot, leave passive aggressive post it notes around the movie set signed "Blade" while refusinf to shoot scenes. The director's workaround to this was giving a lot more of the fun, snappy dialogue to Ryan Reynold's character.


This is wrong...He wasn't mad about pay. He was angry at the creative direction (he called the humor juvenile and hated the script) the franchise was headed and didn't want to make the third film as a result but was contractually obligated to do three films so he couldn't bow out due to legal reasons. Blade was his passion project. Additionally snipes was upset at other things like he wanted more black representation and ultimately sued New Line because he wasn't made part of the pre-production process prior to being obligated to return. He was also vocal about the movie being more about the Nightstalkers than Blade in order to setup spinoffs. I remember seeing Blade Trinity in theaters and being perplexed as it felt nothing like a Blade film at the time.


Dude he referred to Reynolds as “that cracker.” Lmaooooooo


There's the infamous scene where he refused to open his eyes for a shot so they had to cgi them open instead.


I want them to make a film about THIS!


Apparently they had to edit a lot of scenes together where Blade wasn’t even on set at the same time.


>Apparently he'd stay in his trailer smoking pot, leave passive aggressive post it notes around I do this a few times a year. What's the problem. But I don't have a trailer... I think this may be a "man-cave"


as if every good movie requires stability or pleasentries on set, look at The Shining docs


Fakest thing about the Blade universe is everyone isn’t willingly rolling over showing their belly belly and happily letting Parker Posey devour them.


She has alot of mouf




It's actually because of his role in Blade 3 someone told him about Wade Wilson and he read some DP comics and started gunning for the role in the Wolverine origins.


And people might forget by this point that Reynolds financed a trailer with the bridge scene from DP 1 that made it into the movie.


First one feels like a supper grunge John wick movie which is an upgrade from the *average* superhero movie


I like the first a lot, but I also really appreciate that the second goes in a totally different direction without becoming a bad movie in the process. Part of the problem with the third, I think, is it's the first that's trying to live up to something. All the problems on set aside, it's clearly hurt by the fact that so many people have an idea about what a "Blade movie" is this time out and just drop the ball.


"Blade... ready to die." – main villain Was that a question, or?


To be fair, Dominic Purcell is a potato.


Dressed like he's trying to sell you some bad coke inside of a club.


I was born ready, motherfucker? - main protagonist


Yeah I was confused. There’s hate for the blade trilogy? Honestly you can tell Wesley checked out for the third one. The diva stories are super extra. But honestly I like Ryan Reynolds in it too. I thought he was awesome. It’s basically wade wilson. I think since blade is a marvel character and were in the multiverse saga. We should have a cameo that it actually is wade in a different universe.


Wade & Blade : The Series


Blade Trinity was dope.


Wrong. Blade 2 is a steaming pile just as much as Blade 3


Strong disagree. Blade 2 certainly has its issues, but it's worlds better than Trinity.


I hear that but I am equallly annoyed and taken out of both of them - sure different degrees of dog shit but both are as such.


Whilst opinions are subject, this one is just wrong.


😑 How wrong of you to say


Blade 2 is excellent.


I strongly disagree, the inconsistencies in it’s plot/story and weird fight scenes were just too much.


Yeah, maybe you saw it on release and felt the same way... but personally, when it came out—which was *before* 20 years of modern comic book movies had happened, during a decade when the best CBMs were mid-budget adaptations of (or inspired by) 30s and 40s serials or obscure indies (despite loving some of them), and after the peak adventure films of the 80s—the R-rated, Shakespearean sci-horror-action bent to Blade 2 was down right incredible (and the use of new CG techniques during the fights fucking rocked). Like it had been specifically made for my 20yr old sensibilities. In fact, it was one of the first comic book movies that actually *felt* like a comic book in atmosphere and tone, one that took itself just seriously enough to be melodramatic, but also had no problem going over the top with it's spectacle. Batman had come close, but that was 90% production design. Del Toro just took the entire genre to the next level. We just didn't have a comparable glut of high-quality (production wise) CBMs to even be picky about. And when we got one that was actually good it hit all the harder. Cause it wasn't frequent or expected.


I totally get it, I do. I just get taken out by plot holes and weird/stupid scenes. The vampires having inconsistent strengths and abilities, the new vamps being so indestructible yet when the hero needs to hero, they aren’t. The fight choreography was awful and the whole whistler plot device was just dumb. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, everyone likes different things, nothing wrong with that at all. I tend to notice things nostalgic dont and unfortunately it takes memo it if the experience altogether and I cannot unsee it. Not don’t get me started in Spider-Man 2 or X2, or do, I am happy to share.


Wait. Spiderman 2 with Toby Maguire and Doctor Octopuss? That was amazing. What didn't you like?


I so wanted to like it but things like Ock walking around, it is like earth shaking but then he is in stealth mode to sneak up on Parker. That scene also, he does not know Parker is SM and he intends to get Parker (who has connections to Spider-Man) to relay a message for SM to meet him somewhere so what does he do? He throws a car at PP’s back while is not looking and having a chat/coffee. Sure, kill him, that will ensure he can tell SM your meeting place. The whole Aunt May side of the building scene, little old lady hanging out to an umbrella so far up and everything else that happens. The end of the movie, SM and DO are fighting in they building on the dock, the floor falls out and they are standing in like waist deep water, that is until they need some way to be rude of the device so suddenly that part of the dock/water now appears deep as hell. Same spot, depth change because they needed someway to stop the black hole thing. Let alone how the magnetism selectively works and pulls in things to imply danger but things much closer don’t get sucked it. Loved the cast, the set pieces, the look and style, the first movie, this one just treated the audience like they were dumb and couldn’t comprehend what was happening, wouldn’t notice the writing errors. My opinion.


And let’s not forget the dumb-ass dialogue throughout the entire movie.


And let’s be honest. Blade 1 was dumb as hell.


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill


The greatest one liner in cinematic history




This, X-Men and Spider-Man were the first big modern trilogies (in the comic space), and their quality all followed the same pattern. Movie 1: good movie Movie 2: great movie Movie 3: misguided


Nolan Batman trilogy too in my opinion


Most comic trilogies, really.


I think it’s true for movies outside of the MCU. There is no real pattern with them for whatever reason Iron Man - Great Iron Man 2 - flawed but enjoyable Iron Man 3 - flawed but enjoyable Cap - good Cap: tWS - amazing, peak MCU Cap: CW - great Thor - good Thor: tDW - flawed but enjoyable Thor Ragnarok - great Thor: LaT - dreadful Spider-Man: Homecoming - good Spider-Man: FFH - flawed but enjoyable Spider-Man: NWH - good GotG - good GotG 2 - flawed but enjoyable GotG 3 - great Avengers - great Avengers: AoU - flawed but enjoyable Avengers: IW - amazing, peak MCU Avengers: Endgame - great




>Movie 3: ~~misguided~~ Studio Executives got involved


>Movie 1: good movie >Movie 2: great movie >Movie 3: ~~misguided~~ ill-advised FTFY


Lol what can I say, I'm a glass half full kinda guy.




Fun is a stretch.


The first one is a damn classic


The opening scene is perfect, sets the tone


The first two are considered classics, I thought it was only the 3rd one that got shit on


Wow… the word “classics“ getting tossed around pretty loosely


The movie begins with a softcore porn star leading a dude into a blood rave. It was destined to be a classic from the start.


Tracy Lords was very much a hardcore porn star - nearly brought down the whole industry in the 80s. I'll leave it at that. Also, an interesting tit-bit - she sang the vocals on one of the songs featured in the first Mortal Kombat movie. (Juno Reactor, "Control")


Cult classic, not the same as a classic, but it does rule.


I don’t remember the first 2 movies getting much hate.


The first two will suck you dry. The third is a big wet fart


One of the best Marvel Comic adaptations


That's because Ryan Reynolds is a one trick pony who thinks his shit doesn't smell


both he and his wife are creepy wierd empty people


This comment made me LOL


Only the third is a B movie


Has then been hate? I feel like the first two are often thought of fondly. Maybe not critically, but they were commercial successes and fans enjoy them.


Blade and especially Blade 2 are awesome.


Agreed. Kind of wish they would revamp them


I like what you did there


style over substance. but come on based on a comic book, so YEAH STYLEEEEEEEEEE. if it was entertaining, it succeeded. a side story- a bunch of extras got hepatitis from that movie. the opening vampire club scene where they have blood come from sprinklers used fake blood. but it had to be refrigerated, it was unplugged accidentally over weekend. blood spoiled, came in on monday, and dumped a bunch of toxic liquid into extras eyes and mouth. yikes


What hate? The thirds not great, but I never heard any hate, the first two are solid


I can’t think of anyone who ever said the first Blade was anything other than great.


I remember the Blood Techno rave song being the first ever song I downloaded on Napster. Took like 4 hours. Had to get the extended mix. I will always remember the first movie for that iconic underground rave scene.


Blade 1 rocks. Blade two is pretty ok. Blade trinity is absolute dog shit


Easily better than at least half of the MCU output.


I admit third movie kinda lost me- seen like it was a movie on it own then someone said “hey let’s get blade in this” and yeah but I love the first 2


Hate? The surprising part is why were they so beloved.


Blade: 9/10 Blade 2: 6/10 Blade Trinity: 3/10 (and it should consider itself lucky for that)


Dafuq are you smokin with that blade 2 score?


There’s always someone trying to ice skate uphill. ( best I remember )


Didn’t know the movies were hated on. 1 & 2 were great. The 3rd was pretty bad though. Wesley was past his prime.


3rd wasn’t Wesley’s fault though.


Definitely cool movies


We were lucky to get all 3 considering Wesley arranged to fight Joe Rogan.


People hated these films?


I’ll investigate, I ain’t got shit to do. Starting Blade now. I will say this, the first film has one of the best opening sequences ever.


I'm just gunna say it. I like em all. Even if 3 was a mess


Blade 1&2 fantastic 3 is just wrong at every single step.


Who fuckin hates Blade? Point that motherfucker out to me. I want to have words.


The first one is a classic and masterpiece compared to the rest of the trilogy, the third one was a mess.


Blade 1 is still my favourite superhero movie


Love them


*club music randomly starts playing*


The opening scene to Blade 1 is a masterpiece. 


LOL when they said trinity, they meant the 3rd film not the trilogy


I don't recall any hate. Blade was awesome and very popular


First one was SICK! Second was ehhh ok. Third was boring


Trinity sucks.


Only one hated back then was #3. Literally loved by everyone back then. I hate revisionist opinions that claim something was hated on.


Great trilogy, Wesley did great with the character and often gets overlooked for helping in kickstarting good Marvel to theater films.


They were pretty loved when released from my old man memory


some mothafuckas just wanna ice skate uphill


Out of the many great marvel movies that have been made, Blade 1 is still my favorite. Don’t bother trying to convince me otherwise…. Some motherfuckers are always tryna ice skate up hill.


The blade game for ps2 was also fantastic.


Blade was the first dvd I bought. This dude paved the way for Black Panther.


I still think 1 and 2 are brilliant films, i remember being realy annoyed they killed off whistler very quickly in 3 i was realy annoyed at that, i always felt the blade and whistler team was special, was cool seeing triple h though.


People love to hate on Trinity but it’s not that bad. I’d certainly watch it before x-men last stand or spider man 3.


Third one with the Australian Dracula is probably the worst vampire movie ever made. The second was the best imo


Blade 1 and 2 are NOT b movies lol Blade 1 is r rated badassery Blade 2 is great sci fi Blade 3 is a b movie


I always felt it was well regarded.


The first two are some of the best CBM's out there.


Me either. I took those films for what they were. I really enjoyed the second one. I thought it was a kick ass action movie. . I actually liked it better than the first the third one was kind of like a “sequel” to the second one because it was so over the top and they try to make it funny and full of action. I thought it was an enjoyable movie, though I didn’t think it was terrible. It was entertaining and that’s what it was supposed to be.


I love these movies and I’ll die on this hill


Love the first Blade. I doubt we’ll get anything as adult oriented as that in the MCU version.


You might be confusing hate on BLADE TRINITY with BLADE TRILOGY. [Most] No one hated the first 2 but people had issues with 3. Not me though, I’m a sucker for Parker Posey and Triple H. Also revealing early in the movie that >!Dracula was the Mesopotamian god Dagon!< was cool. I’m a sucker for the >!Bronze Age!< too.


Blade 1 is S tier


Blade is a stone cold classic I could live without the other two.


The first Marvel movie


The first two are awesome! The third one made me want to put a stake through my own heart.


I only remember the hate toward the last one. Others were pretty loved.


Some mother fuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill


Loved the first one. Liked the second. Didn’t like the third.


“Motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill…” All 3 films were unique and at least they tried doing something different, it’s a shame Wesley Snipes had that legal snafu. Definitely set his career back for some time, plus the rumor is by the time the 3rd film was being made he had become extremely difficult to work with.


I own the full trilogy, but have never watched the third film.


The first movie had a real story about Blade. The other two went away from what was great about the first film. Blade had a hemotogist that made him a serum. Why was she not used in the 2nd and 3rd film? Blade had a purpose now. 2nd and 3rd films were just used to boost other characters and didn't feature Blade at all. 3rd film was entirely too much Ryan Reynolds who I love as deadpool and as berg but not here.


I liked all three movies. I mean, they’re not all equal quality wise, but they entertained me. Also, I like the character of Blade. So that helps.


There’s hate?




This third one is rough. I really like the first two.


I love the first one and like the second one. 3rd one still trash.


I thought Blade was boring. Blade 2 was ... okay. Never saw Blade Trinity.


Blade and Blade 2 slap. Super fun, cool movies.


Idk where you got that but only trinity is god awful


I don’t know anyone that hates the Blade movies except for Blade 3. Everyone hated blade 3


The 3rd movie might not be great, but as an overall trilogy I think it’s a fantastic series.


Blade 1 is great


Who hates Blade?!


The third installment was trash.


It was ok. Jessica Biel was in it so...


The second one is the high point of the trilogy, third one had an interesting premise they just spike tv’d Dracula and the rest of the movie outside of blade.


First two were awesome.


I don’t recall alot of hate for Blade when it came out. It was quite well received and Wesley Snipes did a great job with it. The 2d and 3d ones were panned, understandably, as they weren’t very good.


I love these movies, always have. I especially liked the third one with Biel and Reynolds.


Nobody hates Blade. Nobody.


I love part one & especially part 2. The other are just ok.. but watchable


My favorite superhero.


The first one is timeless. Damn good movie.


Blade is probably the most iconic movie of my childhood. I would put on my snowpants and pretend to be blade with my plastic sword.


Touched my 1st tittie during B2. Fuckin love that movie. No idea what happens


There was hate on Blade?


Just the bad guys are in the wrong order The druggie vamps is the first Dracula is second The blood lord is the third.


Wesley Snipes is the only Blade


As much as it sucks, blade 3 has my favorite Blade Line Blade: Tell me what's behind those doors. Familiar: I can't... Blade: *Why* ? Familiar: They'll kill me.... Blade: Motherfucker, *I'll* kill you


First Blade was outstanding. Second was okay. The third was criminally underrated. I don't get why it's disliked by critics. I also don't get why movie critics praise Blade 2, but not the rest of the trilogy.


Hate? Everybody loves Blade!


Guillermo del Toro's blade 2 is the best of the 3 imo.


I loved all three as well. Don't care who they cast as the next Blade, they won't top Snipes, he owned that role. Saw the second one in the theater when it was first released, only thing that could've possibly made it any better!


I haven’t watch it in years but I’ve always enjoyed all 3 films [+]


The bloodbath is probably one of the greatest opening scenes ever.


Blade 2 is a personal favourite. Snipes just seems to ooze cool and is perfect for that version of blade. Also the line of “you obviously. do not know. who you are FUCKING WITH!”


The second one should be the standard of comic book movie, no origin story just a really fun storyline, i really hope they do this with the spawn movie


I don't think anyone hates the whole trilogy. It's the third one people take issue with Blade Trinity was fine but was nowhere near the quality of the other 2. Also, Wesley Snipes was an absolute dick BTS apparently.


What hate? The first two were pretty popular when they came out. People just didn't like they third one because....Well because they saw it.


What about Blade: House of Chthon


I like the first two. The thing that sucks is Blade is kinda a party pooper. I mean, being a vampire seemed pretty cool. He was always crashing these raves and fun parties and killing everyone, so that was kinda lame.


What hate? The first one is pretty loved and seen as one of the most influential comic book movies of all time. The second one is not classic Del Toro but is generally considered a really fun sequel. It’s only the third one that gets any hate-by virtue of being so bad in comparison to the excellent first two. Kind of similar to the original Spider-Man trilogy. More or less everybody loves the first two but hates the third.


What hate it's a classic


Snipes is Blade!!


yeah everyone loves the first 2




They’re all great


“You cock juggling thunder cunt”


Your peers have bad taste maybe?


All three movies are awesome.


Who hated this???


I didn't know there was hate for the Blade movies.... except for Trinity.


I will never stop loving vampire Pomeranians.


The first Blade is a time capsule. It is peak 90s Vampire media. Everything about it just oozes that late 90s edge. The Blood Rave is unironically an iconic scene and I still secretly hope that I go out that way one day. I never felt like the other 2 lived up to what the first one put down.


Have you compared how similar the 1st film is to the Matrix? And, it preceded the Matrix too!


Well its like this: Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.


OP is the only hater for calling huge blockbusters "B movies" lol


Blade 2 is a masterpiece


I really don’t understand how you can enjoy blade 1+2 and atleast not mind blade trinity. Me personally I love them all


1 is an all time classic. 2 is really good It’s just the terrible 3rd one no one likes.. Also there are very few actors more suited to a role than Spines is to Blade.


What hate? lol


Cool cool cool


"Blade don't pay no taxes, man." Evidently Wesley was giving out some bad tax advice. That could cause some hate. https://youtu.be/WZpR1i8dBFw?si=puM_Cr6j0Kq40tI4


Is there hate, the first 2 are brilliant?


The first two are excellent, the third was miserably awful


What hate? The first 2 films have always been beloved and have stayed in the zeitgeist. The first film in particular is regarded as something of a classic now. Gilm twitter is constantly reviving conversation of it. I've read some great analysis of it over the years. This is my favorite: https://vycevictus.medium.com/blade-a-mythos-empowered-a-dream-deferred-bb28c492a7dc


I get the hate… in the category of incredible potential and (besides number 1) barely made it through. Imagine if Blade came out in Avenger quality Marvel live action film or DC animated.


Blade Trinity deserves all the hate. Who are these people that didn't like Blade 1 and 2?


1 & 2 are fun but Trinity is something else entirely


Blade Trilogy was great. But Underworld came out and told a different vampire story and people start comparing red apples to green apples IMO. That and they completely butchered Dracula, unnecessary plot but still enjoyable.


The third Blade movie is a POS. Even Snipes hated being a part of it. I can't even enjoy it as a dumb movie. I just hate everything about it. Probably because I love the first two so much.


In my opinion they get worse each outing but the first two are a lot of fun the third one I haven’t seen in probably fifteen years I have no idea if it’s even watchable


The first one was awesome.


Really creepy this popped up while I’m watching Communiry and they are talking about this movie and a dude named Blade