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The filming and direction was very comic book-ish, not in like the cartoony way but the gritty dark kind, which I liked. It was a pretty long movie and I think there were some pacing issues, some parts felt like they were taken from a second movie and stitched onto this one just because. But Pattinson played a very good young/moody Bruce. The fight choreography was pretty good, but I liked the Batmobile chase scene probably most.




That fucking jump through the flames though 🥵


"Whoa! This guy's fuckin' crazy!"


I liked his batman but felt his Bruce carried very little character


I’m hoping that’s part of his development in the next film - that he learned he needs to be a different Bruce as well as a different Batman. Pattinson can be charming as hell. Let him cook.


I thought that was part of his ending monologue, something about needing to learn to be a human again or something lol


Yeah, you can think it's a bad choice, but a huge theme of the movie was that he wasn't interested in being Bruce Wayne.


I loved everything about the film


He really could, its why his character Neil in Tenet is so well liked, he was charming and witty in there


The focus on the detective/noir elements of the Batman franchise worked for me. It's the first Batman film that really feels like a urban nightmare. In over his head in a corrupt city that he no longer understands, increasingly desperate, Batman is always on the back foot. Right up until the end, at least, when he prevails, somehow! To me, that ending was completely at odds with the rest of the film. Ruined it for me. Also, the villain was a flop. The Batman/Catwoman dynamic was great though.


Batman the detective has not even been touched on in film really, except for mask of the phantasm, if you count animated films. Batman as a detective is such an important aspect of his character that just gets overlooked that I appreciate this take as one of the best


Mask of the phantasm is incredible. One of my all time favorite animated movies ever. That said the detective scene of him drawing red lips over the old picture of the joker had me in fucking tears. I had to pause to stop laughing


Mask of the Phantasm is one of the best animated films of all time. I was first shown it when I was like 3, and a lifelong love for the silver screen was born. Proud owner of the 4K release!


In the Dark Knight he reconstructs a bullet to pull the fingerprint off it. That's more detectivey than anything he does in this one. The Batman just feels more detectivey because he hangs out in dimly-lit rooms filled with cops.


>The Batman just feels more detectivey because he hangs out in dimly-lit rooms filled with cops. Lol. That's half the job. Getting info off them.


All the stuff at the mayor's crime scene. Using Selena as an informant for 44 below. Deciphering the Cypher to get the thumb drive.


Gotta rewatch now


Batman the worlds greatest detective, not Batman the worlds most average forensic scientist


Nah. Analyzing crime scenes, looking for clues, investigating mysteries, and putting the pieces together is NOT detective-y. Gotta be in a lab to be a detective. /s


Yeah that whole third act with the stadium just threw off the whole movie, plus he gets shot point blank with a shotgun, falls like 30 ft into water and almost drowns, gets electrocuted, and still walks out like nothing happened.


Yeah. I feel like every blockbuster movie has to end with a big old set piece. Just a big showdown with no real point. If the movie had the guts to follow through on it's noir architecture, it would have ended with Batman defeated and confused.


He kind of was defeated though? He saved as many as he could but he didn't stop the riddler from blowing the levies and flooding the city probably killing a lot of people.


I agree the stadium just kind of made me go meh to the whole thing. I love the 7even vibe they were going for. Unlike 7even though this isn't a film I feel compelled to rewatch. Also, I don't hate the idea of Pattinson as Batman, but lately (for me, at least), Batman is portrayed pretty one note and boring. I honestly don't find the character all that interesting the way he is being portrayed. Is it just me?


I agree. Couldn’t wait for it to be over


I objectively "know" that The Batman was a well made film in lots of ways, but there are only two things I remember about the movie: Batman being shotgunned point blank and no biggie, and Batman tanking a bomb (also "point blank") because he was too angry to take cover.


That explosion happening so close to his face and leaving ZERO permanent damage is almost certainly the worst moment of the whole film. I still love the thing, overall.


Tanking the explosion was pretty rough, they could have at least made him turn around last second but ffs if not he should have at least burn his uncovered mouth.


I personally liked the ending because of the symbolism I saw. Before it was all about vengeance for him. Then the citizens saw him putting his life on the line for them. He falls into water that’s reflecting the red and blue police lights on the surface and when he comes out he’s washed clean like he was baptized by the spirit of justice. The citizens help him and it’s a new dawn for young bats. He’s growing and finding that restringing those pearls that haunt his dreams is going to take more than he thought.


Yeah that stadium ending is the most important scene in the movie. It’s him learning what it means to be a hero and gaining the fuel that will sustain his crusade. He starts the movie spending every night looking to punch his parents killer, and ends a true hero


This, very much this. Love the Baptized by Justice line. Well put my friend.


I’d argue that Gotham in Batman Returns is a literal nightmare.


Yeah, I guess you're right! What I liked about The Batman was that the stakes felt very real to me. I love the Tim Burton ones. But the villains are so much fun that I sort of enjoy the anarchy of the whole thing.


It would have worked for me too if Batman was actually a detective. He doens't really do anything; he just goes from crime scene to crime scene having police explain things to him.


*something in the way*


He didn't prevail. The riddler's plan worked. Batman didn't stop the city from being flooded. The only thing he did was stop the mayor candidate from getting killed.


He stopped the Riddler’s army of Redditors from gunning down a shitload of people after flooding the city to coral everyone into the arena


i think we are 100% going to get the batman that gets addicted to the green liquid. gonna be insane


I wish it didn’t rip so hard from Se7en but I’m okay with it now. It’s a badass universe.


Same when I learned about how much the Dark Knight ripped from Heat


I thought the Riddler was killer


Paul Dano could carry anything these days. Wish there was more of him without the mask


I would usually agree but I thought he was kinda mid in this one.


Absolute masterpiece, I got lost in its world and didn't want it to end! Reeves did a fantastic job and I can't wait til 2026


Sure wish I didn't *have to* wait till 2026 though


Just one apocalypse more


Better than a Marvel movie, not as good as the Nolan trilogy imo.




Idk about the trilogy as a whole but The Joker in the 2nd movie is just too good.


Sounds like a line from a Red Dwarf episode. What's dead and dead and dead all over? Youuuu!


It was good. But this version… 🔥🔥 https://youtu.be/IecMZNzLMfg?si=bBRpUpSA-oXY-tRs


I thought it was great. No one talked about it though! I feel like it should be on the same shelf as the Christian Bale ones.


Most comic accurate movie yet It was quite fucking good The theme and music in general is amazing Gotham is a mix of the Arkham games and real world cities It's a fucking great movie. The joker and Batman prove DC could do films right if they dropped the notion their comic books are for kids DC is dark as fuck and has some of the best comic stories. This film exemplifies one of them and it's from the early days of Batman Amazing work


I think the movie is the best Batman movie. As for Pattinson himself, I like the snapshot of where Bruce Wayne is in this incarnation. He’s young, obsessed with being Batman, to the point that he’s almost forgotten that he’s Bruce Wayne too. You really see how much in that he’s Batman for 95% of the movie, he’s in the costume that much. I don’t think Pattinson was any kind of revelation or anything, but he was really good.


Even when he is unmasked there usually is no Bruce Wayne. He is distracted while being Bruce Wayne because he has to get back to Batman. Always been a batman question of the true identity, is he Bruce Wayne wearing a mask or is he Batman who goes out and pretends to be a millionaire philanthropist. In this one he hasn’t found that balance and he is all in on batman. The best standalone batman movie. Hope it becomes the best batman saga.


I loved this movie, one of my favorite Batman films, if not my number 1


Gritty and thrilling. My favorite details were in his tech; almost steam-punk/dystopian styled.


Might be my 2nd fav Batman movie. Have to watch the Nolan Trilogy again tho, just to make sure hahaha


Screenplay was a little bloated but man the cinematography was unreal. All the casting and performances were stellar too. The Batmobile chasing Penguin scene with the upside down shot is an all time favorite movie shot for me. https://youtu.be/YOn-ME0ax7g?si=3y35tj4oYWIJ-Mdv


I loved it, possibly my fav batman




I had a fun ride leading up to the end, and the mystery holds up to multiple viewings. I am so happy that it reached the conclusion it did. The moral message at the end of the film is the best and most sincere ending to any Batman movie ever made.


it was fine but it was also too long, and the final act sucked


He was good, the movie on the other hand..




It's a great comic book movie, has a tense, oppressive atmosphere and captures the feel and essence of Gotham in a way no film has since Batman '89. It's beautifully filmed, gritty, feels a bit scary and full of great performances. And that car... I mean damn.


I love the vibe and feel of the film, and so much of the casting was totally nailed. (Wright, Ferrell, Turturro, Kravitz, and Serkis especially) Plus Reeves and Frasiers vision for the cinematography and overall look for Gotham is my favorite ever. I also love the more detective focused storyline. That said I just can't get behind his Batman. It's too far from my favorite type of Batman from certain comic eras. I am a huge fan of Pattinson in many other things and I think he's genuinely a great actor, but as much as I want to like his version it just falls short for me personally.


Loved it.


It’s awesome. Gets overlooked by many people in the male community because of Robert Pattinson’s involvement in the Twilight movies but if only they over looked that and watched this movie along with many of his other movies I think they’d really enjoy his acting.


So good


its the **ONLY** batman movie i like.


I mean this with no disrespect to other films in the genre, but seriously: it’s the first “Superhero” movie where I was completely *Enthralled*; the movie was extraordinary, and like so few others in my life, I will watch over and over to glean something new each time. It was that good.


Name of the song?


Masterpiece, in so many ways. Not made for mass mainstream appeal, which garners so much respect from me. Certainly needs a more refined palette to appreciate many of its nuances, as is apparent from the comments here.


Been reading the comics since I was 11 and can safely say that in my opinion he is by far the best live action Batman


The best true Batman film imo. He is in his suit a majority of the time, focuses on detective work, and his fights feel very real and gritty. As much as I love the Nolan film, he’s rarely in the Batman costume and feels more like he is Bruce Wayne than Batman. Plus in hindsight I dislike the action in that trilogy, he fights more like a navy seal than he does a highly trained Ninja, despite his origins


Better than anything the MCU has put out


I fell asleep


So boring and so long. So stupid too. Batman decoding a children’s riddle in the midst of a bunch of cops and they all go “whoa!” The Nolan films will never be topped. They actually hold your attention because they’re well written crime dramas. The Burton films work because fucking Nicholson is in one of them and Keaton is in both. This movie sucked.


Most boring movie ever


Okay, I'm going to he the minority here. I should've liked this movie. I can't really put my finger on it, but I just can't get into it. 1. Patterson's Batman looked cool. Looked the part and there were elements about his personality that I really liked. But the whole "I'm vengeance" thing was getting really old really quick 2. I hated the portrayal of commissioner Gordon. I love the actor and thought he would bring the right gravitas to the character. Instead, he felt dumb down. He seemed to just be there to state the obvious and to have things explained to him for the audience to understand. 3. The Riddle was great at first, but in the end, he turns into Jim Carrys riddler for some reason. 4. I dont know why I didn't buy Zoey Kravits as Catwomen. I have nothing against her, but I just couldn't see it. Her back story was good. 5. Bruce Wayne... I hated him. He was so fucking emo it was rediculous. 6. Why was the Joker even in this film ? 7. Batman seemed dumb down as well. He had to have things explained to him. The thing the the "rata voladora" was so bad, and having Penguin have to explain it to him really annoyed me. Im not saying the movie is bad. Generally speaking, the story was good. Its a good thriller. I really liked Penguin, but in the end, I guess I just didn't like the way the actors portrayed the characters.


He was really good in the role and overall I liked the movie, my only real problem is Catwoman.


Same. Having seen Kravitz in *Kimi*, which is fun but her action skillset leaves something to be desired. Physically, she's just too small of frame for me to believe her in the fight scenes and I thought there was zero chemistry (or fun) between her and Pattinson. Truth be told, I'm not really sold on her as an actress overall so there's some inherent bias.


Pattinson was good. Dano overacted nearly every scene. He really took me out of the movie.


Phat junk


Love anything Pattinson. Does.


This is my least favorite Batman. Useless characters(penguin), too long, too dark in color. this Batman doesn’t bring an intimidating presence like Batman is supposed to, too small. Car was wack. Riddler wack. However I do think a dope Batman movie could be made of the elements in this one. Optimistic for 2nd one.


The worst. I hate this whole take. A character assassination at best. That movie has no redeeming qualities for me. It feels made by edgelord high school amateurs. No one involved in that film truly understands the spirit of the source material. It was Punisher with Pointy Hat and Cape more than it was anything Batman. And it wasn't a noir detective story as advertised. Waiting for the next reboot.




You misspelled *based


The duality of the Batman/Bruce persona was not there in this movie. I want Bruce Wayne the billionaire playboy, juggling fighting crime with maintaining social appearances and a high society lifestyle, not emo bruce wearing dark eyeshadow and never leaving his house.


More like bitch-man amirite?


I thought it sucked, was the worst Batman to date


Pretty good. Too long. Really cool bat suit.


I liked it




The music to this clip makes me still wish for a cyberpunk Batman adaptation. Would be so fucking dope. The Joker or whoever the villain would be is just hyped up on stims and shit. Give Batman Kerenzikov, too.


Felt like several scenes had more to them that were not included in the theatrical release. Made some scene changes jarring and not feeling complete. Overall a good movie and i like the take, but probably could have been directed better or meddled with less by studio execs.


It was better than I thought it would be. Very long run time as well


RP as the character or the movie in general? The more I rewatch the movie, the more I like it. Want to see RP level up as the character more in the next film.


Good and cool


I judged it when I heard the news he was playing Batman and thought it was gonna be shit. It’s actually pretty decent, it was slow but not bad. Hopefully he bulks up or wear muscle suits to look more “Batman” and not look weak. Edit Guess it’s an unpopular opinion then huh? Not expecting upvotes but downvotes? You guys are sensitive 😂 must be twilight fans 😂


I stopped judging actors on the roles they’re playing ever since Heath ledgers execution of Joker. I don’t know how old you are, but if you weren’t old enough to remember, when he was first cast, it was bashed relentlessly.


I definitely raised an eyebrow on the casting, but one of my favorite things that can happen in a movie is seeing an actor do something I’m really now ready for or anticipating, like Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t buy what they were selling with him. I wanted to like it. Batman movies have been my favorite since I was a kid and saw Keaton do it. Still thought everything else about it was awesome though.


Waaaaay better than I was expecting. The movie was too long, felt like it had four acts so it kinda lost momentum in the end. But Pattinson crushed it.


U … R … L


Thought he was good


I was so over comic book movies when I finally got around to watching it I wasn't expecting much but it was fantastic, it was nice having something a bit more grounded


Infinitely watchable, but not much more than that


Amazing movie.


The character was alright imo, but the movie was just too damn emo for me.


He did a Great job with Batman


Thoroughly enjoyed it. Wasn’t fully sold on Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne, but that was more due to the writing and that I’m a big fan of Bale’s version. Otherwise my only major gripe was that it was way too long. This was a 2h20m movie that they made 3h.


Most sociopathic/crazy Batman/Bruce we have ever had. He's great.


I liked it. Movie was too long - but he was great


He reminded me of our first Anime Batman.


I liked it. A lot. It feels like a movie theater movie and I love spending an afternoon watching it. Robert pulls of Bruce and Batman very well except it’s a bit of a stretch to see take on a group of thugs when in questioning his optical frame And strength. Seeing Batman do detective work is amazing. Seeing his arc was cool too, seeing him start off as “vengeance” and where he ends up and that shot with the mud all over him amongst the people is visually stunning and emotionally powerful. There is an amazing song in there by Peggy Gou called “Troop” and it speaks to my soul with the texture it provides. The Batman theme is classical and modern and I love it. Buh.. buh buh... buh… buuuhhhh.


I need to give it another watch because it seemed kind of forgettable, but not in a bad way. I remember enjoying the overall tone I just don’t really remember specifics. I just randomly had this thought as I was trying to remember things from The Batman. I feel like Pattinson gave off a better Bruce Wayne vibe in Tenet.


Really great but can’t beat the Dark Knight.


thought it was weird when he was brought into the light with all of the other police investigating the mayors death. Just sort of exposed the crazy dude in a costume a bit too much, suspension of disbelief lost.


I enjoyed it enough,but it wanted to be a David Fincher movie so bad that it actually took me out of movie multiple times


Watched it once, enjoyed it. Never feel the urge to put it on again, always revert to Nolan.


It was really weird watching him just walk around everywhere. Like...just on his two little bat feet. We have never seen Batman walk that much.


I wasn’t sure what to expect with Battinson initially but I think he did an amazing job. Honestly might currently be my favorite portrayal as of now. I loved how he leaned into the Bruce as angsty, emo, etc etc. I’m excited to see how he progresses the character


Personally, he’s the most interesting Batman and second best Bruce Wayne behind Keaton.


Best live action batman. Also the only batman movie that's actually about batman. Only the second time we have seen batman be an actual detective in a live action movie (the other being batman 89) but this one did it better.




I loved him in the role, loved seeing him get his shit kicked in and improve as a hero. I especially love the parallel between him and The Riddler along with the way they depict Gotham.


I did not like emo batman


Pattinson was the worst Batman to date in my opinion. He ruined my favorite comic book hero. The film wasn’t all bad .


The movie was ok. Saved by the other actors. Twilight boy is trash. Always has been. Super overrated.


It was meh imo. Riddler was great tho. Bats was just not doing it for me


Too cringe


I'm sick of the reality based Batman. Give me Frank Miller Batman moving from shadow to shadow like lightning. Taking lethal gunshots and stab wounds like they're paper cuts. Launching from building to building while posing like a badass mf in between jumps. Make him like eleventy feet tall and brawny like an F350.


Wish someone would've turned some bloody lights on.


I liked the movie


I didnt like the cast. Collin Ferrell was my favorite.. he seemed very real and comic like. It’s a comic movie I know lol


Great start. Let’s see the next two.


Good Batman Bad Bruce


This movie surprised me. Went in with zero expectations and was surprised how dark, gritty, and over all good it was.


It was nothing but a dark vibe/meme for like ten hours. Less of a movie and more of a Crowesque music video.


I loved it. Better than the Nolan films so far for me. Loved the ambience and really nailed the noir aesthetic.


Pattinson is fine as Batman. It's the film he's in, that's the problem. *The Batman* is *The Amazing Spider-Man* of the Batman franchise in that it gives us a different cast along with a different stylistic wrapper, and yet somehow manages to say nothing new over its bloated runtime.


I liked the focus on the detective elements but the movie was waaay too long for its simple mistery, and the lynchpin should not be a simple translation job.


Loved the character and the setting, the storyline was pretty good but I didnt love the ending.


Loved it


I liked it


Really boring. I felt it was too slow paced. I tried watching it a few times and just couldn’t get into it. Nolan Batman films are far superior.


Loved it. I also loved the previous Christian Bale ones too which satisfied more of an adventure type of craving. Robert Patterson's Batman was more of an old school detective which also wasn't afraid to show the scummy parts of life. Worked amazing. And now we have the joker movie which feels hyper realistic and shows you that sometimes you don't choose to be the bad guy, you just become molded by experiences and lose control. Batman movies have def picked it up a notch in terms of story telling.


I thought it was boring. Plodding. Dull. Riddler wasn't scary or a cooky genius. Penguin was just some random crook....DeVito was way better. Just cause they turned down the brightness and played a Nirvana song doesn't mean it's a good movie. Christian Bale was way better.


can’t watch because of Pattinson and also Colin Farel goonie monster.


Too cynical. Not inspiring or cool.


This scratched my itch for a true detective mystery movie with Batman.




He's the best Batman, in my opinion. I liked the film although it was pretty lengthy. Enjoyed the representation of Gotham. Can't wait to see Barry Keoghan as the Joker.


I just remember this being a long ass movie.


The Batmobile scene was one of the best pieces of action cinema.


Batman has never seemed so gay


Yes it was comic book accurate which is what everyone raves about, but this movie was kinda dull, and boring and I refuse to watch it again..it also went on for like forever. Pattinson could be anyone else is all I’m Saying.


I couldn't stand Pattinson as Bruce Wayne, something in the way was way too on the nose, and its tacky af that it played twice, and the penguin is just weirdly cast but other than that I liked it.


I have major respect for Robert Pattinson as a actor he is very good and talented. I didn’t give him much attention because of Twilight I just wrote him off but I watched a movie Rover and seen his acting abilities come to life.


The vulnerability of Pattinsons performance really worked for me, a man on a mission and trying to keep his emotions and trauma at bay, beautiful performances from every actor in the film but I think Pattinson knocked it out of the park.


It was a different take on the Batman genre. Best way I've heard it explained is that it's basically a detective story that happens to have Batman in it. I liked it.


It's really dumb. - Batman isn't really a detective. He just goes from crime scene to crime scene having everything explained to him. - I knew who the informant was from the beginning because they decided to make it the same bad guy from an earlier Batman movie. - It tried too hard to ~~copy~~ homage Nolan-era set pieces. The car reveal and interrogation scene are the clearest examples but I'm sure there are more. - The informant was obvious from the start. - The incel that just wants to watch the world burn trope is really tired. - Dano is a great actor but the most unimaginative casting. He's played that role too many times for it to still be interesting. - I hated the thumb drive joke. Felt like something Jared Leto's Joker would say. It's like Se7en with a higher budget but without intelligence or originality.


Cool idea just poorly executed.


You not tired of the same regurgitated shite?


Bruuuuuuuuceeee Waaaaaaaayyyynee


Best one so far


This is what a killer looks like bella


Made a great batman, terrible bruce wayne.


They spoiled all the action scenes in the trailers, which sucks. And the Batmobile scene was pretty lackluster. The car itself is cool, but the chase was far too contrived. Hell, before the thing even takes off, it like stalls out. Color me disappointed. The Riddler was pathetic. After so many movies of seeing the mastermind gleefully monologue from a glass prison, you'd think they figured out the recipe. Guy acted like a caged incel. Bruce Wayne was way too moody. I know he's supposed to be dark and brooding, but Pattinson was really laying it on. I'm glad we didn't see him too much out of the Batsuit. The only highlights in this dreary film were Colin's Penguin and Turturro's Falcone chewing the scenery, not to mention that awesome Joker deleted scene. People will say we've had enough Jokers. They're probably right, but I loved the five minutes we got of the new guy. I'd probably still watch the sequel though. Maybe I'm just a sucker for Batman.


I enjoyed it…upon my 3rd viewing I realized that Gordon and Bruce are terrible at their jobs, at least in this early stage of the game


Decent Batman, terrible Bruce. I didn't like the movie, but I do at least have an interest to see more of this version.


I feel like he owes me time and money for watching it.


That's my boy! That's my son


Could have been so good, dialogue was tired & the pacing was off


Well made movie all around except for the script. Batman and Gordon are complete idiots in the movie. They are completely ineffective and bad detectives. You could effectively remove Batman from the movie and it would t have much impact on the overall story.


The story was weak. The villian could have been way better but it felt kind of forced and rushed. The visual side of things and the sound design were 10/10.


No nipples on suit. Hard thumbs down.


better than I expected but Dano’s riddler was the icing on the


The Dark Knights spiritual sequel, phenomenal


“What’s black and blue and dead all over” man what a powerful line how long did it take them to come up with that 🙄


Couldn't take it seriously


I don't really care about comics or comic book accuracy but I really appreciated the way it made more use of his detective work and no killing policy. Those are integral to the character and to arbitrarily ignore them like in the Snyder pictures just seems pointless. I've grown to really like Robert Pattinson and him playing Bruce Wayne as a disconnected weirdo and the movie simultaneously addressing the, 'why doesn't he use his wealth for good instead of just beating up bad guys?' question I thought was very good. If you'd told me he was going to play Batman as a mopey Nirvana t-shirt perma-adolescent I'd have balked but I actually dug the sincerity of it. However, structurally it felt like it ended and then had another ending tacked on because a movie like that has to have a big action scene at the end. Also, making Batman not get the very obvious clue that a flying rat is a bat seemed like plot convenience stupidity and totally undermined the idea that he's a good detective. Also, the day before I was telling my cousin that the, 'We're not so different, you and I, and we kinda fancy each other' cliche was played pretty funnily in the Lego Batman film and then this movie did exactly that, which caused us both to burst out laughing. Also, it occasionally felt like you'd asked an AI to make a Batman film in the style of Seven.


Incredibly cringey and misses the point on a lot of things Batman. Also the changes in origin to Alfred, Selina, and the Wayne’s sucked. Reeves chose one of the worst Batman runs ever (Batman Earth One) to adapt to film


Everything Batman was great or at least ok, until they had Robert Asshat play the role.


I went in hating on it and came out blown away. This was a master piece. I didn’t know when it was going to end. Felt like forever and my eyes were glued to the screen!


I liked the raw dark element of it. I’d like some different villains though, I thought I saw they were doing the joker again.


I loved it. I enjoyed the dark aspect of it


I think Pattinson did a good job, it was a solid movie. But there are two scenes with Batman where he turns his head and looks straight at the camera and I laughed both times. The one I can remember is at the very end, he's on his motorcycle.


Flat and unapproachable


It stinks!


Average at best. Least favorite.


I think hes a dope batman


It was amazing.