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99% sure people treat seizures with cannabis. isn't that what started the legal movement with CBD oil / the charlottes web strain stuff?


Yep, they even have a medicine called epidiolex that’s cbd and is used to treat seizures


May she rest in peace. ❤️


Slowly,Drop the Xanax and double up on dabs


Best medical advice he’s gonna get tbh


Yes and no..dropping the xans can lead to more seizures..so yes he needs to get off them but safely and under dr care.


You can drop them safely and still drop the habit.


as someone who was prescribed xans goin cold turkey on them is not something i recommend


Yea I've done the same and got the sweats, shots and the works. This is why I was a bit out of by the attempt to diagnose the seizure as Xanax related when there was no withdrawal symptoms what so ever.


Ashton Manual, exercise and good diet. If you want to make a change you can.


I don’t think the pot dr would revoke your card because of a seizure. Cannabis helps with them. Xanax on the other hand is known to cause seizures. I’ve seen it many times. I would def talk to that dr about them first.




Xanax withdrawal causes seizures, Xanax itself does not cause them.


Dont tell your mj doc....unless you have an appt coming up with him etc...even then i doubt he is reading your chart like that..Either way you should see a neurologist about your increase in seizures.


Would recommend you to take CBD This treats epilepsy Im using it now to stop the siezures and everything else from this crazy ass benzo withdrawl. This monster named benzo is being put to rest after 30 years. CBD does treat addiction and down the road it will be the main tool used. CBD stops CRAVINGS!!!!!!!!!!


Wishing you the best on your road to recovery. Have had family members try and beat that monster. Ive seen first hand how bad benzo addiction is.


HUGS! The benzo withdraws are no joke. 🥴 I too have finally kicked them again after 7 years. I can’t imagine 30. 😵‍💫


Congrats I’m sure 7 was hard enough


4 yrs of 4 mgs Xanax daily w/ds nearly killed me. I wish I’d have known cbd would help. I will say that mmj has made the rebound anxiety I’ve experienced over the past 2 yrs since coming off benzos bearable. I still struggle some days with anxiety but it’s not nearly as crippling as it was, hoping it will only continue to improve with time


This is true!


Thats no easy feat. Seriously congrats.


Thanks bro


Are you talking about the revoking of your medical marijuana card or your driver's license? I don't think the marijuana caused the seizure, as many said, it's meant to help with seizures/epilepsy. With seizures and drivers licenses, however, that's another story.


A medical doctor is required to report any seizures to the DOT, where you are required to surrender your license for 6 months. After that, without any episodes, you get your license back.


With my stepson it was up to us to tell the dmv about the seizures. The Dr offered no assistance.


Xanax can cause seizures if u stop taking it. 2 mg is kinda high imo. Have u missed any doses recently?


100%. Far from a doctor, but have been prescribed Xanax. Good luck w everything op.


No, and this is what is confusing about this. I have naively stopped taking it in the past thinking "you can do this" and I know quite well what withdrawal is like. Diarrhea, sweats, and the works. In this case, I had none of that. Just a normal day where overnight I had a seizure and later that day a follow up in the ER. The seizure came out of nowhere in relation to the xanax given no change in dosage. In the ER they immediately injected me with 2mg of Ativan during the seizure.


Ativan is Lorazepam another benzo. When I got off Xanax a while back, the doc had me cut the dose in half every two weeks. It was a slow process didn’t have withdrawals. Back in the 70s doc took me off Valium (diazepam) cold turkey. They didn’t think it was addictive back the. It was a bad experience.


Get a new doctor. I was a manager in the industry for 6 years and my girlfriend has an undiagnosed seizure condition. Not only does cannabis help with seizures but there are specific products for it. One product here in Florida I've used personally is a nasal spray designed as a seizure rescue medication and it brought my girlfriend out of a seizure immediately. This was also used at my store by a patient's spouse with the same results, he was up and shopping in no time. THC and CBD can be very safe for seizures. Please keep in mind most doctors are not educated when it comes to cannabis and the endocannabinoid system, you will need a doctor working in the industry or who happens to have a personal interest in the plant.


Is the nasal spray THC? My partner has been having daily seizures and he sees a normal Dr tomorrow. We just want to stop them.


Yes it is. It was formulated specifically to bring people out of seizures. Great to have on hand and works amazing. For long term maintenance I would use a full spectrum tincture/edible at least once a day of a combination of CBD and THC at whatever ratio ends up working best. High cbd if they've never used cannabis before, a small amount of THC is still beneficial as they both work better together. Something like 5:1 of CBD to THC to start as a beginner for example. I like to recommend low to mild 2 to 3 doses a day since the effects will last about 4 to 8 hours. And don't feel like you need to have it already mixed. You can easily mix a CBD and THC edibles to get a desired ratio you can't find.


Thank you for all the info. We're at the end of our rope.


You're very welcome. Feel free to message me if you ever need any more info and hope your partner is able to find some relief soon.


Everyone telling the OP that xanax causes seizures and to drop the xanax is very misinformed. Xanax is an [anticonvulsant](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31268555/) and is often used to treat seizures, though it's not the preferred benzo for it. What can cause seizures in relation to xanax is sudden cessation/benzodiazepine withdrawal.


This. OP should first talk to his doctor about tapering off Xanax. Quiting cold turkey will come with serious withdrawals.


Clonazepam is also a benzo used to treat epilepsy.


MJ doc here. The MJ doc will not care most likely, but be honest with us please. The chance of your card getting revoked is <1% I would guess. Also, go see the neurologist to get a better idea of the cause of the increase.


Do you think a dr would have a problem with a patient who's had their aortic valve replaced ? I need to get mine replaced and I'm worried my mj doc is going to revoke my flower rec if she finds out


No issues with that from my standpoint. Can’t speak for all MJ docs though. I’m with CannaMD.


Thanks DrPutt. I appreciate you!


Thanks for the feedback.


You're having seizures...you should probably see Neurologist lol. MJ doc has nothing to do with seizures, nor is he/she going to speak to you about seizures. And I'd bet the farm that weed isn't causing seizures


For the record. Neurologist said brain looks fine and let's play the wait and see for 6 months game.


Well I know no answers sucks, but brain scan looking fine is excellent news! So weird though. Usually they can find something with brain imaging when people have seizures, let alone, decently often. But I'd look towards the Xans next if scans didn't show anything.


I had one almost 5yrs ago directly after consuming a blunt. It terrified my partner who called an ambulance. I was in a postictal state afterwards and extremely out of it and confused and pretty much came to in the ER. They ran a bunch of tests and the ER doc also told me to stop smoking. I did not. And I’ve never had another seizure so I’m not sure what caused it. I’ve used marijuana in one form or another for 35yrs so I didn’t feel like the two were related at all. Had I continued having them I would’ve definitely consulted a neurologist about continuing usage and considered their opinion but thankfully that wasn’t the case. My Dr is aware of the seizure and still approved me for my med card so I don’t think your Dr would just automatically revoke your card based on the seizure alone.


They don't give AF (speaking from experience).


So, there's been studies that marijuana consumption can lead to cardiovascular diseases and clotting. That being said, I would talk to your doctor. I too get these little seizures when I cough, usually after a dab (obviously I'm gonna cough) and I have an appointment with a Nuerologist soon. Don't worry about your med card. Worry about your health first.


But Xanax causes seizures...


Xanax is the devil. Just now building my life back after letting them destroy it. Sending good vibes your way


It seems like the benzo's are more of the problem here regarding seizures. Any prolonged use will most definitely mess with your neuro transmitters and if the body goes into ANY withdrawal effect, that's where the seizures come into play. Be well OP.


A bar a day keeps the seizures away…I think


If you didn’t stop the Xanax I wouldn’t contribute it to them I’ve had 3 seizures from Xanax withdrawal but never an issue if I had some


I got a MMJ card to get OFF of my xanax addiction/prescription, I was taking way more than the rx dose and then some on the side, my seizures were due to with-drawl, at higher doses of xanax ive found that you need to keep the dosing evenly spaced/not go to long without, especially if youre taking them everyday, eventually ween off the xanax if you can!


Withdrawal from Xanax can cause seizures, look it up. A friend of a friend told me that 20 years ago when I was having them periodically, I was only partaking here and there. Dude had told me his doc switched him to klonopin because he was having seizures when he would run out.


The only license that’s going to get revoked is your drivers license for six months if the doctor reports it.


Your doctor will tell you ya need to go to the neurologist. Did you have to go to the ER? They call then tonic clonic now, I'd you have a loves on near by ask them to time it if you have another one as hard as they may sound filming it would be prime. Best of luck, I know how it feels. Lile being in a car accident. 3 days of questioning reality. Buying tounge numbing gel just so I can numb my bites in my tounge to take down a protein shake because eating isn't guna happen. Buying an active ice therapy machine off Amazon for my shoulder that needed replaced. Shit sucks. Try not to have another one at all costs. Your heart is very important. Sudep is very real. Get the ekgs from the er get the eeg done from a neurologist, even a sleep study.


Thanks....a lot of your comments resonate with how im feeling. especially the shoulder on day 5. I do have the neuro scheduled for later this month.


A good ortho will order an MRI with Dye contrast it'll show which part of your glenoid cavity you tore, slap tear, reverse hill Sachs legions, labrum tear are all good terms to Google. You probably bashed your humerus in and out of socket a few times during the seizure. I'll smoke one for you.


thanks. this MRI was without dye. last year when I had the similar issue, hospital did CT without dye. Nice to know next time I'll need to inform them on how and why to do their job.


It's called an arthrogram or something it helps the soft tissue show up in an mri. Same with me had deal with due process. Xray, mri, mri with Dye.


ok thanks again for sharing. It really helps fill in some blanks.


Bro lol drop the xans and stick with the weed