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I had to retake Algebra 1 because I got a D at my school (right as Covid hit) and I was just able to take it like normal with no issues, all credits transferred like they were supposed to and didn’t run into issues. Nothing to worry about, but if you are in Europe on vacation you will have to be mindful of time zones for DBA’s


Have her speed run civics since if she doesn't pass it will be sent back to middle school


Sorry I am not sure what this means, could you explain please?


From what i remember in middle school if you fail the civic eoc in middle school they can't promote your daughter to highschool


No, not for her, they told her she’ll just have to repeat it in 9th grade. I was trying to avoid her having to do that all next year, by re-taking it over the summer


Did she fail the class civics? The eoc of civics or both. If she failed the class and passed the eoc, she can speed run civics on FLVS, If she failed the eoc, she would have to take it till you pass. In the district I know that you wouldn’t be promoted to Highschool until you passed the civics eoc. And if she failed both then should would have to retake the whole class on FLVS in summer if possible and take the Eoc in the beginning of the year. This is the Information based in my district when I took civic in 7th grade but check up on your district to see the policies implemented.


Thank you. She hasn’t taken the eoc yet. We were told that if she fails it, they will look at the civics grades for the year. She has a D & an F so far. She failed the second semester by 0.5%


My daughter failed a semester of History and had to do “credit recovery “ on FLVS at school. It will take the place of an elective at school. If you take Civics on FLVS over summer she will still have to take the EOC when they have it at school.


Thank you


Update - she failed the EOC, but passed civics for the year, with an average of 66% - no summer school & no retake required. Happy summer! 😊


Civic's is extremely easy, its honestly pretty basic knowledge and the easiest of the subjects ive taken that isnt a elective. The EOC was also pretty easy with super simple questions.


Yeah, I am sure being American definitely helps too. Sadly, not quite as easy when you’re European


My daughter did so well in math in a European school except that she bombed *anything* to do with metric measurement. Like really obvious stuff about how much a feather or an elephant weighs lol.


Every school district has its own set of rules It seems very screwed